[18F] Years later, I met my high school crush… and we fucked. [FM]

I remembered a cute story that happened to me when i was 18.

My big brother was the popular kind of guy in high school. And as a popular guy, he had equally popular friends, all handsome guys. They often came over to my house to chill with my brother, play games and do some guy stuff. At the time, at the age of 14, all I could do was hide in my room because I was ashamed that they would see me in my house clothes. I thought I could never be attractive to them, but of course I fantasized about them more than once. Among them, one particularly caught my attention: Ricardo.

Ricardo was the kind of guy whose presence in a room was immediately felt. He was tall and sunny, always with a big smile on his face. He was sociable and got along with everyone. He talked to everyone, even the cleaners at my school, to wish them a good day. He was very charming. It must be said, it was hard to resist his ocean blue eyes, or his contagious laugh. All the girls dreamed of having him in their bed. In short, Ricardo was the darling of my high school. Everyone also knew that his dream was to become a professional footballer.
Being extremely close to my brother, he was the one I saw most often at my place, much to my delight.

I lived in a residence with a huge swimming pool, and in the summer it was the meeting point for my high school. So it was not uncommon to see him diving with my brother. The number of times I looked at the tanned and sculpted body of this Italian cannot be counted. I dreamed of licking his abs, feeling his big hands on my body and… Anyway, Apart from his flirty jokes and small talk, of course, nothing ever happened. I was a teenager, I was his best friend’s sister, and he was also way out of my league to be honest. He had already become a man, and I was a simple teenager who did not know what suited her or not.

He eventually graduated highschool, pursued a career in soccer, and I haven’t heard from him except for the few updates on facebook. For my part, I move out, make my way, have a major glow up, and also finish high school.

Two years ago I returned to my old city for a little solo trip, and the day before I left, I wanted to dress up and spend the evening in a bar. Who knows, maybe I’ll meet some nice people.

But as I walk into this downtown bar, and get my bearings, you won’t believe who I bumped into. Yes, I was hallucinating too. The coincidence was too strong not to be a twist of fate. There he was, sitting at a table with two friends. And he was even more attractive than in high school, with his beard. Suddenly I’m fourteen again. I order a sex on the beach that I drink in one go, and head in his direction to greet him.

He turns around, questioned. his face is mixed with confusion and enthusiasm, the kind that men have when they see a beautiful woman passing by.

-Good evening… he said with his warm smile which contrasts with his frown.
I burst out laughing.

-You don’t recognize me ?? I’m Drew’s sister!!

His eyes widened. He’s literally flabbergasted.

-OH MY GOD SHUT UP. Look at you!! How are you??

He finds it hard to believe. He glances at my body which makes my panties wet. I must say that I have changed a lot over the years. I grew into a 5’8 woman with high cheekbones, a svelte figure and soaring curves. I have nice round buttocks and an hourglass figure. The dress I put on that night hugged my curves beautifully. Back then, I had long, honey blonde hair that complimented my chestnut skin.

He quickly puts me at ease, introduces me to his group of friends and manages to make room for me. We make up for all that lost time by telling his friends our high school anecdotes. But we can’t take our eyes off each other. We are both delighted to see each other, and alcohol brings us closer. At first, our legs brush against each other, then they touch, then stick together. At first he slaps my arm when he laughs, then he slaps my thigh, then he clearly grabs it. I hear my pussy purring every time his drunk gaze lingers on me, my cleavage, or when he touches me. By talking he makes me understand that I have become a beautiful woman, but that he has always found me cute. He also admitted to me that he knew that I had a little crush on him. If I could blush I would have been all scarlet.

Anyway, it was getting late. I didn’t want to go to bed too late to enjoy my last hours in the Eternal City the next day. Ricardo offers to take me back to my hotel and I accept with pleasure. On the way I talk to him about my brother, about what he is becoming. The two haven’t been friends anymore for a long time. We still laugh a lot. I want him so bad. And the sexual tension is here, but i don’t know. It’s a bit intimidating.

We arrive right in front of my door.

-Well, I hope you had a good evening.

-Yeah, I had a amazing time. Thanks again.

-Besides, contact me if you need anything before you leave.

-It works, thank you so much.

-Good night u/bubbleandy, take care.

-Ricardo wait-

Alcohol, audacity, and my desires got the better of me. I approach him to place a kiss on his lips. I pull away from him guiltily, but then he suddenly grabs my hips with his arms and presses me against my bedroom door to give me the most obscene kiss of my life. His tongue keeps tasting mine as I hold his face with my hands, and he presses my ass with his hand. I briefly pull away from him, quite shaken, to open the door to my room and invite him inside. And there, everything goes so quickly. He takes off my dress with so much ease, then carries me to let me loose on my bed. I take off his clothes. I don’t have time to assimilate what is happening when he, on top of me, passes his tongue along my neck to my right nipple which he takes in his mouth while his hand presses my left tit . I moan suddenly. I can’t process what’s going on.

“your body is insane”.

His ocean eyes don’t take their eyes off me as he scans the rest of my chest until he gets to my panties, which he pulls off. He then comes to stand straight, and brings my thighs close to him. I suddenly become embarrassed to be seen naked by the man I’ve fantasized about for so long, I find it hard to keep my thighs apart.

“Spread those thighs princess, I wanna see your pretty pussy”.

I let myself go, so he passes his tongue over my pubis before coming to tickle and suck my clitoris. I have spasms in my legs, but he holds them firmly. as he circles my clit with his tongue, I feel fingers entering my pussy. He then starts going back and forth with his fingers while sucking my clit, and I can’t help but moan how good he feels. I grab everything I can grab, the sheets, his arm, his hair. My voice became shrill.

“Keep going! I’m gonna cum!”.

As I feel the pleasure consuming me, this sensation that leaves my lower abdomen to lodge towards my hot spring that he tickles and fingers explodes into a wonderful orgasm.

“you’re beautiful when you cum”.

I was shaken, but I intended to give him the same pleasure. My turn to fulfill my fantasies…

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/10t7skx/18f_years_later_i_met_my_high_school_crush_and_we


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