The use of an eighteen year old: A true tale from tinder [M30 F18] [bdsm] [d/s]

To a certain extent I believe that I may now be a ‘dirty old man’, this story details the corruption of a naïve but willing and most definitely pliant eighteen-year-old girl. Most of it is true, names and places have been changed for obvious reasons but the sordid details of this descent into depravity remain true to events.
On a warm summer eve, I headed home from a barbeque, I’d had too much to drink and was feeling extremely horny, as I walked, I let my mind wonder images of past conquests started to flood my vision, specifically images from the days that I’d been a younger student. I imagined myself transported back in time with my current mind, but within my younger body, the things that I should’ve done with those women if only I’d known what I really liked turned me on. I knew now, that many of those girls had been submissive, they’d have let me tie them up if I’d have wanted, they’d have let me do what I liked to them, it had been my naivety at that young age which had held me back. With these images till floating around my head I unlocked my front door and slumped down on the sofa.

Within minutes I’d succumbed to swiping through Tinder, and contacting matches which I had little interest in, but right now all I wanted to do was to fuck so my usual standards were dropped. No one replied to my drunken, lazy and mostly clumsy messages asking them if they were “DTF?”, annoyed but unsurprised I decided at that moment to see if I couldn’t entice someone a bit younger. I went into the app’s settings and set the age range to 18-21, surely no one that age would be interested in a 30+ man, but “whatever” I thought, at least I could have a moment of fantasy imagining what I’d do with some of them If I ever got the chance. I swiped through some profiles without any matches popping up, I confess that the large amounts of food and alcohol circulating through my system rather lowered my patience and I barely looked at the profiles I was swiping through, as I reached the end of my daily allowance of swipes I sighed, realised I probably wasn’t going to get a match and retired to my bedroom put on some pornography, masturbated vigorously, forgot about Tinder and fell asleep.
I awoke bleary eyed to a beautifully warm Saturday morning, I headed downstairs made myself a cup of strong coffee and sat in the garden drinking coffee, picking at a croissant and watching the fish in the pond chase each other around and around. I reached into my pyjama pocket and pulled out my phone expecting to have to answer some pointless work emails, but I was instead greeted with the familiar Tinder notification messages the little hit of dopamine I got from seeing them meant that I immediately forgot everything else I was supposed to be doing and instead I went into the app to check out these new matches. The one that really caught my eye was a moderately attractive eighteen-year-old, she really was nothing special to look at but there was something about her that suggested a sexuality. With my dick doing the thinking I decided to message her, it was nothing overtly sexual, just something mundane about how I was jealous she could get priority access to vaccines as she was an NHS worker. She replied almost immediately, the chat went on in a similar vein of mundanity before I’d rather had enough and decided to tell her that she looked rather good in the dress she was wearing in one of her pictures, and that I thought she was hot. Her reply was a bunch of love-heart emojis and a message that said that she thought I looked hot too. At this point I realised that I most definitely had a chance and I wasn’t in the mood to pussy foot around so I told her that I was rather hard looking at her and that I would like nothing more than to take that dress off her. Her reply was to ask me if I had Snap, I didn’t but promptly downloaded it and sent her the information so she could add me, she quickly sent a selfie of herself at work and pouting at the camera, I again told her she was hot and making me very hard, and then asked her if she’d like to see how hard – to which she applied in the affirmative – and I promptly sent her a picture of my cock that I had saved on my phone.

I then asked her if she’d be willing to send me anything to help me get rid of my erection. She replied that she wasn’t that type of girl and that she was at work anyway… “bollocks are you not that type of girl, I thought” I ignored her protestations and asked if she was wet from seeing my cock and she replied that she was and that it was very hot being turned on at work. I then asked to see how wet she was, I told her that I didn’t need to see her pussy, but that I was sure that there was some evidence of her wetness on her underwear, after a bit she sent another picture of herself sat on a toilet with her panties down her ankles and some creamy white stains on her black cotton underpants.
At this point I was not sure where this was going, on the one hand I enjoyed the ego boost of a young lady being interested in me and the general flirtation and sexual chat, however, I was keenly aware of the complexities of meeting someone in person and how the fantasy can often be best left online. It was later in the afternoon that she messaged again after she’d finished her shift, she asked if I wanted to meet-up in the coming week, I decided to say that I would love to, but explained that I’m quite busy at the moment, giving myself the option of being able to easily cancel if I felt it necessary.

At some point during the evening, I decided that I definitely wanted this but I wanted it all on my terms. I started to think what it was that I really wanted from the encounter, I wanted her to be submissive and I wanted her to understand this in advance, I needed to prepare her and get her ready to be the muse to my sexual mores. I started to message her again, I can’t remember how I phrased it or suggested it but I led her to understand that I was going to be dominant and that she needed to accept it. To be frank, it was clear to me that at the beginning of the messages she had no idea what a dominant really was, and I think very little idea as to what she was getting into. I decided to enquire about her sexual history, and apart from one boyfriend her experience was very limited. She seemed naive but eager, I started to test the water by explaining what was going to happen. I told her that I would not masturbate for three days before we met, and that I would want her to be wearing a dress when I picked her up, and that I would pull over on the way to mine and have her in some woodland, after which she would have to put her panties back on and sit in the car for the rest of the journey with my hot load dripping out of her and staining her panties. I was unsure how she would react to the directness of my questioning, but I quickly received some fire emojis back along with a suggestive picture of her hand beginning to push itself under her pink pyjama bottoms. I then sent her a video of myself masturbating along with some links to some pornographic videos of women being made to be submissive, they included videos of women being made to ware butt-plugs, some watersports and women being collared and led around by their masters. I then told her that from now on when being sexual with each other I expected her to call me ‘Sir’. After a good while I got another message back – a simple “Yes Sir”, I replied with “Goodnight” and left it at that.
For the rest of the week, we exchanged some generally filthy messages and I tried as hard as I could to get her ready for what she was about to be exposed to, she seemed keen and was eager to please and agree to ideas that I had for our encounter. It was at some point later in the week that she messaged me asking me to pick her up from outside her work and that she’d told her parents that she would be staying with a girlfriend on the Friday evening. I had a sudden realisation of just how young she really was, she was clearly still living with her parents and was certainly keen to avoid any hint of what she was up to leaking through to them. To be honest at this point I started to doubt the wisdom of my plans, but the thought of what she was going to let me do to her quickly assuaged any concerns I had as to the morality of my actions.

At 3pm I picked her up outside the hospital, the initial encounter was a bit awkward as any tinder hook-up usually is, as she sat down in my car she was clearly nervous, I leant across and whispered into her ear that she was incredibly hot and much hotter than her photos suggested (a lie, the girl was plain, not unattractive, but not ‘hot’) I then kissed her strongly on the lips and felt her start to kiss me back, our tongues touching, and as her breathing started to quicken I pushed my hand up her leg and under her dress, I pushed my hand into her part rubbing and groping at it before slowly pulling my mouth away from hers and drawing my nails down her thigh as I removed my hand from her warm groin.

“I can’t wait to fuck you”
“I can’t wait either” – she replied.

As I drove, I let my hand rest on her bare leg feeling her plump little thighs under my hands. The kiss and fondle had the desired effect of relaxing her and getting her turned on. I reiterated that she would have to call me “Sir” from now on, and I got a rather giggly “Yes sir!” back. I knew the route that would take us back to my place and there was a track that we could head up that would take us into some nice old woodland, the type with large mature oak trees that could be leant upon and would hide a couple from passers by if they felt the need to fuck behind them. As we came to the turning, I leant across and asked her if she was going to be a good girl and let me have her up against a tree, she giggled nervously before replying “of course sir.” I turned off the road and headed up the track, the dust clogged the windscreen, and I had to use the screen-wash and wipers as we headed further into the woods. I pulled over by a likely spot and led her a short way from the track to a clearing with a number of mature oak and beech trees. The ground was dry underfoot and the dappled light produced by the green foliage in late summer played across us as I led her by the hand to a large oak tree that must’ve been more than four hundred years old. She turned to face me and I leant in to kiss her again, as I pulled away from the embrace I twisted her away from me and pushed her roughly up against the tree, I put my hand down and up under her dress letting my fingers push her panties up into her plump little pussy I could feel the heat and the beginnings of moisture begin to emanate from her part as I drew my hand up and pulled her underwear down to her knees before lifting her dress up and exposing her to the warm summer afternoon. I unzipped myself and let my hard, desperate cock out of the confines of my jeans, I pushed against her letting her get used to my weight against her and allowing her time to brace against the tree, without anymore foreplay I guided myself into her and started to thrust into her tight eighteen-year-old pussy, she was tight at first but gradually she became wetter and I started to thrust harder and faster gripping onto her plump little hips, leaving finger marks in her flesh as I pushed into her. I could hear her moaning as I thrust in and out, it wouldn’t be long now, I hadn’t cum in three days and I wasn’t going to last long, “I’m going to cum” I groaned as I felt myself start to go rigid and shoot my hot sticky rope deep into her, I held her against me, forcing myself deep into her as I shuddered and released the last of my load into her.

I pulled myself out and ordered her to put her underwear back on which she did dutifully. As we walked out the woods, I squeezed her arse and whispered “good girl, say: ‘thank you’” she looked back and said: “thank you sir”. As she sat down in the car and started to put her seatbelt on, I took my opportunity to open her up a little more, I pushed her back against the seat and pushed her legs up so her feet were on the dashboard before opening the glove-box and drawing out a rather modest steel butt-plug. With my hand under her legs forcing her bottom towards me I pushed the plug up to her lips and made her suck it, I could see the shock in her eyes, but I didn’t hesitate to rip her panties to the side and try to force the slobbery plug up her virgin arse. It wouldn’t go in so I ordered her to try and relax, but it still wouldn’t go in, I tried caressing, and tried pushing but there was no give. I again reached into the glove box and took out a tube of lube liberally pouring it over the plug and onto my finger, I pushed a lubed finger against her tight little hole and felt it slide in, I gave it a little wiggle, feeling her tense and relax against my finger as she gasped in shock at this unexpected and rude invasion of herself, withdrawing the finger I tried again with the plug, this time it slid in until it was firmly ensconced within her. I pulled her panties back over her and pushed her back down into the seat before doing her seat belt up myself. I asked her if she liked it, she said it felt weird but she liked how filled she felt. As I set off down the dusty track, I could hear her little intakes of breath every time we hit a pothole or bump in the track…


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