Therefore, when I was a slut (18–19), I used to go on first dates and feel the thickness of the man’s cock through his pants. Normally, if his cock was thick, I would accept a second date; however, if it wasn’t the type of cock I like, I would politely decline. I prefer girth over length, and if his cock was excessively long, I would also decline a second date because long cocks irritate me. I’ve only ever made an exception when a guy started fingering me in his car right after our first date, which caused me to climax and spray immediately. He had skilled fingers, which was a major plus since his cock wasn’t that thick.
I believe it! The shape and size of your cock are things that no technique can change by themselves. That said, I think starting from around 18 I’ve never chosen a partner on the basis of sexual organs and appearance all together means very little. Personality, what I believe they might be willing to do if needed and they love me.
A partner showing they are willing to rapidly change themselves to enrich me is a huge one, especially for sexual pleasure. That quality was acted against by the hippies that over simplified and hypothesized that humans should be accepted as is because it’s a biblical era story and that differences would result in negative reinforcement which would cause the person thats supposed to change, in practice both.
No 2 humans are perfect for each other. I myself will take a wrecking ball to non core values I have in trade for the joy and passion that come from being in love and changing so that it’s long term. In other words I love the results of pleasuring and loving another. I or they just have to make small changes deliberately, after that POSITIVE reinforcement is actually what causes people to change, and no one needs fear changing for another because no one has much right. Pick your love rationally, assume the sum will be worth individual loses Keep listening and changing parts of yourself. If your partner does not do the same and change greatly for you, I’m sorry, you picked s lemon, probably scared of loosing identity or some other existential crap. Demand it and dump if you dont receive. Especially sexually you should end up with someone that will do crazy shit for you and visa-versa. Unless you lucked out primary fetishes and kink in partners are often wildly different. Even just knowing what they are may not happen within a lifetime. I’ve had sexuality be wildly
Intense from the start, I suspect it was self delusion but can’t confirm as none of those relationships managed to remain respectful after ending. The others are works in progress that I’m positive will always work out because I have virtually no limitations on making it eventually work out.
Are you still selecting a mate on the basis of dick size? If you are just wanting the grinder let’s play and then run away experience which is perfect if your not in the space for long term. But if not, give me a chance lmao. Pumps can change cock size and shape rapidly, that’s what made those deformed monstrosities you see in professional pornography.