Losing It – Part 7[FF][Dickgirl/Futanari][Oral][Teasing][Bullying]

>Mirrors [for better formatting]

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^﴾ ^Content: ^18+, ^anal ^sex, ^anal ^stimulation, ^asphyxiation, ^big ^dick, ^breathplay, ^bullying, ^cum ^in ^hair, ^cum ^in ^mouth, ^cum ^on ^face/facial, ^cum ^swallow, ^domination, ^excessive ^cum, ^girls ^with ^dicks, ^handjob, ^multiple ^orgasms, ^multiple ^penises, ^non-con ^[dream], ^oral ^sex ^[fellatio], ^prostitution, ^rough ^sex, ^verbal ^abuse ^﴿

# Chapter 7⸻Nightmares

I’m not sure what woke me up. I’m not even sure how I ended up getting downstairs and back into Millie’s bed, to be honest. But when my half-asleep eyes finally peeled open, the silhouetted form that greeted me was impossible to mistake. It seemed that Lizzie and Kim were having a little trouble sleeping as well.

They had taken the opposite side of Millie’s king size and laid opposite us with their heads near the foot of the bed. And they were making themselves at home, to say the least.

Kim had her panties around one ankle, laying on her side while Lizzie held her other leg in the air. Her shirt was pulled just above her nipple line, and Lizzie’s free hand occasionally took a break from gripping Kim’s neck to handle her exposed breasts. Her hair was braided into low pigtails, which had been brought around her head and tied behind to serve as a makeshift blindfold.

Kim moaned softly in bliss. One hand covered her mouth and the other reached down between her thighs. She stroked one of Lizzie’s cocks while the other one worked a steady rhythm in and out of her ass.

Lizzie’s teeth were sunk into Kim’s neck, which gave her groans of exertion a bit of a growly tone each time her cock dilated Kim’s abused back door. Kim’s eyes rolled up into the back of her head and fluttered closed with each new assault. Tiny streams of drool ran out from between her fingers and down her wrist as she lost herself in the depravity.

Lizzie’s hand made its way from her breasts down to her drooling folds, eliciting a poorly-muffled squeal from Kim.

“Mm-mm! *Mm-mm*!” Kim shook her head wildly.

“Shafe vurd?” Lizzie snarled through the flesh between her teeth.

Kim briefly considered. She slowly shook her head. Lizzie tittered.

“Cum for me, then…” Lizzie growled, lovingly rubbing circles around Kim’s throbbing clit as she stiffly pounded her ass, “…sweet little slut.”

Kim’s off-hand clasped over the other as her muffled moans grew louder. Lizzie’s lower shaft flopped around between Kim’s thighs with every thrust of her hips. It glistened in the dim light, coated with wetness from Kim’s drooling pussy. Hard as a rock. Tributaries of precum flowing down the shaft in every direction. Like an effusive eruption from the mouth of a volcano.

It was like a mesmerist pendulum for my alcohol-addled brain. I don’t even really remember what happened until it ended up in my mouth.


I hiccuped a little as Lizzie’s load blasted the back of my throat. A hum of delight escaped my lips. She tasted kind of like Millie. The mouthfeel was all wrong, though. It was too smooth, too consistent… none of the mashed potato lumps or claggy, tongue-gluing stickiness. It was a nice treat for sure, but I found myself yearning for something else. Millie’s slimy, viscous delight—as heavy on the tongue as it was in its aroma.

I don’t think I made it to the base. But it wasn’t for a lack of trying. I gleefully worked back and forth, coaxing more and more of my salty reward from Lizzie’s spasming cock. A drunken giggle escaped as it started to run down the side of my cheek and onto the bedsheets. I put my hand under the little stream of slimy runoff to catch the mess, but by the time she was finished, my cupped hands had begun to overflow.

⁕ ⁕ ⁕

I woke up very confused. It was still dark. My head was still swimming from the lost count of tequila sours that I imbibed. But Kim and Lizzie were sleeping soundly a foot or so away—neither vertically inverse nor fucking wildly.

The air didn’t have that post-fuck moistness. The sheets weren’t wet, from what I could tell. My mouth definitely tasted like I’d drank half a pint of cum, but seeing as Millie had given me a fucking cock-meat esophagoscopy on her couch a short while ago, that didn’t really mean much. A dream? That was probably for the best. I silently swore off tequila forever, as I had done many times before.

As I laid my head down to make an attempt to abandon consciousness once more, I became acutely aware that the tequila had migrated while I slept. I peeled myself out of Millie’s sleepy snuggles and made a beeline for the bathroom with all the dignity I could manage on my one good leg. I briefly thought I might not make it.

A sigh of relief floated from my lips when my bare ass touched the chilly seat, my half-mast morning wood deflating along with my rapidly emptying bladder. I put my head on my palm, my elbow braced on one of my knees.

God, it had been a long night. I wasn’t sure what time it was, but I knew it was too early to be awake. Now that I wasn’t in imminent danger of wetting the bed, my eyelids felt more than a little heavy. I closed them for a moment, grumbling to myself at the prospect of hop-limping back to bed.

⁕ ⁕ ⁕

“Ey, *slut*. **Wake up**.”

“Whuhbhuh?” I babbled, stirred from slumber by a quartet of weighty slaps across my cheek.

Another few slaps across my cheek brought me more awake while I scrunched my face in frustration.

“Fucking *stop*!” I asserted, putting my hand up to reject the source of my annoyance. It throbbed eagerly in my grip, coating my wrist in a slimy spurt of warm fluid. I opened my eyes, intending to spit venom at whoever was fucking with me.

Lizzie’s ringed thumb fish-hooked my right cheek, holding it open while her cock—or one of them, at least—jammed the back of my throat. I gagged and reflexively attempted to retreat, but my back bumped against the tank before I could get more than an inch of her length out of my mouth. I could hear her laughing through clenched teeth, savoring her surprise conquest.

“Awful uppity last night, weren’t ya? That tracks, though. You are the school slut, yeah? Or I guess the school whore now, given that fat stack of cash Mil-Mil gave you…”

I looked up at her with a fresh look of surprise on my face.

“What? C’mon, Mia—It’s not like you hide it or anything. *Everyone* knows, dude. The whole ‘girlfriend’ act was really cute, though.”

I shook my head and babbled in protest, my mouth far too full to form any coherent speech. I kept trying though—desperate to explain myself somehow. Lizzie just laughed and reached into her back pocket with her free hand. She pulled out a folded 100 between her index and middle fingers and flicked it into my face.

“‘Fraid I can’t afford three thou a night, but a cool hundred should be good for a little morning fun, right?”

She didn’t exactly wait for an answer. I nearly wretched as she pinned my head against the tank, slowly putting more weight into her assault on my throat, stroking her upper cock as her lower one sunk deeper. I pounded and pushed on her thighs, pleading with her as I drooled all over myself trying to form a single word. I get the feeling that she knew what I was getting at. She just didn’t care.

“Lil Millie’s too nice for someone like you, Mia. You’ll just walk all over her and she’ll thank you for it. But that’s where big sister comes in, y’know? I’m gonna fuck you stupid, bitch. Gonna train that preppy little head of yours up good, don’t worry… You’ll make a perfect little housewife for Millie… once I’m done with you, at least…”

Lizzie retreated from my mouth, giving me a moment to cough and wretch while she slipped out of her jeans. I looked up as she put one of her boots on the tank near my head, just in time for her to slam both barrels into the back of my throat.

Given her particular setup, Lizzie had to sort of turn to the side to pack a cock into each of my cheeks. Given the fluidity of her motion and the power of her thrusts, it seemed like she had lots of practice.

“Fuck yeah…” Lizzie moaned, savoring my gagging protests with every thrust, “You enjoying yourself, Miss Kamiya?”

I shook my head and fruitlessly tried to push her away.

“Oh yeah?” Lizzie roughly squeezed my cock in her fist, “Awful big boner for someone who ain’t into it…”

I continued to shake my head in denial. She began to lightly stroke me. I kicked my legs around futilely as she continued her assault on my throat.

“Whatever… Quit bitchin’ and open that throat up, whore. I’m gonna nut…”

Lizzie’s thrusts hadn’t gotten any more rapid since she started. No, she just seemed to grow more brutal and impatient as she grew nearer to climax. Her moans had become more like growls at this point. While at first, she had tried to finesse and coax my throat open, now she was just trying to shove herself down my gullet with brute force.

Just when I had finally decided that it was an impossible fit, Lizzie grabbed two handfuls of my hair and dropped most of her weight onto the foot propped on the toilet tank, smushing my nose up against the ink on her inner thigh. A shudder and moan of satisfaction rolled through Lizzie’s body, followed by the kind of load that I had come to expect from the Cheese family. Hot, claggy wads of her cum stretched my abused throat even further, distending each of her fat underveins in turn as they spewed from the end of her cock and down into my quickly filling stomach.

Lizzie’s head fell back as she brushed the hair from her face, a forked tongue lolling out of her head as she moaned in utter rapture. She pulled back once, I thought at first to let me breathe. Nope. She just wanted to fill my mouth so she could watch it shoot out my nose when she throated me again.

“*Oh* **god**… I think I might owe you more than a hundred…” Lizzie panted as she finally pulled her drool and cum covered cocks from my mouth, “Put it on my tab, yeah?”

My eyes fell closed as I tried to catch my breath. They shot back open when she flipped me over and pushed my face against the cold porcelain of the toilet tank. I babbled in confused protest until I felt her twin-cockheads rubbing up against my ass.

“Last train to gapes-ville in three…” Lizzie cackled.

“H—hey, wait—”


“S—seriously, that’s not going to fi—!”


⁕ ⁕ ⁕

I jolted awake and glanced around the little alcove that housed the toilet. Empty. I sighed, in relief and frustration. Another dream. I silently swore off tequila for the second time this morning.

I was beginning to dislike how imaginative my subconscious was regarding the Cheese sisters and their freakish dicks. The familiar throb of arousal had become so constant that it was almost an annoyance. I briefly considered masturbating but banished the thought immediately. After all, that was beneath me.

I absentmindedly swallowed. That taste again. My everything throbbed in response. I reached down to pull my panties back up, but even the soft cotton felt like a tease against my painfully horny cock and pussy. I had a feeling I wouldn’t be getting much sleep until Millie woke up…

…and as it turns out? I didn’t.

I recoiled when I spotted my reflection as I walked by the mirror. God, Millie really did a number on me. I looked like a raccoon that got kicked out of clown school. At that point, I figured I would just cut my losses.

I slipped out of my clothes and hopped in the shower. Thanks to the fancy touch panel, I managed to douse myself with water that must’ve been pumped in from the fucking arctic circle before I finally got it up to the right temperature. On the bright side? I was certainly awake after that.

Jump cut to the morning when Kim finally dragged herself up the stairs. I used the extra early morning to get a head start on making breakfast. Given how much everyone drank last night, I had a sneaking suspicion that they wouldn’t be in a huge hurry to cook for themselves. So I decided to be nice, for once.

“Could you ask the Cheeses how they like their eggs?” I called over my shoulder, as I tied my apron strings, “You still take yours’ over medium?”

Kim glared at me so hard her teeth ground together, but she didn’t say anything. After like five uninterrupted seconds of getting the stink eye, I went back to preparing the food. She growled something under her breath and lightly stomped back down the stairs a few seconds later.

‘Jeez, she’s enjoying whatever’s up her ass this morning way less than the various things that were up her ass last night,’ I thought, shortly before laughing at my own joke.

She returned a few minutes later with the Cheese sisters. The three of them dragged their feet and groaned like B-movie zombies, suffering the consequences of excess the night prior. They eventually found and fell into their chairs at the kitchen table.

“Good morning~” I smiled and cracked a few eggs into the skillet, “How do you take ‘em, girls?”

“S-scrambled…” Millie politely whispered, “Please not so loud…”

“Over medium,” Kim grumbled, apparently hungrier than she was angry.

“Sunny side…” Lizzie groaned, shielding her eyes from the sun.

“Coming right up…” I hummed softly, “Is bacon okay with everyone? I couldn’t find any sausage or ham in the fridge…”

The three of them nodded and groaned in varying tones, clearly unconcerned with the variety of breakfast meats.

“How are you not dying?” Lizzie asked me pointedly as I served their plates and coffee a few minutes later, “You drank like a quarter of your weight in hard liquor…”

“Oh, I don’t do hangovers,” I answered back, as I took a sip of my own coffee and sat down.

“You don’t…do…hangovers?” Lizzie puzzled, incredulous, “Are you shitting me?”

“She’s not…” Kim grumbled, “She just doesn’t. It’s infuriating.”

“Luckyyyy…” Millie mumbled, chewing a piece of bacon while she rested her cheek on the table, “Oh my god this is so good…”

“A nice, greasy breakfast is always good for a hangover,” I smiled, “Or like… so I’m told.”

I snickered as the three of them glared at me in unison. They were too busy stuffing their faces to do much else though. After a few more minutes, I made the rounds to collect the plates. I gave Millie a peck on the cheek as I took hers.

Lizzie rolled her arm over to check her watch.

“Shit…” she moaned, “it’s almost nine, Kimmy…”

“Ugh… okay. Let me get a shower,” Kim groaned in response.

“Plans?” I butted in while I tossed the dishes in the dishwasher.

“We’re volunteering at G-Con,” Lizzie explained.

Kim glared in my direction, waiting for the snide comment that she knew I was thinking. When it didn’t come, she added, “We were going to go for all three days, but then all of our stuff got soaked yesterday.”

“Spent all day dealing with the renter’s insurance, and trying to save what we could,” Lizzie continued.

Ah. Well, I guess that explained the maid outfit Kim wore last night. I guess it must’ve been one hell of a burst pipe

“Sorry that happened…” Millie mumbled, half-conscious with her face resting on the table.

“It’ll be fine, but thanks,” Lizzie shrugged, “Kim got it the worst. I already put my bag in the car. She was still packing, so her whole wardrobe was waterlogged.”

“I’ve got another change of clothes in my bag downstairs,” I cut in, and looked at Kim, “You can wear those if you want.”

Kim and I have worn the same sizes in basically everything since we were in grade school. I figured a fresh change of clothes would beat a maid costume with last night’s fuck-stank wafting off it. It was also my attempt at an olive branch for whatever she was being so pissy about.

“Are you sure?” Kim asked with a sigh, “What are you going to wear?”

“I’ll just wear these,” I pinched the fabric of my sleepwear—an oversized t-shirt in pastel pink. It matched the striped panties I wore underneath it, but not the ugly green apron I found hanging in the pantry, “I’m probably gonna like… pass out soon, anyway. I didn’t sleep very good last night.”

“Wonder why?” Kim rolled her eyes and mumbled.

“Hm?” I heard her perfectly well, but I pressed it anyway.

“Thank you, I said,” Kim said a little louder.

“You’re welcome,” I fake-smiled in response.

“Wait… G-Con is next weekend, isn’t it?” Millie asked with her face still resting on the table.

“Didn’t you get the email? The con got bumped up a week because of… some basketball thing?” Kim looked at Lizzie with a shrug.

“Clippers v Heat. Not exactly a barn burner, but hey…” Lizzie grumbled.

“Wh—what!?” Millie sat up like the place had caught fire, but quickly regretted it. She clutched her head and pinched her eyes shut, “Oh god… my head…”

“What’s your problem, spaz?” Lizzie chuckled at her sister’s expense.

“I have a booth… in the artist alley…” Millie explained.

“The artist alley doesn’t open until 1 o’clock. You’ve got plenty of time.” Kim reassured her.

Millie groaned. I saw her glance up at me from her folded arms.

“Anyway, let’s go get ready, Kimmie. I need a shower before I go anywhere…” Lizzie fanned her shirt, grimacing at the post-fuck-no-shower smell that hit her nose.

“Definitely. I think we uh… I think it’s safe to say we all worked up a sweat…” Kim laughed nervously and followed Lizzie, “I can wash your back~”

“What you can do is go downstairs to shower, Ms. Grabby Hands. I’m going to use the one upstairs,” Lizzie smirked, eliciting a pout from Kim, “I wanna get there before it closes, and that’s not gonna happen if we get wet and naked together.”

Kim didn’t have an argument for that, and conceded as Lizzie shooed her down the stairs towards Millie’s gigantic bathroom in the basement. Then she went upstairs herself.

I turned to Millie.

“You want some tylenol or something?” I giggled as she groaned, shielding her eyes, “You’ve gotta get ready soon too, right?”

“I… I mean, I don’t need that booth…” Millie stuttered heavily again with a nervous smile, “I can cancel, and then I can—”

“Stay here hungover with me?” I finished for her.

“Well…” Millie put her fingers together, “I mean, if you’d like to…”

“Millie, don’t be a drip. Go do your nerd shit, and we can just meet up later,” I laughed.


“Don’t get clingy on me already, Mildy,” I teased, “You paid money for that space, right? At the nerd party?”

“Well… yes, but—” Millie gave me puppy dog eyes. I narrowed mine back at her. Stupid. Pretty. Green. Eyes.

“Will you go with me?” she softly pleaded.

“Millie, you remember how I couldn’t walk yesterday?” I gestured to the swollen cankle on my left foot.

“You won’t have to walk much! I’m just going to run my booth,”

“Millie, I’m going to get bored and climb under that table within like half an hour. Do you think you can like… draw? Or count change? Or do whatever nerd shit you’re going to do? With what I’m gonna be doing to you down there?”

Millie looked at the floor as her face reddened. Her dick seemed to enjoy the suggestion though, judging by how she shifted in her seat. She still didn’t move, though—clearly mulling over her options.

It was at that point I had to remind myself that Millie was—until very recently—a virgin. So a certain amount of cling was sort of inevitable. Not her fault. That post-fuck euphoria hits us all pretty hard the first time.

“Alright. Quit pouting, dweeb,” I rolled my eyes and rested my elbows on the table, “I’ll make you a deal—”

“Y—Yes!?” Millie bounced excitedly.

“The gathering of the nerds goes on through tomorrow, right?” I asked.


“I’ll like… hang around here today. Maybe go get another change of clothes or something. But I’ll meet you back here at… when does this thing end?”

“Oh, um… the artist booths close at 9… I think,” Millie answered back after some thought.

“Alright. I’ll be here when you get back, and we can do like… whatever you want, okay?”

“W—what…ever?” I could see the gears turning in Millie’s head as her face continued to redden.

“I know what I said, Millie,” I smirked, “And if the swelling in my ankle goes down enough to wear regular shoes? I’ll go with you tomorrow,”

“Promise?” Millie prodded.

“Yes, Millie!” I raised my voice, but I couldn’t suppress a laugh, “Get the fuck outta here!”

Millie smiled and stood from her chair. She leaned in for a kiss, but I surrendered only a quick peck—arms crossed & eyes averted. She bounced away and down the stairs with a grin on her stupid face as I finished putting the dishes away.

“So… you Millie’s new girlfriend?”

God, that startled me so much that I nearly jumped into one of the cabinets. I spun around as the new voice dug around in the fridge. I finally got my heart out of my throat by the time she made her selection and sat down.

“Didn’t mean to scare ya. Sorry,”

The woman who sat at the table may have been the most visibly exhausted human being I’ve ever laid eyes on. Her head hung over her meager breakfast—an off-brand lunchables pizza and a 24 oz can of Red Bull, whatever flavor the yellow one is—and observed passively as her hands constructed a four layer pepperoni pizza, which she ate like a sandwich. Completely cold.

Her blonde hair hung in slightly frizzy strands over her face, worked loose from the bun around the back of her head while she slept. Her glasses hung from the front pocket of her dirty scrubs, which she had clearly fallen asleep in. On the rare occasion that she actually opened them, I could see that she had the signature pretty green eyes of the Cheese family, albeit with worryingly large bags under them.

“N—no, it’s fine… sorry” I sighed in relief, “Holy shit, I didn’t hear you at all…”

“I am very sneaky,” she replied, not bothering to look up as she chewed her mouthful of pizza.

“Yeah… fuck…” I took a deep breath, trying to quiet the thump of my heart in my ears, “You must be… Brie, right?”

“That’s meeeeeee,” she droned, lazily pointing both of her thumbs at herself.

“Nice to meet you. I’m Mia. Mia Kamiya.”

“G’morning, Mia. And likewise.” Brie smiled briefly before she slumped her head back down and crammed the rest of her pizzawich into her mouth.

“Um… rough night?” I asked.

“Eh. Stitched a few stab wounds, restarted a guy’s heart, removed a wad of matted hair from some lady’s stomach,” She shrugged, “Wasn’t all bad though. Found out that both of my sisters are dating screamers, at least.”

“Oh, jeez…” I sucked through my teeth, realizing that I was now zero for two in first impressions, “I’m *so* sorry.”

“I’m just fuckin’ with you, don’t worry about it. I live with Lizzie. I have earplugs.” Brie finally swallowed her mouthful of pizza and popped open her Red Bull, “How’s your ankle, by the way?”

“Oh… it still hurts, but I can walk now. So that’s a plus.”

“Mmm…” she nodded, “Just take it easy and you should be fine,”

I thanked her again and made my way downstairs. I smiled at Millie, who had begun packing her con kit with a noticeable sense of urgency. She smiled back. I grabbed my toothbrush from my bag and went back into the bathroom.

The room was warm and lightly steamed, as you would expect. Kim had finished her shower, and was now doing her makeup in the mirror over the left sink. She pretended not to notice me. Which, honestly? Completely fine with me. Her issues were quite a way down my list of things I had to worry about right now.

I borrowed some toothpaste from the medicine cabinet, wet my toothbrush, and started brushing my teeth in the sink on the opposite side of the room.

“Enjoy yourself last night?” She asked, after about a minute of complete silence

“Mhm,” I mumbled around my toothbrush, “Got real slutty with my girlfriend. Just like I said.”

“And mine too?” Kim huffed, turning from the mirror for the first time.

The color drained from my face. My toothbrush fell out of my mouth as my jaw dropped and landed in the sink.

“What? Where?”

“Last night, you ditz. In bed.” Kim rolled her eyes.

“I wasn’t…? I thought I was dreaming…“

“Suuuure you did,” she laughed.

“N—no, seriously… Oh my god, I am so sorry…” I hid my face, guilt and shame radiating off me, “I was so drunk…”

“Whatever,” Kim scoffed, rolling her eyes, “I figured you’d be jealous, but keep your hands off Lizzie. Got it?”

“Kim, I said I was—” I stopped short as what she said actually processed, and peeked out from behind my hands, “Wait… what?”

“Honestly, you should be happy. Millie’s nice. Don’t be so shallow… looks and size aren’t everything, you know…”

“…W—what?” I repeated.

“Kind of embarrassing, honestly. Bragging so hard about how big your partner’s dick is… like, it’s not a contest… even if I won…”

I began to consider that I might be bleeding into my brain or something, which had caused my grip on reality to slip. What the fuck was she talking about?

“B—but… hang on… so you think…” It was around then that I finally clicked the pieces into place,” Ohhhh… oh my… gooood…”

I started to laugh. Kim whipped back around, seemingly shocked and slightly offended. I kept laughing. In fact, I laughed so hard that I had to lean against the sink for a few moments to keep my balance.

“What?” Kim demanded, red faced out of both anger and embarrassment, “What!? What the fuck is so funny, Mia!?”

“Ohhh my gooooddd…” I wheezed, “Hold on… I need a minute…”

Kim glared and crossed her arms while I caught my breath.

“Okay, so first of all? Don’t think I didn’t catch that backhanded compliment about Millie. I didn’t insult Shrapnel Face McHotTopic or her stupid thumb rings, so let’s try to keep it civil, mmmkay?” I crossed my injured leg over the other, and leaned back on the sink again

“Fuck you, Mi—”

“*Mind your tongue*, ***slag***.” I interrupted with a pointed stare. She shut up, and I put up a second finger, “Secondly, I have no reason to be jealous, and certainly no reason to lie about being jealous.”

“Oh yeah?” Kim exclaimed smartly in response.

“Yes, *Kitten*!” I shot back with malice, “Because you fucking know what I do when I want to bang someone who’s off the market—I fuck them anyway. Sometimes I throw it up on Insta too, just so everybody knows the score.”

Kim didn’t say anything. She just threw her head back and rolled her eyes.

“Third—why was Lizzie’s bottom barrel close enough to my mouth for that to happen in the first place?” I tilted my head inquisitively to illustrate my point.

“W—well!” Kim uncrossed her arms, and stumbled over a few words, “So what? Y—you’re gonna tell me where I can have sex with my girlfriend now? You didn’t have a problem with it in the living room.“

“Look, if you’re gonna get all pissy about where your partner’s cock goes? Maybe you shouldn’t let it flop in your drunk, slutty sister’s face, hmmm?”

“God forbid I expect you to have an ounce of self-control for once,” Kim pulled off her glasses and pinched the bridge of her nose in frustration.

“I already said I was sorry, damn it! Deal with it or don’t, but I’m done. Excuse me, I’ve gotta go tell Millie… that—” My voice broke a little bit as belligerent anger turned to sad realization, “—that I’m a bad girlfriend…”

I felt my eyes starting to burn, so I turned back toward the sink to hide my face. Unfortunately, there was still a mirror there. So it didn’t really work.

“God damn it! I didn’t even make it *one day*! ***Fuck***!”

“H—hey…” Kim’s expression quickly took on an element of concern and surprise, “Mia, are you… crying?”

“No!” I lied through my scrunched face, “Fuck off!”

“Mia, I—” Kim stepped toward me.

“You win! I’ll stay socially distanced so your stupid girlfriend doesn’t catch my slut-cooties, okay!? Fuck *the fuck* ***off***!”

She leaned in to hug me. I shoved her away. Honestly, I almost elbowed her in the face by accident, but she moved her head at the last second as I spun around.

“Hey! I was just—”

“What? Like, trying to comfort me or something? You fuckin’… pick at me until I cry… didn’t even know what I **did**! And now you want a fucking hug? Go fuck yourself, Kim.”

“You… you really do care about her, don’t you?” Kim asked in complete disbelief, “Do you like… love her? For real?”

It pissed me off at first. Until I came up with my answer, at least.

“I don’t know!” I hissed through my tears, “But I wanted to try… and that’s like… further than I’ve ever gotten before…”

There was a long silence after that. I put my hands over my face and tried to steady my breathing. Both for my benefit, and because I was beginning to realize how much my sobbing was freaking Kim out. She hadn’t seen me cry for real since…

…since Mom found out, I guess.

“Mia, I—” Kim began, struggling for words, “Look, I… I thought you tricked me. About Millie, and all that. I was really happy that you finally… opened up again, you know? And I thought—… actually, it doesn’t matter,”

Kim took a deep breath and massaged her temples.

“And now I feel like… you probably didn’t. Trick me, I mean. And I feel like I… maybe fucked up…”

I wanted to be mad, but I really couldn’t be. It wasn’t like I hadn’t lied to Kim before to get what I wanted. Honestly, there was a point where I just did it out of spite. I wasn’t the best sister, to put it lightly.

“I get a bit… defensive. When you’re involved,” Kim began, “Being compared to you makes me a little crazy. Even when I’m the one doing the comparison, I guess..”

“I *am* pretty great,” I sobbed into my hands.

Kim’s eyes narrowed as she sighed.

“You know what? I’m going to let you have that one,” Kim smiled and tried to suppress a laugh.

I sniffled and tried to stop crying. It took a little bit, but I managed.

“Really, Mia. I’m sorry.” Kim said.

“It’s… not really your fault. I’ve been kind of like… walled off. And dishonest,” I droned, “

For a *long* time. But I act surprised when people have a hard time believing me when I’m not.”

The silence that overtook the room was comparable to the vacuum of space. Kim started to say something a couple of times, but never got anything out. I could tell that she wanted to push back against my grim self-assessment. Because she didn’t want me to be sad. But she couldn’t. Because it was all true.

“We can… keep this between us?” Kim offered in a voice barely above a whisper, “Lizzie wasn’t mad or anything, so I’m sure she would keep it a secret too.”

“Thanks… but I um…” I wiped the tears from my face with my damp shower towel and stood up a little straighter, “I gotta go… talk to Millie.”

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/zr18lc/losing_it_part