[MF] Blowing off steam in LA

A few years after leaving college, my career path took a curve in the direction of working in the digital film industry in Los Angeles. I ended up getting a run-down apartment in the ‘bad side’ of Beverly Hills .. 90211. The place was run by a slumlord, and the building had seen much better days since the heydays of the 30’s. Still, everything worked, it was clean, and the rent was manageable.

Work left little free time to do much so the pattern was getting up, driving to North Hollywood to work at the studio from 9am to 7pm most days, and then blowing off steam by going to various clubs, restaurants, shows, and cafes on the weekends and late nights. Didn’t give me any real time to get to know people, or make many friends outside of work.

… of course, that’s a mix just **waiting** to get in trouble. The SFX house I worked at was just upstairs and in the same complex as the main facility for a large manufacturer of film and photo products. The buildings shared a reception desk, and most days as I’d come and go I’d cross paths with a young woman who worked there in the cold storage facility…

Sadie was in her early 20-somethings, same as me, and had about the same schedule. Athletic, thin, with light brown skin, always dressed to impress, with a huge waterfall of curly dark brown hair that dropped past her shoulders. Her dad was Spanish/Latino, and her mom was a tall and regal looking woman from Haiti… the combination of those features gave her “Holy hell is SHE out of your league…” supermodel vibes. Thank goodness you can’t just judge a book by it’s cover.

Why? She was an AWESOME nerd. I mean it. NERD. Of math, chemistry, and film history. Her job was the cataloging, preservation, and restoration of films stretching back into the late 1800’s. Her head was full of everything from history to chemistry, politics and social science, and she loved every bit of it.

But, like a lot of us, that meant her social life was a lot like mine — second fiddle to the work we loved doing. We initially met over one of the boring Company Lunch meetings, stuck outside with horrible limp ham-and-cheese sandwiches catered by some lackluster Hollywood catering company. Once we got over each other’s shyness, we started to regularly sit with each other at lunch and basically shoot the shit, talking about anything that came to mind… until … one day…

~ ~ ~

Sadie walked out of the film archive building, into an overly hot, bright, and sunny Los Angeles day in the alley between Building 2 and 3, blinking at the light. I was already outside, waiting for her. We had a standing ‘lunch’ date that day to go try a new Persian kebab shop that opened nearby.

She let her eyes adjust to the light a bit. “Hey, Martin! Were you waiting long?”

“Nahhhh,” I said, lying ( it had been half an hour ) “Not long. You ready to blow this popsicle stand?” I gestured down the narrow alley between the buildings to the studio exit. “I have been working since 8am, and I’m starving!”

We made some idle chit-chat about the morning, as we walked down the North Hollywood streets down to the shop… but I noticed that her attitude was a lot more subdued than her usual sunny disposition. Even her clothes seemed more frumpy and less colorful. As we rounded the corner to the restaurant, a big sign on the window read “CLOSED FOR CLEANING.”

“Well, shit!” She said. “That just the icing on the cake…” and her eyes started to get watery.

Now, I don’t know about you, but the sight of a beautiful woman about to break into tears made me want to reach out to her, but was at the same time terrifying, and panic inducing! Thoughts raced through my mind… should I reach out to her? Should I hug her? Pat her on the shoulder? AAAAA!

Sadie solved that for me… she leaned into me, as if she had done it a million times rather than NEVER EVER HAVING DONE ANYTHING LIKE IT BEFORE, and sobbed into my shoulder.

“Hey, hey, it’s okay. We can go somewhere else.” I said, kind of stupidly, trying to console her. “What’s wrong?” I asked.

Sadie’s makeup (… wait, she wears makeup? … these are the thoughts that go through your mind…) had smeared slightly and her voice was quavering. “Nothing. Everything.” she said. “I do the same thing over and over. I don’t get to meet many people, and I was really looking forward to this. I know it seems stupid to *cry* over this.” … she hiccuped, trying to get her breath. “The last couple days just dragged on, and on, and on… I’m … I’m so sorry.”

She said the last, while looking at my T-shirt, a light stain from the mascara on my shoulder along with a small wet spot of tears. Yeah… 20-something year old me, always going to work in a stupid t-shirt, jeans, and sneakers. I have all the fashion sense of a nerd. I think it was a Weird Al concert shirt I had gotten the week before.

I .. took a chance. I held her both her hands in mine, and again… it was as natural a thing as if we had been together a long time, and this was perfectly natural… “It’s okay, Sadie. Same for me.. work in, work out, clock in, clock out. I was looking forward to it too. I like hanging out with you.”

“Me too.” she said, with a last sniffle. She took a tissue out of her purse, and wiped her eyes clean. “Damnit, I probably look a mess now.” “You NEVER look a mess to me,” I interjected. “NEVER. Compared to you, I’m mister-slobbo!”

That got the very beginning of a smile out of her, and I have to say the only thing she ever needed to wear, EVER, was that if anything. I loved getting her to smile.

“You got someone?” she asked out of nowhere? “Anyone special?”

“No,” I replied. “Nobody. No time to go dating, never meet anyone outside of work, and the last person I tried to date was a complete BASKET case, and we never had time to actually go out together. You?”

“Same,” she sighed “Last guy I went out on a date spent one hour talking my ear off about motorcycles, never let me talk, and then spent the rest of the time saying what a big dick he was.” she laughed “No, saying WHAT a big dick he had.”

“No way!” I said, laughing. “Do people actually do that on dates?”

“More often than you’d think.” she put on a wry smile “Especially ‘brothas… all about how much cash, how much stuff, how great they are.” She rolled her eyes. “It’s all about the ‘***coffee’*** and hookups and money and status.”

“Yikes, sounds awful.” I said. “And not exactly romantic.”

“Romance is over-rated, don’t get me wrong!” Sadie continued, “I’m sure there’s plenty of men out there who aren’t total jerks. Thing is, when you’re smart, brown-skinned, nerdy, and a woman, you get a lot of hassle and trash before you find anyone good.”

I nodded furiously in agreement, “Not much better when you’re a guy, frankly. Plus I came to LA from out of town, so I don’t know anyone here and haven’t made many friends yet.” …. and laughed. “So, we’re just two nerds, out of luck, frustrated, and worse… WITHOUT KEBABS!” I pantomimed hugely at the sign with a head nod to the restaurant. “LIFE SUCKS!” I said.

Sadie looked up at me, and said ( mumble, mumble, mumble ) while squeezing my hand. She said it so softly, I barely registered it. “Huh?” I said?

She sighed, and spoke up a bit more. “Doesn’t… have to be that way,” she said with a catch in her voice, “I’m tired of it. I hate the stupid *stupid* ***stupid*** awkward rules of it all. I like you, you like me, we talk, we’re friendly.”

I looked at her, intensely. I didn’t quite believe what I had heard. “Um, what… do you mean?” I said. Like I mentioned, I was in my early 20’s and more often than not needed a SOLID CLUE-BY-FOUR applied to my head before I could take even a very obvious, right in front of me hint in blinking neon.

Sadie slipped her hands out of mine, and wrapped one around my waist, and put the other on my cheek, “You can be pretty clueless, Martin. I like you, I’m frustrated, and I want you.” … then kissed me. It was, in all likelihood, one of the first dozen deep kisses of my life, and could FEEL she meant it. “I live near here. Let’s eat, my place, and I don’t mean food.”

It really was just a short walk away. Couldn’t have taken ten minutes to get there… the whole walk there we barely talked, but we kissed, and held hands, and touched, and teased. By the time we got to her front door, we were locked in a kiss, and she was fumbling to get her keys to work. We managed to break apart from each other long enough for her to open the deadbolt and basically FELL into her apartment.

There’s kissing, there’s making out, and then… there’s what happened to us. There was no build up, just raw NEED driving us. We stripped each other’s clothing off as if it was Christmas and they were just wrapping needing to be torn off, primally. My shirt tore… and I kid you not her bra flung off across the room and hung hilariously on the floor lamp.

I pushed Sadie down to the carpet on the floor, kissing her lips, her neck, and breasts… cupping her pussy in my hand. She was wasn’t shaved smooth, and had a naturally tight short curly patch of hair on her mons… and her body was smooth as silk, and as brown as hot chocolate. I let a finger drag up along the lips of her cunt, and when it flicked across her clit she let out a moan and arched up off the floor pressing against my palm.

I positioned myself between her legs, and looked up her body… her small breasts… “Hey, I think you said something about lunch…” I quipped, “Mind if I eat in?”

Sadie laughed, and put both her hands on my face, pulling me close to her. She smelled clean, hot, and even sweet. One thing I will always remember is that she always tasted a little sweet like ‘honey dust’ … and ran the tip of my tongue along her pearl, and under the hood in a little swishing motion. All she could do was gasp, at that point, and she gently guided me with her hands… little left, little right, more or less pressure. We were communicating wordlessly, like dancing.

I curled my arms under her legs and held her waist as I ate her pussy, lapping at her. It didn’t take long for her to start rhythmically bucking against my face… buried against her… her fingers woven into my hair and pulling me tight. “Oh shit! Oh.. Oh!” Sadie started to cry out, and all at once she arched hard, I could FEEL her pussy pulsing against my mouth, as she thrashed and came, HARD. “UUUnnnnnGH!”

Looking at her, from between her legs — she was trembling and her O-face was HILARIOUS. I couldn’ t help but laugh with glee, and a bit of humor.

“What are YOU laughing at,” Sadie gasped as she recovered a bit.

“You.” I said, honestly. “When you came, you had the most intense and happy look on your face.”

She sat up off the floor, I could see the patterns of the carpet embossed into her back, and ass. “YOUR TURN!” she said, pushing me onto my back, and my shoulders onto the floor. “Lets see if you are as much of a comedian when you cum, smart guy.”

I lay back, and I have to say, most blowjobs I’d had before Sadie were… ok-ish? Nothing to write home about. Later Sadie swore up and down that she had only had a couple lovers before I met her… but.. man oh MAN was she good at it.

My cock had been rock hard the entire time after we tumbled in the front door, and she put her hands to either side gently… then eased her mouth down onto it. She never squeezed, or grasped hard… every move was actually really gentle. She licked, and worshipped my dick as if it was as precious as the films she worked on every day. With her lips, she enveloped the top about a third of the way, pumping up and down and using plenty of saliva and patience.

Within a couple minutes, I could feel my need rise… my heart pumping, and my hips bucking into her face involuntarily. She cupped my balls gently, using a lubed finger to tease my ass as her mouth worked up and down, and her tongue swirled around. Then, unexpectedly, she pulled back and looked at me with sparkling eyes.

“Can you sit on the chair, on the edge?” she asked. I complied, silently, and she kneeled in front of me… and resumed cupping my balls, and her mouth went farther, and farther down my shaft until she bottomed out.

I couldn’t take much more of that, I was so close to bursting… “Uh… uh… I’m.. gonna… ” Her eyes open wide, and she wiggled her face all the way onto me!! As clear a “come IN my mouth” signal as you could get! “UUnnnnnggghhhh!” I thrust into her throat, and pulsed into it again, and again, and again…. weeks, months of NEED and desire and longing all letting loose into her.

… I’m pretty sure I put on a very silly face indeed! Can’t be helped. Nobody looks THAT composed when they are in the grips of an orgasm. Well, maybe pornstars. Maybe.

She… just stayed there for a bit, not breathing really… just gently sucking my seed and swallowing it. After what seemed an eternity ( but was probably only 30 seconds… ) she pulled back off me, and smiled.

“I… Definitely needed that.” Sadie said, looking at the mess of clothes flung around the room. As she leaned back against the couch on the floor, her fingers idly played with her pussy lips. “I think you needed that too.”

“Yeah, I did.” I said, a little out of breath “I really did. It’s been a while.”

Sadie straddled over my body, standing over my hips, still spreading and playing with her cunt. “I’m not saying you’re Mr. Right… but you’re definitely Mr. Right-Now.” and so help me she laughed softly and huskily. She squatted down on her toned, athletic legs grinding her wet pussy against my dick. “I know you don’t have any reason to trust me, but I’m clean, have an IUD, and I want you.”

So HELP me… those words, and my 20-something year old body, made my dick recover with record speed. Sadie thrust her hips back and forth, flicking her pussy against my rapidly hardening cock. “I want you, Martin. I want to FUCK you.”

So, I did what she ABSOLUTELY wasn’t expecting. As she lowered herself onto my cock, I sat up, tumbled with her, and pinned her down to the floor. Grabbing her legs, I thrust into her and pounded her into that carpet so hard … it left bruises on both of us later. ( My knees, her shoulders… heh ) She grunted, even screamed as I did. It was.. primal, needful. It wasn’t “sex that lasted for hours as the sun set over the horizon.”

HELL no. This was utter, animalistic, and primal. I slammed into her, rhythmically, and her body rocked with at least two rounds of orgasms before I finally pumped everything I had left into her.

Afterwards, we lay there, curled up a while on that carpet, sweating and breathing hard. We never even made it 20 feet past the front door.

For the whole time I worked in the SFX business, we were always friends, and lovers. We weren’t an ‘item’ and we knew it was definitely a friends-with-so-many-benefits thing… We knew our lives would diverge after… but honestly, what a great way to blow off steam.

… and we never DID have lunch that day. We did, however, have a very sexy dinner-and-show. A story, that I might tell another time.

~ ~ ~

Sadie L.

[ 1975-2021 ]

I miss you, always

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/10hc6ft/mf_blowing_off_steam_in_la


  1. Great memories! That went from awesome story, to sad end-note. I’m the same age too 🙁

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