Cold wet and bleeding, an erotic tale [MF]

I’m not going to go into unnecessary details about the industry or what I was doing but I was working in what was essentially a construction site in the middle of nowhere. The site didn’t even have proper roads leading to it, we just had a regular car and had to park up and walk up this dirt track.

Our company was in dispute with the company running the site and to say the least it was a very stressful working environment, even if we hadn’t been completely exposed to the elements.

So there was one guy from my company that was there constantly, while the rest of us came and went some of us just doing a few hours, others like myself spending longer. I’d been there for a couple of weeks working pretty much constantly with him.

So whether it was a combination of my being horny, the isolation, feeling kind of sorry for him, and actually he was just a good guy, but we started having sex. Even though we were in a remote location at night we were put up in quite a nice hotel, and I quite enjoyed the sex as a stress relief. Also it kind of mate it easier to work with him.

I don’t think he was getting a lot of sex in his regular life, because as soon as we started, he wanted it constantly, which usually I was up for.

Anyway one day there was an incident at the site, I won’t say what but it was probably the worst thing that had every happened to me in my career to that point. Just to add to the drama it was one of the most frightening experiences I’ve ever had.

However my colleague was just brilliant, he completely saved the situation, faced down the assholes from the company that ran the site, who were panicking.

It was just hugely impressive.

Afterwards we were on the site by ourselves, we were cold wet, and the weather was just getting worse.

So like I said, I was kind of impressed, we still had a long night ahead of us, so I suggested we find a quite spot and I give him a blowjob.

Which he imediately jumped at…. it was kind of sexy, because he was a very serious buttoned up guy, but any mention of sex, he became a little kid.

So we find a quite spot, and I kneel down and start… Actually I would have squat but he found it a turn off, and if I didn’t kneel I’d been down there longer.

After a bit though, he just refuses to finish and starts saying he wants to have sex.

So I’m actually kind of up for that but there’s lots of problems. There’s no real shelter, there’s bare concrete and benches but no where dry.

So I never would have agreed to it normally, but he was seriously my hero at that moment in time, so I thought fuck it.

So I take my jacket off, and lay it on a kind of concrete plinth, I’ve got a set of thermal coveralls on, which aren’t really sex friendly, so I pull them down, around my ankles.

They’re bunched up around my ankles with my knickers.

But he doesn’t want to fuck me from behind, At this point I would have become angry normally, especially as he’s still in his thermals, and I’m half naked and starting to freeze. But I’m still feeling super accomodating, so in the end I take them off as well as my knickers, then I let him take my t-shirt and bra,

In the end I’m just wearing my boots and it is fucking freezing.

Of course he’s still got his coveralls on, just his cock out so there’s a lesson there somewhere. Anyway the sex was really good, I actually came really quickly, however he was no where near finishing, and kept pounding away at me, while parts of my body were going numb, and then I saw the blood.

He moved me off the bench and put me down onto a sharp piece of rebar that was sticking out from the edge of the concrete, however the fuck that had gotten there, it was only half an inch or so deep but it tore a gash in my shoulder.

However I never even felt it until I saw the blood on his hand where it cut into my shoulder.

It went in quite deep and I would later need stitches.

However what kind of impressed/appalled me was the way he kept going even after he saw the blood. I was still a little in shock not quite knowing where the blood was coming from, I thought initially it was coming from his hand, because he moved me out of the way of the rebar, and put his hand over the cut.

Anyway I eventually figure out it’s me that’s cut, and in the way that sometimes happen then I feel the pain, then I feel him finish inside me.

So there’s quite a bit of blood, and I’m cold I’m bleeding, I’m wet, he’s just finished inside me so I’m icky there as well which I hate.

He looked happy though.



  1. And that’s why my wife and I always put a towel down when we know there will be blood. You know, from the rebar.

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