A Home For Christmas Pt. 3/3 [M24/f24, light BDSM, romance, roommates-to-lovers, female receiving oral, penetration, kinda slow burn, long]

“Sorry, I… I just thought you… you’d want more,” she whispered.
“But you’re tired, Emery,” Luca stated.
“Yeah, I most certainly am,” she said, chuckling and already feeling her eyelids becoming heavier and heavier again.
She had a hard time staying awake.
“So sleep,” Luca said.
He really was controlling in bed, she thought, although she didn’t think he had meant it in that way.
The last thing Emery felt before she fell asleep was how he placed her hand back on his stomach and his own on the back of her head.

“Hey sleepyhead,” Luca said, when Emery finally began to move her body again.
She grunted and stretched her arms.
“How long was I out for?” she asked.
“About half an hour.”
She made a vague sound.
“And you said, I wouldn’t be able to help with the lack of sleep,” he continued and her body squirmed, when he pricked her waist.
“Have some mercy,” she groaned, trying to push his hands away from her, eyes still shut closed.
“I’m afraid, I’m not particularly known for that,” he replied.

Emery opened her eyes. He had a broad smile on his face. She rolled her eyes, which she instantly regretted, when he started to properly tickle her.
“You wanna be sassy, huh?” he asked, his fingers digging deep into her sides.
Again her whole body squirmed, as she tried to get away from his hands.
“O please, I just woke up,” Emery pleaded.

Much to her regret it didn’t have an effect and Luca continued his torture. She kicked her legs and reached for his hands, but remained unsuccessful. At some point she was too exhausted to even fight back and just tried to bear it. That was when Luca slowed down, his hands coming to rest on her waist eventually. He pulled her close and she turned away, but he got his way and in the end she gave in and snuggled into his arms.
“Do you feel better?” he asked and Emery nodded weakly.
“Yes. Thanks for making me sleepy,” she answered, looking up at him and grinning widely.

He leaned down and kissed her. First softly, carefully wrapping his arms around her body. But before long his kiss revealed a longing that started to replace the tiredness Emery had felt before. She still was a little foggy-brained, but her body seemed to wake up.
His motions were less controlled this time, like he finally wasn’t holding back anymore. His grip around her waist became tighter until their bodies were completely lined up. Her hands searched his face and tried to pull him closer even though there was no room left between them.
One of his hands left her waist and clasped around her wrist. He pulled her hand downwards stopping in front of his stomach and breaking the kiss. When he searched her face she understood without a word, nodded her head and moved her hand between his legs. Their eyes were still locked and she carefully observed his reactions. When her hand met his erection he let go of her wrist, closed his eyes and let his head fall back into the pillows. The gasp he made sent a shiver down her spine. She pressed her hand harder against the bulge underneath his jeans and enjoyed the sounds that came out of his mouth. Oh how she loved it when guys didn’t try to hold back their pleasure.

She fumbled with his belt and kneeled between his legs to peel his jeans off of him like he had done with her leggings before. When she looked at him he looked at her in the most vulnerable way she had ever seen him. It frightened her but made her heart ache at the same time. She crawled back up to him, cupping his face and kissing him softly. They lost themselves in this vulnerable kiss, him tucking her hair behind her ears.

This kiss, too, soon became more demanding and Luca pushed himself upwards, resting against the headboard. He pulled Emery onto his lap, burying his fingers in her hair, controlling her motions. Again she felt his erection pressing against her stomach with just his boxers between them. There was an awkward moment, when he lifted her up to get rid of his boxers and tried to reach the drawer of his nightstand without her getting off his lap. She chuckled against his shoulder but he managed to grab a condom. His cheeks were rosy and he looked embarrassed, something Emery felt like she had never witnessed before. She grinned, took the condom from him and kissed him, intertwining her fingers behind his neck. In no time he was relaxed again, letting his fingers wander all over her body, touching all the right places and making her breathe faster. She unwrapped the condom, waited for his murmured approval and started rolling it down onto his cock. It was the first time she properly noticed its size and shape and she loved how it twitched in her hand. Luca took a deep shakily breath, before he looked at her and pulled her up. She grabbed his erection making him hiss and slowly sank down, letting him enter her.

Emery steadied herself on his shoulders and sank down until he was completely inside her. Her heart beat faster, when he shut his eyes. She needed a moment to adjust and enjoyed the sight of his beautiful face, looking so focussed. The touch of his hands on her hips was still soft and she slowly lifted herself up and sank down again, trying her best to keep the balance. He opened his eyes and helped her find a rhythm.
“I need you to stay still this time,” Emery whispered.
He nodded. “Enjoy taking the lead, it won’t be happening again any time soon.”
She chuckled quietly and continued moving her body up and down, getting on a high by all the sensations. When she finally got used to the feeling and her motions got smoother, Luca grabbed her by the throat, applying just the tiniest bit of pressure. Still she was taken aback and opened her eyes wide in surprise. He pulled her in, whispering into her ear, “Just touch my arm and I will let go.”

She tried to nod in response, feeling the adrenaline rushing through her body. His other hand found her nipple and began pinching it. He started with the lightest pressure, but soon enough Emery was panting because of the pain he caused her. She had a hard time concentrating on her motions with his hands controlling her like this. The orgasm that was already building inside her made it even harder, because – well of course she wanted him to come. And after an orgasm she’d probably be too overstimulated to continue. Again he pulled her in, his lips brushing her ear.
“Having a hard time concentrating?” he asked and she nodded in embarrassment.
“Well, maybe you’d have it easier to focus if you closed your eyes?” he suggested.
The tone of his voice made this sound like some kind of trap and Emery felt nervousness creep up inside her, but also curiosity and excitement. Still she didn’t close her eyes right away.

“Don’t you trust me?” he added, leaning back a little and searching her face and this time he sounded genuine.
With his hand still around her throat she closed her eyes, trying to keep up the rhythm they had found the best she could.
The nervousness increased, when his hands left her body. Then she felt fabric on the skin of her face and realized he was blindfolding her. Immediately she felt vulnerable, but the excitement was predominant.

“You don’t have to be nervous,” he stated, as if reading her mind.
Again she just nodded.
“Em, I really wanna try out something else,” he began, stroking her shoulders and down her upper arms, “I’d really like to tie your arms behind your back.”
Her motions came to a stop and insecurities made their way into her head. Would she still be able to find a rhythm and not orgasm before him. But if she was honest with herself, she loved being tied up and the last time had been that long ago, she knew right then, she wouldn’t refuse.
“Okay,” she answered.
She didn’t see Luca’s reaction, but he pulled her close and squeezed her body so she assumed he was happy.

“If you change your mind, you can say so or leave anytime you want,” he said.
Only a heartbeat later she felt his belt around her elbows and the cold buckle made her shiver. Well, frankly she suspected her excitement was the main reason for that, but still. He fastened the belt, making the leather dig lightly into her skin.
Again he stroked her shoulders all the way down to her bonds, then lifted her up by the upper arms and let her ride him like before. It didn’t need much for Emery to get close to her orgasm again and when Luca pinched both of her nipples at the same time, she thought she’d come right there and then. She stopped her movements to calm herself, but he didn’t give her that time and pulled her close with his fingers clutching her nipples. Taken by surprise she gasped and tried her best to not lose her balance. She felt his breath against the skin of her neck.

“What is it, Em?” he whispered.
She panted. “I’m trying not to come, because I want you to come,” she answered.
“Oh Em, that’s cute, but you gotta try a little harder in order to do that,” he explained.
She knew he was joking. She knew how much of an effect she had on him and she was pretty sure he enjoyed this just as much as she did. But for some reason she found it really hot when he acted as condescending as he did right now. A small whimper escaped her lips, when she slowly started to move again.
“That’s it,” Luca encouraged her, still sounding so disgustingly controlling.
She found her rhythm, but after a few minutes again needed a break. A break that he didn’t allow, which he made very clear by again pinching her nipples hard and making her cry out loud this time.

“Shht,” he hissed.
“Oh, fuck you,” she cursed.
He grabbed her by the jaw, digging his fingers deep into her skin.
“Well, I think at the moment fucking me should be your job,” he mocked her.
“Be careful, you wouldn’t want me to stop you from speaking, too, would you?” he threatened.
She knew he wouldn’t dare to do that, solely because they hadn’t decided on a safeword and he’d simply never risk anything when it came to her safety. Still the threat made the heat between her legs increase to infinity. She went back to lifting her body up and down, feeling tears form in her eyes, cause she was that close to her orgasm. When she couldn’t take it anymore, her body collapsed forward against his shoulder.

“Please,” she whispered, although she didn’t know what she was pleading for.
His arms wrapped around her upper body, holding her tightly.
“You need help with anything?” Luca asked and every bit of arrogance that had been there before had left his voice, now sounding nothing but caring.
Emery nodded her head.
“Let me take over?”
Again she nodded. “Yes.”

And before she realized what was happening he had grabbed and maneuvered her onto her back. She felt dizzy, when he carefully pushed away the blindfold. He stroked her face, placing kisses all over her skin. Only seconds later he began thrusting into her with a force she didn’t expect. His hands were placed next to her face and from time to time he bit into one of her nipples making her cry out again.
“Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck,” she mumbled, already back in the moment shortly before an orgasm.
He leaned down and kissed her, one of his hands caressing her cheek.
“It’s okay,” he whispered, locking eyes with her.

Then he pushed himself up again, dug his finger into her thighs and his thrusts became nearly unbearable. Emery whimpered and Luca groaned in response. His movements became faster and harder and the pain that shot through Emery’s body brought her over the edge. Her legs began to shake uncontrollably and again she felt tears form in the corner of her eye. Luca’s grip on her thighs increased even more and she felt him contract inside her seconds later, when a loud groan escaped from his mouth.
Both needed a moment to come down from their high and Luca placed a casual kiss on Emery’s forehead before he carefully removed himself from her and went to throw the condom away.
When he came back Emery still tried to catch her breath. He laid back beside her and for a while they just looked up at the ceiling in silence.

They were still laying there in silence when there was a knock on the door and they both froze.
“Shit,” Luca mumbled.
In no time he was on his feet, throwing the sheets over Emery’s naked and aching body.
He stumbled to the door, pressing one hand against it, probably to shut it close again in case somebody would try to open it. Didn’t they lock it?
“It’s snowing,” Luca’s mom shouted through the door and the excitement in her voice made Emery smile immediately.
“We’re coming – uhm – I’m comin – just a second,” Luca shouted back.
“I’ll go get Emery,” the mom answered.
“Nooo! No. Uhm, I’ll do that, I think she took a nap,” Luca insisted and Emery nearly burst out laughing at his nervousness but managed to turn it into a light chuckle.
Luca threw an angry look at her and she just chuckled more.
“Okay,” his mom said and Luca seemed to relax a little.

Footsteps echoed along the hallway and Luca turned back to Emery. Despite Emery’s amusement about the situation she couldn’t deny that she was hurt, too. Of course he wouldn’t want his family to think there was more between them than just friendship right away, why would he? She was his roommate, nothing more – at least until a few hours ago. And in her head there was this absurd and undeniably Disney inspired fantasy about him committing to her completely the second they kissed or something like that. Even though she knew, he probably would have scared her away, if he’d done that. It’s like he couldn’t have done it right. Before Emery could finish her thoughts, Luca threw her clothes at her and hastily put his back on. Her heart ached again, this time because of pain.

“So, snowball fight or what?” he asked, stemming his hands into his hips, looking ready and excited.
He looked cute with that boyish grin on his face and Emery hated that her disappointment overshadowed the sympathy she felt in that moment.
Still trying to collect herself, she shakingly started putting on her clothes as well.
“Yeah, let’s go,” she answered and tried her best to sound as enthusiastic as him.
She quickly went to her room to change and somehow managed to calm herself. Christmas was always a hard time for her. It’s okay to be emotional and sensitive, she decided. Still, Luca had done nothing wrong and she tried her best to convince herself of that. So when she followed the others outside she felt a little better.
Emery stepped outside, she immediately forgot about everything else, cause the snowflakes completely mesmerized her. When Luca’s mom told them it was snowing, she didn’t imagine so big and many snowflakes swirling around in the wind like that.

“Oh my god, it’s already enough snow to really have a snowball fight,” Cody shouted and sounded just as excited as Luca before.
“How do we form the teams? Young versus old?” Luca suggested, to which his dad instantly reacted by throwing the first snowball at him, striking his shoulder.
“So it’s decided,” Cody uttered with a devilish grin on his face, already forming a snowball himself.
Soon they got together in their teams, both camps hiding behind some bushes in the front yard. Despite Luca standing right beside her, Emery felt a distance. She tried to shake the feeling, but Luca seemed self-conscious himself. Most of his interactions were with Cody, so Emery felt exactly how she had feared she’d feel if she followed Luca’s invitation – like a guest. An intruder. Fuck that, she thought. She couldn’t think of anything she could do to change the situation, so she played along as best as she could, but also didn’t bother to be cheery or something.
So when they had gotten their asses kicked the third time in a row they surrendered and went back inside to warm themselves up. Emery made her way to the front door, wanting to get away from Luca as fast as possible, but of course getting stopped by him of all people.

“Hey, everything alright?” he asked and like before she snorted.
“You mean, apart from you and Cody teaming up and doing this on your own?”
Luca looked puzzled and Emery couldn’t prevent her eyes from rolling and tears forming in the corner of her eyes at the same time. Damned be this fucking Christmas time, she thought, trying to stop herself from crying and quickly looking away from Luca.
“Hey,” he said and already pulled her into his arms, holding her and placing this stupid kiss on her hair like he always did.
That’s when everything cut loose and she started crying. Like properly crying.
“Fucking Christmas,” she cursed again, this time out loud.
Luca chuckled.
“It’s okay,” he said and on impulse she pushed him away from her.

“Can you please stop?”
“Stop what?”
The puzzled look on his face was now mixed with anger.
“Stop saying all the right things now? And stop acting like you’d care that much, when a few minutes ago you… you didn’t want your mom to know I was in your room,” she finished.
“What the… Did YOU want my mom to know that?” he shot back.
“No, but…”
“See? So why would you want it any other way?”
Emery’s shoulders sunk down even more, when she realized that right now nothing made any sense.
“I don’t know,” she admitted.
Luca, who otherwise was the patience in person, looked tense from head to toes.
“Well, then figure out what you want and let me know,” he said, turned on his heels and went back inside.
A few steps before the front door he turned back to her again.
“You’re welcome here. Everyone says that. The guest room is yours and you can come and go whenever you want. Whatever you need.”

When the door closed behind him, Emery managed to drag herself behind one of the bushes and broke down crying again. She needed to be alone and let all those strong emotions pass by. It hurt. And she felt lonely again. But she knew it would pass, so she bore it. And she was right, it passed. The loneliness, the pain, the disappointment. What stayed was fear. Fear of being rejected. By Luca and by his family. They probably think she’s a freak now. Had Luca told them about their fight? She stayed outside for another five minutes before she could build up the courage to go back inside. When she did, she felt like she couldn’t breathe.

“Hey, back from your walk?” Cody greeted her in the hallway.
“Uh, yeah,” she answered hesitantly.
So Luca hadn’t told them.
He had already entered the living room and Emery rushed upstairs to her room. She collected some things and went to the bathroom to freshen up and put some makeup on. When she went back to her room she – and why would it be any other way – collided with Luca.

“Why am I not surprised by this?” he vocalized her thoughts, while gesturing at the space between them
Like often she felt her cheeks heat up.
Before she could change her mind, she took his hand and guided him to her room. She led him to her bed – the only seat in the room – and stood before him.
With his eyes wide open he looked up at her.

“I’m sorry,” she started.
“I’m an insecure fool and I’m sorry,” she said.
Luca raised the corner of his mouth.
“It’s your family, not mine, so you have every right to act like that.”
“I still took you home with me, didn’t I?” he asked and her heart jumped.
“Of course, we don’t have to tell your parents about our sex life. And of course we don’t have to decide anything about us right away,” she tried to recap.
“We don’t have to, but we could,” Luca answered and the grin on his face became wider.
“Although I’m not sure, if my parents really wanna know about all the things I do to you in bed,” he thought out loud and Emery slapped his shoulder.
“You know I didn’t mean it that way!”
He clasped her wrist, pulled her onto his lap and kissed her.
“I’m glad you’re here,” he whispered into her hair.
“I’m glad I’m here, too.”

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/zeupx2/a_home_for_christmas_pt_33_m24f24_light_bdsm