My Virginity Problem [M31/F58] [Pussy Licking] [Vanilla] [Virginity]

Yes, I admit it it. I had a virginity problem. Until I was around thirty one years old. And nope, I was no unkissed virgin, but well, besides some kissing I had no sexual experience at all. I just struggled with that things. I was, and I still am, on the shy and introvert side. So talking to some woman was a next to impossible task for me. And well, due many failed attempts, I just threw in the towel. I gave up on having sex or finding a suitable partner.

To compensate for it, because horny still is a part of your life, even if you stop pursuing any sexual experiences with a partner, I began to watch porn. To watch a lot of porn. To jerk of at every possibility.

And yes, over the years I got addicted to watching porn. It got worse and worse, to a point were it really began to interfere with my day to day life. Luckily I was still reflected enough that I figured out that I had a problem on my hands. But it took me some time to make the first step, to actively do something against it.

The first thing I did was browsing through the world wide web. I found many things, many ways to cure my addiction and many people embracing their addiction. But for me, it all smelled fishy. So I decided to look for some professional help. I was looking for someone with experience on that field. A professional therapist. Specialized on the sexual side. And luckily I found one: Two small towns away.

It took me a couple of days to be able to pick up my phone and call the contact number. It was the only way to set up an appointment. No E-mail, no contact form. Nothing. So I had to force myself into calling a totally unknown person. Something I really struggle with.

But once I had dialed the number, for about the tenth time and I pressed the call button, I was relieved. Something very heavy fell off me. And luckily someone else was picking up on the other end of the line. It was a woman. According to her voice probably around the same age I was.

After a short introduction she went straight to the point. She asked me what my problem was. I told her about my porn addiction. I left out the fact that I still was a virgin. She kept it all professional. She told me that I wasn’t the only one. Then she offered me a date for a personal appointment. She also told me that I was very lucky, and that there was an opening in the upcoming week. Needless to say, I took it.

One week later I took one day off work, jumped into my car and drove to the therapists office in the small town next to the small town next to the small town I was living in. Not just living in, I spent my whole life here. I knew practically everyone in town. And everyone knew me. So I was more than just happy that a forty five minutes drive was separating my home town and the doctor’s office.

I was more than just nervous. It was my first time talking with a therapist. So falling asleep was next to impossible the night before. And even on the drive to the office my thoughts were everywhere. Luckily they were on the street too, so I survived the trip there.

After parking my car in front of the building the doctor was working in, I went inside. I went upstairs and knocked at the office door. It didn’t took long and someone opened up. The person introduced herself as the doctor’s assistant, then she asked me in and led me over to a desk. She made me sit down next to it, then it was time to fill out some paperwork. The usual stuff: Insurance, any previous treatments, currently taking any medication and so on, and so on.

After we were done, she showed me the way into the waiting room. She told me that the doctor would have time for me soon. And she wasn’t lying. About five minutes later she came back to pick me up and then she lead me into the doctor’s room.

It was a huge, comfy looking room. Many books, nice furniture, nice colors, just the total opposite of an ordinary doctor’s office. It looked more like a very, very cozy living room. And in it, behind her desk, typing something into her computer, the doctor.

She was a woman in her late fifties. She later told me that she was working as a therapist for over thirty years.She had something. She had some nice curves, an attractive face and she had a lot of charisma. She caught my eye. And yes, all I could think about was: “Damn it, not. Don’t. She might be your therapist for a long long time. Don’t fall for her.”

The assistant made me sit down on comfy sofa, the doctor told me that she would be with me in a couple of seconds. Then the assistant left the two of us alone. I kept on checking out the room while I was waiting. And damn it, on a closer look, hidden next to some art, she had a lot of diplomas hanging on her walls.

Then the typing stopped and the doctor came over. To my surprise she wasn’t placing herself on the lounge chair in front of me, on the other side of the coffee table, she placed herself next to me on the sofa. She told me that it would be easier to talk, when we were not sitting opposite of each other. And damn it, she was right.

She was asking the right questions from the beginning on. To my own surprise, I wasn’t struggling with answering them. I told her about myself. About my difficulties with women and other people in general. She nodded with her head. She listened. She took a few notes and she kept on asking questions.

It didn’t took her long to figure out that I still was a virgin. The porn addiction thing, she already knew about hat one. But she also kept on digging deeper there. She asked me what kind of porn I was watching?

It took me some time to answer her question: Mostly older women. From mid fifties upwards. When she heard me saying that, for a very brief moment, a smile appeared on her face: “I see. Thank you for answering my questions. But I fear, our time is over now. But I will take you in. As a new patient. My assistant will give you a new appointment.”

Then she said goodbye, I said goodbye and left her office. In front of it, the assistant was looking at me with a very curious expression on her face: “It all went well I hope?”

I nodded my head and told her what the doctor had told me. So she gave me a new appointment, about two weeks later. I thanked her and left the office. On my way back home I was thinking about the therapy session. And I was especially thinking about the smile on my therapists face. Was she into men my age? Was she up to something? I would get all the answers to my questions about two weeks later.

Two weeks later I was in the doctors office again. After a short waiting time the doctor had time for me. To my surprise, she was dressed in a very different way. She was showing of her curves. No, she wasn’t wearing the sluttiest outfit out there, she did it with style. She did it all in a very professional way. And yes, something between my legs got hard within a few seconds.

Again, her assistant made sit down on the sofa. Then she left the room. About a minute later the doctor was sitting next to me. With her notebook laying on the coffee table in front of us. Well, I just had to stare down her cleavage. She noticed what I was doing. It put a smile on her face, but she decided to not act onto it. She kept on going from where we stopped the last time: Talking about my taste in porn.

She kept on asking more things. How often do I watch porn? Am I still able to please myself without watching porn? Do I even dream of real women, or are porn actors all that mattered for me? I answered every question of her. While constantly checking her out. With a raging hard one between my legs. Getting hornier and hornier with every minute I was sitting next to her, my doctor, my therapist.

And to make things worse, she called me out upon it. But she did it in a very professional way. She asked me if her sitting next to me made me feel uncomfortable? I told nope. Then she asked me what it made me feel? I struggled to answer that question. Sweat began running down my face. But I pulled the stunt: “It is a huge turn on for me.”

A smile appeared on her face when she heard those words coming out of my mouth. She told me that my reaction was perfectly fine. That there was nothing to be ashamed for. And that she was provoking it. She wanted to figure out if I still was attracted to real life women. And damn it, I was.

After I passed that test of hers, she kept on going. She stayed on topic. She asked me another question: “So what is it, what you want to do with me right now?”

That question of hers turned me in an even more nervous wreck. She did her best to calm me down. She even touched my hand. To show me that everything was okay. And so I was able to answer her question: “I’d love to undress you. To go down on you. To taste your pussy and then to fuck you.”

Again, she took a few notes, she told me that everything was okay. That it was a totally ordinary reaction in the situation. And then she asked me to undress her. To go down on her. And to fuck her later on. I asked her if she was serious? She told me that she was and began to undress herself: “Don’t you want to help me?”

Seconds later my hands were on her body. I was helping her getting undressed. I opened up her bra, the first bra I opened up in my life, then I pulled down her skirt and then I pulled down her panties. Then she spread her legs for me: “Dig in.”

Moments later my tongue was on her pussy. It was a first time for me. But I had seen people doing something similar a lot. And I did well. I was sticking my tongue inside her, I was playing with her clit. It didn’t took long and her moaning was filling the room. She clearly was enjoying herself. And I did too.

But soon after my tongue wasn’t enough for her. She asked me to slide some fingers inside her pussy. She sucked on them before they went in. To lube them up a little bit. Then three fingers went inside her pussy. I finger fucked her for some time. Her moaning got more and more intense.

She also asked me to keep on playing with her clit. More and more tension was building up. I was more than just turned on. I was close to cream my underwear without my dick being touched once. But I was able to restrain myself. To hold myself back. While my doctor had an orgasm. Probably not the best orgasm she ever had, but better than nothing.

Once she had cum she pulled me back up. She told me to undress myself. While I was undressing she went over to her desk. She got a decent sized bottle filled with lube out of a drawer and came back. A smile appeared on her face when she saw my naked body for the first time. Then she made me lay down on the sofa and once my pre cum spitting dick was pointing towards the ceiling she poured some lube over it.

Then she placed herself, her pussy above my dick and gently slid me inside her. It felt so damn fucking good. I nearly came when it happened. But I was able to pull myself together for a little bit longer. For about thirty seconds, to be honest. Then I came. It needed only a few thrusts to make me cum. To make me cream her pussy. She climbed off me a few moments after it happened.

No she wasn’t angry, she just was looking at me. With a gentle expression on her face: “See, it isn’t that difficult. It just is sex. And we have cured your virginity problem. But the rest, I fear it will take more time. Talk to my assistant. She will give you another appointment.”

Once she was finished talking I cleaned up myself as good as I could. I got dressed again, then I thanked her for helping me out. I hugged her, I thanked her again then I said goodbye and left her office while she was dressing herself again. Damn it, what an awesome therapist she was.

Out in front of the therapy room the assistant was already waiting for me. The satisfied, relieved expression on my face probably told her everything she needed to know about what had been happening behind the closed door. She just smiled at me. And I smiled back.

After some very short small talk she handed me my next appointment. Again, it was set about two weeks in the future. And I was so looking forward to it. I was more than just curious about what would happen next time. And damn it, it got even better. Therapy can be so much fun, if done right.
