The 7th day of Christmas: 7 days swimming pt1 [MF20+][cons][exhibitionism][outdoors][mutual masturbation][oral][dual POV]


Steam drifts off from the water, coiling its way up around my bare legs. Standing on the edge of the jetty, I clutch my robe tightly against my goose pimpled body, as I warily eye up the clear, tranquil water. When I had booked the cabin for Christmas plenty of people had left reviews saying that they enjoyed skinny dipping in the springs, and that the locals didn’t mind, but I’m not so sure. It’s not something I usually do. But then I have bee trying to get out of my comfort zone since Adam broke up with me. That’s the whole point of spending Christmas alone this year.

The path that runs past the springs looks deserted. I haven’t seen anyone pass by all day, and I’m starting to think no one will. It’s too cold. Taking a deep breath I shrug off my robe onto the bare wooden boards and slip off my flip flops. I am now completely naked. The combination of cold, icy air and the steam wafting from the spring makes my bare skin tingle.

I let out a squeal as I jump into the water. My pointed toes scrape the bottom as my whole body submerges beneath the surface, before floating back up. The water is warm like a giant bath. It feels nice, but I still feel shy as I hesitantly look around. But of course there’s no one there.

After a while I forget about my nakedness or feeling afraid of someone seeing me, and I swear I can feel its rejuvenating minerals permeating their way into my skin. Making me feel so much more refreshed and alive. That is until hear barking followed by the sound of pounding feet as a large Saint Bernard comes bounding towards the water, kicking up snow as he goes.

“Bach!” a deep, rough voice calls out from behind the treeline.

I don’t know what to do as the great big dog continues lumbering towards me. There’s nowhere to swim to and hide, and I don’t think I will be able to make it to my clothes in time. The dog splashes into the water just as a man appears out from among the trees. There’s nothing else I can do but use my hands and arms to cover my intermit parts, while the Saint Bernard swims circles around me.

“Bach!” the man calls out again stopping just by the water’s edge. The dog stops swimming and licks my face before returning to his owner. “Sorry Miss, didn’t mean to startle you. He really is a big softie, even if he doesn’t look like it,” the man apologises.

“That’s fine.” I smile awkwardly hoping that if I just act naturally he won’t notice that I’m naked.
The man reaches down to stroke the dog behind the ears, and as he does his eyes linger on me. Surely he’s noticed, the water is crystal clear, and the spring isn’t that big so there’s not a lot of distance between us. He’s standing close enough that I can see his cheeks are flushed pink, and I’m don’t know if he’s blushing or it’s just because of the cold. Loose strands of red hair poke through his woollen cap, and I also can’t help noticing that his eyes are startlingly blue.

“Sorry,” he apologies again staring down at the ground. “I usually bring Bach along here at this time for a walk, but I didn’t realise anyone was up here. I won’t bother you again.”

This may be one of the most embarrassing moments in my life, but I did say I was going to try new things. And I don’t want the locals to hate me for chasing them off public property. While the cabin and springs are private, the path he’s currently standing on isn’t.

“No it’s fine,” I tell him. “You and Bach are welcome along here any time.”

“Thank you.” He looks back down at me and smiles. “I guess I’ll be seeing you around then.”

“I hope so,” I smile back, surprised by my forwardness.

Once again his look lingers on me, and I’m not sure whether to try cover myself even more or just remove my hands and show him everything. I wonder how he’d respond to that. But then he nods and turns, heading towards the treeline. Bach follows heel and I watch as the two of disappear from sight.

When I am sure that they have gone I let out a sigh of relief and resume my swimming. But my thoughts are preoccupied by the man with the piercing blue eyes. And when I go to bed I dream I am swimming through the clouds naked and free while he watches me from afar. When I wake in the morning my thighs are wet with arousal and I realise I want him to see me again.


As I approach the springs at the same time as before I begin having second thoughts. I often bring Bach up here, and have walked past couples skinny dipping in the springs plenty of times – sometimes they’re surprised to see me but they always laugh it off, and even sometimes invite me to join. I never do, but public nudity is just not an issue here. And she had said she hoped to see me again. She had smiled as she said it. But she didn’t seem to be around here, and she looked as if she might have been alone. Maybe I shouldn’t disturb her. That is even if she is there at all. I’m on the verge of turning back when Bach suddenly runs up ahead, heading straight to the clearing. I call out as I chase after him. At least if she’s there she’ll hear us coming.

“Bach!” I yell as I run out from the trees. “What have I told you about bothering the nice lady…”

My voice trails off and I can hardly believe my eyes. The mysterious woman is back at the springs again, but this time she is climbing up on the rocks at the opposite end of the pool. She is completely naked and her back is turned to me so that I have a wonderful view of her full, round arse jiggling as she carefully tries to pick her way across. Her long, platinum hair clings around her tapered waist as droplets of water drip down over her pale skin. I’m mesmerised by her, but I’m unsure if she’s trying to run away or if she wants me to see.

“It’s alright-” she starts to call out, but she loses her balance and topples over on the slippery rocks. She throws her her hands out to cushion her fall, and I am presented with a clear view of her smooth, exposed pussy from behind. Her flushed lips glisten with water from between her legs as her arse sticks up in the air in downward dog position.

“Are you alright there?” I call out debating whether or not to go help her.

“I’m fine,” she calls back, turning to look back at me from over her shoulder. She smiles as she looks at me with her large dark eyes.

“Good,” I smile and try to meet her gaze, but I can’t help but be distracted by her dripping wet, naked body. I wonder if she can see the semi bugling beneath my ski pants. I try and sound casual. “How are you enjoying stay anyway?”

“Loving it thank you,” she replies turning around to face me properly, giving me different but equally pleasing view. Her hair clings to her big, round tits – I could easily bury my head between them. “The view here is just breathtaking.”

She holds up her arms and sighs. I watch as her tits rise and fall, her little hard nipples poking their way through her wet strands of hair. She certainly seems less shy than when I saw her yesterday. “It certainly is,” I only too willingly agree with her. “And it only gets better.”

She blushes, I can see the colour spreading on her pale skin, and as looks down at the water as she nibbles at her bottom lip. But she makes no attempt to cover herself back up as I take in every detail of her hourglass figure. We stand in silence for a monet, and despite the cold I can feel myself burning up as the blood rushes through my body. Sensing I should leave now I whistle for Bach to follow.


Steam envelopes my body as I dip a toe into the water. The rock I am sitting on digs into my bare cheeks. I am starting to wish that I had laid out a towel now, but it’s too late to go get one. I might miss him if I leave. That’s if he comes at all. But I’m sure he will, especially after the way he had lusted after me the day before. There was no mistaking that look in his eyes and I crave it. I want him to think about me when he leaves. I want to be the first thing he thinks about when he rises in the morning, and the last thing he thinks about when he lies in bed in night.

I bring my arms across my body and begin to rub my hands across my bared skin to try warm myself up. While the bottom half of me is warmed by the heat of the spring water, the top part of me is exposed to the cold air, and my nipples are hard enough that I feel they could crack through ice. My hands automatically begin snaking down between my legs, and towards my flsuhed lips. Wet from more than just the steaming water. My fingers brush across my clit sending shivers through my whole body. I’m desperate for release, but I need to wait.

I dreamt of the stranger again last night. Watching me as I touched myself. I had been so wet when I woke in the morning that I had started playing with myself, picturing him standing there watching me from the foot of the bed. In my head I was doing it for him. That is when I realised I truly wanted him. Needed him to see how much I enjoy him observing.

I went for a swim at my usual time, and when I judged it was the time that he normally passes by I climbed up onto the rocks and shuffled around until I found the ideal position. The rocks are starting to dig in now, but I’m relatively comfortable, and am sat so that I am facing the path. Steam rises up around me as my feet dangling in the water with my legs spread apart. Where is he though? The tension is beginning to become unbearable.

Just then I hear the unmistakable sound of Bach echoing through the trees. For a moment my heart misses a beat, and I feel my stomach lurching up inside me. I can’t believe I’m about to do this. Whatever am I thinking? But my hand is already beginning to rub over my clit.

Right on cue Back comes running through the treeline, followed by the heedless calls of his owner. He heads straight into the water, but he won’t be able to reach me up here. “Bach, Bach! Are we really…”

His voice trails off as slowly he makes his way to the water’s edge. His piercing blues eyes fixed right on me, as if I were the only thing left on this Earth. They may be icy, but they make me feel hot and flushed as I feel myself burning up. Parting my legs even wider, I begin circling my thumb around my clit, and tease a finger along my slit. My toes curl in the water as I bite down on my bottom lip. Such a strangely delicious feeling of fear and arousal washes over me. This isn’t something I normally do. Maybe it’s the minerals in the water that have gotten me so riled up. I let out a stifled moan that travels across the water and into the silent woods. I know he hears me as he licks his lips.

Still circling my clit, I slide a finger inside. I feel it gently brushing past my lips and thrusting deep inside me all the way to my knuckle. But I don’t know how much he can see from down on the shoreline. There’s no point if he can’t see. I arch my back pointing my soaking tits out towards him. Then with my free hand I massage my left breast, teasing my finger along the nipple.

Much to my delight he begins to slide his hand down over his ski pants. I see his erection straining through the thick material as he cups his groin. He’s just as turned on as me right now. I look him straight in the eyes as an unstifled moan escapes my lips and I slide another finger inside me. Even deeper. I buck my hips as I pump my fingers in and out, and he keeps on watching, his hands stroking over his cock as he watches me hungrily, eagerly.

My hand slips off from my breast and grips at the rock as I let out an orgasmic cry. Loud enough that I startle some birds roosting in the trees nearby. Loud enough that anyone passing by would surely come to investigate what was is going on. But I don’t care, all that matters right now, is getting off for the stranger watching me.

My breathing slows into ragged breaths as I bask in the feeling. He’s still watching, his hand rubbing against his erection. Our eyes lock on each other and I draw my hand away from my trembling pussy and slowly begin to lick my fingers one by one while I moan. He licks his lips as if he can taste my sex himself, and looks as if he is about to say something. But then Bach comes bounding out of nowhere and bowls straight into him, almost knocking him off his feet. He grabs hold of his collar to right himself and gives him an affectionate stroke behind the ears.

“Come on boy,” he says leading him away. I watch them disappear. Left feeling satisfied but hungry for more.


She swims round in lazy circles pretending that she doesn’t see me standing there. But I notice the way she keeps looking up towards me, and the smirk flickering on her face. Steam blows about in the breeze, but the water’s clear and I can see her perfect naked body splashing about. It’s fine, people skinny dip all the time, but you don’t sit naked on a rock fingering yourself in public if you’re not playing some sort of game, and I’m ready to play.

“Hey there,” she eventually says turning to look at me with her large brown eyes; her pale hair clings to her heart shaped face. “Back again I see?”

“Well like you said, it’s a breathtaking view. I just can’t help myself.” It’s cheesy but she smiles.

“I’m glad to hear, although I wasn’t so sure if you were enjoying it,” she pouts, as she starts swimming towards me.

“What do you mean?” I can feel my erection thrashing against my ski pants, eager to spring itself against her. How could I be any more obvious? “The view has never looked better.”

“Well I think if you could show me just how you enjoy watching… the view that is, it would just reassure me.” She stands up in the shallows so that the water comes up just below the tidy little V between her thick, juicy thighs. Droplets of water drip down over her body following the shape of her curves. I’m too distracted that it takes me a moment to realise what she is suggesting, but then I notice the way her eyes settle on the bulge pushing up against my ski pants.

“Oh I don’t know… It’s cold and I wouldn’t want to spoil the view.”

“You really wouldn’t be. Come on the water’s warm. It’ll feel so good. I promise.”

As she says that her hand snakes down over her dripping wet body and down between her legs. She looks up at me biting her lower lip. Challenging me. Promising me more if I only comply. How could I possibly resist? Looking over my shoulders I undo my zipper and pull my cock for her to see. She gasps as her fingers rub against her pussy. It’s all the encouragement I need as I slowly begin running my hand along the shaft.

“That’s better,” she sighs her tits bouncing up and back down again. Beads of water drip from her nipples and I have the urge to lick them back up. “You’re really enjoying this.”

“I really am.”

“But you would like to see more?” I can see her hand rubbing between her legs, and I know what she’s doing, but I can’t see properly as he hand blocks the view.

“Turn around.” My voice is low and gravelly in a way that sound unfamiliar to me.

Slowly she turns making sure I get a good look at all her curves till her back is facing me. Then without further prompting she bends forward giving me a clear view of her deliciously, wet pussy. I can see her delicate fingers working their way in and out. Biting down on her lower lip she turns to look at me over her shoulder watching me admire the change of view.

She leans further forwards and I catch a glimpse of her tight, little, puckered ass hole. Then with her other hand she uses her fingers to part her folds so that I get a better view of her fingers hard at work. Pumping inside her. Pleasuring her for my own gratification. She begins to moan as her breathing increases, and as if being drawn by a siren call I take a step forwards, the toe of my boots splashing in the water. She’s in the shallows and I’m so close to her now that just in a a couple more steps I would be standing right behind her, my cock pushed against her bare, exposed body.

Just the thought of all the things I could do to her right now while she’s bent over is enough. I pick up the pace, tightening the grip around my cock about ready to burst. A strange guttural noise erupts from my lips as a length of white hot cum comes shooting out towards her bent over ass. I’m still a little distance from her and most of it splashes into the water, but some of it lands on her ass cheeks. She shudders and moans as it hits against her.

I continue stroking myself, milking out every last drop into the water, as I watch my cum drip down her. She then bring her hands away from between her legs and scoops up a glob of cum on fingers and pops it in her mouth. She looks so inviting and I wonder if I should go to her, but then she turns away and wades back into the water and starts swimming again. I stuff my penis back into my underwear and watch her while Bach runs round the pool.

Neither of us say anything. I can’t tell what she’s thinking and I’m suddenly unsure how to play the game. Should I leave? Do I join her? But there’s a calmness in the air and the silence between is isn’t unpleasant, and I don’t want to ruin this moment. After a while I call for Bach and lead him back away into the forest.


I haven’t been able to stop thinking about how my unknown watcher had cum for me. On me. I want more. I want to actually be able to touch him. To feel him. No more games.

Right on time, he stands at the water’s edge, and without any prompting he undoes his trousers and shows me his gloriously girthy cock. My breath catches at the back of my throat as I stare at it twitching, readying itself for me.

I head straight towards him. He smiles as my body slowly emerges from the water. His blue eyes taking me all in. He slowly begins stroking his cock as if not really thinking about it. I stop in front of him. The water laps at my feet. I’m standing close enough now that I can smell his scent. He smells of the outdoors but there is something else, cologne or body spray. Reminders that there’s life beyond the springs.

“Hey,” he smiles at me, looking at me as if for some sort of clue of what is happening next. I don’t say anything back. I don’t have the patience for small talk.

The mud squelches beneath my knees as I kneel down in front of him. I take a moment to admire his throbbing dick up close before sliding my lips around the head. It’s warm and girthy, just like I imagined it would be, and I’m desperate for more. I take his whole length into my mouth till it presses up against the back of my throat. He groans and grabs hold of my hair pushing me further down onto him. I begin to choke and grab onto his hips for support. But this is what I wanted as I feel his precum trickle down the back of my throat. I swallow and slowly push myself back off so my lips now touch his head and I begin to lick around his glans as I look up into his hazy blue eyes.

He lets out a series of moans and grunts. Entwining his fingers in my dampened hair he begins wrapping it around his fist so he can use it to pull me back down his cock. I allow him to as he thrust his hips back and forth, forcing his cock into the back of my throat with each pump. I’ve been wondering what it would feel like to have him inside me, and just have him physically touch me is driving me wild. I reach up and gently cup his balls in my hand.

“I’m not going to last long,” he warns me, placing his other hand on my head.

I tighten my hold on his sac as I fondle his balls. He picks up his speed as he hits the back of my throat harder and harder. It doesn’t take long as I soon feel it gushing into the back of my throat. I fight the instinct to gag as I swallow it whole, my hands still nestling his jewels.

Once he is done he pulls me back and lets go of my hair. It slaps against my bare skin as it cascades back down over my shoulders. He runs a thumb over my pouted lips. Neither of us speak I feel as if I can tell what he’s thinking as he looks at me with a mix of greed and awe. He then grabs me gently by the shoulders and pushes me firmly backwards so that I fall back into the mud. It splashes up and splatters against my bare skin.

He takes a moment to look at me before shrugging off his coat and letting it drop to the ground. Underneath he is wearing a plain white t shirt that stretches across his stocky, muscular body. The long walks up the mountains have clearly done him good. I spread my legs giving him a clear view of wet, tight pussy.

He kneels down between my legs and leans down across me, his head resting on my tits as his hand slips between my legs. Moaning out loud I grind myself against him as begin roughly kissing my breasts as if it were something he had been desiring for a long time now. I pull of his beanie as I begin running my fingers through his tussled hair. I feel his fingers parting my lips and slide inside me. They’re bigger and thicker than mine, and calloused as they thrust inside me, roaming and exploring, seeing how my body reacts to his touch.

His fingers still pumping inside me, he kisses his way over my breasts. I can feel his stubble against my skin as he bites down on my nipples, before kissing his way down to my ribs and down along my stomach and then between my legs, where he begins circling his tongue around my clit. I buck and writhe in the mud beneath his mouth. This is what I have been dreaming about for days and it’s living up to all my wildest fantasies. His fingers curl inside me as he finds the spot and his lips nibble at my clit. I cry out as I climax.

Afterwards he keeps his fingers slowly sliding inside me as he crawls up on top of me and kisses me on the lips. Pushing his tongue into my mouth the taste of our sex mixes together. I feel his cock twitching as it caresses the inside of my thigh. I wonder if we are really about to do this when I hear the sound of whistling in distance, growing closer and closer.

He quickly scrambles off me pushing his semi back into his trousers which are now wet and covered in mud. I quickly retreat into the just as a man in a red chequered flannel coat walks out from among the trees. Bach begins barking wildly and jumping around the new stranger’s feet. The man laughs and stops to pet him. He’s too far away for me to hear him properly, so I don’t think he’s noticed me, but I hear him say ‘Bach’ which makes me think he might not be so much of a stranger.

The man in red looks up at my unnamed lover who is standing awkwardly running his hand through his hair and waves at him. He smiles and waves back before walking up to him. The two talk but I can’t hear what they are saying as they walk away together, Bach close on their heels. Neither one of them gives me a second glance.
