The Book of Jennifer – Chapter 3


After awhile I realized that my fantasies would never be real. We’ve been talking for almost a month, but I haven’t even touched her. Not even her hand or something. Slowly my fantasies start to fade. For a week I went back to the simple form of satisfaction that every other single college student had. The internet. I didn’t want to get my hopes up for something that was literally impossible. But that train of thought didn’t stay long.

It was a Saturday night. I was crashed out on the couch watching a movie I was barely paying attention to. I had a notebook in my lap that I was writing in. That notebook would be the foundation for what would later be my first novel. On the side table my phone vibrated. I finished writing the paragraph and picked it up. It was a snap from Jennifer.

I waited for it to load and opened it. It was Jennifer looking at the camera with puffy eyes that looked like she’d been crying. The caption read “I think I’m going to get fired”. The picture caught me off guard and responded with a selfie captioned “Why do you look like you’re crying?” I saw the sent symbol appear and within seconds it turned into read. A few seconds later I get a reply: “It’s because I was crying”.

I was now officially lost of words. I took another picture and said “What? Why? You’re NOT going to get fired!”

“I’ve heard the way the other TAs talk behind my back.” Then another snap finished the thought. “And it’s not like my student’s grades are that great either.”

“They’re full of shit. You are a great professor and you know it. So do all your students.” I reply hastily.

We had a few more back and forth snapchats before she asked me for my number. Pictures were great on Snapchat but having a conversation was difficult. Soon we started texting each other. Further discussing the issue of her getting fired. It took me an hour and another two crying sessions from her before she calmed down. It was late into the night but we kept talking. Our conversation progressing to other things that were a bit more light-hearted.

This was the day I started feeling things for her again. Maybe it was the teenager left in me but the thought of texting a cute teacher late into the night felt intimate. A feeling I haven’t gotten since my last break up from senior year of high school. Dirty thoughts helped me get to sleep after our long texting sessions. The same thing happened the next day. And the day after that. And the following day. For a week we kept texting each other non stop talking about one thing or another but always finding something. The longer we talked the dirtier my thoughts got. And as much as tried not to I feel back into looking at her during opportune times. A glance down her blouse while she was packing her bags or slowing down to get a view of her ass when she wearing a particularly tight dress. I was living a fantasy. And for her, this when she saw me as someone more than a student.


Night started to fall again on Saturday. It has been a week since we started texting each other. Tonight we were just casually texting in-between our evening activities. I had spent the afternoon in the library finishing some work and she had been preparing lessons. I was making the trek to my car when I got a text from her.

“Done.” She typed. “Lessons for the next week are prepared!!!! :)”

“And I just crushed this essay,” I replied. “What’s the plan now?”

I watched as the three dots jumped up and down. Then “Time to relax. Making some food and watching The Conjuring 2.”

“Oh I loved the first one,” I text back. “But I haven’t watched the second yet.”

The bubble didn’t pop up so I put the phone in my pocket and kept walking. When I reached my car, a dark blue convertible, I feel a vibration in my pocket.

“Well you wanna come over and watch it together?” I stopped; one leg in my car, the other still outside. I just froze. My heart skipped a beat and then started beating faster and faster. Was this happening? I take a second to calm myself and reply as coolly and casually as possible.

“I’m all for it. Where’s your place?”

The bouncing dots popped and up and a after a second of bouncing they went away. My heart sank. Did she change her mind? Maybe she realized it would be weird. I kept staring for a bit longer before finally getting in my car. I throw my bag in the seat next to me when my phone vibrated again. It was her address. A huge smile broke across my face and I started the engine. Using my phone as a navigator I pull out of the parking lot and start driving.


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