[MFF] unexpected threesome was desert for a Black Tie dinner…

TLDR: ended up having unexpected rough sex with an old uni chum and a girl twenty years younger than us…

I [M45] went to a black tie dinner the other night, a monthly fun thing: I invited a couple of friends, one [F45] uni chum who I’d recently reconnected with after a 20year hiatus, and another who needed a good night out. Unfortunately she had to cancel, as did my back-up, so I was left to fall on the generosity of my host, who found someone, of whom I knew nothing.

Being the polite chap I am, I arranged to meet my new guest at my club before hand for drinks – I had no idea of what this girl looked like, sounded like, or would be like.

“They told me to go to the third floor bar ” she messaged, “but I realise that not knowing what you look like is unhelpful!”

Selfie dispatched, she [F25], rapidly arrived. And wow…five foot nothing, dyed red hair, cute as a button, black goth boots under a long patty dress (which included a petticoat, something I’ve never actually seen in real life). Stunner…shall refer to her as Stunner hereonin.

My other friend, also five nothing, was in a tight fitting pants suit, bob-hair and immaculate make up. I was a very happy man.

We had drinks, got along fine, and made our way to dinner via a cab, where I was naturally seated between Stunner and Chum, and was frankly smug as the cat who got the cream.

Stunner and I, despite (or because of?) the 20year age gap, were getting on famously – I ratcheted up the flirting as the drink flowed, migrating to occasionally touching of leg and arm, trying not to look down her low cut top neckline too often, and generally just enjoying myself.

Dinner ended with a very strange duff (very savoury, and not universally appreciated), then retired to the bar for champagne and cigars (turned out she was also a friend of the Redhead I’ve mentioned before in other stories, with similar backgrounds).

0200 comes along, the crowd has thinned down to just the three of us, and we have to leave the club finally, Chum wants more to drink, and so we head to a strip club, and suddenly Chum, who’s entirely straight but about to divorce, starts getting-off with Stunner…with me in the middle.

We’re literally told off by the staff to behave, which I thought was funny, before Chum starts to snog me…Stunner is tucked into my arm, burying her face in my jacket.

“Kiss her!” says Chum. I move her face, and lean down to kiss her; her eyes are wide her as she moves her face to mine and our lips touch – fucking electric. Both their hands are under my jacket as we were all kissing…time to leave before we get thrown out.

Back to mine fast in a cab, now 0400 – the girls are busy kissing each other, hands everywhere while i direct the taxi. Up the lift, smallest lift in NATO, this time I’m pinning Stunner against the wall and sliding my hand up her dresss and petticoat.

Into the flat, into the bedroom- Chum shrugs out of her jumpsuit, she looks stunning; my clothes fall off, and we turn to Stunner who is looking nervous and excited at the same time as she tries to get out of her clothes; we strip her down to her knickers, the petticoat being particularly difficult to remove – her undies are a very unflattering pair, she was clearly not expecting a night of sex!

We fall onto the bed, after a small pill (night of booze and food, help always appreciated), and proceed to lick and taste each other. Pretty soon it’s clear that both Chum and I want to enjoy Stunner, who is definitely sub in bed, a complete contrast to her personality I had hitherto seen; throwing her on her back, I pull off her knickers and we take turns eating her out, both of us sucking a nipple each while we alternated fingering her.

Highlights included watching Chum eat her first pussy while Stunner sucked my rapidly hardening cock; fucking Stunner while Chum did interesting things to my arse (definitely a first); choking Stunner when I realised just how much she liked being dominated, slapping her face as she moaned “Hurt me”, pulling her hair, pinning her down and just using her tight young pussy hard. Chum didn’t want to fuck, and she kept putting my cock in Stunner, the holding my balls as I nailed her.

A few hours of fucking later, and were exhausted – Stunner and Chum came, but I didn’t. 0700 rolls around. We’re dozing in a happy mess of naked bodies, I’m absentmindedly fingering and stimulating Stunners pussy-lips when it’s time for Chum to get back to her hotel and estranged husband and child, while Stunner heads back to her bf; yeah, that was a surprise…

We kiss hard goodbye, with promises for more – I want to see how far Stunner wants to go with being dominated…

Hope you enjoyed! I did…

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/zo3wi6/mff_unexpected_threesome_was_desert_for_a_black


  1. Please come up with actual names! Chum and Stunner are not good! Chum reminds me of the SpongeBob restaurant, ChumBucket. Kind of killed what could have been a great story!

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