Busty nurse Jessie

I get an email from mine personal doctor… Mandatory annual medical examination. Ahhh. Not again, in all this pre-holiday rush. I’m okay with that. What the heck, the system is the system and it has to be… respected. I decide on a slightly later hour, because usually everyone “rushes in” very early in the morning, as if they are giving something away for free.

A little after ten, I find myself in front of the admissions office. It’s still crowded.. Fortunately, I get through reception quite quickly. You know… Take off your shoes, get on the scale, height… You’re still at the same job no matter what time…. I did it in 4 to 5 minutes. Now Im waiting for the doctor… Before I even get to her office, she already meets me in the corridor. Are you waiting for me? Of course. Here you have the questionnaire and go to the laboratory. Everything went like clockwork. I swipe a number in front of the laboratories and it’s my turn in the blink of an eye.

Then… Surprise. I was expecting a bored face again, but sit down, hand, here’s a pot…. But I was accepted by the smiling face. A very cute brunette Jess… I was definitely attracted to her approach first. How are you? are you ok today some rainy day or not? I didn’t know if I had come to give blood and water or to talk… We just talked about everything possible. My eyes, however, explored this creature in detail, which seemed to me to have fallen directly from the most beautiful corner of Venus. A busty brunette. A little smaller than me. The kind of woman I adore. Not slim, just right rounded in the places where it is needed. The sparks just kind of crackled. You know the feeling when you meet someone who… cannot be described in words, but is close to you. Quite a bit of time has passed and I’ve already learned a lot about her, when she pushes the potty into my hands and says a little shy: Well, now pee. You know how it goes, don’t you? I was tempted to ask her for instructions, but I held back. When I do my thing and come back to the lab, she was still there alone. A white sister’s uniform, with a dark blue t-shirt underneath, with a discreet neckline. But if you only knew how a tight t-shirt was…

My eyes kept jumping from light blue eyes to a tight blue t-shirt…I finally concentrated and sat down in the chair. From which arm do you usually take blood? As always, I answer and already get a bandage on my arm. This is the part I like the most when taking blood (when a woman does it, of course). If she wants to come to me, and I have a hard time keeping my legs together, she has to sit with her legs apart and my leg between hers. I always think how close I am to her pussy… But this time, that was the first thing that came to my mind. I just stared at that crotch, otherwise quite nice and decently covered by pants. I was so taken by this look that I didn’t follow the rest of what my brown-haired nurse Jess was doing… It kind of shook me when I felt her on my arm… touch. Somehow it seemed to me that this is not a touch just because she wants to find a vein… Slowly, with some effort, my gaze reached her eyes through the dark blue t-shirt. Looking straight into the eyes… and touches on the fold left, right… She said to me: Are you afraid, your veins are completely closed… But I myself noticed that this is not the case, all the blood may have started to drain into the lower head … Our eyes locked on each other. Eyes to eyes, depth to depth,.i have lost in her light blue eyes.. I really can’t find these veins of yours, she breathed and came even closer to me.

I had my hand clenched into a fist as instructed, but when she approached me, she leaned her chest against it. I could feel the heat… the heat, the electricity, the chemistry… lightning flashed. I couldn’t hold back. I looked into her eyes . Her breast rested so nicely in my palm. I could feel her heat through her t-shirt and bra. The look lasted. She didn’t back down. Her hand was resting, but mine could no longer be still. Fingers ran over her roundness, hugged her and squeezed her breast lightly. Underneath all the fabric, I could feel her nipple awakening. How it grows under my fingers. I played with her. Gently, slowly. She closed her eyes for a bit and gave herself to the pleasures, I guess. So I slowly continued the stroking upwards until I reached bare skin. She pulled me like a magnet. I lightly slipped my hand under her t-shirt and bra, there wasn’t much room. But it was hot, tense, just right hard and soft. I was touching a naughty nipple that was screaming for my attention. She closed her eyes for a few moments. Ohhhh I almost moaned too….Voices were heard from the next room. She heard them too, opened her eyes, looked at me with those blue eyes and gasped, someone is coming…

I discreetly withdrew my hand and she adjusted her shirt a little when a colleague entered. We were both probably red-faced, but luckily his colleague was just looking for some papiers and left quickly. Our eyes somehow wandered. You could feel that energy – chemistry. You know when you don’t think at all, but… you act purely on instinct. And it felt like we both wanted the same thing. Feeling each other, entwining our bodies and… But the reality… She said in a half-silent and disappointed voice: We can’t be here… I can’t lock doors. Can you give me a phone number and I’ll call you when I’m done? When are you done, I asked her while I texted her my mobile number. Their eyes kept crossing and sparks crackled. I had to say goodbye.

She looked at me again with that light blue eyes, to make up for what we have now been taken away, she was kind. I looked at her mischievously… Jess what you took would require a little more than coffee. We both laughed but I read in her eyes that she was ready not only for a little more, she was ready for everything… I quickly get out… and waiting for her call…..

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/10wuzio/busty_nurse_jessie


  1. I’m so happy that you wrote this story for me, you’re so kind and it’s a wonderfully sexy story💋💋

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