[F] When a stranger saw me skinny dipping, I sucked him off.

Recently, I experienced skinny dipping for the first time with a female friend. It seemed like the ideal chance, we were both attending a party in a hall right next to the beach. Around midnight, we made the decision to strip together under the pier of the public beach, and we brought a stack of paper towels to clean off with.

The only thing I could make out on the dark, deserted beach was the outline of our silhouettes. As we ran into the water and splashed around for a while, we left our clothes on the sand. We made the decision to leave after about fifteen minutes and dry off before returning to the celebration.

The majority of the paper towels naturally blew away. To be fair to us, we were stoned, so that didn’t even occur to us. She put on her dress and went to get us some more because it quickly became cold and windy and she had only 2 paper towels left. I was supposed to wait for her underneath the pier.

I made the decision to visit one of those outdoor shower facilities to wash off some of the sand and stay warm because I couldn’t stand the cold from being outside of the water. I rinsed my hair for about a minute before turning around and spotting him. On a bench next to the showers, a man was lounging. I froze for a brief moment, felt embarrassed, and then scrambled to cover my intimate areas without success. He appeared amused by my attempt to cover myself as I heard him snort a quiet laugh. I considered turning around, but that would have given him a clear view of my behind.

It was entirely my fault, and surprisingly, I wasn’t even angry. He probably sensed that I was trying to figure out what to do and said, “You know, I kind of already saw everything.” I was actually still a little stoned and very horny. I was actually excited to learn that someone had seen me that exposed.

Oh, my God, I’m so sorry. No need to apologize; I just didn’t see you there. He made a confident and seductive sound, so I approached him and lowered my hands to my sides. I took a look at my body, noticing all the curves from my hips to my waist to the position of my perky breasts. They were rounded, hard, and pointed slightly upwards.

His face became more visible to me. Under the moonlight, he had dark brown hair and hazel eyes. He was only dressed in a pair of swim shorts. To see me better, he sat up more straight. I tied my hair up because I was flattered and wanted him to see me better. I stretched out and leaned over him with only a few inches separating us while my arms were raised.

He seemed surprised and a little hesitant, slowly moving his hands upwards as I whispered, “You can feel what you saw too.” He drew me in and fondled everything he could touch the moment I grabbed his hand and pulled it towards my chest.

His hand first slipped around my hips, which allowed him to grab a hold of my ass, jiggle it, and then lightly spank it. While his other hand traced up my skin to my nipples, he kept his hand there. Here, he was more gentle and chose to simply flick it briefly with his tongue. My body shivered as a result of that, and my head jerked back. I pushed him closer to me while squeezing his shoulder. His mouth felt hot. and inviting, and in the chilly weather, I yearned for more of it. I was practically sitting on his lap while grinding on his expanding cock through his shorts as he began to lean back in his chair.

His shorts were reached by my hands, which I then slowly pulled down. He was so engrossed in me that I don’t believe he realized until I wrapped my fingers around his exposed cock. He turned to face me and moaned, and holy sh*t, that was all the encouragement I needed to make him cum. I spit on my hands, knelt down, and started stroking. I soon began tickling him by licking the tip of his cock.

I decided to put his entire cock in my mouth after hearing him mutter, “I’m going to cum,” at which point he erupted. I felt him tremble inside as thick ropes of warm cum shot into the roof of my mouth. Before letting him go, I waited for him to become mushy in my mouth. I got to my feet while he was sort of gathering himself, waved good-bye, and walked back to the pier.

I’d love to know if you found this interesting to read!

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/10wbfdu/f_when_a_stranger_saw_me_skinny_dipping_i_sucked


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