The entity and me (Pt 1 and Pt 2) [NonCon] [M28] [F22] [Fantasy] [Rough]

PART 1 AND 2. Part 2 is denoted by ———

There was something in the house, I could feel it. I didn’t know what it was, but I knew I was not alone.
I sat up slowly in bed. I looked around, and listened for any signs of life.

There was nothing there. I was going crazy.

I lay down again. I started to relax, when I felt a great sense of calm and pressure. It was strange. I was starting to fall asleep, completely calm, when I felt a growing heat between my legs.

It was strange. Out of nowhere, this feeling of a strange weight on my chest and of growing desire.

I rolled onto my front. I felt terrified but I had a heightened feeling of awareness.

Then I felt a breath on the back of my neck.

I couldn’t have imagined it. But when I turned around there was nowhere there. I felt scared, but strangely disappointed.

I lay again on my front and felt another, slow, breath on my neck, and more pressure , as if there was a force holding me there.

Then, when I turned and checked again, the force stopped. The breathing stopped. Everything stopped.

“I know you’re there.” I said. “What do you want with me?” I tried to stop my voice from trembling. This strange entity could be really here, in my room. I would be powerless against it.

Then I heard it. A strange whisper and a growl


Now I was getting increasingly frightened. I lay down, and felt my body moving on its own.
I was being guided by this unknown force.
First, the heat between my legs increased. I began to feel a surge of arousal.

Then slowly, my arms drifted above my head, and once they were straight above my, I couldn’t pull them down. It was as if I was locked into place.

Now I was really scared. I looked out into the room, for some kind of sign of what was to come. I was wearing only my pyjama top and shorts.

There was nothing for what felt like years. My arms stayed above my head and I continued to look out. I moved my legs and hips but it got me nowhere. I was stuck.

Then, I felt something strange. It was like a hand on my thigh, moving up slowly. I didn’t know what to do.

“What are you doing?” I asked, as the hand stopped just shy of my shorts.

Then I heard a deep voice, clear as day.

“Whatever I want” it said.


I froze. I couldn’t believe what I had heard. This creature had just spoken to me.

I couldn’t see anything physical in my room, and my arms were still locked into place. I was powerless.

The hand that was just shy of my shorts was still there, unmoving. It began to hold on tighter to my thigh. Slowly,
it started to massage my leg, tempting itself to go farther.

“You can’t do this.” I said. “You can’t do anything, you’re not anything. This is in my head”

More pressure around my groin seemed to indicate otherwise. There was an otherworldly force in here, and it was going to have its way with me.

I didn’t fully believe it. I could still move my legs, so I started to wriggle. It didn’t do much.
The hand kept feeling my leg, edging closer to my shorts.

Then, a second hand seemed to grab my left leg. It started at the bottom, just as it had before, and edged it’s way up. I became even more terrified, and fought against the invisible restraints my arms were caught in.

“I’m imagining this.” I said, finally.

And maybe I was. For a second, everything seemed to stop on my legs. My arms were still stuck, but maybe I really was just dreaming.

I breathed a sigh of relief. I was just losing it. It may be better than the alternative, having some strange entity for it’s bidding.
And besides, if this was in my head at least I was all worked up. Perhaps I could finish myself off, and have a great sleep.

As if something has heard my thoughts, one hand became unstuck.

I was surprised.

I brought it down to my shorts, and noticed how completely soaked they were. Despite the circumstances, I was absolutely aroused.

I couldn’t remove my other arm. It was locked. With my free arm, I continued to check myself under my shorts, tempting myself to do more.

A familiar breeze hit my neck. And then, something like a kiss. All the way up to my ear.

It was so hot. With one arm still stuck, one was free to touch myself.

“You are a total slut” said a deep, ethereal voice.

I should have frozen, I should have frozen in fear, but instead I was turned on even more.

My arm flew up again, locked in and trapped. I was back to square one. I was fastened into place.

Something felt different. There was a stronger prescence, a more corporeal body. A hand, a definite hand, ran up my body, feeling around my hips.

My top flew up, and my breasts were exposed. I whimpered, unsure.

“I am going to do whatever I want to these.” The voice was stronger now.

My breasts were clasped and massaged, roughly up and down. A pressure around my hips grew strong, as if someone was sitting there, holding my pelvis down.

I tried to move, but it just resulted in grinding. Everytime I grinded against this force, it felt amazing.

“Keep grinding on me.” The strange force commanded.

I continued to do as I was told, grinding up against him, as my hands were frozen, and my breasts were being harshly grasped.

“Good girl” it snarled.

My t-shirt started to tear open, another force seemingly ripping it in two. I watched, and saw my shorts being tugged at.

“Oh God” I said, realizing what was to come. I continued to grind, feeling this invisible monster kiss my neck and whisper in my ear.

“Oh yes” it rasped.

My shorts begin to rip themselves up the middle, slowly. One stitch at a time, they came apart.

“My shorts” I trailed.

“My pussy” it said.

“No, it’s not yours.” I said

The creature stopped massaging my tits and I felt a large weight across my whole body, pinning me further.

“This pussy is mine” it said, and slowly, as I continued to grind, a finger entered me.

I gasped. The kisses continued, passionately on my neck. The finger was slow, matching my pace. It was as if I was in control, but I could really do nothing.

“This body is mine” it said, reaching some sort of hand lightly to my neck, letting it linger as it kissed my ear.

“Yes” I said, giving in.

“Good.” It replied. “You’re mine” it said

‘Yes” I said.

A hand went behind my hips, feeling my ass, and keeping me grinding.




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