[M] 34 Embarrassing erection at the physiotherapists

Whos had an embarrassing accidental erection story? We’ve all had one, I know I’ve had a bunch growing up. But this one happened not too long ago and thought it was worthy of a share.

I definitely see myself as a normal, average kind of guy. I stand around 5ft 10, 155 lbs. I’m fairly fit, but I would not be lying if I said I was trending towards a nice dad bod. I’m married to a loving, amazing and supportive wife.

I was diagnosed with testicular cancer 4 years ago at the age of 30. It was an extremely hard and trying time for me. I had surgury to remove one of my testicles and went through an extensive 12 weeks of chemo. But I pushed through it with the help from my wife and friends. Life seems to be rebounding, there was a bit where I got in fairly good shape with a personal trainer (as I worked to get rid of the extra chemo weight). My sex drive however was almost non-existant for about a year post treatment. It has bounced back a bit, as me and my wife started experimenting and trying different things to spice up the love life.

On one of my annual check ups with my urologist, I mentioned that I was getting some discomfort along the incision from the operation. For those who don’t know, they usually go in through your lower abdomen to remove your testicle and not through the sack. So from that I had a nice scar running down towards the base of my penis. The discomfort would usually come whenever I was aroused, in which I believed it to be a combination of my erection stretching the muscle around my scar tissue. My urologist agreed, but he decided it would be good for me to see a physiotheripist who specializes in working with clients who comes out of surgery with scar-related issues.

So the day comes for my appointment, I walk into the clinic wearing a winter jacket, a tshirt underneath and jeans (I now know better and that jeans are not exactly the best piece of clothing to wear for a physio appointment). As I sat there filling out my initial forms, I get introduced to the Physiotherapist that would be working with me. I looked up anticipating this guy in work out clothes, but instead had this amazingly attractive and cheerful asian girl standing in front of me. Probably in her mid 20s, around 5ft4, and appeared to be quite fit as she had on some tight black leggings and a slightly loose grey sweater. For you reddit/porn enthusiasts, she would definitely fit into the busty-petit category. Her name was Sam. As I stood up to shake her hands, it soon clicked in my head that Sam was actually short for Samantha and that I had agreed to an appointment to review the scar beside my cock with a female practitioner.

Sam leads me into a room and we get talking about everything. We go through my experience with cancer, the treatment I went through, the symptoms that I saw, and the discomfort I was currently having. It was definitely awkward talking about these these things with a young attractive woman, especially when we got to talking about sex and my love life. But she kept reassuring me that nothing was off-limits and that as long as I was comfortable, she would openly listen to whatever I would say with no judgement.

Once the initial interview/getting to know each other part was done, she then asked if I was comfortable lowering my pants and boxers so she can see my scar. I’m not an overly shy person, so I didn’t have any issues with dropping my pants. But trying to find that balance in the patient/practitioner relationship, I tried to be as modest as possible as I undid my belt and lowered my jeans and boxer to the base of my penis. Sam put on some latex gloves and softly placed her hand over the scar, running her fingers up and down it testing the sensitivity of the area. With the scar tissue, I only have a faint level of sensation when something rubs up against it. But with Sams soft fingers running so close to the base of my penis, my mind started to wander. I start looking around the room, hoping to distract myself a little while still answering Sams questions.

“How often do you masterbate?”

That question caught me off guard, as I felt my cock give off a small little twitch. “Not too much, maybe once or twice a week depending on how busy me and my wife’s schedule”.

A few minutes more of her getting familiar with the scar, Sam motions me to have a seat and to lie back on the exam table. She describes how there are certain massaging techniques that I can do to help loosen the scar tissues. I struggled to get comfortable with my jeans and boxers half on half off. She laughs at my awkwardness and says that if I was comfortable to just remove the jeans altogether.

“And that’s why you don’t wear jeans to a physio appointment” she laughs, trying to lighten the atmosphere.

I slide my jeans completely off and laid back down on the exam table with my boxers shimmied down still to the base of my cock. I had one hand down along my side and the other covering my slowly growing cock. Sam starts massaging the area, rubbing circles, her fingers inching closer and closer towards my shaft. She can sense my slight uneasiness and tells me to relax, moving my hand off and to the side.

I took a breath and closed my eyes. I start to feel a slight discomfort as my erection continues to grow. All of a sudden I feel a slight cool breeze down low, I open my eyes to see the tip of my cock now popping out from the open fly of my boxers. “Oh….uhmmm I’m sorry”. I start to move my hands over to readjust but Sam quickly stops my attempt.

“Don’t worry, just relax. Its perfectly normal. And trust me, I’ve seen it all. And this is actually good as it will only help me understand the issue more. So just relax, keep breathing”. Sams face appeared to be slightly flushed, I could see her breathing picking up just a bit. She starts to apply more pressure, pushing down at the base of my cock. It wasn’t much longer that I was beyond fully erected at just shy of 5.5 inches (yes I know a below average size penis on reddit!). Sam asks me if I’m in any discomfort, in which I shook my head yes a little bit. She starts to tell me that I should be doing these massaging techniques daily around this area, and over time the muscles in the area will loosen and the discomfort will gradually go away.

She moves her hands away, as she makes some notes on her laptop. I continue to lie there with my engorged cock still fully out in the open. “Ok, we’ll go through some stretches next so just hop on down”. I start to pull my boxers back up a bit, putting my erected cock back in its place. I must have made a slight look of pain or discomfort, as Sam turns and asked how I was doing.

“Do you think you’ll be alright? Its ok if you need to releave yourself, I can step out if you like”.

I must have had a bit of shocked look on my face as I sat there, facing her with my cock clearly throbbing. There was a long pause as I start trying to come up with what to say. I could see Sam bite her lower lip, then turns and grabs a box of tissue. She then slides over in her chair to where I was seated.

“Here, please its not good to hold that in…..just relax. Don’t worry…this doesn’t leave the room”, she says quietly. She grabs my hands and moves it back over my cock. I start to rub myself through my boxers, her hands over mine, guiding me up and down. I don’t know what it was, whether it was the fact I was stroking myself with the help of this gorgeous woman who wasn’t my wife, or the fact I was doing something like this in a public setting. The sensation was incredible. I start to inch forward as I stand up from the exam table. She then moves her hands to ether side and starts to slide my boxer completely off. “That’s it, keep going”, Sam reaches over to grab a couple of tissues as she remains crouched in front of me, her eyes fixated on my cock. A few minutes goes by, I honestly don’t know how I’m lasting this long as Sam says softly “here, maybe this will help”. She lifts her sweater up just high enough to show that all she had on underneath was a black lacey bra. Her breasts looked amazing and so full in her bra. She was incredibly stacked for her size, maybe 34C/D? I could see the faintest outline of her hard nipples through the open weaves.

“I’m close….so close”

I start stroking faster as Sam starts to pinch her nipples. The seductive look she was giving me, her mouth slightly open. In my mind I wanted to tell her to stand back, so I wouldn’t cum right on her…..but it was too late. I close my eyes and explode, ropes after ropes after ropes of hot cum shoot out. I tried to be as quiet as possible, as I open my eyes to see the mess I just made. Sam still kneeling in front of me, cum dripping of her breasts. There was one strand that hit her sweater around her shoulder and one tiny strand that was slowly running from her hair down her face. Complete shock and embarrassment flows through my body as I start to apologize for cumming all over her. Sam laughs and starts cleaning herself up. “Its fine I promise, but you’re feeling better right? It doesn’t hurt there anymore?”.

“No that felt amazing, like all this pressure, its just gone…fully released” I said as I clean up and pull up my boxers.

“Good….so you should definitely try to relieve yourself more often. That was…..well, a lot of cum there. The more you do this, the more it will help loosen things up more for you”

We continued on with our appointment like nothing had happened.

I told my wife that I had a really good appointment when I got home, but I do feel slightly conflicted on whether to tell her the full story.

I have a follow up appointment next week.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/zmuqiq/m_34_embarrassing_erection_at_the_physiotherapists


  1. I laughed at “Don’t worry…this doesn’t leave the room” – except to hundreds of internet strangers

  2. Similar thing happened to me at fertility clinic when I had a really hard time…producing….and needed some help

  3. Let us know how it goes next week. And if she’s willing to let you take her picture after…. For posterity. For reddit.

  4. Wow that is crazy if real. I think most men would love that, but almost unbelievable. Would love to hear about the next visit. Wish I had this woman when I went in for post-op on my V procedure. They just gave me a bottle to deposit in and sent me to a room to perform, mags in room lol

  5. I don’t hear about many other women named Samantha who go by Sam.


    Sam (antha)

  6. >fully erected at just shy of 5.5 inches (yes I know a below average size penis on reddit!).

    LOL! That’s average or better in the real world, depending on what advice you read.

  7. Had a physical therapist many years ago that was 21 fresh out of school, had drop dead gorgeous. Had Physical Therapy 3 days a week and literally every time she was stretching my legs and rubbing the freeze cream on my calves and feet boom there would go the erection.

    Tried my best to hide it one day when I’ve got about 2 weeks left to go she’s rubbing the cream on my legs and when the erection happens, she says don’t worry about it things like this happen regularly. I turned red and quit trying to cover it up. Get a text alert that my appointment has moved to 8:00 a.m. instead of 10:00 a.m. the next session. When I arrive we go in the area we ordinarily go and when she begins to put the cream on my legs she reaches up and grabs it. Smiles and says wow that’s big, then reaches up with the other hand and squeezes.

    That became an incredibly sexual relationship that lasted about 6 months. She was moving back to her hometown to be closer to family and asked me if I wanted to relocate with her I declined, although I probably should have went with her.

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