Hooked up with a girl from Craigslist pt 2 – more buildup [MF]

Part 1 [here.](https://old.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/109qsnt/hooked_up_with_a_girl_from_craigslist_mf/?ref=share&ref_source=link)

I was addicted to Mandy’s blowjobs, but I was starting to wonder if that’s as far as we’d go. She seemed to genuinely enjoy giving them though. We typically got off work around the same time and even if she had other plans, she’d usually stop by my place after work just to suck me off and then leave. It was amazing yet frustrating at the same time.

Cue the weekend. She invited me out drinking with some friends of hers. We went to a typical western bar, lots of country music and line dancing. Not my scene at all but I stuck it out. I met her friends, not knowing if they knew anything about my “relationship” with Mandy but their little smirks said it all. Truth be told, she had some pretty cute friends. I made it a point to not drink much, as I knew that could jeopardize whatever it was I had with Mandy.

Mandy, however, did not have that attitude and was drunk in no time. Soon, she was insisting I get on the dance floor with her. I’m admittedly a pretty awkward dancer, but it’s pretty easy when all you have to do is move your hips around while your girl grinds her ass into you. She was really getting into it, and soon had grabbed my hands and put them on her tits. She lifted her head up to look at me and I immediately started kissing down her neck. I knew this was a huge turn-on for her and her reaction did not disappoint.

“God, I’m so fucking wet!” she practically screamed over the music.

I was about to ask her if she wanted to get out of there when her friends dragged her away for more shots. I took the opportunity to go to the bathroom. Big mistake.

I came back out to the floor and there were not one, but two guys dancing with her. She was obviously enjoying the attention. I wasn’t pissed off at Mandy, but I was about ready to write the night off as a waste of time.

“Sucks, doesn’t it?” a guy came up to me and asked.

“What?” I said. I had no idea who this guy was.

“She plays hard to get like this all the time.” Turns out this guy was also friends with Mandy, although from my conversation with him, he was securely in the friend zone and no threat at all. I didn’t have the heart to tell him what Mandy did to me almost every day since I met her.

The song ended and Mandy came over, her two suitors firmly in tow. “Oh hey, you’re back!” she said and gave me a hug. Bad sign, in my opinion. Soon, she was back dancing with these other burly cowboy dudes. I honestly have no idea why I stuck around, hanging with the friend zone dude and talking casually with some of Mandy’s other friends if they weren’t dancing.

I’m a little slow, but I finally had an idea and asked one of her cute friends if she wanted to dance.

“Are you just asking me to get Mandy’s attention?” she asked.

“Honestly…yeah. I’m sorry,” I responded.

“Don’t be. I hear you guys have a good thing going.”

I have no idea if this girl was actually attracted to me or if she was just playing it up for Mandy, but she was grinding on me about as hard as Mandy was earlier in the night. Then she turned around, put her arms around me and basically shoved her tongue down my throat. I’m a man and I’m weak, so I quickly reciprocated. I don’t know how long it lasted, but when we were done, Mandy wasn’t anywhere in sight.

Her friends let us know she went outside and seemed upset. Shit, I didn’t mean to let it get this far. I silently hoped that this friend I made out with was as good at blowjobs as Mandy, because I didn’t think I was going to get another.

I found her. The dudes that were dancing on her were nowhere to be seen and she was trying to convince her friends she was good to drive home. I let her know that I would be happy to drive her back to her place, but she wasn’t having that either.

“I’m totally fine, now all of you please leave me alone!” And that was that, she stormed away. I should have went after her, but I didn’t. I could tell she wasn’t happy with me, or her friends. I also felt a lot of guilt and prayed that she wouldn’t be involved in an accident.

I said goodbye to all her friends. Her friend-zoned guy friend gave me a fist-bump and a knowing nod. He was used to this, but I wasn’t.

Holy fuck, I wasn’t thinking this would turn into a novel but I’ve written enough for tonight. Part 3 tomorrow if there’s interest and I promise that’s when the good stuff happens.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/10ao1tm/hooked_up_with_a_girl_from_craigslist_pt_2_more


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