I [M]25 accidentally fucked ky [TF] face..

Hey so I’m still processing this and don’t really know how to move forward..
I have a friend who’s trans and she honestly did a great job at transitioning. She made an OF and started really building confidence and I’m proud of her for her growth. But the other day she came over to hang out because we normally do game nights at least once a week. As things were going, she ended up bringing up her OF and we talked about how she made content and what her fan base was like. Eventually the conversation ended up in her asking if she could take a picture for her nightly post and of course I didn’t want to intervene so I said sure. Then she said how she doesn’t have a male model to include in the picture. I was confused at first and she straight up said “can I get a picture of your dick near my face “

I was really hesitant to say the least. Not only was she my friend but.. I want necessarily into it. I hesitated and thought about it. She assured me that it wouldn’t show my face, or any distinctive features and I caved.
I didn’t really know what to do and she said she’s got me covered. So I pulled down my pants and I was soft. She explained how I had to be hard for this to work and I stated how I can’t just get hard on command. So she said
Alright, just think of this as a business then. And grabbed my cock. I was taken back at first but her camera was already out and I didn’t want to be rude or hurt her feelings so.. I just kind of let it happen. She started to stroke me slowly, striped and started kinda dancing against me. My cock eventually got hard, I could feel it throb in her hands and I’m sure she could too. I figured it’s only natural for stimulation to excite me so I let it go. As she pulled out her phone she took a bunch of pictures of her acting like she was going to throat it and I just kind of looked away. But I’m one of her poses she put the tip of my dick in her mouth. I didn’t want to ruin her flow and pull away, and it also felt kind of good so I let it happen. Eventually it turned into soft strokes for the op, and her going a little deeper with the head. I just kind of tried to disconnect and rationalize it.
She put her phone down and said thank you, smiled and winked.
I said “anytime” and laughed nervously and she replied quickly with “ANY time?” And laughed again
There was an awkward silence and next thing I know her hand was wrapped around my cock again. I asked what she was doing and she said she has more picture ideas and to just relax, it’s not a big deal. So I let her play with it for a while and then she started to suck the tip. Obviously I was simulated, and played with so I started to leak precum as a natural reaction and she licked it up and swallowed it. I kind of got turned on not gonna lie and she noticed it, kissed it some more, and then without warning just started throating my dick. I was taken back and surprised, but it honestly felt so good. Better than any girl I’ve had. I ran my fingers through her hair, and closed my eyes to try and block myself out. But.. it was honestly so good.. I caved in and started thrusting into her mouth, she started moaning and sucking harder.. her warm wet mouth felt so fucking good.. and she looked up at me while she sucked and I couldn’t help it. I came down her throat and she swallowed every bit. There was no mess, no cum.. No anything.. afterword she just said
“Good job” and winked and turned her phone on, posted the videos before I finished, and went on like nothing happened.
I’m confused, and honestly stood there, dick out, for a few minutes before I covered myself.
What does this mean?
I’m questioning my sexuality

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/10tzztd/i_m25_accidentally_fucked_ky_tf_face


  1. It’s cool man accepting head from someone of a gender doesnt automatically imply that you’re automatically into doing everything with that gender.

    There’s a boundaries question where you maybe feel like yours have been disrespected, cuz she may have moved faster than you wanted from your description. and I’d encourage you to bring that up with her before next playtime.

    But you asked about sexuality and it doesnt necessarily mean a whole lot of anything! Unless of course you want it to.

    It’s also cool if it takes you some time to figure out.

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