As I mentioned in my previous post, I’ve been touching myself more regularly lately and I’m worried my folks may find out. I was taking a shower today when it happened, and I had my vibe with me.
My mother knocked on the door to ask if I was about finished while I was massaging it on my clit. I dropped the vibration because I was so afraid, which made it sound louder than it did when it hit the ground. Fortunately, the sound of the waves was so loud that she could not hear anything. I began to speculate about what may have happened if she had just walked in after she left and before I was done. I guess it’s a warning to stop worrying about my clit, haha.
At least in my experience, it was life changing when I accidentally walked in on son. I would never again open a door that was shut without a full minute of warning if no one responds and it’s urgent and won’t go in period if it’s his room.
Unless your parents are radically different from me, we’ve all had sex and masturbated. Older is not much surprised by anything younger does unless they put massive labor into pretending everyone around them is an idiot except one’s self because all childhood memories are suppressed.
So if parents are not full of bile, they feel embarrassed bothering you and not bothered at all that you behave like a human