[FM] Lush Life

I was told that I could also post this here 😊

I recently bought a Lush because it’s been one of my goals for a while now, mainly because of its public play capabilities. My mind is rife with fantasies about being naughty in public – and the man I fantasize about has the same proclivities. We’d talked about it, and when he told me that we would test out the toy and told me to make sure that it was fully charged since I would be taking it to work with me, I almost combusted.

When my phone pinged with that special notification sound, telling me to let him know when I’d inserted the toy before I left home, I wasted no time doing so. A little lube, a lot of wiggling, and a whole lot of excitement resulted in the Lush sitting comfortably inside me while I was getting dressed for work. I thought he’d start controlling it immediately after I’d accepted his connection request, but he didn’t, so I continued getting ready.

I was putting my shoes on when I felt the first vibration – a sharp jolt that almost sent one of my flats flying. My phone pinged.

**How was that?** his message read. My heart was racing as I told him that it felt good, though unexpected. He then gave me my parameters for the day:

– Don’t let anyone know. If someone asks if I’m alright, I lose and will be punished accordingly.

– I have to address him by his name.

I agreed, and he continued controlling the Lush, ramping up the vibrations. My mind went blank multiple times, and as I walked around making sure I had everything so I could leave, I shot off a message.

**Oh my goodness**, I sent. **I felt that.**

**Words, use them**, he responded. **Descriptive.**

I should have known. I hurriedly responded with a more detailed response, letting him know exactly what I was feeling and letting him know that I was leaving home, and that I would walk with the storage bag and charger as well, just in case. I also told him that I had an appointment during the day, so he’d have a better idea of how the day would flow. Besides, I thought that since he had to work as well, it would be a relatively light day, with us testing and confirming that the long distance capabilities were functional. As I waited for transportation, my foot tapped restlessly as the vibrations rose and ebbed unpredictably, and when I finally got into the vehicle and sat down, my level of gratitude for masks rose exponentially.

He laughed at this when I told him this, sending him a picture of myself in delicious distress. He asked if he should stop.

**No please**, I responded.

**Good girl**, he replied.

The toy buzzed away as I exited the vehicle, walked to the office, and settled in, and all I could do was hope that I wasn’t walking too oddly. He asked if I was okay, and I responded in the affirmative – but immediately after, my boss asked to talk to me.

The toy didn’t stop buzzing. Not for the entire twenty-one minutes I was doing so, and the intensity just increased as time passed. I refused to sit down while I spoke, and I was lucky – since I made a habit of standing while talking to him, he didn’t ask about it. When I was done, I raced to my phone and saw that he’d messaged me.

**Well, since you can’t respond it means you’re busy, which is the perfect time.**

I burst out laughing. He’d apparently sent me messages asking about the vibration patterns that I didn’t respond to, and he decided to mess with me. I replied letting him know that I’d been talking to my boss, and he had the gall to ask me how it went!

He tested out a couple more patterns, asking me how it felt, and letting me know that he was trying to decide when he would make me come – then he told me that when the pattern changed one more time, I was allowed to.

I did, and I crossed my legs tightly as it happened. He asked me if I orgasmed, and I said that I did. He told me that I could come whenever I liked, and I agreed. These things marked my first mistake.

He wasn’t done with me yet. The buzzing didn’t stop. He continued testing patterns, then told me to tell him how each pattern made me feel without him prompting me to do so. I agreed, which was my second mistake.

The playing stopped when I went to my appointment, mainly because the battery was getting low. He wasn’t pleased about that, but started controlling it again when I was done. I kept responding, giving him feedback on the patterns when he asked a question that made me freeze.

**How many times did you come?**

*Oh shit.*

**Four times**, I typed.

**You are to inform me when you are coming, please**, his response read.

I agreed with a little sigh of relief. I’d dodged a bullet, I thought. I kept sending him messages telling him that I liked the patterns whenever they changed. I was at work, after all, and I actually had to get things done.

**Can you be more descriptive?** he messaged. **If I have to ask again, you won’t like your reward.**

I apologized immediately. I was fucking this up, making simple mistakes. And how the hell was he responding and changing the patterns so quickly? He was at work, too!

I announced two more orgasms before the battery died. I took it out, cleaned it, put it in the storage bag and started charging it, with the instruction to let him know when it was done. He asked me to repeat the total number of orgasms I’d had. I said six. He said that wasn’t good enough. He asked if anyone asked any questions. I said no. He asked how the experience was. I told him that I loved it, and that knowing he was in charge turned me on so much more. He asked if I was going to try this with anyone else, and I asked why I would do that as long as I had him.

He liked that answer – but not enough to let me go unpunished.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/zokhfk/fm_lush_life