33f yachting vacation turns into trip to remember part 1 [mf ff mff masterbation, teasing, slow build]

I could hear someone moving around and banging in the cabin next to mine as I began to get settled in my “room”. Not exactly the glamour I had envisioned when I pictured sailing the sapphire seas. When we booked the yacht originally, I had assumed Kelly would get the right accommodations sorted out, it was my first time going with her, after all. I guess when she cancelled, I just went into it blindly, but truth be told I never realized the boat was going to be so small. Beautiful, yes, but a lot more cramped than I expected. I guess with 10 other guests we all had to fit somewhere. We were booked to go to lunch at a beautiful beachside resort in Antalya before departure, so I got changed into a lighter, sexier outfit and headed to meet the group.

As we got acquainted in the restaurants lobby, I started to feel more relaxed, the group seemed to be made up of a great mix of people all fairly close to my age, not to mention a few very sexy guys. After a few minutes I felt eyes on me, and as we sat down at the table I figured out whose gaze it was and our eyes finally met, leaving me somewhat breathless. He sat across from me and smiled, “I’m happy I got this seat,” he said with a cheeky grin. “I’m Tom, by the way.” His blue shirt brought out his piercing blue eyes, and he had a boyish mischievousness about him. “I’m Kate,” I reply with a grin of my own, starting to feel an unusual feeling. I had never been on a solo trip, and to be surrounded by all these attractive, relaxed vacationers made me feel like I was in an alternate universe, able to take on a different persona, or show different sides of myself I hid from everyone around me. Jackie had made a comment to me before leaving about these kinds of trips being specifically known for young professionals looking to blow off some steam, but I shrugged it off – she always has crazy conspiracy takes on everything. But the way everyone was smiling and interacting made me start to think she wasn’t far off.

I chatted with Tom and some of the other passengers over drinks and some absolutely delicious local food and was surprised at myself as the chatting all felt very flirtatious and I was getting uncharacteristically hot and bothered. Even the women were standing out as beautiful to me, and a few also seemed to be making a heavy amount of eye contact, while the energy flow was light and felt more sensual than I was used to. I instantly liked Kels, who was tall, with freckles green eyes and light brown hair that seemed to glisten gold in the sunlight. She was from Vancouver and seemed to have so many similar interests to me. Tom lived in Toronto, and not only was our sexual chemistry insane, it appeared he had the same dark humour as Kels and I. The flirty chat was flowing between the three of us and we were all dying of laughter. I began to realize how pent up I had been for so long; I was so happy to be able to finally let loose a little, even if it felt a bit sexual. Whatever was going on, I wanted it to continue. We finished up lunch and headed back towards the boat. As I got up from the table, I noticed that I was really wet, borderline soaked through my underwear. As I walked, the friction of my linen shorts against my already aroused pussy made me so uncomfortably close to the edge of orgasm that my legs were almost shaking by the time I got back to my cabin. I slammed the door harder than intended and collapsed on the bed letting out a moan I had manage to stifle for the last 5 minutes. I put my fingers under my shorts, sliding them softly over my panties and teasing at my pulsating clit, using my other hand to lightly pinch one of my hard pink nipples. I was so overly aroused I probably could have kept teasing myself for hours, building myself up again and again to climax, until my body couldn’t take it anymore.

That’s one of the hidden sides of myself I was talking about, I have a very high level of sensitivity in every sense and have always been very well versed with what satisfies my body. I love the way my pussy looks up close, especially when I am giving her my undivided attention. Because I am so sensitive, I cum very easily, and when I am turned on, she pulsates and glistens, begging for more, and sometimes squirting if I am lucky. Most toys are too intense for me unless I have been really “primed” for a while. There’s nothing that turns me on more that coming again and again, even if it seems like she can’t take any more, she always responds how I want her too if I give her a little break. It might seem intense to some, but its nothing overly aggressive. I think of the repeated orgasms kind of like my HIIT workouts, I just push myself until I physically can’t anymore, and my body can’t get enough of it. I have always wanted a partner who knew the ins and outs of my body to the point of pushing me right to the edge and keeping me there for a bit, but as I said before, I have known from a young age how to pleasure my body, so I know my secret weaknesses.

I started getting carried away thinking about Tom, and what his big strong hands would feel like if they were the ones playing with my clit, I put two fingers together and slide them into my tight pussy and start really pressing into my g spot and clit simultaneously, getting me closer to climax. As I get into a good rhythm and feel myself about to cum, someone knocks on my door. I instantly freeze, pulling my hands out of my shorts and jumping off the bed, suddenly feeling as though the person on the other side of the door could see me. “Kate, is that you in there?” I instantly recognize Toms voice, feeling a rising mixture of embarrassment and frantic energy, suddenly forgetting how to speak. “Looks like were neighbours. Let’s have a neighbourly drink on the deck, what do you say?” he asks through the door. “Uhm yeah, sorry! I’m just, um, unpacking some stuff… uhh I will be out in a couple minutes” I awkwardly respond back a little too loudly. “Whatever you say, I’ll see you when you’re finished.” He said and seemed to walk towards the deck. I take a second to regroup after realizing my door wasn’t even locked – I’m too flustered to finish myself off so guess I better get up to the deck. After catching my breath and straightening up, I head out trying not to focus on my greedy pussy still pulsating reminding me she’s been neglected. As I walk up and see the gorgeous sun glistening on the water front of me, Tom slides over with a glass of white and motions towards a table where he and Kels had been sitting. On the way over I say jokingly “so you’re the neighbour who was banging around before lunch.” He looks me in the eye with a grin, “guilty as charged,” he says playfully, adding “The cabin walls are pretty thin, so you’ll have to learn to live with me for the next ten days, unfortunately.” Usually the thought of hearing someone’s noise for ten days would mildly irritate me, but in my horny state of mind it almost felt like yet another turn on. Just before we were in earshot of Kels he looks me dead in the eyes, “I will say, I have never heard anyone moan like that while unpacking.” I can feel the redness coming over my neck and face, feeling more mortified than ever, completely speechless. With his eyes still on me and that sexy grin he says, “I won’t lie, it got me going. You know the cabin doors don’t have locks on them? You’re lucky I have some self-restraint, because the thought of seeing what you were doing on the other side of the door was verrry tempting.” By now we have reached the table and Kels is looking at us both with a questioning grin. “Kate, you look like you need something a little stronger than wine.” She smiles, “I ordered you a negroni. I hope you don’t mind; I just find it easier to get intimately acquainted with some liquid courage.” I am still a little tipsy from lunch but am happy to follow her lead. “Plus, the way your cheeks are getting flushed from the alcohol is so sexy.” She speaks so confidently and has a distinct look of desire on her face, which is making my cheeks flush even further. The bartender brings us our negronis and as I thank him Kels reached passed me to grab her drink, grazing across one of my nipples. It seemed unintentional, but I could have sworn she lingered for a split second. I brought the negroni to my lips as it dawned on me; this was definitely going to be an unforgettable trip.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/10tvp5r/33f_yachting_vacation_turns_into_trip_to_remember


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