Rejuvenation 01 – Intro (fiction, F49, transform)

A feminine voice spoke, “So Mrs,”

I flatly spoke, “*Ms*. I’m not married.”

The person stopped and smiled, “Sorry. *Ms* Nostal, do you know *why* you’re here?”

I folded my arms, “Mostly. This is some sort of *spa* that my *friend*, the father of my children, wants me to stay at to de-stress.” I looked around the room, “Though this looks more like a therapy session than a *spa*.”

The person sitting across from me was sitting in a chair in front of her desk as I sat in a semi comfy chair with nothing in between us. The rest of the room is what you would expect a office to look like….for a psychiatrist that is.

The person, going by the name Dr. Kari Telmoth, smiled at me, “Rest assured this is **not** a therapy session,” she relaxed her face seeming warm, “this is a simple meet and greet before you start your glorious 12 week relaxation and *rejuvenation* that your,” she paused before continuing, “*friend* reserved for you and paid for the **full** rejuvenation package **plus** a life coach for after your 12 weeks to help declutter your life so you don’t return to a high stressed environment.”

I scoffed at Dr. Kari Telmoth, “Good luck on that one.”

Dr. Telmoth tilted her head, “Why do you say ‘*good luck*’?”

I almost wanted to scowl at her. *Almost* being the apt word. I breathed in deeply before breathing out slowly, “I mean. My life is complicated. I have two slutty teenage daughters that think MY house is their personal brothel while I work my ass to the bone working 16 hour days as a CFO for my,” I tried to not let my emotions get in the way, “*friend* as the company WE started together.”

I pretended to smile sweetly though I knew I was being condescending, “But once this 12 week relaxation.”

Dr. Telmoth smiled as she interrupted me, “And Rejuvenation.”

I felt my eye twitch as she had interrupted me but sighed, “Fine….and,” I held up my hand using my two fingers as I quoted her, “‘*Rejuvenation*'” as I rolled my eyes thinking it was ridiculous as both essentially meant the same thing as I let my skepticism bleed out of me not caring as I continued, “is over I get to return to that *hectic* lifestyle that I’ve created and I highly doubt a *life coach* can ‘declutter’ it.”

Dr. Telmoth looked at me for a moment, not showing any emotions other than understanding and warmth, letting my criticism hang in the air for a moment before speaking, “Trust me our *life coaches* are very effective.”

She lightly chuckled, “By the time we’re done with you you’ll be a new woman,” she looked at me still smiling but her facial expression changed slightly as if she was holding on to her friendly demeanor, “A **new** Marisa Nostal dare I say.”

I rolled my eyes as I scoffed, “Whatever you say doc.”

Dr. Telmoth spoke, “Let me quickly go over what will happen during these 12 weeks. As you leave this room you will check in with our people where you will hand over your clothes that you packed and any and all electronic devices.”

I blinked as I quickly spoke, “But I **need** my phone.”

Dr. Telmoth smiled, “It’s all part of the *relaxation* experience. Freeing yourself from the world,” she spoke flatly, “that includes any communication with the outside world.”

I spoke, “But…”

Dr. Telmoth continued not giving me a chance to rebut on **why** I needed my phone, “Our people will go through your clothes to make sure all items are acceptable with the list of items you are allowed here and not trying to sneak any ‘devices’ in.”

I spoke, “I haven’t…”

She continued still not letting me speak, “You will be shown to your furnished room with all the necessities needed. On the table is a list of activities you are more than welcome to enjoy,” she smiled sweetly, “and seeing how your ‘*friend*’ paid for the **complete** package giving you ALL amenities without costing you a dime. You will also find a SET schedule that YOU will follow.”

I stood up and spoke loudly but not screaming, “Like A Prisoner?”

She looked up at me, “Every night at 8pm you will take the recommended medication for sleep and during the nine hours you **will** sleep. At 9pm **we** will start your *rejuvenation* experience.”

I blinked, “**Wait!!** You’ll do what?”

Dr. Telmoth looked at me, “**We** will work on your *rejuvenation*.”

I sat down, “What the **fuck** does that mean?”

Dr. Telmoth tilted her head like her statement should make sense to any person. I spoke, “No really. **What** will you be doing to my body while **I** sleep?”

Dr. Telmoth spoke, “Oh. We will take your body and,” she paused as she obviously was looking for the right word, “run a series of phases to help encourage a healthy rejuvenation.”

I blinked completely confused as Dr. Telmoth leaned forward, “We find that the **best** way to help someone rejuvenate their bodies is when they are *relaxed*,” she smiled as she laughed, “and what better state to be relaxed is when you sleep. Am I right?”

I spoke flatly, “I guess. But **what** will these ‘series of phases’ involve?”

Dr. Telmoth looked at me tilting her head at me, “Your *friend* **really** didn’t tell you what we do?”

I shook my head slowly as I spoke, “He just convinced me to take time off to relax and said he would take care of everything.”

Dr. Telmoth coughed, “*Oh*,” she straightened as she beamed, “well….We rejuvenate your body,” she looked me up and down smiling, “reawakening your *natural* glow.”

I looked at her, “I still don’t know what that means. Explain it to me like I’m 5.”

She smiled at me, “Well the first stage we reawaken your metabolism and slowly increase your core temperature to help encourage your body to start burning your fat off your body naturally.”

I looked down at my body as I wasn’t skinny nor was I heavy set but I did have quite a few extra pounds that had settled on my body.

She spoke, forcing me to look up at her as I listened, “So your first week will feel like you’re coming down with something but that’s your body’s response to the first couple of days as it gets used to the adjustment. After that you will start shedding pounds and we hope you take advantage of the gym to help encourage where those pounds are lost.”

She smiled, “How does that *first* stage sound?”

I looked at her not believing her as I kept my emotions at bay wanting to not get my hopes up. I looked at her flatly, “I guess that would be beneficial.”

She continued, “The next stage is we do a light toning phase helping tightening your skin as you continue to lose pounds and making it look like it’s shining.”

I spoke, “Glowing? I’m already whiteish I don’t want to *glow*.”

Dr Telmoth chuckled, “Think as it rolling back the clock on your skin. When it wasn’t drooping.”

My skin doesn’t *droop*! I’m only 49 for gods sake!

What does she think I look like? Like I’m older?

I mean everything she was saying I was guilty of. I mean I was **only** 49 but because of my life style and the level of stress didn’t exactly compliment my age. If anything it rapidly aged me making me look like I was well into my 60’s, though I will be 50 in a few months….right after this 12 week Relaxation in fact. Still I looked much older than I actually was.

And I hadn’t exactly taken care of myself allowing me to pack on the pounds compared to what I looked like prior to this lifestyle. But like I said I wasn’t heavy set, more like a light chunk if you will.

So both phases would be fantastic.

I sighed as I spoke, “Any *other* ‘phases’ that will happen?”

Dr Telmoth smiled, “Yes.”

I looked at her, “And they are?”

Dr Telmoth looked at me sweetly, “Once we get your weight to a more agreeable level and tone you up, and after we address tightening up your skin. Then we move onto addressing to an agreeable body management.”

I blinked at her confused, “And what the hell does that mean?”

Dr Telmoth looked down at the file that she had in her lap, “Well we have notes from your,” she looked up at me smirking, “*friend* that he wanted for you.”

I blinked but spoke, “Like?”

She smiled at me, “The main outline **he** wanted was for you to get rest and get relaxed as much as possible.”

I folded my arms, “Uh huh.”

Dr Telmoth stood, “Anyways I think I’ve gotten enough information to move forward with your,” she smiled at me, “*treatment*.”

She held out her hand, “Please go to the front and have my people show you to your suite.” She looked at the clock, “And you’re in luck lunch will be starting soon.”

Then she turned and walked behind her desk.

I looked at her for a moment before giving up and decided maybe some relaxation was what I needed as I walked out the door and starting this relaxation vacation.

