Old Flames 11 – Asshole (fiction, M29/F28, con, friends, exs, rekindle)

I had made it home long enough to kick up my feet and actually turn on the TV before I heard a vehicle pull up semi suddenly. Only one guess as to who had *suddenly* pulled up.

**BAM** **BAM** **BAM**

I looked at the door smiling waiting for a moment before I called out, “WHO IS IT??”

Sam yelled against the door, “YOU KNOW WHO IT IS *ASS*!!”

I chuckled knowing this was going to happen as I called out, “DOORS UNLOCKED!!”

My door opened as Sam slowly walked in looking irritated and after what I did I knew *why* she was irritated. I didn’t get up from my relaxed state as Sam walked and closed the door without looking away from me as her ire was clearly visible.

I smirked, “So how was your dinner?”

Sam mockingly smirked at me, “It would have been fine IF you didn’t fucking tell my waiter *who* I was.”

I vained innocence, “I only wanted to make sure you go the *best* service possible so I may have hinted at your *possible* resemblance to the waiter as I heard him talking about how hot this online influencer was to his colleague.” I smiled at her, “How was your service by the way?”

She squinted at me as she spoke through her teeth, “Good.”

I smiled wider, “And the food?”

Sam squinted more as she growled, “Good.”

I tilted my head at her giving her my best *innocent* smile, “Just *goooood*?”

Sam glowered at me for a long moment before sighing and rolling her eyes, “*FIIIINNNEEEE!!!* The food was *delicious* and the service was surprisingly top notch,” she smirked, “even if the young waiter did have the hots for me he still kept his distance and didn’t bother me too much.”

I raised my eye brow at Sam, “Really? He didn’t hound you for a photo or something?”

Sam sighed as she finally walked into the house before slumping down on the sofa and relaxing. She looked at me with a smirk, “Na he was smart enough to wait until after I was done with my meal before asking if I’m really ‘*IttyBittyPerkyDoll*’.” She poked me, “I would have told him I have *no idea* what he’s talking about BUT you and your big fat mouth had to tell him as he added that YOU told him I was *IttyBittyPerkyDoll*.”

I laughed, “Yeah well it seemed like a good idea at the time.”

She looked at me, “Uh huh,” she sighed, “so after I did tell him but made him **swear** not to tell anyone else only did I take a photo with him to shut him up.”

I scoffed, “At least the kid will be talking about it for ***years*** that he met a online star.”

She smirked, “They always do.”

She looked at me and poked me in the side, “That was still a *rotten* thing to do leaving me in the brewery like that,” she poked me again, “AND to make me pay for my own food no less.”

I winced at the pokes into my side but after she was done, “Hey with your *online* account you have more than enough money to pay for yourself,” I looked at her, “it’s not like we were on a date anyways.”

She scowled at me, “You’re just lucky I had the money buster,” she turned to me, “what would have happened IF I didn’t have the money?”

I rolled my eyes, “I would have paid the tab as I left. But I *knew* you have enough to pick up your own tab,” I looked at her, “just like I know you have enough to buy a new RV like we talked about without batting an eye so shut up.”

Sam huffed, “Ass!”

I looked at her smirking, “But I *thought* YOU now like it when I’m an ass to you?”

She looked at me trying to hide her smirk, “Yeah an ASS **to** ME not an all around asshole.”

I shrugged, “Sorry still have seven years to deal with.”

Sam sighed out an explosion, “I said ‘**I’M SORRY!!**’ about all that will you give it a fucking rest and quit hanging it over my fucking head!” She huffed back into the sofa, “Besides it’s not like YOU were the only one who was **hurt**.”

She looked at me irritated, “You do *realize* that I was also hurt when **you** left me.”

We remained quiet for a moment before I paused the show and sighed, “You’re right. What I did earlier was kind of childish.”

Sam scoffed, “You think.”

I held up my hand, “Either way you have said you’re sorry and you’re here *trying* to make amends. Right?”

Sam looked at me and nodded, “Yes. Kind of the **main** reason.”

I looked at her, “Fine. How about for now we try to start over and *try* not to bring up the past.”

Sam looked at me her eyes slightly watering, “I would like that.”

I nodded, “Fine. I’ll try to not bring up *OUR* past but you’ll have to forgive a few hiccups every now and then.”

She looked at me for a moment before smiling, “And **I** promise to using my feminine wiles to *try* to change the subject,” she leaned into me and nibbled on my neck as she whispered, “this new *hate sex* is actually *really* **really** fun!”

I groaned as Sam knew she was hitting a *spot* on me to turn me on and the whispering into my ear wasn’t helping.

Sam ran her hand down my body and magically slipped her hand under my waist band and into my boxers quickly finding my dick.

I groaned out loud, “Is that all you think of Sam….sex?”

Sam moved away slightly smiling evilly, “Of course,” she smile widened, “you said it yourself we have SEVEN long years of sex to make up for.”

She forcefully moved her arm and wrist until my dick came out with her hand as she growled, “Now OFF with the clothes.”

I looked at her and growled, “I’ll show you OFF.”

With that I reached up and grabbed her shirt and pulled ripped her shirt apart until her bra and breasts fell out causing Sam to coo at me, “There you go!”

I grabbed her bra and repeated the process ripping the bra open completely exposing her tits.

I pushed her over to side of the couch and grabbed her shorts and simply yanked them off then grabbed her thong and yanked that off as it tore into pieces.

Sam simply smiled, “Yes baby that’s what I was missing!!!”

I didn’t listen as I pulled her into me and kissed her as she didn’t fight me.

As I pulled her in I instantly felt her nipples getting hard pushing against my body.

Our tongues were quickly sliding along each other fighting for the same space for a long moment bringing back memories of us doing this for each while we together only a little bit more…….forceful.

Our *kiss* lasted longer than what I was normally accustomed to but with Sam back in my life it seemed this level of *kissing* was beginning to be the new norm.

During our kiss her hands were wildly groping my body before she finally made her decision during our kiss as I felt her hands find my waistband and start tugging at the material trying to undo my knot in my sweats that I had switched into before she even showed up. After a little bit of tugging trying to free me of **my** clothing did she finally find the knot that she had mistakenly tightened making it an impossible knot…..well during our act it was an impossible knot.

We broke the kiss as she huskily spoke, “Off!”

I looked down at my sweats finding the problem confirming the knot was between me and her as the kissing had awakened my loins that was pushing against the fabric.

She grabbed at my sweats again to actually see the problem that **she** created before smiling up at me, “Want to take the time and undo the knot,” her smile turned wicked, “or can I *rip* them off of you like you did to me?”

I wanted to tell her no as the sweats were my favorite pair as I had broken them in long ago *but* Sam didn’t wait for an answer as she pulled herself in and tugged at the string keeping her from her prize before I finally spoke, “What are you doing?”

I heard some faint gnarling as I watched Sam’s head twist this way and that before she finally pulled away and was tugging at the string holding my waist band together letting me see she had chewed through the string separating the know that was still in tact from the other side officially chewing through the string as she wanked it out of the waistband.

Now that the string missing from the waistband made my sweats go from a restriction keeping her from me to easy access as my sweat’s waistband nearly opened up for someone who was 40 or 50 lbs heavier than me…..or at least someone who had a size 40 inch waist compared to my 32 inch waist.

Needless to say Sam officially ruined my favorite pair of sweats.

A $10 pair of sweats but still my favorite.

With the waistband ruined and open Sam smiled up at me as she reached into my open waistband and with minimal effort she slipped her hand through my underwear’s waistband finding what she was looking for……my hardened soldier.

She huskily smiled at me, “There we go,” before using her other hand to pull down my ruined sweats and underwear while her other hand had a firm grasp on my dick. Once I was freed she lightly chuckled, “There now we’re both in the same boat.”

This all took about a few seconds as I blinked at Sam’s quickness lightly wondering how her teeth gnarled through the string so fast.

But I quickly overcame the momentary shock before I smiled at her and reached down tugging at her shirt, encouraging her to let go of me forcing her to raise her arms for her shirt to be removed correctly.

After her shirt was removed she looked down at herself before looking at me pretending to pout as she spoke, “Damn we’re no longer matching.”

I got the hint as I rolled my eyes before smiling as I took off my shirt and tossed it, not caring it’s trajectory, smiling down at her, “Still not matching.”

She looked down realizing she had one last piece of clothing that I didn’t have before looking at me smiling as she reached behind herself and I watched her do that trick that all girls seem to know how to do as she unclasped her bra releasing it’s hold on her tits before she reached on the front simply tugging the cups off her breasts as it slipped off her body. She didn’t do anything to the material other than letting go as fell to the ground before she smiled, “There. Now we’re matching.”

With that Sam lifted her legs and folded herself smiling at me, “Now where were we?”

I growled as I mounted her holding her down as I smacked my dick on her pussy lips…..hard.

Sam cooed as I watched her eyes flutter with each smack.

Each smack I tried to make harder and harder until her lips were red and I was beginning to feel my dick getting bruised.

All I got from her was a smile and cooing.

Enough was enough it was time to fuck her as I angled my dick down making sure I was hitting her entrance before I plunged my dick down starting our new level of sex.

And I was beginning to enjoy it.


Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/zu3d6i/old_flames_11_asshole_fiction_m29f28_con_friends