Miz Majesty gets Conned 3 M30/F25 F20 Mdom NC superheroine peril

Chapter 3 Con-fusion and the chase

Miz Majesty looked like a goddess hewn from the ice of a distant planet and blessed with the love and power of a living sun. She had a lifetime of battle, of dealing with those in political, economic, or physical power who desired to use and possess her and the power she represented. What she did not have experience with was crowds.

What surrounded her was something out of her worst nightmare. Horrors from the pit, aliens from beyond, and a hundred copies of every real hero and villain she had ever known, along with dozens of purely fictional, stalked the halls.

Each moved with frenetic energy. They dashed to panels, they dashed to game tournaments, to hospitality suites, to autograph lineups, to merchandise tables, and to screenings of every niche and genre film, including some in incredibly poor taste that bordered on PORN!

She saw a dozen copies of herself. From a ten year old girl, to a grandmother, a boy, a girl who must weigh twice what she did, white, black, native, each of them in a costume they had clearly made themselves with the limit of the skills and materials they had access to.

Honestly, she saw one on a cross dressing man, and another on a middle aged woman about twenty pounds off fighting weight that were actually far more attractive, idealized version of the skin suit she wore as armour.

Four times she almost struck out a killing blow at Doctor Degrader, or the Crimson Blade, stopping only a picosecond from a civilian death when she realized they were only cosplayers. Twice she froze paralyzed by the near miss, only to find flashing from all sides showing dozens of cameras catching the iconic confrontation.

Retreating from the chaos to the upper deck to get away from the press of humanity, she came to a deck where only costumed characters strode. Each was tended by a line of eager fans waiting to take a picture of their cherished idol.

She saw with horror that Doctor Degrader himself was standing at the point of one of those lines. She could use her enhanced vision to see the microfractures in the left pectoral plate. Under anything but a full magnetic flux test the plate would appear perfect, but she recognized the damage from the strike of their last battle, still undetected and unrepaired.

Two giggling girls, although they had to be college age or just past, dressed as Sailor Defenders came to the front of the line and begged to pose with him.

For five minutes she watched as he posed with them in battle scene, campy promotional poses, and finally after a whispered conversation and blush, in a perfect recreation of the Valentines Day Debacle.

She saw him take the pretend Sailor Defender in her sailor suit/school uniform superheroine costume by the throat with his left hand, and with his right hand cup her sex. A strange pink glow filled his gauntlet and the girl’s eyes went wide an wild, causing her to grab Doctor Degrader by both shoulders and pull him in for a fierce kiss she held until her whole body shook and shuddered in what was clearly a glove induced orgasm that left her unable to stand.

Miz Majesty remembered the Valentines Day Debacle. She had been masturbating to some of the erotic literature written about her and Doctor Degrader when the call came in that he was robbing the Electric Vehicle and Technology firm Techla.

She probably would have been fine if she had already orgasmed, but she rushed out having only edged, and when Doctor Degrader told her what he was going to do with her once he defeated her, she lost focus for a second. He grabbed her by the throat, and for a second, she wasn’t the real her, she was the hypersexualized version the sick fans created, and she sometimes pretended was true. He held her helpless, not from his power, but from sexual confusion, even grabbing her by the sex, his finger caressing her pussy through her armour until one of the minions had brought her back to her senses by hitting her with a taser strong enough to give a rhino a heart attack or resuscitate King Tut. It reminded Miz Majesty she was in battle not bedroom and she punched both Doctor and minion unconscious.

Of course security footage leaked, and it became an iconic scene. Nothing would help but the first girl’s friend demanded the same treatment. Doctor Degrader’s lineup began to grow and Miz Majesty was about to punch him unconscious when a little girl in Miz Majesty costume pranced up to him.

Prepared to protect the little girl from the perverted Doctor, she was unprepared to see him fall to his knees to put himself on her level and begin praising her cosplay, spending several exciting minutes discussing how she found cost effective solutions inside her budget to produce a cosplay he praised as being more wonderful than the real thing.

The pervert of a minute ago was absent, and Doctor Degrader sounded like any one of the geeks around the convention, even perhaps one of the nicer ones.

The next set of pictures he posed for were with Miz mini Majesty kicking Doctor Degraders ass, recorded in her father’s phone camera. As the father went to leave, Doctor Degrader took him aside and handed him a USB stick.

Sure now that the Doctor’s evil would show, she enhanced her senses to catch what the pervert wanted with the young girl. What she heard was disturbing.

“Sir, your daughter’s cosplay is amazing. I have my own high definition cameras and automatic filters capturing this whole area, so I had high resolution version, with glare removal and even some minor optical effect filters for comic style special effects made during our shoot. Here is a copy for her. Feel free to share them.”

Now she was confused. He was evil. He was a monster who degraded women of virtue as a sport. He didn’t praise and empower little girls in their hobby and craft work.

“Excuse me miss, can I have a photo? I am the biggest Miz Majesty fan, and your cosplay is amazing. One of the top ten I have seen here?”

Turning in anger to slap down the fool who thought she was only among the top ten imitators of herself, she found a quiet serious man in his mid forties holding a camera that cost as much as some cars with the love of a warrior for his weapon, or artist for his brushes.

Glancing back, Doctor Degrader had left the floor and returned to the con. Sighing, Miz Majesty began smiling for her photo ops. While she didn’t do interaction with normal people, she did press photo ops. If the Doctor got away, well, she knew where he would be at Midnight. The Degradation Challenge.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/zlusnm/miz_majesty_gets_conned_3_m30f25_f20_mdom_nc


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