Parking Lot Rendezvous. [f27] [m57] (kissing) (fingering) (oral) (age gap) (premature ejaculation) (affair) first post

I don’t usually work weekends. They asked, and my husband was able to watch the kid so it was no big deal.

Only difference working on the weekends is my bosses husband is home. I’ve worked here for years now. Have done a few weekends, yet this one is different.
He wasn’t locked away in his office, he was around more. Asking if I need help more. Interacting more.
Didn’t think anything of it. Then I noticed the lingering stares, and type of eye contact that made me wish I was alone in his office with him.

It was nearing the end of my shift and he headed out to the store. My phone vibrated ‘meet me behind Metro in 10’. My heart raced and I instantly felt my panties get wet.
replied back and waited until I was done.
I pulled up beside his car, and he texted me to get in the back of my car. I do as I’m told.

He gets in beside me, and pulls me on top of him. I start kissing him, throwing my tongue into his mouth then letting both of our tongues find their own rhythm.
His hands start exploring reaching under my shirt. Pushing my bra up to get better access to my breasts.
‘Oh fuck’ he says as he grabs them in his hands.

My hands go down to trace the very noticeable outline in his pants.
‘Take your pants off, I want to explore you more’ he says into my ear.
I was taking them off before he even finished his sentence.
I bit my lip nervously as he stared at me. The look in his eyes shifted from hunger to admiration and back again.

‘I’ve waited far too long to see this..’
he pulls me in and we start kissing again, works his hand down and doesn’t linger.
Goes right for the clit, circles around and around. Moans escaped me through the kissing.

He chuckles. Slips one finger in. God it felt good. He brought it back out and played with my clit again. This time two fingers. I moaned loudly and he was hitting my g spot with every finger curl. Other hand pinching my nipple. Not hard, but just right.

I felt myself getting pushed closer and closer to that cliff of my orgasm. Being less aware of everything and only of pleasure by the second. Only thing I knew is I’ve never had an experience like this before. Then it hit me, that last wave. My body arched into him as I came. My juice flowed down his hand.

‘Damn.. that was..’ so cute.. he couldn’t even form a full sentence.
‘Can I help you at all with anything?’ I asked trying not to sound too out of breath.
‘Um.. that was a little TOO hot for me..’ he didn’t need to say. I knew what he meant.
‘Let me help you clean it’ I bite my lip and raised an eyebrow.
He looked at me, shy. Embarrassed.
I started unbuckling his pants, he shifted and pulled them down.

I gave him one last good kiss before I went down. I started licking his legs, making sure I cleaned it all up. Then slowly making my way to his cock. I grabbed it with my hand, and give it a lick from the shaft to the tip. Then I put it all in my mouth. I start sucking, feeling him get harder and harder as my head bobs up and down.

*RING RING RING* a phone breaks our trance. Shit. Who’s phone? Where?
*RING RIN-* ‘Hello?… Okay… Okay…’
I could hear his wives mumbles on the other side, but couldn’t tell what she was saying.
‘Yeah.. 10 minutes.’ And just like that he hung up. Pulled me back on top of him, I’m not sure if he remembered at first that we both didn’t have bottoms on. But it became very apparent when his cock started throbbing at the entrance of my vagina.

‘That was..’ he started and trailed off staring at me
Amazing, unbelievable, hot? Which to pick, fuck.
‘Amazing? At least it was for me’ I tried pulled off to get my pants on but he held me tighter then kissed me and let me go.
We got dressed and he turned to me.

‘Incredible’ then kissed me with a deep passion ‘until our next rendezvous’ then got out of my car and back into his.
