[F] [Teen] [Exh/Voy] Ahh, College Sex.

The new found freedom, the sudden influx of potential partners, the overwhelming social pressure to get your dick wet. It’s a cesspool of lewd behavior.

I grew up in a fairly small town, so small in fact that I spent grade four to high school graduation with the same ~40 kids in my grade. When you grow up with the same group of kids and go through that awkward puberty phase together and then toss in strange middle school drama, the resulting relationships morph into almost borderline incestual bonds. I was also an ugly duckling who thought I *totally* pulled off a Monroe piercing. Needless to say, there weren’t a whole lot of no pants parties in my high school career.

Come university I ditched the tacky piercing, swapped it out for a lip ring (*slightly* less tacky), dyed my hair, lost a bit of weight, and lucked out with my own single occupancy dorm on campus. Go ahead, ask me how long it took me to lose my virginity. Yup, less than a month.

Losing my virginity wasn’t a big deal. It happened drunkenly in the heat of the moment. The sex itself was actually *really* good. He was surprisingly hung for his smaller frame and it hurt like hell. Which, I’m into so yay. I bled a bit, but again, I’m kinda into that too so, yay? We went at it until we were raw. I remember polishing off 10L bottle between the two of us, intermittently during refractory periods. We watched the sun rise and recovered from our crazed night of feasting on each other’s bodies. Unfortunately, he ended up being a bit flaming douchebag so although the sex was great, I’m disappointed my virginity didn’t go to someone special. Alas, losing my v-card opened the flood gate for my sexual adventures so I can’t say I regret it one bit.

A few boys came and went, I wasn’t incredibly impressed with them. I would come home to my parent’s place most weekends since the majority of my friends were of legal drinking age, or had passable fake I.D.’s. I was in a bit of a tricky situation, I wasn’t going to be 19 until second semester of second year. I had started grade school out west where the cut off age for allowing kids into the first grade is pushed further back. I’d always been the baby in my friends group and at no time had the age gap been more brazen.

So what does any sexually frustrated young adult do? Make an online dating account, of course! Before I realized the value of age in the dating scene I stumbled my way through a few kids closer to my age. The lifeguard who’s balls always smelled like chlorine, the alt band guy who lived above a Chinese food restaurant, the butterfaced hockey player, the closeted man who had something to prove, my point? College sex presents *many* opportunities to pocket a good story and build some character.

Tonight though I want to tell you about the film scout (I’ll be referring to him as Scout for the rest of the story). At 28 there was still a sizable age gap between the two of us but he was a total young at heart goofball. He picked on me. Which I love. That kind of playful “calling you out on your shit” kind of fun. His job was to look for film locations that worked given budget requirements and other parameters. We’d drive around, go hunting for neat places outside of the city, he’d help me go grocery shopping (university student problems) and we had a lot of fun just enjoying each other’s company.

One night, I wanted to give him a show. At this point I was living in an apartment with five other people. My little room was right off the kitchen and the main entrance and it was, well, unique to say the least. The floor space itself was quite tiny. My bed was up a ladder on a small loft space, there was about a foot’s worth of an edge around the mattress and there were large windows on three sides of the surrounding walls. Imagine having a threesome in that scenario… Ha! But that’s a story for another day. Lucky me quickly discovered that a small ledge underneath one of the windows was a *perfect* step out onto the roof. It was my own little secret space that only I had access to. Brilliant. The roof itself was completely flat and overlooked a fairly busy street near the university. “Roof parties” quickly became a thing, until one guy almost drunkenly walked off the three story tall building before proceeding to throw up all over my bed. Again, see how college builds character?

The night I had planned for Scout first involved a trip to the lingerie store. As most good stories do :) After careful consideration at multiple stores, I opted for a ribbed, black and green teddy that had this adorable little frilly bit around the edges. I also bought a short black silk robe, I danced in that thing the whole afternoon leading up to his arrival.

I had the roof all set up. A couple strategically placed blankets, a bottle of wine, a few mugs (I believe at this point we had either broken our entire set of wine glasses, or they were just somewhere hidden, unwashed, possibly forgotten in the pile of hazardous waste that shortly piled up in and around the sink. Protip: never get a lease on an apartment for six people without a dishwasher. That should be a no brainer but that just goes to show you the decision making process of a first year university student.) The roof was all set. Only one key ingredient was missing.

I had asked him to text me as he was walking the two flights of stairs up towards the apartment. God, I was so excited. I can remember the giddiness. I had fantasized about doing something sexy like this for years. That night was my first chance to really put on a show and I was nervous as hell.

I got his text. I ran to my bedroom door and grabbed him by the arm and pulled him in. A whole group of people were in the living room and they started “wooing!” when they saw the quick flash of my black silk robe and his disappearance.

I could barely muster any words. I smushed his face against mine and I was bursting with bubbling excitement. “Ah ah ah,” he said, “let me see.” He smiled and spun me around. I explained to him that the real show was on the roof. He’d been on my roof before so he was comfortable scrambling up the ladder, then the steps, then through the window. It was a fairly cool night, early in the month of October. It actually made for the most beautiful view in the daylight; lots of trees changing colours lined the streets. The road right below us was a very popular street that time of night. It was the most direct route to the university from the downtown core. The sounds of drunken white girls calling to each other hung in the air.

I laid him down on the blanket and slowly undid my robe. Now, here’s something you should know about me. I am the furthest thing from smooth. Sure, I have my moves when the heat is on but as far as hitting on someone or sealing the deal? No grace, rhythm, or dignity. And at that age? I’m sure I was a goddamn sight. However this time, something happened. I gave him the most delicious strip show I’ve ever performed. I don’t know where it came from, I don’t know how it happened, but I am honestly surprised men shoving dollar bills in my thong didn’t just magically manifest. Or at least that’s how I’m remembering it (shut up).

The best part? Our show drew attention. There was an apartment building one block over and one block behind us. It was sizeable at ~12 stories and it had balconies along the front. We had been enjoying each other’s bodies, he took me from behind, I rode him dangerously close to the edge, and sucked him off while he was standing over the view. The combination of the street sounds, the silence of the atmosphere at our level, and the night air was just surreal. As someone who enjoys sensation play, it was a sensory buffet. At one point, we both snapped out of our own pleasure bubble to the tune of chanting. As he was taking me from behind, we looked up and noticed two balconies full of people on the apartment building were cheering at our show. We both burst out laughing and *loved* it. After we both regained a bit more composure from our laughing fit, we waved at them. They cheered louder. I was elated when he didn’t stop taking me from behind. The fact that a whole group of people in the apartment below us knew what we were up to, as well as having a whole group of spectators off in the distance, well, let’s just say my exhibitionist side was have a field day.

It didn’t take long for our audience to disappear. Every now and then while we were still having our fun the odd lookie-loo would check out to see what we were up to but I have a feeling one of the party goers insisted on giving us our privacy (lame). I don’t know, wouldn’t you want to enjoy a free show? Would it have been weird to do in your friend group? I wish they would’ve stuck around longer, I would notice myself try to show off a bit more whenever I thought someone had crept back onto the deck. A couple odd “woos!” assured me my efforts were not wasted.

It had been an incredibly fun night. We went for a few rounds before snuggling up on the blanket and enjoying a couple mugs of bubbly. He was the only one to have ever enjoyed a roof show. I ended up getting my own place and subletting my closet of a bedroom to another friend not long after.

To bring the story full-circle the new apartment that I rented was beautiful. 12” ceilings, authentic moldings, a waterfront view right across from the grocery store. The only problem? Mice. I ended up referring to every mouse I’d come across as a namesake of the boy I’d lost my virginity to.

God were the first two years of college ever an experience.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/7865x4/f_teen_exhvoy_ahh_college_sex