[M] my gf (19) gave a blowjob for a cheeseburger

this was quite a while ago… maybe 20 years ago. my GF at the time was the hottest human i had ever met. she was romanian. she was quite a bitch; super mean to everyone she met for no particular reason. she was a pervert. she was proud to be named for a famous song about a prostitute.
she had straight red hair, green eyes, super pale skin. Courtney Love make up. she was slim. she often wore leather booty shorts with combat boots.
…this was before internet porn made everyone shave or trim their pubic hair, shaved pubic areas weren’t the norm. they were pretty rare actually. she kept hers perfectly bald and had the hood of her clit pierced.
so yeah… my 18 year old, borderline virgin self was blown away that i was dating her.

anyway one time we went for cheeseburgers at a a burger chain. we only had a few bucks, so we split a burger and fries. she says, kiddingly:

-i wonder if the guy would give me cheeseburger if i offered him a blowjob haha!

-hehe that’s ridiculous. only one way to find out, i guess!

-haha OK sure whatever!

she walks to the cash, leans over the counter and whispers something in his ear. the guy just stares at her. he then goes to his supervisor, they discuss something, and comes back to her saying:

-what toppings do you want?


this all took at most 2minutes.

she walks back to our booth with her tray and… gradually her smile goes away. she says:

-OK wait. is this actually happening?

-hahahaha i dont know! looks like it!

i eat some fries. after a single bite she pushes the tray over to me and drops her head on the table.

-i lost my appetite. you eat it.

something i didn’t mention. the burger guy wasn’t exactly… attractive. he had a lazy eye, he was balding, and he was greasy-looking from being around french fries all day.
i guess i’m a jerk cause i thought the situation was hilarious. i ate the burger in silence. when it was almost done she goes:

-let’s get this over with. please stay here.

OK… i didn’t think she was actually going to go through with it. and judging by his face, i don’t think burger guy expected her to either. watching her walk over, his wide smile sort of fades… he suddenly looked pretty scared. poor guy. this must have been by far the hottest girl he ever touched. he may have been a virgin. he was very intimidated.

he looks all sad and takes her to the back-store. they close the door. i finish a couple fries and look around. the manager gives me the stink-eye. i don’t know what his problem is.
five minutes later she runs out the back-store and says:

-can we PLEASE get out of here. NOW.

we step out of the burger place and i take her in my arms. she is in between laughing and screaming and crying. she hugs me back. she says watched me on the security camera. she said it made it a lot easier to go down on him. she says he came very very fast, and that he was actually super kind and not aggressive or pushy at all.

she says she loves me, i tell her i love her too.

she’s scared i’m gonna judge her for this. i explain that i was in on it from the start and it was all a big joke anyway. we go home and nap, cuddling.

i did not kiss her that evening.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/zosd0j/m_my_gf_19_gave_a_blowjob_for_a_cheeseburger