Caught in Combat #01 [FF 21+][rape][edging][forced][humiliation]

When Helena woke up, she found herself in a dark cave. Only a few flickering torches lit up the rough surface of the stone walls surrounding her. A shiver of fright and cold ran down her naked spine. She had been stripped completely, only left with metal gear around her waist and breasts. Metal underwear? Why would you do that? She had no idea.

Getting used to the dimmed light, she noticed she wasn’t the only woman in the cave. There were three more – one sobbing silently, lying turned to the wall, slowly shaking her body. The other two were silently talking on the other side of the room. All of them were wearing the same armor that she wore. Where the heck did she end up here?

The door flew open, interrupting her thoughts. A medievally rough looking man with a long beard entered the room through the iron gate that kept it locked. Was this… a prison? The man grabbed her arm violently and dragged her out.”You’re awake. Good. Let’s go. Your turn to fight now. Today: You cum, you win. Understood?”

“No, I don’t agree to any of this. Where am I? What’s happening? How did…”

A slap kept her from responding any further. “You don’t speak.”, he grunted. “But this is against the constitution, you can’t just…” – but with a grab to her hair, a rough pull backwards and a spit into her mouth, he interrupted her again. “You want a gag? No talking, I say!”

Realizing he meant it, Helena refrained from talking back any further. She would find a way out, that was for sure. You cum, you win. What did he mean by that? Was this some sort of fucked up game?

They arrived at another gate, seemingly leading to an arena – Helena saw daylight and people cheering, eating popcorn and pizza. The arena was roughly 13 feet in diameter (4 meters), surrounded by tiers for about 100 people, well seated. 100 people, watching her almost naked and cumming? No way that would happen. She didn’t even know what there was to win or to lose.

Helena’s guard stepped behind her and fumbled on her metal bra and slip. She heard a crack, they both got removed, and the gate in front of her opened while she was being pushed out. Opposite of her, she noticed another woman coming out of another gate. She was also naked, a muscular woman, and a bit shorter than Helena. Were they opponents or allies?

The other woman stormed into the center of the arena, while Helena was busy with covering herself up. She hadn’t noticed before: There was a vibrator lying on the ground in the very middle. Keeping eye contact throughout the whole thing, the woman bent down to grab it and instantly placed it in her crotch, well guarded between her pressed together legs. An instant moan escaped her lips. Was she an actress? Noone is instantly aroused just because of a vibrator. “You cum, you win”, the words of the guard echoed in her head. So, she was most likely not an ally, but an opponent. Her vs. me – cum first, win.

The first boos and shouts began to rise. The people were probably expecting a fight. Helena wouldn’t want to give them one. The woman in the middle of the arena kept panting and moaning more heavily now, also playing with her nipples. Was the situation not as fucked up as it was, Helena might’ve liked the view. But it was fucked up. No enjoyment whatsoever.

A sharp whistle blow interrupted the scene. “Come at me!”, the woman in the middle of the ring shouted. “If you keep standing there, they’re gonna abort the fight, you do not want that!” – “Yes, I do”, Helena shouted back. “You don’t, I promise. Please fight me, you can let me win and let me cum, but you must fight.” Her arousal was very audible through the shaking of her voice. Did she really want to cum in front of all these people? “Pleeease”, she was almost begging now.

A second whistle blow. Helena’s opponent cried out loudly in frustration and let the vibrator drop on the floor, lifting her arms, sending a “fuck you” stare over to Helena. Was the same expected of her? The crowd’s booing turned into a cheer. The gate on the other side of the arena opened. A guard came in and took the other woman with him. Helena’s gate remained locked.

In the middle of the tiers, a man in a medieval kingly gown stood up and the crowd got silent. “You lose by malicious practice.”, he formally announced. “You will be punished accordingly.”
