Thirst Trap 01 – Intro (fiction, 26M, Influencers, Thirst Trap)

I can’t believe I’m here.

Yet why do I feel so…

Like the old ‘*me*’ wants to rear his ugly head and go hide in the corner.

I looked at my group of friends, “Remind me **why** we’re here?”

One of my more outgoing friends, Damian, laughed at me, “Because **we** all agreed to come to this year’s O.I.C. (Online Influencer’s Convention).”

He threw a pillow at me, “Plus you were named in a few awards you *dolt* you’d be **stupid** to not show up and see if you actually **won** them.”

I caught the pillow and threw it back at him, “Yeah for a video **you** fucking talked me into doing that I didn’t want to do,” I point at him and another person sitting on the sofa of the mini condo we were renting for the convention, “exactly like you two fucking did and just about every *other* influencer has done.”

The person sitting on the sofa paying more attention to his tablet than our argument was our friend Ryan spoke, “But every *other* influencer,” he looked over his tablet to look at us, me specifically, “including Damian and mine didn’t ***EXPLODE*** as much as your’s did, Dusty.”

The ‘*video*’ they were talking about was a semi current thirst trap that was being employed that it seemed like ***everyone*** was doing.

In the video you used Chase Calivara’s new hit as the song. You use normal lighting of some kind. Shake the video a little bit in a semi comfortable state, typically on your face. Then when the song hits you change angles of some kind, change lighting, and change your clothes for that ‘*Wow!*’ effect.

Most women influencers show their non makeup casual/messy selves during the beginning. When the change happens they’re make up is applied with a killer outfit to either show off their assets or figure somehow and change their angle to show off this change.

Most of the guy influencers pretty much have done the same thing with a multitude of variations ranging from being ‘*funny*’ to serious.

Now *normally* the majority of **my** video’s consist of me working out showing off how I’ve accomplished both calisthenics and power lifting and what those combined talents has allowed me to do.

Like me row-boating a bar with 45’s while I do vertical crunches. Or me doing full pull-ups lifting my body above the bar with two 45s strapped to my waist. Or me doing vertical pushups while balancing on a standing plate, the hardest was using a 10lb plate without eating it.

Other videos are me recommending how finding the right diet is key to keeping a good figure.

So when I stepped outside of my comfort zone and did the trend, I focused on my upper frame careful to wear an oversized sweater, which I have plenty. My long hair all over the place and my long beard in a wild state zooming in on my face. The lighting is normal using a ring light.

The beat drops and the camera is looking up from my waist to show my rock hard abs and muscular frame. My long beard no longer looking *wild* but is now groomed full products ranging from oils to butters and wax. My hair done and braided to show my sides are shaved. My upper body covered in various tattoos. The lighting is a light blue.

The camera straightens and is focused on a full length mirror to show me standing in thong as I do this lazy flex against the wall me looking up and running a hand down my body. The light showing only me and the mirror.

The video in its entirety runs about 25 seconds.

A video that went against everything from my normal personality as I have a major body dysmorphia complex thinking I still look like my 15 year old self seeing my fat body in the mirror though I’m 26 and no longer look anything like I did when I was 15.

I know my *issue* is just in my mind but I can’t help as that’s all that I see.

So when I watched the video even I was surprised to see a different person not believing it was me before I uploaded it.

I uploaded it and Damian and Ryan used their few connections to get certain individual’s to blind react to the video and…..well like Ryan said it exploded like wild fire.

Within 72 hrs more than 150 million people saw my video and more than 50 million did live reactions to it showing their amazement to it….more than one of them drooling.

Not saying that Damian or Ryan didn’t do as good as me doing the trend but they already had established user’s/follower’s and their stab at the trend didn’t ‘*Wow*’ as many user’s as mine did.

Granted Damian has a little over 3.2 million followers on his various channels and his stab at the trend only netted him 5 million views.

And Ryan only has 1.2 million followers. His try at the trend only got 2.6 million views.

Still healthy views and hits to their trends.

*My* channel’s I only have maybe 300k followers…..before I did the trend. Now it’s 12.6 million followers.

That was six month’s ago.

Sure I’ve done other trends to keep my new follower’s entertained but I constantly feel like I have to do more and more. Each one not carrying the same ‘*Wow*’ effect.

I looked at my two friends and sighed, “Yeah.”

Damian spoke, “Remind me again which awards you’re entered in again.”

I spoke, “Hold on.”

I dug into my pocket to retrieve my phone and went through my emails until I found the one that notified me about the awards I had been entered into.

I spoke, “Emerging Male Influencer, Emerging Male Fitness Influencer, Most Popular Video, Most Popular Male ThirstTrap, Most Reacted ThirstTrap, and Most Reacted Video.”

Damian whistled before chuckling, “That’s a lot of nominations buddy.”

Ryan spoke, “Either way Dusty after we’re done with the convention and they put on the site with all your nominations whether you win or not you should post on your channel’s all your nominations and have them verified ASAP so you can get more money when you post.”

I looked at Ryan and nodded, “Right.”

Damian spoke, “What are **Dusty**’s chances of winning? Who’s he going up against?”

Ryan looked down at his tablet, “Let’s see here….”

He tapped around before speaking, “For ‘*Emerging Male Influencer*’ he’s going up against a few other *known* influencers who’s racked up better followers so I’d say it’s low on that one.”

He tapped before continuing, “*Emerging Male Fitness*’ he’s going up against one other guy so Dusty *might* win.”

He clicked his tongue, “*Most Popular* he’s got some competition there.”

He tapped, “*Male ThirstTrap*’ I’d say he’s got this one in the bag.”

He looked up at us, “*Most **Reacted** ThirstTrap*’ you’re going up against *CursedGurl365* so I’d say you’re screwed.”

*CursedGurl365* is a streamer and online influencer, like us. Her main theme is she wears a bikini or some type of alluring outfit sometimes she cosplays while gaming and taunts and teases guy’s as she bluntly hits on them. If the guy is not taken and sounds attractive to her she issues a challenge if they can beat her she’ll do a private game with them which she pretty much usually kills their character in the game talking mad trash.

I don’t know much about her personally because I don’t follow her religiously, plus I’m not much of a huge gamer…..I mean I game but I’m not very competitive. All I know is she’s a gamer girl with a huge following. She teases guy’s in games hitting on them. And she does A LOT of thirst traps, one or two I’ve seen…….ok I’ve seen more than one or two.

Ok that’s a lie. I do follow her….but I’m not stalking her. And I’m not the *only* one who followers her. Of us three, I’d say Ryan was the one who stalks her the most while I just *appreciate* her content.

Damian laughed, “Yeah you’re screwed there buddy. *CurseGurl365*’ always takes it,” he looked at Ryan, “is she here?”

I perked up looking at Ryan as he shrugged before shaking his head, “Doubt it. She’s a hermit because of her condition so I’m sure she’ll accept the award when she wins it via LiveFeed like the last two or three years she’s won any of the awards.”

I groaned hearing that as I kinda hoped that I might be able to meet her….along with some other influencers.

Ryan continued, “And *Most Reacted* he’s up against a couple of others so that one is low.”

Damian looked at me, “Sounds like you’ll win one or two awards buddy that’s awesome.”

I shrugged, “I don’t know guy’s I feel out of my element here.”

Damian threw a pillow at me, “You’ll do fine you galoot. Tomorrow we’ll go down mingle with the rest of the influencers who have shown up. Hook up with a few that we know and in a few short day’s it’ll be all over.”

Ryan spoke, “How about we go down now. Get some food maybe have a drink to cut the edge off before the convention starts tomorrow,” he looked at me, “maybe seeing that the crowd are people just like us it’ll help you relax bud?”

Damian smiled, “I’m game,” he looked at me, “What do you say Dusty? You in?”

I sighed and smiled at my friend’s, “Sure that sounds good.”

