Melony and Alex: Staying the Night? [M/F] [20s-30s] [Couple?] [Face Riding] [Cunnilingus] [Condom] [Biting] [Sweet] [ADHD Discovery] [Grumpy Cat (not the meme one)]

Sequel to [Melony and Alex: Back to Her Place](

Melony and Alex: Staying the Night?

Melony was a born procrastinator. She told herself that she was eventually going to try and do something about it but kept putting it off. That’s why she waited until Thursday night before start to do any cleaning in her apartment for when Alex was coming over in less than 24 hours. She might have even got it all done, if she was able to push through, but kept stopping to listen to her playlist. She did finally remembered to move Lizzo over to her sex playlist to join Lovage’s cover of “Sex (I Am)” and VNV Nation “Cold” (the r-rated version). It had never really occurred to her to actually play the list during the deed, she just found sorting songs into various lists relaxing. She’d wasted numerous weekends engrossed in the task and always felt guilty afterwards.

On Friday, she managed to get enough work done that she could convince her boss to let her leave a little early so she could rush home to finish getting as much straightened up as possible. She could have just gone over to Alex’s place, but partially wanted to show off that she could, in fact, get her home in order (mostly) and secretly she had a nagging fear that if she went to his place so soon she would find out some dark secret that would stain the budding relationship before it could grow, like he had dead bodies in the floorboards or was really in to Nickelback or something.

With her noise canceling headphones on, in order to spare the neighbors her amazing taste in music that would most certainly drive them mad with jealousy, everything was going great until she got to the dreaded dinning room table. There her mind shattered in to each separate project laid out, forever to be unfinished. At least she’d had the foresight to clean herself up first before getting in to the task because before she knew it, after getting sucked in to a project that was pretty close to being done, her phone started buzzing.

She picked it up, “Hello?”

“Hey,” it was Alex, “You at home? I’ve been knocking and no one’s answering.”

“Shit, sorry! Yeah, I’m home! Had my headphones on.” She jumped up (knocking her headphones to the floor along with a chunk of what she was working on) and rushed to the door, throwing it open and causing her ponytail to swing wildly. Alex was standing there with his phone in his hand, slightly startled by the door bursting open.

“Uh, hey there. I’m not… interrupting something, am I?” he paused, his eyes admiring how the over-the-shoulder print dress she was wearing hugged her features.

“Noooo, sorry just got lost in a thing.” Melony started giggling like that was supposed to be a joke for some reason then stopped abruptly. “Get in here sexy.” She tried to cover up her embarrassment with a growl. The expression she got indicated her ruse hadn’t really worked as intended.

“Yeah, okay… Tiger?” he said hesitantly, entered her apartment. He was stunned again as he looked around. “Wow, you’ve been busy!”

“Awww, I just did some straightening up…” she said humbly, basking in the recognition of her hard work. “’Swhy I had my headphones on.”

“Did you find any hidden treasure, or lost civilizations?” he joked.

“No, just got stuck on a project again. Every time I get going on it my brain just wanders off on me and I don’t even realize it until, like, an hour later.” She stopped, realizing she was making herself sound like a ditz again. “So how was your week?”

“Good, I don’t think Sharon,” his co-worker and Melony’s best friend, “has suspected anything. Yet. Other than that, been very much looking forward to tonight.” He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close, kissing her longingly. She returned the kiss enthusiastically. Her hands slid down and grab his butt, causing him to jump a little. She was already in a very feisty mood. “Someone’s happy to see me,” he grinned.

Melony reached down and rubbed his crotch. “I hope someone’s glad to see me, too.” she gave a naughty smile back. She grabbed his hands and lead him over to her now unearthed couch and pulled him down onto it.

After the initial shock of events, Alex gave in to her aggressive behavior and within a few minutes of walking in the door, they were making out hot and heavy. Grinding in to each other, letting their hands explore the others body to make sure everything was still there from the last time they were together.

As Alex moved to explore her neck with his mouth and tongue, to which she vocalized her enjoyment, Melony’s eyes absently landed on the table and the cursed project. Her attention was yanked away from the task at hand and began going over what to do next in the not nearly as pleasurable dinning table deterrent. After a moment of working the spot behind her ear and not getting the response he was expecting, Alex pulled back and asked, “You okay?”

“Huh? Yeah, sorry, just… was thinking about something.” She tried to recover by going back to kissing his mouth, running her fingers through his hair, but her brain was off to do something else, despite ordering it back to what she wanted at the risk of being executed for treason.

Unfortunately the mental commissar couldn’t get the troops in line before Alex pulled back again. “Hey, what’s up?”

“I… Sorry, sorry. I just can’t stop thinking about my project. I got going on it and now my mind won’t do anything else and it’s really really frustrating.” She started to pout in defeat and irritation with herself.

“Well how far along with it are you? Maybe I can pitch in some and get it over with.” he offered helpfully.

“That would be great, but I keep moving to other stuff and can’t focus on it even when my brain can only focus on it.” She started feeling like she was being weird.

Alex studied her for a minute (making her feel even more abnormal) before saying, “You have headphones, right?”

“Yeah, but I’ve tried listening to music while I do it, which sometimes helps, but now it just makes me distracted by the music part.” She sulked.

“Well, lets try something. Their connected to your laptop over there?” It was sitting on the kitchen counter, still showing her ‘7 Dwarves & a Sleepy Bitch” playlist. She nodded. “Hand it to me and then put on your headphones and sit in front of your project.”

Melony eyed him suspiciously and wondered if he was gonna try some sort of scare the hiccups out of her thing, but at this point she was kind of desperate to get her brain back on sexy time. She put her open laptop on the coffee table and said, “Just stay out of my browser history. I was… hacked… by the cat. She’s a pervert.” A meow came from the bedroom, either signaling that it heard Melony slander her good name or that it agreed and felt no shame.

Alex told her to go sit in front of her project and put the headphones on. After searching around a bit he said, “Okay, let me know if this is too loud.”

The low, constant hum that filled her ears sounded like she was either at the bottom of the ocean or down in a cave somewhere. It did seem to be effecting her brain, however, even if she wasn’t sure how. It was like the tone filled her head or something. She could hear Alex over the tone telling her to start working and see if it helped any. To her shock, it actually did. Little intrusive thoughts still bubbled up, but she felt less desire to look around at the other things on the table. Focusing on the project in front of her, she found that it wasn’t the impassable wall that she had been perceiving it as, but just a few steps away from being finished.

“What is this?” She said loudly over the sounds that only she was hearing.

Alex responded at a normal volume level, “It’s brown noise. Some people find it helps them to focus when they do stuff.”

“It’s great” she said, like someone talking louder after finding out the other person doesn’t speak the same language. After about ten minutes, she realized that other than a few final touches, she was pretty much finished. She took off her headphones. “Wow, I can’t believe that worked. How did you know about this?”

“Just had a hunch that it might help. Get things figured out?” He closed her laptop.

“*Yeah* I did, stud muffin.” Melony straddled him on the couch and was able to turn her attention back to the deathly serious task of smoochin. It wasn’t long before Alex’s shirt was again on her floor, signaling that they were ready to retire to the boudoir.

As they burst in to the bedroom, Silly String made itself scarce, being well aware that when two humans were in that particular room at the same time they made the most awful stinks.

The various piles of clothing were now more or less in organized stacks or hung up in the closet, though the drawers still didn’t close all the way because Melony couldn’t figure out where else to put the stuff that was in them without forgetting where it was entirely.

Alex knelt down in front of her, lifting up her dress and nuzzling the front of her panties, savoring her scent and making her giggle while she played with his hair. He gave her inner thigh a playful nibble and said, “I’ve been picturing this all week.” His hands started caressing her taut ass.

“Mmm, me too,” She purred. “Thinking about all the dirty things I want to do to you.”

“Oh yeah, like what?” Alex arched an eyebrow and slid a finger along the lower part of her mound, eliciting a moan.

“Oh fuck… Like this.” She pulled him up, kissed him again, then had him lay down on the bed. She tugged his pants off (the bulge in his boxers was making both sets of lips water) and pulled the top of her dress down to give her tits a little playful jiggle. Alex’s eyes were transfixed as she slowly crawled on top of him, doing a decent interpretation of a panther slinking up to it’s prey.

Instead of stopping when their crotches aligned, she continued up until she was astride his face, the bottom of her dress billowing out around him. “Now, I want to find out what that tongue can really do,” the sides of her mouth curled up into a wicked grin.

Accepting the challenge, Alex started to push his nose up against her, moving it around and feeling the thin fabric of her panties begin to moisten. He started tugging them down and Melony had to stabilize herself with her hand on the wall at the head of the bed in order to slide them down her legs and fling them into a corner.

Alex was pleasantly surprised to find that Melony had shaved herself since the last time they were together (it had been a more than a few months since she had found an occasion to dress Little Miss Bliss up for company). He tested the bare skin with his finger, finding it incredibly soft and smooth. She was pleased with her work as she felt him begin to plant gentle kisses on her lower lips, making her close her eyes and tilt her head back.

She smelled so good Alex was having trouble holding back. He wanted to shove his tongue up inside her and lick out her juices until they ran down his chin, but he was able to restrain himself and tease her with just the tip of his tongue probing around the edges and pushing lightly on the slit. Melony whimpered as his cruel torture, but simply slid her hands under her hem and massaged his scalp, waiting expectantly for more.

Alex escalated by gently pressing his tongue flat against her clit, stroking it with a lapping motion while his fingers moved around her wet opening. The sensation made her tense her muscles as she started rocking her hips slightly and let out little moans. Her gasp rolled over into a groan as he slid his middle finger up inside her, still working her clit like he was licking the traces of vanilla off of the lid of a pudding cup. She fell on her hands when he started licking harder, curling his finger slightly to brush up against her g-spot.

“Let me know when your getting close.” He said between strokes of his tongue. Lifting her dress and looking at him upside down she breathlessly nodded, her pony tail swishing around as it hung down.

It only took about a minute before she moaned, “Fuck it’s getting close…”

Alex responded to this by removing his finger and pushing his face and tongue up inside her as far as it would go, trying his best to move it around deep in her dripping cunt. This surprise tongue fucking cause her to reach down with one hand and push his head into her gyrating crotch as she let out a cry and came all over him. He could feel her nectar dripping down his throat as he tried to drink up her orgasm as much as possible, his nose rubbing up against the bottom of her clit as she clenched down on him. She could swear that she came twice for how long she bucked and trembled over him. Finally she became too sensitive and had to pull his wonderful mouth away, her mind reeling as she collapsed on her side.

Crawling up to face her, he began stroking her back as her head swam in the sweet abyss of endorphins. “Tha was preddy good.” She mumbled through her delight.

He smiled back, “Glad you approve.” and softly gave her a slow kiss.

Coming to after a few minutes of running their hands up and down each others bare backs, Melony reached down and rubbed the aptly named HMS Warrior to make sure it was seaworthy for another voyage. Finding it to be ship shape, she moved her mouth to Alex’s ear and whispered, “Now it’s time to take this little tug,” she gave him a jerk, “boat for a ride.”

Alex began moving to grab something from his pants, but Melony was already ahead of him. She reached over to the far nightstand and grabbed a condom out of the drawer. She told Alex to get ready to set sail as she tore the wrapper open and he shimmied out of his boxers. Gently sliding the sheath down his mast, she took a moment to give his soft balls some mouth action before laying back on the bed.

Wasting no time, he hiked her dress up, moved between her legs and began getting the end of his cock slick with her still glistening pussy, moving up and down with his hand and causing her to shudder again. He took a moment to use the head to tease her clit, eliciting a whine from her as she thrust her hips up invitingly. Positioning himself at the entrance, he pushed himself about half way into her before stopping.

“Oh, shit that’s tight.” Alex gasped as he felt her walls squeeze around him for the first time. Melony bit her lip hard as she stretched open for his shaft, begging him to fill her all the way.

“Fuck, don’t stop! Please give it to me. I need it so baaaad…” she groaned, grabbing his ass and trying to shove him further.

Alex allowed her to pull him deeper, twitching at the idea of this beautiful creature being so hungry for him that she was desperate to consume him completely. His breath caught in his throat as he went as deep as he could, holding himself in to allow her to become accustomed to his girth. When she began moving herself on him, he began to methodically pump in and out in long even strokes. He was trying to control himself in order to make this sensation last as long as possible, stretching this moment out so that it could be imprinted in his memory.

Everything felt amazing, her hands on his back, her soft legs wrapped around him, her breath against his chest. She breathed in time to his movements, her inhalation stopping each time he went all the way in and exhaling as he slid out. Her eyes slowly opened and she looked up into his, each unable to describe what expression the other had, but wanting to take it all in.

Melony came again, unannounced, shutting her eyes and letting out a long groan as her body was overcome with pleasure. Alex could feel her gripping and releasing him, again and again. His emotions were welling up almost faster than the seed in his balls. He no longer wanted to hold anything back and began to give short, hard thrust, grunting with each one.

He collapsed on to his elbows and for reasons he couldn’t explain bit into Melony’s shoulder as he shot his load into the condom, continuing his thrusts even as he emptied himself. She didn’t protest his teeth gripping her, the only response being to drag her nails across his back at the overwhelming sensations, leaving red trails in their wake.

Neither of them could speak as they lay together, emotions coursing through them that neither could recall experiencing. All they could do was gaze in to each others eyes, his hand brushing a clump of damp hair out of her face. After he softened enough to slip out of her, he slid the filled condom off. Before he could get it into a trashcan, she took it from him and drained it into her mouth, gulping down his cum while looking him right in the eyes. Alex moaned a little at the sight, taking her in his arms and resuming the post coital cuddles.

Stringy sauntered in, sniffed the air, then walked out, deciding that it preferred the couch to this carnal bog. Melony’s mind began replaying the evening and she finally broke the silence by asking, “What made you think up the brown noise thing?” Gehe, brown noise… “Is that something you do?”

“No, it’s something my brother-in-law uses to help him with his work. He’s got ADHD.” he confessed.

“Well, why did it work on me then? I don’t have ADD.” she asked, wondering how he could have thought to bring it up in her case.

“Um, yeah you do. Don’t you?” Alex said a little taken aback.

“No… I’m just… you know… not that bright…” she looked down, feeling herself grow heavy with the admission. He would find out sooner or later anyway, if he didn’t already think it.

“Baby, you named my dick after a ship no ones ever heard of that was one of the most important of its time like it was nothing while I was talking about Megaman. If you ever break up with me I’m going to have a bitch of a time explaining it to the next girl.”

At first, Melony completely missed the implication that they were a couple as she said, “That wasn’t anything. It just popped into my head. Stuff does that some time.”

Alex cupped her face in his hand and gave her an earnest look. “I really don’t think it’s a problem with your intelligence. Even that first night I noticed a few things that are pretty typical of having it. Like trouble focusing, having several different things going at once, and… you know… the mess.” He said the last part a little hesitantly. “Has no one really ever brought this up before? Doctors or teachers?” Melony wasn’t sure what to say, or even think. She never even considered the idea that it could be anything other than her being a fuck up. “Look, at least look up some stuff tomorrow and see if anything sets off any signals, okay?” he urged.

This made Melony blushed a little, she wasn’t sure why. “Would…” for some reason the idea of finding out something like that kind of scared her, “would you stay the night and do it with me in the morning?” she asked, meekly.

Alex pulled her close and snuggled her all over. “Of course I will, baby. I’ll do anything I can to help.”

Her mind caught up to the previous dialogue, and she blurted, “Wait, what did you mean about ‘if I break up with you’?”

“What do you mean “what do you mean’” Alex responded. “I though, you know, there was a thing going on here.” He started getting worried that he’d gotten some signals mixed up or was jumping ahead of things.

Melony flushed at the idea and bit her lip, not sure if this was really happening or not. With everything going on in her head, she couldn’t think of how to respond.

“I… I really *really* like you.” Alex continued, “Like a lot. I think you’re so pretty, and smart, and funny. And you’re amazing in the sack.” He said the last part with a little naughty playfulness, hoping that maybe lightening the mood a little would earn him some points.

“Yeah, no, I feel the same about you… I… like you so much…” She stopped herself before she said something stronger, “It’s just… I’ve rushed into these kinds of things before, and… the other person didn’t really seem to feel the same way, I guess when they got to know me better…” her brain was slapping her with a psychic newspaper, screaming that she was ruining everything and needed to just shut up.

He silenced the voices by giving her a deep, passionate kiss, cradling her head in his hands. She whimpered softly in his mouth as she kissed him back. After separating, he said, “I… would very much like for us to be a couple. If that’s okay with you…”

Melony found the way he said it to be so adorable she was speechless. All she could do was emphatically nod her head and locked lips with him again, latching her arms around him and holding him tight. They spent the rest of the night kissing, and giggling like high schoolers, and kissing, and going to the bathroom, and kissing some more, until finally turning off the lights. Melony was the first to drift off to sleep, and watching her peaceful face, Alex took her hand in his, and joined her in slumber.


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