The Book of Jennifer – Chapter 2


Talking to Jennifer after class has become a regularity on both our schedules. We both had a lot in common and often spent the following hours once class was dismissed in conversation. Although we did get a few weird looks here and there, for the most part there was nothing weird about it. To my dismay, we were nothing more than a student and a professor talking. That is until one specific day on the third week of school.

We were walking down the usual path to her office. It took us about fifteen minutes to get there and once we were inside she would put on her formal voice and I would kick my feet up and we’d shoot the shit. Talking about games or books or movies. We just clicked. This particular day we were talking about an art house film when she pulled out her phone and started typing. I was in the middle of making my point when she cut me off.

“Oh my god,” she said as she sprang up. “I forgot to tell you. I finally got Snapchat.”

She brought her camera up to her face level as if she was taking a selfie and was swiping through filters. She stopped on one and moved her face to see which angle was best.

“But I still have no friends on here because none of the other professors in the department use it,” she said sadly.

Slowly she brought her phone down and frowned in thought. Then as if a light bulb lit up she said, “You have to have a Snapchat right? What is it?”

I was still trying to take it all in, but I said yes and took out my phone. My mind still couldn’t understand what was going on as I pulled up my snap code and showed it to her. Within seconds she added me. I was now friends with my professor on snapchat.


That night I searched every corner of the internet to figure out how to jailbreak my phone. For someone who was technologically inclined I was bad at this. But low-and-behold I finally stumbled my way through the process. All so I could install some key apps that would allow me to save her snapchats without screenshotting them. I tried it on myself at first so that I didn’t do it to her and start looking like an absolute creep. (which I was and cannot really deny) After than day every snapchat Jennifer sent me was saved automatically to my phone. And considering that I was one of her only 6 friends on it, and the only one who actually used it everyday, I got a lot of snapchats. Some of them were simply just her class or her desk. But most were selfies. Soon I had an entire folder on my phone dedicated to her selfies. My favorites were the ones where she just got out of the shower. They weren’t nudes or anything. She always had clothes on, even if it was just a bathrobe at ties, but she wasn’t always dry. Those were always the best selfies. The beads of water rolling down her face and neck just felt erotic. And knowing that no one else was getting these pictures also helped.

Even though I hadn’t seen more of her than any other horny college student in that class I still felt excitement when I looked around at all the guys who stared at her when she wore a particularly revealing dress.

At nights I didn’t need her selfies to get off. I just thought about her. Often it would be at the privacy of her office. The fantasies themselves varied. Sometimes it would be a long make out session on her desk. Out tongues going in and out of each other mouths. Other times it would be something more raw. But mostly it would be blowjobs. The thought of her thin lips circling my hard dick would always do the trick. My favorite was of me sitting in her seat as one of her colleagues walks in. The colleague would ask for her and I would say that she was in the bathroom and that she’ll be back. In reality (of my fantasy), she would be under the desk. Slowly sucking on my dick. I try to not react too much as her tongue slides along the length of my penis. As she twirls it around the tip. If that wasn’t enough I would take it a step further.

As Jennifer is on her knees, under her desk, with my dick in her mouth. The colleague, who is wearing a tight low cut button up will bend over. She’ll think that the look on my face is because of her and will start to undo her buttons. While one woman was giving me head. The other was giving me a striptease. The shirt would come off and show a lacy bra. She would bend over the desk and show them to me wholly. She would shake her shoulders and make them jiggle. Or she may even lean over the desk and put them in my face. I would be forced to move in further into the desk so that the top of Jennifer’s head wouldn’t be seen. As crazy as the fantasies were, they did the job. Every night I would cum at the thought of Jennifer. But fantasy would become reality sooner than I thought.
