How I lost my virginity: A true story (Part1)

This isn't really Erotica, it's a true story of how I lost my virginity. I didn't know where else to post it.

It's long and descriptive, with the perspective of a terrified virgin boy with hardly any experience beyond kissing – my perspective. My goal was to try and describe how I was feeling, what I was thinking, etc. Please don't judge me too bad though because I don't write erotica or anything like that.

I know it sounds crazy towards the end but I sometimes can't believe it happened either. Depending on how well people like it, I may continue the story, because there is more to it than where I left off.

I hope you enjoy. It's a long read. I had to split it up into two parts.

Names have been changed, but the story is real.


I used to go visit my aunt alot when I was younger. She seemed to move all over the place, and one of the places she lived was about 2 hours away in a neighborhood where the houses were within just a few feet of each other.

She had several cats and a dog, a creek in the back yard, and dial up internet. But the house just next door lived a girl about the same age as me, and so every time I visited we would play together. Her name is Ashley.

We would play in the creek, catch crawdads, play with the cats and dog, you know just kids having fun. She was kind of a tomboy in that regard. She didn't mind getting dirty, playing in the creek or getting dirt on her from playing with the dogs. This went on for a few years, just two kids having fun, playing together. We got to be pretty good friends. We'd stay up late watching movies and playing on the internet. We would just talk about life from the perspective of young kids. It got to the point where, even when I wasn't there visiting, we'd talk to each other on the phone.

I remember one day, we were walking along the street and she told me she was depressed. I asked her why and she said that she really liked some guy but couldn’t be with him because he lived so far away, and her mom told her not to get attached. I was so oblivious I just kind of shrugged and told her I’m sorry.

"Was she talking about me? No, I doubt it. We're just friends" I told myself.

After that, every time I would visit she would do things or say things that, back then I had no idea what was going on but now, I knew exactly what she was up to. She would give me back massages and then want me to give them to her. She would wear really tight pants or shorts and lay on the couch up against me. After a while, she would even ask me if I liked her butt (she danced so she had nice legs and such a cute little butt). I would laugh and grab it and squeeze it, just sort of playing around. I guess I wasn't taking her too seriously. But every time something like that happened, she went from playful to kind of quiet and serious.

"Oh, did I make her mad?" I thought.

One day I got invited to her birthday party. I don’t think I knew what to expect and now that I think about it, I doubt our parents did either. I showed up at her party which was at this nice condo with a pool. I brought her a card with some money in it, which I had legitimately earned from doing chores at home. We had a cookout, hamburgers hotdogs, and after we ate, changed into our bathing suits and went swimming. When I walked outside and saw her in her little two piece pink bikini, my jaw hit the floor! I had never really seen her in such a little amount clothing. I just remember seeing those curves on her and thinking "WOW!"

She always had a nice butt, but her breasts had really developed alot more since the last time I saw her. Or maybe it was just the bikini she was wearing. All I know is, it was hard for me keep my eyes off her.

I just had to not pay so much attention because boys can have big problems if we let our gaze wonder too much, if you know what I mean. So we just swam, had fun, played games like Marko-Polo in the pool. There were just a few of us there, maybe 5-6 total. But I was the only boy there, and the rest were her girlfriends. I think some of them left later on.

Well it was getting dark now and so we went inside the condo. I remember just having a hard time not staring at her and she would look back at me and catch me looking at her, and she would just smile. I have no idea where her parents went but I just don’t remember them being anywhere around. She went into one of the rooms with a bunch of her girlfriends for a little while and wouldn’t let me come in. So I just stayed in the living area watching TV and I could hear them in there giggling and making lots of noise.

I guess she was reading her birthday cards because at one point she came out and jumped on top of me, still in her bikini, and gave me a hard time about what I said in her card. I wrote sort of a smart-ass remark about how I hope she enjoys my gift because I worked hard to earn it or something like that. So she jumped on top of me, her legs straddling over me, and I just about had a heart attack because her breasts were right in my face, and she was basically sitting in my lap. Wow. My heart started to race, and I don't know why but I instinctively placed my hands on her legs.

She gave me this sort of, playful-angry expression like she was upset but not really. She asked me something and I honestly had no idea what she said, because I was in such a daze, because she's in her bikini on top of me, so I just shrugged and said "Um, sorry?"

So she gave me a light slap, it wasn't hard at all, just a playful one, jumped off and ran back off into the bedroom again. I had to readjust myself.

A little while later, I found myself in the bedroom with her and her girlfriends. We were just kind of playing and having fun, until they put me and her into the closet and shut the door. I could hear them outside the door laughing and teasing about how we were going to have sex.

"Wait, what??" I thought. I started to get nervous.

They kept opening and closing the door, I guess they were hoping we'd start getting it on and were trying to catch us in the act or something. All I could do was sit there, heart racing, not sure what to do because I was still a virgin and I was deathly afraid to make a move, especially with other people – other GIRLS around!

I just remember how much I wanted to make a move on her in the closet because she was sitting there so sexy in her pink bikini, still sort of wet from the pool. I'm not sure what happened but all of a sudden, I really liked her.

Wait, what's going on? She's just a friend and I don't even know if she likes me back. So I sat there, too chicken to do anything, my heart pounding as the girls continue to fling the door open and close it back again, laughing and talking amongst each other.

Now it was time to get ready for bed (or so I thought) and we took showers and changed into our sleeping clothes. I wore shorts and a white T-shirt. She wore these super short shorts that just showed off her cute butt so good, and a spaghetti-strap top that also showed off her breasts incredibly well. Again, I was just like "WOW".

We all slept in sleeping bags in the main living area. I got into my sleeping bag, ashamed, annoyed, still kind of nervous from what happened earlier. The lights went out and I could hear the girls whispering. I laid there for a little while just thinking to myself.

"What am I supposed to do?" I thought, feeling kind of hopeless now.

All of a sudden I hear someone getting out of their sleeping bag and walk over to mine. It was Ashley. She got down on the floor and started whispering something to me. She was telling me some kind of “plan”. It went something like this – “My friend thinks we like each other so let’s pretend kiss so we can fool her!”

Me being the oblivious idiot that I was, I said "Ok", fully intending on pretending to kiss her. She got into the sleeping bag with me and we both went under a little further so no one could see. Before I could even try to pretend kiss her, she put her arms around my neck and pressed her lips against mine.

WOW!! Where the heck did this come from??

Her lips were on mine and nothing in the entire universe could have mattered at that moment. We kissed, and it was like electricity was coursing through my entire body, and it immediately made me quiver. I mean, I had kissed a few girls before but not like this. It was passionate, heated, and so damn hot.

So there we were, making out inside of a sleeping bag, with a bunch of her girlfriends in the same room, probably watching and listening. My heart was racing a mile a minute.

“Ok” I thought, “I am kissing her! Wow. Ok, now what? Should I just keep kissing her? Should I touch her? Oh my god this is so great, I like her so much, I can’t believe I’m kissing her!”

I could smell her hair, freshly washed from the shower. I don’t know if it was just shampoo or if she put on some kind of perfume but she smelled soo good, it made my mouth water. I finally mustered up the courage to put a shaky, nervous hand on her hip. We’re still kissing! She must be ok with it. So I slowly moved my hand to her belly. Mmm such a nice firm tummy. She has a great body from all that dancing.

I move my hand up a little more, and I can feel her heart beating almost as fast as mine. I inch my hand up ever so slowly, as if moving slower would make her not notice my intentions to move up her shirt or something. Ok here goes nothing. I close the distance with my hand and move it up her shirt.

Yes! My first boob! Wow it's so soft! I gave her breast a little squeeze and her nipple hardened under my hand. We were both panting now and things were heating up. I kept my hand there for a while as we continued to make out, reveling in the excitement and actually being pretty content with just making out and getting my first boob. Then she grabbed my hand. Wait, is something wrong? Did I go too far? She took my hand and moved it away. Yep, I blew it! DAMNIT!

Wait, she’s moving it further down. She moved my hand into her shorts and – OH MY GOD!

Another shock of incredible electricity coursed through me as my fingers touched something else! It was wet – incredibly wet, and really soft. I just about exploded, and it felt like my heart was literally in my throat! As my fingers touched her incredibly wet pussy, she moaned again and we began kissing ever so passionately, our tongues going crazy inside one another’s mouth.

I didn’t really know what I was supposed to do, so I just kept rubbing her with my fingers, kissing her, wondering what will happen next. The excitement was incredible. Wow I couldn’t believe I was fingering her! Oh my God I want to explore her!

My finger slowly entered inside of her and she moaned again. GOD! It’s so warm inside! I began to finger-fuck her and it was starting to drive her crazy. Then she stopped, put my hand aside, and took off her shorts. I watched wide-eyed, as I saw her naked exposed body reveal itself to me. Wow, it’s so amazing. I’ve never seen a girl naked before. I mean, I’ve watched porn before, but I’ve never experienced the real thing! I couldn’t stop staring at her.

She looked at me with a smile and told me to take mine off. I had an incredible erection that I had sort of forgotten about until just now.

“Oh my God I can’t believe this is really about to happen” is all I could think to myself as my shaky hands somehow worked my shorts and underwear off. She smiled, laid back down and pulled me on top of her. I was so nervous, I was shaking all over. She moved her body while guiding mine until I felt that soft and incredibly wet pussy press up against my insanely hard cock. I felt it rub on the underside of my shaft, but it felt different than when my fingers were touching it. It felt so much better against my cock.

“Mmm, put it inside me now” she said. She grabbed it as I looked down, and with her help I watched my head slowly disappear inside her pussy. OH MY GOD!!

She moaned, and that urged me to push in all the way. "Oh my god I'm inside her!" kept racing through my head along with “This feels so amazing!” We started to fuck slowly, but it wasn’t long until I was already about to cum. NO! Not now! I can’t or she’ll laugh at me and this whole experience will be just a funny story at my expense. She’ll tell her friends, they’ll laugh and make fun of me and I’ll lose my chance with her. I Can’t give in!

But then I snap back to what’s happening, I’m looking at her sexy naked body, her legs spread to ME, and the sight of my cock deep inside her pussy – which looks so cute and amazing.

I know that feeling when I’m about to cum. And I would just feel like such a failure if I came now. But I can’t help it, this feels a million times better than anything I have ever felt before! Now I have stopped, I'm still inside her, not moving, and I have now stalled for longer than I should.

“What’s wrong?” she says.

What do I do?! I’m screwed.



  1. Part 2 ——– That’s when I hear the sleeping bag zipper open and the top part flung open, and the lights come on. We look up and it’s one of her friends, looking down at us, her eyes widen so big and she gasps, covering her mouth and shrieks “OH MY GOD! “ I immediately freeze because I have no idea what I should do. If I pull out, she’ll see me and I don’t know if I can handle that, I don’t know any of these girls and I just NOW am having sex for the first time, much less be ok with some random girls seeing me naked. The other girls have now come over to see what the big deal was and they all look down at us with pretty much the same expressions as the first girl. “I knew it!” exclaimed one girl “Oh my God” said another “Haha wow that’s kind of hot” said another I looked at Ashley as if I was asking her what we should do. I was starting to lose arousal now, because I’m not sure if they are going to tell on us or what was gonna happen. I guess I was scared. If only I knew what was about to happen. So I just said something off the top of my head – “Umm, we’re trying to have sex here, do you mind?” Apparently everyone thought that was hilarious because they all busted out into laughter. “I dunno I kind of want to watch” said one girl. They all laughed again. I’m glad that I can provide such entertainment for a bunch of nosy girls. I just wanted to say, “GO AWAY!” “Haha I kind of want to practice on him” said another. They all giggled again. Wait, what? What is that supposed to mean? Uhhh…. Ashley looks at me and gets a wicked smile, apparently getting an idea. “Hey let them practice on you, it’ll be fun!” she says. She gently pushes away from me and so I have no choice but to pull out. From all of this craziness, I am now in an in-between state of hard and limp, losing some of the arousal from the sudden scare. So I stand up, covering myself in front of 3 other girls. Ashley stands up and pulls my hands away. “They can’t practice on you like that!” she laughed. The girls look at me and giggle, and then start to argue and tease each other. Oh yeah, that’s great for a young boys ego. Look at him while naked and laugh. “You go first!” “No way it was your idea!” They argued and teased each other for a minute or two until one of them walked up to me and touched me and said “Oh my God I touched it!” as if it was some kind of weird animal or something. “Put it in your mouth!” “Do it!” The girl looked up at me and I could tell she was really nervous. She closed her eyes and, sticking her tongue out, touched the tip of my head with her tongue. “Now put the whole thing in your mouth!” She wrapped her lips around my cock and began to suck on it like a lollipop. She was experimenting – sucking, licking, and rolling her tongue around. I don’t really think she knew what she was doing, but it was my first blowjob so I had no idea either. It started to feel pretty good. She was cute too, and her lips were nice and puffy, so it felt really good around my cock. I learned that watching a girl take your cock into her mouth was insanely hot. It began to harden again as my erection grew inside her mouth, my heart started pounding again and I was trying to hold back my moans of pleasure, still somewhat shy even though a girl is sucking me in front of 3 others. This is crazy, how in the heck did this even happen?? One minute I am in my sleeping bag, the next minute I am having sex for the first time with my best friend, and now I am getting a blowjob in front of these girls, including the one I was just having sex with! That’s when one of the others came up and pushed her head in closer, making my cock go down her throat. She gagged and then stopped, got up and started yelling at the girl, who was now laughing. “It’s your turn you stupid bitch” “Ok fine!” So then she took the other girls place kneeling in front of me, and before continuing said “I’m gonna make him cum” “You better not!” said Ashley. I looked over at Ashley, wondering what she meant by that, and she just smiled not-so-innocently. The girl started to suck me, but she was being really aggressive. She would lock her lips tightly around my cock while bobbing her head back and forth really fast. I closed my eyes and started moving my hips, thrusting to meet her movements. “Stop your gonna make him cum! It’s my turn!” Finally, the third girl approached me as the other one got up. But she wasn’t wearing any clothes on the bottom half. She pushed me onto the couch and climbed on top of me. She lowered herself onto me, grabbing my cock and guiding it to meet her pussy, which was incredibly wet. It seemed liked she knew what she was doing, maybe she’s done this before, she had to because it happened pretty fast. Before I knew it, I was buried inside her pussy, and she started bouncing on top of me. My eyes rolled in the back of my head. It felt so good, I was grabbing and squeezing her butt, and we both moaned as she rode me right there on the couch. We started to kiss, and before I knew it she was being yanked by the hair and being yelled at to get off. It was Ashley. I guess she couldn’t stand it anymore, or was getting too jealous, I’m not sure. But she grabbed my hand and pulled me down back on top of her on the floor. “Fuck me baby” she said, as she spread her legs and pulled me into her. My cock slid right in because she was still super wet. She started going wild, kissing me, biting my lip, raking her nails across my back. This was all making me crazy too and I just lost myself to the heat of the moment. We started to fuck like animals now in front of these other girls, moaning and going wild on each other. I loved listening to her insanely hot noises – coming from her and also the squishing sounds we were making together. Oh my God I don’t know how much longer I can last! That’s when I saw her scrunch her face and I thought “Is she really coming already?” Which really, REALLY pushed me over the edge and I couldn’t even think anymore, I lost all willpower. “Oh babyyy!” She yelled, as she pulled me in even closer and had a death grip on me. I had no way of escaping from in between those legs, even if I wanted to. All I could do was lock lips with her, close my eyes, and embrace the orgasm as I felt my cock explode inside her. It felt AMAZING. We both came together, and we still continued to fuck, slowing down now as our orgasms started to subside. I could feel her pussy squeezing every last drop of cum out of me. It felt incredible. We both laid there panting and looking into each other’s eyes for a few minutes. “Ashley?” I said, looking down at her “Yeah?” “Umm, will you be my girlfriend?” Her entire face lit up like Christmas, her eyes sparkled like diamonds and she said “Oh my god yes!” You would have thought I asked her to marry me. Ashley smiles and wraps her arms around me, kisses me, and me with my crazy libido, still having an erection, we start to fuck again.

  2. Erotica is fictitious by design. Inspired by real events or otherwise, the writing was good.

  3. Wow, you have some incredible luck my friend. 4 horny girls that all do stuff to you and you get a girlfriend in the end? What dimension do you live in? :P

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