My Life As A Host To A Slime Monster 20 – Knot (fiction, F19, supernatural, monster)

The newly created slime called *Jayme* had just walked out as the line of men watched her walk out each appreciating the new form before I got their attention and spoke loudly, “*NEXT!!!*”

The woodsman looking one named Liam walked up as I held up my hand forcing him to stop.

I pointed to the panting Jayme, “You’re **not** going to be like him jack hammering your way into me are you?”

Liam looked down at the panting Jayme before looking at me and slowly shaking his head, “No ma’am!”

I rolled my eyes before I spoke, “Megan please.”

Liam froze but spoke again, “No Megan.  I’m more of a lover than a jack hammer.”

I squinted at Liam, “Meaning you’ll go slow and listen to me?”

Liam nodded, “Yes M……” he coughed before speaking again, “Megan.  I’ll completely listen and go glacier slow if you prefer.”

I smirked, “Well you can go faster than a glacier,” I pointed down to Jayme, “But **slower** than him.”

Liam nodded, “Right.”

I sighed before I waved my hand, “Alright might as well undress so I can see what I have to work with.”

Liam nodded as he pulled his denim coat off to show he was wearing suspenders over his flannel shirt.

I almost wanted to chuckle and make fun of him for actually wearing suspenders *but* his taut flannel shirt made me realize he was quite muscular under the shirt and that made my brain misfire as I wanted to drool.

I watched as he slowly removed the suspenders off his broad boulder shoulders as they snapped down hitting him due to the stress making me flinch for him though he didn’t seem to recognize the elastic hitting him as he reached up and slowly unbuttoned his shirt revealing his chiseled hairy chest.

At first I wanted him to stop and find him some shaving cream and a razor so he could shave off his chest.

But something about it seemed more sensual and…..well hot.

I watched as each button was undone revealing more of his torso causing my drool factor to rise until it hit 11 when his shirt was fully removed and I started making comparisons to gods as his upper torso looked perfect.

Is it weird that I wanted him to stop just so I could lick his hairy muscular chest?  Though I **hate** hairy men.

I didn’t get a chance to really make him stop as he continued stripping as he removed his shirt before reaching down and undoing his pants and slowly pulled his pants and underwear down around his ankles to finally stand revealing his *trunk*.

I stared wide eyed at the *thing* hanging as I noticed a noticeable bulge near the base.

I quickly spoke, instantly afraid of what the hell I was looking at, “Ummmm what’s that?” as I pointed at the bulge.

Liam looked down before looking at me semi confused, “My knot?”


I *tried* to remain calm as this whole weirdness was slowly becoming my new norm but still heard my shriek as I spoke, “WHAT THE HELL IS A KNOT???”

Cameron cleared his throat causing me to look in his direction as I slightly wondered what the hell he was doing here.

I spoke/shrieked, “WHAT????”

Cameron’s timber voice spoke, “He’s a were**wolf** ma’am.”

I turned my direction at Liam as he smirked and nodded, “Yep.”

I blinked and was instantly confused.

Liam spoke, “You know how a dog has a **knot** in their dick?”

I blinked as I slowly shook my head, “Nooooo….” as I reflexively started to hold my own vagina.


The only dog we had was Pomeranian and **her** name was Fiona.  Plus she was fixed so I had no idea.  

Sure, I’d seen other male dogs *but* I never looked under the carriage to check out a dog’s lipstick penis to see if they had a knot or not.  

So it was easy to say I wasn’t too familiar with dogs more than it was safe to say I like dogs.   

Liam coughed but continued, “Well male dogs have a knot in their dick so when they mate it helps lock themselves in their mate.”

I blinked still shrieking, “THAT DOESN’T EXPLAIN WHY YOU HAVE A FUCKING **KNOT**!!!”

Liam smiled as he scratched his head, “Yeah well.  Us werewolves kind of inherit that trait by having a knot in our dicks.”

I held onto my vag trying to protect it as I spoke softly, “*All of you have a knot?*”

As the mention of that gangster’s *knot* comment was suddenly making sense.

Liam shrugged, “Well most of us that are in full control of our own individual wolf.”

I blinked, “What?”

Cameron cleared his throat, causing me to look at him as he started speaking, “Werewolves like Liam and Kiev back there.”

I looked over at the rough looking gangster leaned to the side and smiled as he waved confidently. 

Cameron continued speaking, making me look at him, “As I understand it.  When they get full control of their shifts and can control their wolf, certain *traits* of the wolf are inherited.”

He looked at Liam, “The more powerful they are as I understand it their knot forms.”

I blinked as I followed his attention to Liam who was smiling as Cameron spoke, “Am I correct?”

Liam smiled, “Yeah our knot’s is our form of showing who is ready to become *Alpha* of the pack.”

Kiev scoffed, “Please like your knot is any bigger than mine.”

Liam looked back at Kiev before looking at me and spoke, “Trust me it’s not that painful if that’s what you’re thinking.”

I looked at him trying to hide my fear, “How do you know what I’m thinking?”

Liam chuckled, “You’re holding onto your crotch trying to protect it.”

I looked down realizing I had been holding onto my crotch trying to protect it from the *monster* standing in front of me.

I scowled at him upon the realization before I spoke semi-shaking, “You’d be holding your vagina too if you saw a big fucking cock with a *knot* too!”

I used one hand to point at Liam’s hanging fellow as I used my remaining hand to continue protecting my vag, “I mean what is that *supposed* to do beyond scare me?”

Liam chuckled before speaking, “Trust me it won’t hurt too much.”  He looked down at his own bulge near his base before looking at me, “Look if it scares you that much I won’t let it enter you,” he smiled widely, “unless you beg for it.”

I squinted at him feeling my own ire rise instantly irritating me as I was thinking that these monsters were beginning to really piss me off.

And just like Jayme they needed to be taught a lesson.

And it seems Liam was no different.

I silently spoke to Prime in my head.


It was nearly instant when she answered.

*Yes my host?*

*Will his ‘knot’ hurt me?*

*I’m not sure my host.*

How in the fuck was she not sure?

She was only bonded to me for god’s sake!  She should know if that man’s schlong specifically his bulge would hurt me or not.

She spoke, *”Would you like my sister to instantly **drain** him upon entrance to save you from getting hurt by his knot?”*

I looked down at the man’s bulge that already looked scary in its relaxed state, already afraid of what it could do in its relaxed state.  And I would be a fool to admit that its enlarged state like the rest of the appendage didn’t scare me.

But for some *odd* reason I was intrigued….if not slightly……

I sighed as I admitted I was slightly aroused at it.

I spoke to Prime, *”No but have her ready for when I am.”*

I sighed as I looked at Liam, “Alright fine.  Come here and let’s get this started.”

Liam smiled as he kicked off his shoes before finally stepping out of his pants and underwear before finally walking up to me as I wasn’t sure to be excited that this slab of a man was walking up to me or be afraid that his dick swayed threatening to destroy me.

One thing was certain: I couldn’t get over the bulge at the base of his dick.

It felt like time was slowing down for me as I watched his thing sway as I was mesmerized by the bulge.

Liam was finally standing in front of me as he confidentially spoke, “Go ahead Megan….Kiss it.”

I instantly looked up at him scowling, “That’s how you **start** this?  By **commanding** me to kiss your fucking dick?”

I saw as his confidence slowly wilted as he realized he may have already fucked up.

I sighed as I looked back down at the limp appendage deciding if I should follow his command or not.

Instead I reached out and grasped his limp dick semi surprised my dainty little hand barely closed around the spongy flaccid appendage.

I looked up at him seeing his confidence returning but he was smart enough to *voice* anything and instead simply stood there like a statue letting **me** make the first move.

I spoke, “Promise to not make any *other* stupid remarks or I’ll have Prime and her sister simply drain you *before* you can even get hard.”

That instantly made Liam gulp as he realized that *he* wasn’t the monster in the room…..**I** was.

Somehow that sudden change of control in the room was so potent as I realized that **I** was the monster it was hard to not let the slow smile spreading across my face give me the confidence that I knew I sorely lacked all my life.

I felt the rush of power flood my body as I tried to not let it control me before I made my decision as I looked back down at the limp hanging *thing* as it’s owner was suddenly not aroused in the least afraid this his dick wasn’t a dick but a mere appetizer for my *friends* residing in my pussy.

*Well, might as well get this started* I thought to myself as I leaned in slightly and kissed the limp mushroom tip.

The moment my lips kissed the tip the owner instantly groaned at the simple sensation.

I looked up at the owner, Liam, confused *why* a simple act would justify such a deep emotion.

I looked at Liam puzzled at his reaction briefly before shrugging and looked down at the tip and kissed it again.

Again Liam lowly groaned as I felt his hand move and tried to rest on my head but I **grasped** his dick instantly making him freeze in the act.

I looked up at Liam as I smirked, “Careful my little werewolf *or* I’ll drain you before your dick even touches my pussy.”

I watched as his eyes went wide making my internally chuckle.

I opened my mouth and extended my tongue before flicking my tongue like a snake on his mushroom tip that was suddenly growing wider with the rest of his dick.

I spoke, “One little command and I’ll drain you *before* your dick can finish getting hard.”

I watched as Liam’s eyes looked like a puppy dog wordlessly pleading with me to not enact such a harsh punishment for what seemed like instinct to him.

I looked at his frozen hand mere millimeter’s from my hand as I commanded, “Hand down!”

And just like that his hand shot back down to his side.

I chuckled, “Good little pup.”

And in that instant I saw my little quip at him must have pissed off his internal wolf as his eyes started glowing with an intense auburn changing his natural blue eyes into glowing yellow orbs.

Liam growled lowly making the room seem to vibrate but didn’t say anything.

Kiev chuckled, “Careful mistress.  Slime or no slime.  Keep taunting and dissing our wolf will be your last mistake.”

I stopped and looked around Liam addressing Kiev, “And what’s that supposed to mean?”

He smiled, “There’s only *so much* we’re allowing any insult to happen before *our* wolf will not stand **any** further insults to transpire.”

He pointed to Liam, “And my second is no different.”

He smirked, “Go ahead and continue dissing our race.”

Cameron lowly spoke almost like a whisper, “And careful **who** you’re threatening.”

Kiev looked at Cameron and I saw the color drain from his face as Cameron showed how different **he** was compared to Kiev as I saw a literal stream of dense fog shoot out of Cameron’s nostrils.

I sucked in a sharp inhale of air before slowly letting it out.

I looked up at Liam’s yellow eyes and spoke calmly, “If I promise to not *diss* your race.  Will you kindly put away your wolf?”

I watched as Liam closed his eyes and take in a slow *long* inhale.

I blinked in surprise as I watched Liam’s chest slowly expand and continued to expand until his chest was twice the size as his veins slowly started popping out all over his body before he equally slowly exhaled letting out all the air in his chest as I watched a vapor slowly rise out of his body before he was finally finished.

He opened his eyes and his yellow started to disappear and his clear blue eyes returned.

He hoarsely spoke, “Sorry Megan.” Before calmly and flatly speaking, “But take this as a warning.  No matter how *calm* I may seem.  My wolf is always ready for a fight.”

I squinted at him trying to not show that little display actually scared me.

I clicked my tongue before speaking, “And treat me like a *person* then we’re good.”

Liam sighed as he nodded, “Done.”

I looked at him, “Still want to fuck?”  I shrugged, “Or you can walk away now and get yourself under control again?”

Liam looked at me and I could tell he was confused for a moment before slyly smiling, “You’re already holding my dick.  Might as well continue.”

I squinted at him making him hold up his hands in a gesture that he didn’t want confrontation, “That’s if you want.”

I sighed, “Just watch yourself.”

I went back to kissing his tip and looked up at him to make sure he didn’t anything else stupid sure in one silent moment I could have Prime’s sister drain Liam just from my tongue… least I think she could.

Still I looked up at him as I watched his head lean back as I continued kissing his mushroom tip until I felt his dick start standing.

I didn’t lick his dick as it didn’t take long before his dick started leaking pre-cum knowing this was a natural lubricant.

Hell my pussy was still wet from the previous fucking and was ready for *normal* sex.

I let go of the dick and leaned back looking up at Liam as I seductively spoke, “Remember to be careful.”

As I opened my legs and let Liam angle his dick to my unprotected vagina.

I watched as Liam saw the offer and slowly moved towards me as he grasped his dick and started angling the veiny appendage towards my pussy.

I felt his tip touch my pussy and I flatly fell onto the bed semi excited I was going to have sex again and silent prayed Liam was an actual lover.

I felt Liam push his tip on my lower lips as they naturally opened up and allowed his tip to touch my opening to my vagina as I sharply inhaled feeling the tip stretch out my opening.

Liam froze at my inhale as he hoarsely spoke, “You ok?”

I froze on my inhale as I nodded too afraid to tell him his dick was actually stretching me out and I was loving it….for now.

After Liam confirmed he wasn’t hurting me, *thank god*, I felt him continue pushing his dick into me as his mushroom tip stretched me out until it finally slipped in causing me to lightly squeal in delight that the monstrous dick didn’t break my pussy.  

My squeal was only momentary before my eyes went wide as I felt his girth slide into me causing my body to lightly convulse as I realized exactly how sensitive my vagina truly was.  

As every millimeter passed into my sensitive canal I could feel the different textures in Liam’s dick as well as each and every vein that bulged in his meaty stick making not only my body convulse but made my eyes flutter as the sensations were too much and pushed me over the edge as I experienced an orgasm.  

I had no control over my body as I went limp letting my body shake as my pussy vibrated and massaged the obstruction in my sensitive canal while my mind enjoyed the orgasm the slapped against it feeling complete and utter euphoria until the orgasm subsided.  

I heard Liam softly speak, “You ok, Megan?”

I gasped having a hard time focusing my eyes as I hoarsely spoke, “Fine….orgasm.”

Liam lightly chuckled still not moving.  

I gasped for a moment feeling my body tingling before I could lift my hands as I put them on his impressive solid hairy chest and spoke, “How far are you in?”

I watched as Liam lightly lifted his body to look down before resting himself back down on me the minimal movement made me twitch as it also made his dick lodged in me move slightly out and back in.  

He replied semi chuckling, “About half.”

I nodded, “Remember no forcing your *knot* into me.”

He grunted, “Right.”

I felt some control over my body as I told my legs to move and moved them as I wrapped my legs around Liam’s waist hoping they would remain before my next orgasm would make me go limp again.  

He started moving now he felt my legs wrap around him giving him easier access to my pussy and once again I was thankful that he had listened and was moving his dick slowly creating a gentle rhythm.  

Thankfully he wasn’t moving glacier slow but it was slow enough letting my body relax to where my pussy easily accepted his dick.  

Each gentle pass into my pussy I felt his dick slowly reach deeper and deeper into my canal which also made me feel more and more of his member until I finally felt his *knot* hit my entrance.  

As soon as I felt his *knot* touch my entrance Liam spoke, “There.  My dick is in you but my *knot* is not.”

I watched him smirk as I felt his playfulness, “You sure you don’t want to feel my *knot* in you?”

I grunted feeling the bulge hitting my entrance as it told me it was much much bigger than my entrance can handle.  

I scowled at him, “Watch it buster or I’ll drain you here and now.”

Liam chuckled, “Can’t blame me for trying.”

I wanted to retort but Liam started moving as I felt his dick move out at a more comfortable speed that wasn’t too hard, not jack hammering (*thank **god***), but also wasn’t too slow.  

It instantly made my eyes flutter and made me moan and whimper with each thrust into me.  

And each thrust into me was his *knot* slapping against my entrance begging me to go further into me.  

It was like it was whispering to me silently pleading with me and promising it’ll not only feel good but once I let the knot in it’ll feel complete.  

I tried to ignore the pleas and instead simply enjoyed the sensations now that I was having real sex.  But each slap of Liam’s cock into me it was hard to ignore his knot slapping against my exposed entrance.  

Soon I experienced another orgasm as I felt my pussy contract around Liam’s impressive cock.  

Liam kept up his nice pace of simply fucking my pussy as a nice rhythmic slapping could be heard but my moans of pleasure muted out the rhythmic slapping.  

Liam momentarily stopped his nice pace making me blink confused but quickly understood what he was doing as he moved my legs bending me in half as he angled himself on top before resuming his pace making his dick feel infinitely larger now that I was folded in half.  

It didn’t take long before my moans got louder as the simple act of folding me quickly made me orgasm….hard.  

I grunted as my orgasm took me and made my body lock as I felt Liam’s cock try to move as my pussy snapped around the obstruction holding it in place.

My eyes rolled as the orgams slammed against my brain like it was nothing.

Liam took my orgasm as a challenge and an opportunity to *slide* his knot into me while my brain checked out.

And I felt the knot as it stretched my pussy making my orgasm even stronger as each millimeter passed until my pussy swallowed the knot and was able to seal around the knot officially locking his dick in me as my orgasm set various waves of euphoria.

When my orgasm finally subsided I panted looking up waiting for my eyes to finally start focusing as I looked at Liam’s grin.  I hoarsely spoke, “I thought we **agreed** no knot?”

Liam grinned and spoke, “And **I** thought my knot would  make the next part more interesting.”

I lightly wondered *how* a knot would make sex ‘*more interesting*’ as now his dick was stuck in my canal.  Well not really *stuck* as I was sure his knot would slip out.

Was the knot supposed to enhance sex?  But how?

I was too confused….and my brain’s synapses weren’t exactly working correctly after having so many orgasms.

I figured the knot would keep him stuck and could only work with millimeters but as soon as Liam started moving his dick all my questions were answered.

I felt his dick move out of me…..while is knot remained in me.

It was like the knot **added** sensation for Liam.

I blinked in surprise momentarily as feeling the knot remain and his dick move instantly made my eyes flutter as I started moaning.

I felt Liam re-enter me now with his knot in me it allowed him to actually start thrusting his dick into me and with me still folded in half it was easy to send me over the rails as I started orgasming…..again.

Liam ignored my orgasm as he continued thrusting his member in me while his knot remained in my pussy like it was an added masturbator making his dick more and more sensitive.

And with his nuts officially slapping against my asshole only made our combined moans get louder and louder as the slapping got louder and louder.

I lost count of the orgasms I experienced as Liam continued thrusting his member into me as I swore he switched from moaning to growling…..a low vibrating growl.

I didn’t register the growl as his body continued using mine as we fucked.

But soon I felt him arch his back as a low long howl was released from his mouth and I felt his knot get thicker and his dick start bouncing in my canal as I felt a thick warmth invade my womb.

He was officially cumming…..and it sent my orgasm into overdrive as I felt my womb fill with his hot seed.

I relished in the feeling as the orgasm tore through my brain like a wrecking ball.

It didn’t take long before Liam’s orgasm was extended as his balls continued to bounce long after they should have as Prime’s sister did her thing in emptying his balls into my womb.

I felt Liam’s body tense as the level of orgasm he was now experiencing was completely foreign to him as it lasted longer than he had ever experienced before.

The howl he had let out quickly turned into a puppy whimper as his dick continued spraying his hot seed into my pussy and I loved every second of it.

I don’t know how it happened other than thinking it was Prime or her sisters but Liam tried to pull himself out of me as his dick continued bouncing and spraying hot cum.  The moment Liam *tried* to pull himself out my body moved as my arms wrapped around his neck and my legs that he had pinned down wrapped around his waist.

My mouth moved uncontrolled by me as I spoke, “Shhhh….it’s almost over little wolf.”

My body held onto Liam as his dick continued bouncing releasing a copious amounts of cum into my womb.

I felt his body shudder as I felt his body become weak and he fell on top of me limp.

Liam started to shake as he whimpered silently in my ear as his dick continued bouncing and spraying more and more cum.

Soon I felt my womb start ballooning as the level of cum started to expand my womb is it held onto every drop of cum Liam’s balls could offer as his dick continued bouncing violently spraying each load it could.

I watched as Liam’s eyes eventually rolled and shuddered each time his dick sprayed another load.

Each shot only expanded my womb.  Not a single morsel of cum escaped my womb.

Eventually Liam’s nuts emptied as his dick stopped bouncing in my pussy as Liam shuddered in my arms.

I smiled, “Good.  Thank you for feeding Bee’s daughter.”

Somehow I had control of my limbs again as I released Liam and pushed him upright like he was nothing and placed one foot on Liam’s chest before kicking him off and felt his expanded knot *slurp* out of me as he fell on his back…..on the floor.

I smiled at my audience, “Time for another *daughter* to be born.”  

