Stay at my side Ch.29 [F18/M18][Friends to lovers][slice if life]

Chapter 29: Something new

It didn’t fit. We’ve tried every angle but neither Matt nor I could let it enter its destination. “We should try the backdoor. Maybe I can force it open.” I agreed but no matter how hard we pushed nothing happened. Matt looked at me, knowing that I would hate his next idea. “Well, there’s one more option.” “No Matt, one could hurt themself and it’s not even sure whether it will work.” Matt didn’t seem to worry much about that. “It worked for the last years and I’m experienced enough not to hurt either of us.” “You may be experienced but I am not.” “Case, trust me. Nothing will happen to you.” I gave up and agreed. I had no other choice if I wanted to get into my house…

When we were in our early teens, Matt had to be home by 10pm. He would need to catch a bus around 9:20. If he came home after school, this would be enough time but sadly my parents, especially my father, wanted my best friend to leave before dinner. As I said before, his relationship to Matt changed after we became a little older.

One Day, after my parents had their first real disagreement, and I started to realise that their marriage wasn’t as secure as I thought, I was so desperate for comfort that Matt decided to climb back into my room through my window after he left. Even though I was afraid that my parents would catch us. I talked with Matt for almost two hours without even realising that he missed his bus. He later told my that, after he told his parents the situation, his mom even offered to pick him up when he needed to stay longer again. As strict as my parents were, Matt’s parents made up for it.

This has been almost four years ago. We now stood in the same room and packed the most important things in a backpack. After that, I went into my sister’s room and did the same. It didn’t took much time but it felt like an eternity.

Two sport bags later, Matt and I stood in the hallway of the house that I used to call my home. I still couldn’t comprehend how fast all this has happened. They probably already thought about abondaning us long before this happened. Or they just never valued us…

I knew that this wan’t the truth. They were still humans and I eexpierienced myself how fast you can change if you get in a difficult situatio. I knew that Matt would say that I was too forgiving but deep down I stilll hoped that theywould become normal again after they dealt with their divorce or maybe evenĀ  got back together.

“Case?” Matt’s voice pulled me back into reality. I felt the drying trail of a tear that had rolled down my cheek. Some other tears were still in my eyes, ready to follow the first one. I blinked and they hid away again. A hurt “Lets go” left my mouth as I grabbed one of the bags and went out the now unlocked front door.

We didn’t talk much in the car. Eventually it started to rain and Matt reminded me that I should roll up the window. I reached down to the winder slowly shoved the window up again.

I heard the window close and silence filled the inside of the car again. Just as I wanted to say something, Matt stepped on the brake. Afternoon traffic…
We both sighed simultaneously and looked at each other irretated as if we would have forgotten that we were together in this car. Then we burst out laughing. I didn’t even know why. Sighing at the same time was not so funny that you would laugh that hard.

“Omg, I’m so relieved that we weren’t caught.” Matt was able to bring out while laughing. Not knowing he just answered my question he stretched himself in his seat and rested one arm on my shoulder. His arm had a comforting weight to it and I happily laid my head on it.

“Case, you know I like that but you also know that this car is manual and I need my right hand.” I lifted my head and let Matt shift up. Third gear. He lifted his hand and… put it on the steering wheel. Matt later told me that I never looked so disappointed in my entire life. It was just for a short moment tho because he lifted his hand again and… shifted up again… fourth gear. Before I could look even more disappointed his phone started to ring.

Without looking: “That’s my Mom. Can you take that?” (I should later learn that Matt had specific ringtones for important people in his life.) Surprised I reached into his pocket and pulled out his mobile. It really was his Mom. I tapped on the green icon.

“It’s Casey. What ca…” Before I could finish I was interrupted by Matt’s mother. “Oh Casey darling, just wanted to ask how long you two will need so I can time dinner. Well, I’ll order something but that’s also cooking in a way. Anyway, were you successful? If not we can go shopping and buy you some new clothes. We should do that either way. Remind me of that when you get home or I’ll forget it. You know how fast that happens at my age. You’ll end up the same one day so enjoy your youth and don’t let some old women stop you from doing that, bye!”

Even though she never tested for it, everyone was sure that Mrs. Holloway had some kind of ADHD. This somehow made her only more loveable if you were able to handle her. “Text her that we’ll be home by six.” Matt could handle her. “Sure, you just need to unlock your phone.”
“My code is your date of birth minus mine. It reminds me that I’m older than you.” I didn’t know whether to be offended or feel honored. Anyway, I needed to do some Math…

After three minutes and 4 wrong tries, I finally unlocked his phone. Matt jokingly patted my head while I texted his mother. Before I could forget his passcode again, I wrote myself a message with it. I found our chat rather quickly because he just named it “Casey”. I knew he did that with everyone and never named someone something else than their real name except for hsi parents maybe. Even his sister was named “Sophie”.

Kinda dissappointed I gave him his phone back and asked him why he never named someone something special. “Makes it easier to search for chats. If you wanna change your name you can do that but just leave “Casey” in it.” I didn’t expect this to be so easy so now I had now idea on how to name me. The End to this story was that I was still named “Casey” when we got home.



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