My wife flashed my best friend [FM]

It happened two years ago, it was on weekend of summer and we went for shopping trip my wife(f31) and me(m36). Near the end of afternoon, we decided to visit my bestfriend’s sofa store(m37). This day he had no customer.

So as usual we speak about all and nothing with my friend and we move from one sofa to other playing options and trying them while we talk. My wife is not far and tries couches and chats with us like usual. Today she is braless, like she does sometime, but today she wears a very loose top, with a large cleavage and jean shorts, and here is the problem! Very fast I (and him for sure) noticed we could see a nipple here and a boob there while she sits down on sofas, she bents over looking for price, she lies down on sofa… It started to arouse me a lot and I think him too, so I pretended need to smoke cigarette. Like I had no one, I had to go to shop. I let them for maybe 15/20 min. It was just an reason to leave my bestfriend alone to stare at my wife nipples and boobs, more easily without me near him.

When I came back, we went on the back of the shop where is a safety double door opened in a kind of back-yard. I started to smoke and give to my wife some scrath ticket that I bought with cigarettes without any ulterior thought because that was finished for me! But she founds nothing better to kneel down, on the floor, in front of the door, to scratch the 4 or 5 tickets. We saw everything under her loose top. So I immediatly go back pretending not see nothing at all, to not embarass my friend, and to leave him the best view he can.
So in front of me, was that totally unrealistic show: my wife was bending over, down on her knees and scrathing tickets on the floor with a massive loose top and large cleavage facing to my best friend, standing up and looking at her. I remember he pretended playing to throw her little gravels through the gap under door and frame for in reality, totally staring at her. I was on her right and I could feel her boobs shaking from side to side through her top while she was scratching. So I take my time to smoke at least 2 cigarettes and and let my friend enjoy his view on my wife’s full boobs moving and shaking. She stayed on floor like that innocently. From my friend view and because of my wife’s loose top cleavage, it really was like she was wearing nothing at all
That was so hot, when we go back to the car, I explained her the show she give us, she was fasly embarrassed, and explained me it was totally unvolontary and in same time she becames very horny and very fast about hearing the way she was nude all this afternoon in front of us and how she teased us. We were still on the parking of the shop when I put my fingers on her pussy, and yes indeed, she was wet like maybe I had never feel her wet before.
