My [F26] first experience with another [F27] was in front of my husband and my ex situationships twin brother. [FF]

I 26f) have always been really curious about my sexuality but despite having a lot of chances I’ve never taken it past your typical drunken fun make out session, Until the first few hours of the new year.

To celebrate our New Years, a group of friends and I set out from a few different states to attend a fun 5 day music festival a state over from me. The first night consisted of just a few local DJS playing for the staff and those who arrived a day early to set up camp. We began drinking early and very quickly we became a little tipsy and very excited to begin the big weekend ahead. After having a few too many drinks we decided to take a walk around the festival, where we found some hammocks we laid in and were sharing a lot of laughs when a beautiful girl (27f) walks over and introduced herself to us as A. A was a beautiful surfer type girl with blue eyes and beautiful blonde hair, she fit into our group with her personality very naturally.

The first night with A was spent sharing a lot of drinks, laughs and bonding over life stories. Throughout the night I started to get hints that she may have been interested in me when individually friends told me different comments she had been making about my body, the things she wanted to do to me and it was confirmed when she asked me to go back to her car with her. I am quite a shy person and I have only ever been with one person sexually so I just giggled it off and headed to bed.

The next day was New Year’s Eve and the first official day of the festival. We started our day off with a well needed sleep in and prepared for our long night ahead, this was the day my friends and I had planned on going hard and the first time one of my friends and I would try other substances. The first act we seen was one of my favourite artists, A had waited for me out the front and we were front and centre. The euphoric rush was setting in and the drinks continued coming, everyone had their eyes on A , she was wearing a bikini top and jumping around having a blast.

We continued partying hard through the night and as time went on A became increasingly friendly, then the cute drunken kisses became full hot make outs and her lips kept moving from my face, to my neck and her hands kept moving grabbing everywhere she could. I couldn’t believe what was happening. The new year count down begun, we all continued dancing through the last act then hit up a DJ stage before heading back to our car to make more drinks.

I had decided to climb into our cars rooftop camper, I had decided I’d had enough and was heading to bed. We still had two more days to go, once I had climbed the ladder I had started undressing to put my sleep clothes on, I’d only made it through undoing most of my buttons to my short white tennis dress when A climbed up into my bed.

A laid down and we were just talking about how great the acts we had seen were when she started tickling my hair the taking off her black bikini top. The next thing I knew I was all over her.
I drunkenly half naked put my head out side of our camper and proudly told my friends and my partner what had happened. My husband and a good friend of mine, my ex situationships twin brother climbed up into our camper and gladly enjoyed the rest that unfolded.

After a while of having fun with A, I hinted to her to go hang out with my good friend in his car while my husband and I continued on.

The weekend just got better and better as the nights went on.

This might not be considered wild stories for most but for me this weekend was a big experience checked off the bucket list.
