I thought I couldn’t write about sex, but it turns out I just needed to [F]ind a anonymous chat partner to tease with my stories while they try to make me cum!

I’ve frequented this sub for a long time, and on more than one occasion I kind of wanted to write about some of the sexual experiences I’ve had. This is partly to make sure I remember plenty of detail so I can fantasize about it later, but also because I think people reading about and getting turned on by stuff that happened to me sounds….really fucking hot.

But here’s the thing: starting a task like that is not always an easy thing to my brain to decide to do. I’ll be all excited about it until I’m facing the empty word doc & suddenly find want to be doing literally anything else in the world. That doesn’t make for great writing, as it turns out, so I haven’t actually successfully done it yet.

However, I think that might just change soon–with the help of my bong & a sex toy remote app, I managed to have an astonishingly easy and sexy time finally putting some of those memories to words!

So–the app has “social” feature that lets you add people as “friends” and take control of their sex toys and chat with them, basically. I’ve changed my name on the app several times and don’t share them anywhere, but I get a lot of random requests, and I used to instantly block anyone who sent them. In more recent days, though, I have found myself more willing to give up contol to strangers virtually while playing with my sopping pussy in real life. At first, I didn’t really say much to them in the chat box though, which meant a few lost interest quickly.

Last night, though, I was using it during and after a particularly fruitful *spicy selfie* self love session. Full of self-empowerment (and horny energy, and THC) I decided to let a stranger take control of my vibrator—and then sent them some of the pictures I’d just taken. In the chat box I told the stranger that I wanted to know which photo they thought I should send to the guy I was thinking about when I took them. My new anonymous friend was immediately into it and asked me a ton of questions (while controlling my vibrator, of course, slowing my progress answering) and I found myself easily sharing sexy private details about my sex drive & past hookups.

Selfishly, I asked him absolutely nothing about himself, and I rebuffed his offer to send a photo. (Talking about my past sex experiences was turning me on, but some random dude’s dick would absolutely break the spell somehow….can’t really explain why!) He didn’t care. He showered me with compliments, told me how hard I was making him. Asked me for more stories. And you know what I did? I told him some!

I told him multiple stories & found that talking in that conversational style made the words come easily. And I realized—not only am I absolutely capable of remembering and writing out these stories, I do absolutely get off on doing so. Like…a lot, especially if I know other people are getting off on it too. By the end of the conversation I had come twice. And it was a great conversation! Stilted only by my pauses in response because I was playing with my clit or had drifted out to a horny semi-stoned dreamland.

I wound up having several of these chats over the course of the night, where I wound up sharing dirty little stories about how I’d gotten fucked in the past, with strangers controlling the vibrations inside of me as I went. They had somewhat different styles, & I found it difficult to focus on my task—writing—as they switched things up or went up to higher intensities, but I do tend to enjoy a bit of a challenge…so I still would keep writing.

Eventually, I’d gotten off enough times & had enough of a smutty message stockpile to comfortably pass the fuck out. Waking up this AM & being able to go through all of those recollections was awesome, though! So now that I’ve figured out how to get myself to actually write these stories out, I am thinking I might finally be able to edit & share some of them here…so, let me know if you want to hear any of them? (Haven’t really done anything like this before so any advice or feedback are very welcome, too!)

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/10xq23n/i_thought_i_couldnt_write_about_sex_but_it_turns


  1. Writing down stories can be difficult as most experiences kind of become one big blur.


    As a man it’s also a fine line between recalling what happened and making yourself look like a god.

    I do love sharing stories through text, as well. The conversational style flows easier and its fun when they respond with questions.

  2. Writing down stories can be difficult as most experiences kind of become one big blur.


    As a man it’s also a fine line between recalling what happened and making yourself look like a god.

    I do love sharing stories through text, as well. The conversational style flows easier and its fun when they respond with questions.

  3. Writing down stories can be difficult as most experiences kind of become one big blur.


    As a man it’s also a fine line between recalling what happened and making yourself look like a god.

    I do love sharing stories through text, as well. The conversational style flows easier and its fun when they respond with questions.

  4. That’s a hell of a way to get past writer’s block! Looking forward to the stories.

  5. The lovesense is super fun, ex and I had a blast w it! Still a desire of mine to have a rando on here allow me to take control hahaha

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