[F] Helping my stepdad get the cabin ready for winter…

My family has a vacation cabin near Lake Tahoe that my grandparents built back in 1948 when my grandpa came home from the war.

It’s great in the summertime because it’s way down a long winding dirt road not far from the lake. But in the winter, it’s another story. It’s bleak and freezing cold.

So before each winter sets in, it needs to be closed up. The shutters on the windows need to be closed, and the water needs to be shut off and drained out, so the pipes don’t burst in the freezing weather and stuff like that.

So it was back in my first year in college that me and my dad packed up the car and made the four-hour drive to the cabin to get it closed up for the winter.

The weather was clear in the Bay Area where we lived, so we figured we’d be back that night.

It’s also worth mentioning that he’s my stepdad, not my real dad. I call him daddy, though, because he married my mom when I was only four years old after my real dad died in a scuba diving accident.

So I won’t bore you with the details of the drive up there and just get to the part where we got to the cabin and did everything that needed to be done.

The weather was changing too. Like snowflakes were falling, so we had to hurry up to get the inside work done so we could make it out on time. It’s mice that are the problem.

All the kitchen cabinets need to be wiped down, the floor swept clean, and a few other things to make sure that there’s no food left behind or the rodents will come in and poop all over the place.

So we hurried along, but we weren’t fast enough. This is because when it came time to leave, there was like half a foot of snow on the ground.

When my dad tried to drive the car through it, the wheels just spun round and round when he tried to make it up the first hill on the road.

We were stuck, and the road wouldn’t be plowed until the next day, which meant that we had to stay the night.

So he called my mom and let her know what was going on and that the road would be plowed the next day.

But it was cold and getting colder, so we went through the cabinets in the cabin, and all we could find was one big down comforter.

That was it, just one big comforter for both of us to keep warm under. It gets below freezing up there, so we really had no choice other than share the comforter to stay warm, or one of us had to freeze to death.

Me and my dad have always been really close and not that far away from each other in age because my mom had me when she was just 14 years old.

He’s good looking too. Way better looking than most dads, so people always think that he’s my older brother when we’re out together.

He’s always been the kind of dad that I could talk to about anything, so we joked about how fun it was going to be snuggling up together for the night while we shared the bottle of Jack Daniels that I found in the kitchen cupboard to help us stay warm.

So when the time came to head upstairs and climb under the covers to stay warm, we were both pretty well buzzed. Then to make matters worse, it was a single bed. The comforter helped a lot, but it wasn’t enough to keep us warm enough on its own though.

So we had to snuggle up close and share a pillow. The familiar smell of his cologne and his arms wrapped around me were bad enough, but it was when I could feel his hard dick pressing against my upper thigh that it was all too much.

So yes, it happened. We had sex, and it was the best sex I’ve ever had in my life, and I was the aggressor. He did his best to resist, but when I stuck my hand down his pants and started stroking his rock hard cock, the resistance stopped.

He surrendered by whispering in my ear, “Fuck it… let’s just get it over with.”

I won’t finish this up with it being just another fuck story because it wasn’t. I’ll just say that it’s heartbreaking to know that it was the one time in my life I’ll have a man inside of me who truly loves me unconditionally.

He tried to pull out when he came, but he couldn’t. I wrapped my legs around him tight and moaned, “Daddy, just squirt inside of me.” and he did. In that moment, he really had no choice but to release his hot load all in me.

It was wonderful…I’ve never felt so satisfied in my life.

So when I woke up the next morning, he was already up and out of bed. I wanted to do it again, but he wouldn’t. He just stared at the floor and said he was trying to forget everything that had happened.

I don’t think he’ll ever be able to forget, though.

I tried to help him by telling them I’ll never speak a word to anyone and I didn’t regret anything. I told him that I loved him, that I didn’t want to forget, and that I was glad we got snowed in.

There’s so much more I could write about, but I won’t. On the ride home, we talked and took a pledge of secrecy that I will never break. What I will say is that it brought us closer together. At least I feel closer.

It’s a special love that I have for him now, so I’m glad that it all happened. The only regret I take away from it is knowing that no man could ever make me feel the special way I felt that cold night alone with my daddy.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/10iata1/f_helping_my_stepdad_get_the_cabin_ready_for


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