My Landlord [M34/F61] [Pussy Licking] [Vanilla]

A couple of years ago thirty four year old me had to move out of his old place. A very painful and mess breakup was the reason why I had to leave my home, a place that I had shared with my now ex girlfriend for about ten years. Yes, it did nothing but hurt. And it all sucked ass.

The apartment was owned by my exes father, so I had no chance to sue myself into staying and getting her out. It took me a few sleepless night on the sofa to accept that fact. But luckily my ex was a reasonable human being: She gave me two months after the breakup to find something new. But she also told me, that earlier would be better.

So two, maybe three days after my world broke into pieces I turned on my computer to search for a new place to stay. After browsing the web for about ten minutes I quickly realized that the rents in the city I lived in went through the roof since I was apartment hunting for the last time, about twelve years ago back then. So a big apartment in the best district, just not doable. But something decent sized in a less cool part of town, doable.

The following days and weeks looked the following: I messaged everyone and everything renting out a place that I could afford and that wasn’t too far away from my workplace. Then I met up with the owner, the real estate agent or the sister of the father of the neighbor of the owner to take a tour through the place. And well, most of them were bug infested shit holes that clearly weren’t doing the trick for me.

But then I got lucky. I found the place. It was affordable, it was recently renovated, it was in an awesome neighborhood and work was more or less around the corner. As soon as the owner – an upper class woman in her early sixties, so no agent fees would apply – had showed me around I knew that I wanted the place.

My future landlord – yes in the end I signed a rental contract – took her time with me. She asked me a lot of questions: If I am single, what I am doing for work, what my hobbies are and even stuff about my family. Questions you normally don’t have to answer when signing a rental contract for an apartment, but in this case, I answered them all, because I wanted that damn place. And in the end, about two hours later, my new landlord and I shook hands. Then I we both signed two pieces of paper – one for me, one for her – and our deal was sealed.

The best thing was that I could start moving in on the next day. My ex was more than happy when I brought her the news, she even offered me to help carrying my stuff downstairs. I asked her for a couple of days, because I had to get some furniture and some essentials like a washing machine for my place.

My ex gave me the days. I ordered a lot, I built a lot of furniture, I drilled a lot of holes and then six days later I grabbed my stuff, left my exes place and moved into my own, my new place. Finally leaving my put some weight off my shoulders, but leaving her place, my former home behind, it just hurt. I tried my best to make my new place as comfy and stylish as possible, but well, it just takes some time until a new place is fully up and running.

About two weeks after I had moved in my phone rang. It was my landlord. She asked if moving in went well, if everything with the place was okay and if I was okay. I answered her questions, I asked her some questions and withing a few minutes we had a more than just engaging conversation up and running.

About thirty minutes into the conversation she slowly changed the topic. She told me that I wasn’t renting the only place she owned in town. That she was renting out twenty five flats total. She also told me that some of them were currently empty. And she also told me that that putting them online was something that wasn’t really down her alley. So she asked me if I could help her out a little bit. She would return the favor.

I told her that I would help her out. I didn’t even ask for something in return. Yes, you can have next to everything from me, when you just ask the right way. And well, being on good terms with your landlord, is always a good thing.

So we set up an appointment for the following day, a Saturday, 9 o’clock in the morning sharp, she would pick me up in front of my place. I told her that this was fine for me. She thanked me. She wished me a good night.

And then she asked me, if I could bring my camera too. Yes, she knew that I was into photography. I told her that on the day she gave me a tour through the place I was living in. I told her no problem. Already knowing that it would probably ending up in me taking pictures of the places she was renting out. She thanked me once more. She wished me a good night again, I wished her a good night, then I went to bed.

The next morning I woke up early enough to take a shower, to get dressed, to get a snack for breakfast, to grab my gear and then I headed down the stairs. I placed myself in front of the house I was living in and there I waited for my landlord to show up.

It didn’t took long and a big black car came around the corner. The car stopped in front of my, the window went down and my landlord looked at me: “Come in. It is open.”

So I entered her car. We said hello to each other, then I asked her a question: “How many apartments do you want me to take pictures off?”

A smile appeared on her face. She had never told me before that she was going to ask me to take pictures of the places she was renting out. And her answer was a short, but more than just encouraging one: “You are smart, I like that. And four places are on the list today. And as mentioned on the phone, I will make it worth your while.”

I nodded with my head. Then we drove off. Towards the first place she wanted to take me some pictures of. While driving there we were talking. She was curious about me and my life, I answered her questions and asked her about her life.

She told me that she had achieved a lot. That she made high up in the corporate world. That she made a lot of money, that she had seen a lot of the world, but that she had retired in the previous year. Because work isn’t everything. When she mentioned the last thing, I nodded with my head. How right she was.

My landlord and me, we got along more than just well. We had some chemistry up and running. And yes, it was back then, when we were driving through town, taking pictures of her places, that she caught my eyes. I began checking her out. She probably noticed my doing.

When we had lunch together, in one of the fanciest Italian restaurants in town, we had already visited two of her places beforehand, she asked me something: “Do you take pictures of human beings too, or just empty apartments?”

A smile appeared on my face. Something inside me told me that she already knew the answer to her question: “Normally I take pictures of people only.”

My landlord smiled and kept on going: “Would you be so kind and take some pictures of me?”

I didn’t had to think about it for more than a second: “Yes, I’d love too. When do you have time?”

My landlord: “How about today, after the apartment tour, at my place? You can rest, arrange some shots while I disappear in the bathroom to get ready.”

A “totally doable” came out of my mouth. Then we shook hands and ordered some dessert. Once we were done eating, we visited the other two apartments. I took a lot of pictures while she was watching me doing so. And while she was telling my stories about her past.

It was late afternoon when the apartment tour was over. We drove over to her place. She was living in the fanciest part in town. In one of the fanciest apartment building in town. Even the parking deck screamed luxurious and show off.

Then we entered the elevator, and up we went. Not into the penthouse, but one floor below. To my surprise there were only two apartments on the whole floor. One was hers, the other one belonged to some influential politician.

Her place was huge. It was built to impress. High ceilings, lots of expensive looking art on the walls, expensive looking furniture and lots of possibilities to compose a shot. She gave me the grand tour of the place. Everything but her private rooms. She would show those to me later.

The tour ended in the kitchen. There she told me to take whatever I wanted, to feel myself at home then she excused herself and went into her bedroom. She told me that she would be back soon.

I made myself a cup of coffee. I enjoyed my burned bean juice while enjoying the view over the bigger part of the city. It was breath taking and mind blowing. What an awesome apartment. And what an awesome woman she was, my landlord.

While staring out of the window, while letting my thoughts fly I lost track of time. So it took me by surprise when all of a sudden my landlord was standing next to me. With a huge smile on her face. Dressed in her finest lingerie: “Time to take some pictures.”

My jaw dropped to the ground when my brain finally realized that she was wearing nothing but some lingerie. My dick was rock hard withing seconds. I lost the ability to speak. At least for more than just a minute. Damn it, she was hot.

She realized what was going on with me. A huge smile appeared on her face when saw me loosing my shit. But she was serious about those pictures: “Should we go into the living room?”

I nodded with my head. She took the lead, she shook her ass for me. I think saliva was running out of my mouth while I followed her. But in my head, keep your shit together. Be professional. Take some pictures of her. Do what she asked you to do. You can do it. And I was able to do it.

I took a lot of pictures of her: Laying down on the sofa, standing, working with her, working with the lights I brought with me – yes, relying on the light in place in the place you take pictures off just is a stupid thing to do – I took some really good shots of her. She was a more than just decent model. I asked her, and she told me that it wasn’t her first time in front of camera. Even not her first time taking lingerie shots.

After I had taken pictures of her for about an hour, she told me that she had enough. She told me to put the camera away and to sit down next to her. I did as she told me to do. I sat down. Leaving a decent sized gap between the two of us. She just looked at me. With a huge smile on her face: “Don’t be so shy, come over to me.”

And I did come over to her. Still leaving a gap between the two of us. A too big one for her. She closed it. Our bodies were touching – except a few handshakes – for the first time. It felt good feeling her next to me. She enjoyed being that close to me. We weren’t talking that much at all. We just sat there, waited for something to happen.

Then the lights I had put up to light the scene, to light her to take some proper pictures went out. One after the other. She made a joke. Something with the world is ending and we will die soon. We had a laugh together. While doing so our views crossed. We looked each other in the eyes. Moments later we shared a gentle kiss.

The gentle kiss was followed by another gentle one. Then another one. And then a passionate one. Our hands began to explore each other’s bodies. Not too long after my clothes were flying trough the room and my rock hard dick was pointing towards the ceiling.

Not even ten seconds after I had set my rock hard dick free one of my landlord’s hands was going up and down on him. Her other hand was squeezing my balls. Gentle, with feeling. Just hard enough to make me moan out, to enhance my pleasure.

She kept on going for some time. We shared more than just one passionate kiss while her hands were on my dick and on my balls. It felt nothing but good. I came closer and closer to an orgasm with every stroke, every squeeze she gave me. She knew what she was doing. And she knew when to stop: “We don’t want you to cum now, don’t we?”

To be honest, I wanted to cum. Because it felt so damn fucking good. But I shook my head. A smile appeared on her face. Then she stood up, she got out of her panties in a more than just sexy way, then she placed herself on the sofa again and then she spread her legs for me: “Dig in.”

Needless to say, I dug in. As deep as I could. I tasted her pussy. I licked her pussy. My tongue was on her pussy. My tongue was as deep inside her pussy as anyhow possible. Damn it, she tasted awesome. And it didn’t took long and she was moaning out loud.

After some time licking her pussy it was time to bring some finger into the game. One finger went in, then a second one, then she asked for a third one and in the end she demanded a forth one. So for fingers were sliding in and out of her pussy while my tongues was playing with her clit.

Her moaning got more and more intense every time my fingers went in and out of her. Her hands were going through my hair. Her wands were grabbing my head. Then her legs fell of my head. While her legs were shaking. And while her moaning stopped. She had an orgasm. Her first one of the night.

Then I carefully pulled my fingers out of her pussy. Then I gave her a few gentle kisses on her cheeks. I gave her some time to regain herself. As soon as she was back, passionate kissing set in again. Our hands were over each other’s bodies again.

She spread her legs for me again. Moments later my glans was pressing against her pussy. A few seconds later my rock hard dick went inside her pussy. Slowly. Her hole wasn’t the wettest anymore. But it was enough to make it work.

Once I was in balls deep I gave her a few gentle thrusts. We were still sharing one passionate kiss after the other. While my thrusts got harder, deeper and I upped the pace. It didn’t took long and the kissing stopped.

We began to loose ourselves. One thrust after the other. More and more tension was building up. All that mattered was the feeling of my dick going in and out of her pussy. Our moaning was filling the room.

Her hands were holding onto my back. Her fingernails were scratching my back. While my dick went in and out of her. Fuck, it felt so damn good.

Just a couple of thrusts left. In and out. More tension was building up. My balls were ready to unload themselves. Her fingernails buried themselves into my back. And then boom. One last hard and deep thrust. My balls unloaded themselves inside her pussy. Her hands fell of my back. Her legs were shaking, her body was trembling a little bit. Tension was leaving the room. The moaning had stopped. We came together.

I collapsed on the sofa next to her. Our bodies were touching. We both were breathing heavily. We both enjoyed the hormones in our blood stream. It took us some time to regain ourselves. I just had fucked my landlord, a woman in her early sixties. And it was one of the best fucks I ever had.

When we were ourselves again we smiled at each other. We shared a few gentle kisses. Then we kept on cuddling for some time. Then she whispered something into my ear: “Get up, follow me.”

Again, I did as told. I followed her into her luxurious bathroom. A bathroom nearly as big as my apartment. A bathroom with a view. The windows were overlooking the city we lived in. And in front of the windows, a whirlpool. Already filled with water. She told me to climb in while she got out of what was remaining of her lingerie. It was the first time I saw her gorgeous boobs.

Then she climbed into the whirlpool too. We just sat there, our bodies touching, relaxing, enjoying the warm water, enjoying the view and enjoying being with each other. After some time she told me to get some food and something to drink from the kitchen. Moments later I was on the way.



  1. I can always tell I’m reading something by you when I see “then it was time to bring some fingers into the game” 😂

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