The Book of Jennifer – Chapter 1


My name is Tyler Kane. I’m a writer. And have been for a very long time. Since I was a kid, I’ve been obsessed with writing. Making stories out of everything from real life events to deep fantasies and often a combination of the two.

I write mostly horror or thriller novels now, but my love for writing started in high school. Senior year. When I started writing erotica. But not just run of the mill fantasies. I decided that I would keep a book for every relationship I have and, in it, detail the events of said relationship. Happy to say after all these years, I have had some truly euphoric relationships. Ones that I look fondly back on. And so I decided that writing them and keeping them to myself wasn’t enough.

I will publish my writings for free for the people of the internet. So you too can live life through my eyes. (At least the good parts.) But to keep it orderly I will release one book at a time. One for each relationship. Because I have to type out all these based on my notebook writings, I will not release them in order of occurrence. Rather the order in which I type them. The following chapters depict my relationship with Jennifer. Enjoy.

(and this being chapter 1 doesn’t have much action. just the setup for what is to come.)


Fifteen minutes late. First day of class and I was already late. This was not good. I open the door as silently as possible and, keeping my head down, I find an empty seat in the back. I silence my phone pull out my laptop. Once my Word document was open I finally look up to the front of the class. Written on the blackboard was Art History 100 and a rough skeleton of the semester schedule. But that isn’t what grabbed my attention. It was the professor. She was a young woman, no older than twenty seven, who was standing behind the podium.

Seeing a young professor wasn’t that surprising because TAs teaching a class was a common occurrence. This TA, however was the prettiest assistant I had ever seen. She had a beautiful smile that showed her perfect teeth. Pale skin that had a hint of tan from the long months of summer. Then there was her body. It was lean yet plump in all the right places. But for the first time in my life I didn’t immediately jump to words like “hot” or “sexy”. For some reason the word “pretty” kept lingering in my head. She was distractingly pretty. I realized that I was staring (although I wasn’t the only one) and I subverted my eyes back down to my computer.
With a little bit of self control I took a deep breath and started to take notes. The next thirty five minutes flew by. My mind only occasionally distracted by the youth and attractiveness of a college professor. Once class was over I waited for the rest of the class to leave before confronting the teacher. Up close I could see that her blue shirt was partially see-through which showed the dark blue tank top she had on underneath.

“Hi,” I say. “My name is Tyler Kane. I missed the bus and I ended up coming in a bit late.”

The professor looked up from her bag and gave a little smile. “That’s alright, it’s just the first class so you didn’t miss much,” she said reassuringly. “You did a good job of not disrupting the class when you walked in but let’s not make being a late a habit. Three strikes and that’s a letter grade off.”

I nodded and headed for the door. For a first interaction that wasn’t that bad. The rest of the day, though, I kept thinking about her. I didn’t even know her name. I looked up the syllabus online, but it showed the actual professor’s name, not the assistant’s name. I figured there was only one way to find out her name: go to class on time.


Next class I showed up early. There were only a few students in the class and the professor was just getting unpacked. Having an open choice of where to sit I decided to sit right at the front. The professor noticed my seating arrangement and smiled an approval. Within the first few minutes she reintroduced herself for those who joined the class a little late. Her name was Jennifer.


The class seems to always fly by. Before I knew it was Friday. And on Fridays this was my last class and I would normally have been excited for it to be over quick but I really enjoyed this class. Not just because I got a non creepy excuse to stare at Jennifer for 50 minutes. And on Friday she really went casual. As I kept staring at her low cut shirt and her seemingly braless breasts freely bounce under it I got caught off guard by one of Jennifer’s comments. She started talking about video games.

I’m guessing in order to make things relatable to more students she would often make pop culture references but this was different. She seemed genuinely interested in the subject matter. At that moment I fell in love. Even went so far as to ponder at the thought of marrying her. But soon the packing up of bags and papers brought me back to reality.

After class, as she was packing up, I went up to her podium. She was bent below it trying to unhook some wires from the computer and I got to steal some glances at her boobs and even her toned abs underneath it. Unfortunately, her shirt was too tight to reveal much more than that. I did, however confirm that she didn’t have a bra on. The view was stirring things up and soon I felt my dick start to rise. I pressed myself against the podium as to not look to obvious. The movement caused Jennifer to look at me and stand up. She greeted me with a smile.

I stuttered out some remark about the game she talked about. What exactly I said I cannot remember. I had to use all my willpower to not look at her body. She flung her bag over her shoulder and we kept talking. We walked down the campus to her office and we still kept talking. Something just clicked. For the first time in a long time I was on the same wavelength as a woman. We went to her office and talked for another hour before my friend called and invited me out to hang out. And in fear of being creepy and declining I excused myself from her office. What that was the start of I did not know at the time. But I am very glad that I was a nerd.


That night found me locked in my bedroom. My hands down my boxers as I thought back to the morning. I had the fantasy that we were secretly “a thing” and when all the kids left the class and she was bent over to unplug cords from the computer, I would go around back with her. I would grab her hips and press it against my dick. She would come up surprised, but wouldn’t break contact. Instead, she would start to grind on me. Her ass slowly pressing against my hardening dick as my hands went up her shirt and player with her braless tits. She would start moaning as I pinched at her nipples and kissed her neck. Then she would turn around and face me. Her hands make it to my dick and she would give me this look as she slowly kissed her way down to my crotch. She pulled down my pants, opened her mouth and…

That was it. I came. The thought was so visceral that I couldn’t make it further than that. But luckily, I wouldn’t need to imagine for much longer.



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