The Fucks That Made Me 10 – Earning an A+ for more than just her school work [FM]

Everyone here was 18+ at the time these events occurred.

A long break, and for good reason, but I’m thrilled to be back. I really hope that some of my favourite folks find their way back here, but I’m happy to have you , whoever you are.

Recognizing that preambles tend to kill the mood a little, this is a continuation of a biographical account of some of the fucks that act, in a way, as mile markers along my road through life. I’m a little rusty, but let’s get going.


My last entry recounted a rebound fuck with a girl who ended up sticking around for a while. If you skipped that one, we’ll just say that she had some…proclivities. In the end, her insistence on being a carbon copy of my ex, down to needing to be fucked in all the same places and ways, just proved a little much. We’re talking stage 6 clinger. It had to end, so it did.

And that’s pretty much it really, at least for the story of my Bachelor’s. For all her peculiarities, she kept my balls emptier than I had any right to enjoy, which gave me the mental clarity to really accelerate my academic development. I rode that momentum all the way through to the following year, wherein community involvement, hard work, and recognition from my professors meant that I landed a spot in the grad program of my dreams.

I hardly remember that first term; I was in the big city, working hard, setting myself up to dive into my research, and (at the risk of falling headfirst into a living cliché) even picked up a little teaching spot leading workshops for the department’s undergraduates.

I enjoyed it immensely, even with my moderate fear of public speaking, and I think the majority of the students thought I was doing well too. They were pretty patient with me, in truth. I applied myself with reckless abandon too, spending an inordinate amount of time on these workshops; I wanted to really excel at something new and give everyone a high quality college experience.

In time, I developed a fan. I was well liked in general, but one student in particular took a real shine to me. We’ll go with Kate for her. She was older than the others, and might have been older even than I was, so her approval really carried some weight with me. After the first month, she’d began ritually stopping off at the lectern to ask if we were doing anything interesting today. A kind word from her after a lab also did wonders for the development of my confidence, and her occasional smiles from the audience while I fumbled with my notes set me straight more often than not. She excelled in class, so she wasn’t always super tuned in, but her brief glances over the top of her macbook while she pretended she wasn’t scrolling on Facebook was good enough for me. I might have been the instructor, but I saw her as a peer, and held her esteem for me as the highest compliment.

Term blurred on by before I even noticed, and by the last few weeks I realized with a pang of regret that I was unlikely to have her as a student again; most grad students just got renewed for the same labs term after term, and she was far from failing. Still, I was reluctant to do anything about it; as much as I admired Kate, I had work to do and had developed the distinct feeling that her friendliness was just based on the fact that her and I were in the same age bracket.

So the course ended. I gave an awkward smile as she handed me her final exam, wishing her luck, and offering a shallow “see you around campus”. She told me that I just might, before turning and walking out the door of the hall. Missed opportunities, man.

Or so I thought! There she was, as I pushed through the front doors of the building, standing in the cold with her little pompommed beanie, waving from across way. I wouldn’t let this get away from me again.

“So,” she said “are we doing anything interesting today?”.

I laughed, gesturing to the bag crammed with exams slung across me, suggesting that fun might be a matter of perspective; if she thinks spending the next 72 hours trying to get through a stack of papers before the department deadline was fun then I might just be the most interesting man on earth. She agreed that, though I might be, that didn’t sound particularly riveting. She was walking *this way* though, she said, and asked if I needed to go that way too.

I did, honestly. I lived about 10 blocks away and my transit pass had a nickel left on it, so I’d have to walk. We chatted idly on, her about her upcoming exams and I about what my next term looked like. She was a delight. Dark hair, full lips, a broad jaw that framed a generous smile and brown eyes that found mine as often as I’d let her, she was exceptionally pretty. It was a little disarming, being this close to her; our time together was always just me talking to a room she happened to be in, so I found myself rambling on a bit and getting teased lightly for misplacing a few words. This probably accounts for how I managed to get lost walking the nearly straight line back to my place within only 2 blocks. Rather than admit my error, I picked a random little pub nearby and shot my shot. Fuck it. Did she want a drink? She did.

You’re not here for an account of the conversation, but it was refreshing, and she was more than a match for me; she was well read in topics I’d never had much time for, had a range of hobbies that I’d never really heard of, and outpaced me by strides with a blinding repertoire of puns. Puns! I was head over heels, which had become a bad habit by then, but I had plenty of work to do and told herself that I needed to get going, but would love to see her again. She asked if I needed company, telling me she’d come hang out at the library and study while I graded. Tempting though it was, my computer was at home and it was a big part of getting through the work. So she invited herself over.

I shared a small apartment with another guy I’d found on craigslist, but he was a workaholic and wasn’t home often. It wasn’t a great place; my room was pretty small and my floor mattress was a point of concern. Still, she slung her stuff down and flopped onto the bed, pulling a book out and…actually starting to study. A setback, but I was happy to be in the same room as her without 25 other people between us.

I excused myself briefly to use the washroom, and was surprised to come back to find her under my covers. The window was drafty though, so I assumed she’d been genuinely chilly. She still had her beanie and hoodie on after all. She smiled at me as I sat at my desk and got to work, starting with her test. It felt weird to grade it with her in the room, but it was multiple choice, so it felt weirder not to do it first.

I turned to tell her, excitedly, that she’d scored a 97, thinking she’d be thrilled.

She lay on her back, cover pulled up under her chin, shit eating grin on her face and all. I just stared, looking for all the world like the stupidest statue ever carved, mouth agape. Her book lay on the floor beside her. She asked me if I was stuck like that.

Dear reader, I was stuck like that.

I asked what she was up to, and she shrugged her shoulders under the blanket. I asked if she was comfy, assuming her intent but not confident I understood her desired route to our destination. She told me it was getting toasty under there, to which I replied that people don’t usually lay under a cover with their clothes on. She wiggled her feet, and ten naked toes popped out from the bottom edge of the duvet; I was sure she’d been wearing socks before this. That would help, I told her. A hand disappeared back under, and she rooted around for something off to the side, producing a pair of white cotton undies with little red hearts, which she promptly flung at me, laughing. Sure that I couldn’t be so oblivious as to have missed something like this, I asked incredulously if she’d managed to get naked under there while I graded her test. Her answer was a bit lip and emphatic nod.

The front door creaked. My own bedroom door was wide open too, so I fled the room and raced to the entry, awkwardly standing in the den by the time my roommate was fully in. We exchanged hellos. He asked why I was being weird. I wiggled my eyebrows and jerked my head towards the short hall behind me, thanking my lucky stars for his mental agility; he laughed shot me some finger guns, swiftly putting some groceries in the fridge before saying he was off to the gym, slightly louder than he needed to.

By the time I got back to the room, merely 3 minutes later, Kate had propped herself up on the pillows, sitting atop the covers. She was entirely naked and spread legged, running her hands up and down the inside of her thighs. She wore sweats to class more often than not, so the sight of her nearly bowled me over; she had a body straight out of my dreams; not skinny, but soft around the middle with pillowy thighs that I’d happily perish between, her boobs sagged low and heavy on her chest. I swore to myself that if she turned around and showed an ass to match then I’d be sure I’d died and gone to heaven.

She told me that, since I’d finished grading her exam, this must be okay now. Right? Or should I make sure it was submitted first? Playing along in what I hoped was the right direction, I agreed that I should upload it first. I was told to hurry.

I grabbed my laptop and stood, facing my floor bed, determined to do this quickly; if fucking her TA was only going to be fun *because* it was her TA, then I should make sure she got what she came for. Not missing a beat, she was on her knees at the edge of the mattress before I’d logged into the records portal, and I was unbuckled, unzipped, and uncovered with an alacrity that suggested a burning desire to taste me immediately. I carried on with the act, feeling her lips on my cock as I struggled to key a 9 followed by a 7 beside her name. I heard a little gag as I hit enter and practically tossed my laptop back to the desk. She hummed quietly in appreciation, lips sealed around me, and took two heaping handfuls of my ass to keep her hands busy.

There are only so many ways to describe the feeling of having your dick slipped down someone’s throat, but I would humbly offer that Kate took to it with an aptitude that put her classwork to shame. All I could think to do was brush the hair from her face while she slowly devoured me; she was torturously good at pacing herself, and made it clear that this was something she actually enjoyed doing. In time, I’d come to appreciate the difference between a blowjob from a woman who enjoyed it over the coeds who gagged themselves furiously because they thought that’s what men liked. No, this was generous because it wasn’t for me; this was for her. It was fantasy.

I wore a tie in those days, taking myself far more seriously than I likely needed to, so began to work at undoing it from around my neck. No sir, she told me, standing swiftly and brushing my hands away; even atop the bed, she was just level with my chest. Her big brown eyes looking up at me, lips deliciously wet with either my produce or her own spit, and the feeling of her ample tits pressed against me as she worked the knot almost sent me. I told her that she was so good, and she thanks me coyly before mounting up on her tippy toes to kiss me. Our lips stayed locked together a long while, and I touched her in every place that I could reach; her breasts were at least twice as soft as they looked, and her hips fell away from her in the most wonderful curves. Her ass was dense, and made for more than a handful. Even the slight fuzz of her forearms kept me enthralled. All the while, she worked at my shirt buttons; we stood naked together then, all arms and and hands and lips entangled.

The window of my room, over the head of my bed, had a deep sill; I brought my hands low and patted her bottom. The message was well received, and she hopped up happily into my arms so that I could sit her down on it. She protested with a squeak that it was cold; I should have thought of that. Still, our waists were on a more even keel with one another this way, and I was aching to have her. Her backlit frame, there in the dying light of the day which I was sure would be my last with her, was nothing less than spectacular. She looked aside; maybe I’d stared too long. I told her I wanted her.

She looked right back and told me to take her.

I stepped up and touched myself to her lips, spread as she was on the edge of the window sill. She was trimmed but not shaved, which I liked. Her lips parted, I applied some slight pressure, she sighed, and I pressed on. In thanks for the tenderness she had shown me with her mouth, I slid in slowly, agonizingly for both of us. I tried to catch her eye, but found her to be staring down, watching intently with her mouth hanging slackly open, engrossed in the spectacle of my cock slowly disappearing up into her. Nearly to the hilt, I held myself there and waited for her to give me some sign that she was ready to go ahead. It’s so big, she breathed. I asked if it was okay, getting a bewildered nod in return as she flipped her hair back back with her hand and kissed me. She wiggled her hips a little as she did so, and I began to work.

Having a big dick is fun for the visual appeal, but the position wasn’t allowing her to comfortably take the entirety of it, so we settled into short, slow strokes while we continued to kiss and fondle one another. I could tell she wanted more, as she repeatedly wrapped her arms around my neck and tried to hug me close, but it wasn’t meant to be. She whispered sweetly that she loved it nonetheless, and that she’d wanted this all year, saying that this was so just what she’d hoped for. I returned it all in kind, telling her that she was so beautiful, and that I was so happy to be there with her, feeling her, kissing her. It was hard to do at times, so determined was she to fit her whole tongue in my mouth. I felt her shudder softly twice, both times exhaling hard right next to my ear and trembling in my arms. I was just happy this was working for her.

In time, the window sill sex had run its course; I asked how else she wanted to be taken. If nothing else, she was consistent; she hopped off the ledge, wiggled past me, pushed her classmates’ papers off to the side and bent at the waist to present her ass to me; she’d take her fucking across my desk, please.

My thighs weep to recall the posture I needed to assume to get myself low enough to get back into her, but we made it work. And boy did she ever make it work. The angle was much better for her and she greedily bounced back all the way onto me with abandon, causing quaking ripples to play across her ass over and over. I was told to pull her hair, which actually helped me balance a fair bit, and she moaned in a guttural tone that brought out the very best of me. Thighs screaming, abs burning, cock throbbing to its very limits, she made matters so much worse by bearing down and cumming loudly, slapping the wall in front of her and gritting her teeth around the feral “fuck” that refused to be tamped down. The sight, sound, and feel of her sent me over the edge, and I asked where she would prefer me to cum. Her back, emphatically, was the reply, and I pulled out a second before disaster to paint her from ass crack to the nape of her neck while she egged me on.

She spun to kiss me again, which I relished gladly, and I helped to towel her off before we hopped in the shower. Losing track of time (on account of a second, soapy, round under the hot water), we darted back across to my room, chased all the way by the laughter of my roommate, fresh from the gym and clearly enjoying the scene.


It’s so good to be back. Let me know if you read and enjoyed this, consider checking out the other entries in this series in the post pinned to my profile, or just come say hi for the heck of it. I’ll be glad you did :)



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