[MFM] Caught having a threesome at a party [F24]

This is my first post like this so bare with me, I’ll try to put as many details as possible. Also English is technically not my first language so I apologize for any mistakes.


So this all happened in 2018. I was 20 yo at the time.

When I was in school in 2013 we had a school trip to Italy the whole class and a couple of other classes. I moved for the last year of school and never really fitted in, it was very clicky. The only welcoming people were the nerds. So I used to hangout with them most of the time. Nontheless the school trip was and always will be the best trip ever. We all had so much fun and the class didn’t seem so devided. When school ended I went to a different college and never really stayed in contact with anyone from the old school.

Fast forward to 2018, some of the cool kids decided to organize a reunion party. Because the school trip was so good they wanted to relive that memory somehow and get everybody together again.

At first I wasn’t going to go, but after contacting a few of the nerdy guys I used to hangout with, I went. I only decided to go to the party to show them how fucking good and confident I was now. Felt like I needed to make a statement so I chose the tightest white dress I had to show my now amazing figure with some black heels.

I got a lift with one of the nerds that lived near me. When I got there it was just like in school, the cool kids together at one end and us nerds and outcasts at the other end.

Most of the old class was there, there was also some other guys from the rugby team that were friends with some of my old classmates.

I can’t remember exactly how the whole evening went (I was drinking a lot) but I think I started playing the piano and two of the guys from my old class came over to chat. We’ll call them Alec and Remi. Remi is actually a musician and plays really well. I think he laughed at me trying to remember the little piano I knew. Then he went on to show off how amazing he was with his fingers, on the piano lol

We then went on to play beerpong. I was one of the only girls playing with the guys. Alec, Remi and I were on the same team. They were messing about whispering in my ear silly things right before I took my shots. We went outside with some of the rugby guys to smoke, I don’t smoke but really enjoyed being included for once, even took a few puffs of a guys joint (hope thats the right word)

I honestly don’t remember how we got there but Alec, Remi and I ended up all going upstairs in one of the bedrooms, one thing led to another and before I knew it I was kissing both guys alternating. (I had always had a little crush on Remi but he never showed any interest in me in school so I was very excited about this. Alec and I had a thing a few years back when school finished but we didnt have a condom so just ended up doing oral to eachother)

After a few minutes of kissing and rubbing eachover I went down on my knees and took Remi’s cock out and starting licking, kissing and sucking it. Then Alec took his cock out too and again I was just going from one to another sucking them both off.

Before I knew it I was butt naked in front of the two guys. Remi layed down on the bed, I straddled him and started making out. Alec got up behind me and shoved his cock inside me. He was rough, fucking me from behind while I was making out with Remi, moaning in Remi’s mouth.

Suddenly the door opens.

There is standing Leo, one of the rugby guys that gave me a few puffs of his joint earlier.

Nobody said a word for a while. Alec, Remi and I staring at Leo, all a bit in shock not knowing what to do or what to say. Leo just starring with a smirk on his face.

Then Alec said “Dude, shut the door”

Leo left. Alec continued fucking me. Hard. I was so tight, he seemd to really love that.

I felt so embarrassed. I knew Leo was going to go back dowstairs and tell everyone at the party what he had just seen. I thought to myself, what a way to make a come back from being this outcast nobody cared about in school, now I’m the party slut.

Oh well…

The three of us continued our fun, I must admit part of the night is a bit of a blur, I made Remi cum after sucking him off (I can’t remember for the life of me where he came, i don’t remember there being a mess), then Alec begged him to go find us condom. I knew then that if Leo hadn’t said anything yet, people would definitly know what was happenning now with Remi asking around for a condom.

Alec and I continued playing with eahother while waiting. Remi came back up and politely knocked before coming in and giving us the condom, he then left us to it. Alec fucked me so hard that night. So hard the condom broke. After we finished I felt like I was doing the walk of shame joining the rest of the party again.

Alec was super nice about everything, He was probably the only cool guy I really connected with at school. We became fuck budies after that and saw eachother weekly.

They even invited me for round two of our threesome once but I was out of town. So so dissapointed ’cause I definitely would have said yes.

I’ve moved abroad now but Alec used to message me every year around christmas to see if i was in town to meet up. I must say I loved the relationship we had. We had great talks when we would see eachover and I would stay over sometimes but that was it, Neither of us wanted a serious relationship and that worked amazingly well for us despite us having so much chemistry. We enjoyed eachothers company and fucking wildly every friday night.

Hope you guys enjoyed my story, this is my first post like this :)

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/zm71tc/mfm_caught_having_a_threesome_at_a_party_f24


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