I (M20’s) finally sleep fucked a girl who’s been begging for it (SLEEP PLAY)


You know why they call them blue balls?

Cause they’re fucking sad, and they fucking hurt.

Let me explain what’s happening: I’ve been living with my dad for a few months, to keep him company during the COVID lockdowns, like a GREAT guy that I am, right?

Only I didn’t know that:

1 – He got married to this nice lady named Janet

2 – Janet has a 22 year old daughter named Tessa, who going to college abroad

3 – Tessa’s college classes got suspended during lockdown, so…

4 – She has ALSO been living here

5 – Tessa is irritating

6 – Tessa is hot

And I don’t mean girl next door kinda cute when she is dressed and hot when she is naked.

Tessa is all hot all the time.

It’s not just her looks or her body, it’s her fucking delicious nasty girl atitude that makes me wanna bite her half the time and spank her on the other half.

Oh yeah, I have a thing for brats.

It’s not a minor thing.

It’s a big thing.

It’s debilitating.

It makes me lose track of reason.

A hot woman brats at me and I wanna tie her up and spank her pussy with my belt.

And the thing about Tessa is that we hate each other and it’s not even a love-hate kinda thing, it’s just a hate-hate, really.

She politicizes every single fucking thing under the sun. It would bore me if it didn’t piss me off so much. She wants to dictate what I can say, how I can say it and even when I can go out. I swear to God: she actually went as far as to hide my keys and give long eye-rolling speeches on why I had to respect lockdown.

For fuck’s sake, I wasn’t trying to go out to lick door knobs or something, I just wanted a booty call with a friend who had also been on lockdown by the way.

But Tessa just acted like that was a crime against God and Country. She kept saying my dad and her mom would get sick and it would be my fault. Like?

Well, fuck her, right?

So… fast forward a few months and I did fuck her.

It was a simple arregement at first, but I think it’s safe to say we are both enjoying it.

There is something tremendously liberating about putting a woman you hate on all fours and asking her whether she wants to get slammed in her pussy or up her ass. Telling the bitch to be quiet, to take the cock and say “thank you”.

Fuck yeah.

I get hard just thinking about it.

And that’s just Thing One on the long list of things I get hard just thinking about, lately.

A very close Thing Two was the moment Tessa accepted my deal to be fuck buddies. Let me tell you, this woman looked me in the eye and said “you can do whatever you want to me, as long as I’m asleep”.

I went so hard my head went light from lack of blood.

Cause I also have a thing for non-con.

It’s also a big thing.

It’s also debilitating.

Ever had anything *so hot* happen to you that your cock forgot where you were and just rose up, ready to get work done as if it was called to serve?

Tessa told me to take her sweet puss while she slept and I went hard like that. But worst.

My mouth started to water out of control. I had to swallow to stop myself from drooling.

And then seeing her in bed, laying down pretending to be asleep like a good darling girl, with those pj short and that round ass. Fuck me, I’m getting hard again.

First time I fucked her she was pretending to be asleep.

Second time I fucked her she was bratting while getting dicked, which honestly made me shove my cock so deep into her pussy, she could taste me.

Third time I fucked her… was just for her.

I finger fucked her, counted her down, she orgasmed on my fingers like a good little cunt.

But that was that.

Hence, the balls being so blue they could be confused with the morning sky.

I check my watch cause night time can’t come soon enough.

I’m gonna fuck Tessa tonight after she sleeps, just how she likes it. I’m gonna go so hard she’ll wake up with my cock in her ass.

I run my fingers through my hair, going slowly insane cause I can still taste her pussy in my tongue.

I bent her spirit so fucking hard this morning, she was calling me daddy. But she orgasmed. I didn’t. And now she is fine and I’m dying.

I’m standing in the kitchen and I can’t remember what I was supposed to get. Tessa comes in and passes by me to open one of the drawers. Only she does it slowly, rubbing her ass against my cock.

It’s intentional.

She presses up her ass against my groin with this tiny little moan as she brushes by me.

My cock is so hard it could cut glass.

So I take a step back, cause the house has an open kitchen overlooking a dinning area where both our parents are having lunch.

I take a nice step back like a badass gentleman that I am to make more room between myself and the counter, so she has a lot of space to pass by me.

Does she take it?

Does she take the fucking extra space I just gave her?


She rubs her ass against my hard cock again on the way back, with a bratty smirk of someone who has been recently (and wonderfully) fingerfucked and doesn’t have a care in the world.

This bitch is playing with fire.

I take a deep breath when she’s gone back to the table that only makes her smile more.

“Oh, I forgot something” she says, rushing back to the kitchen. She’s gonna pass by me one more time only this time I don’t give her any room. I take a couple of steps ahead and force her to squeeze through between me and the counter.

She does it.

Like a fine whore.

If she wants to dry hump me, I’m fine with that.

As soon as her ass is aligned with my cock I move my hips forward so violently she lets out a tiny shriek of surprise, before biting her lips to keep quiet.

I dry hump her really good. Rubbing my cock on her ass, like I’m trying to fuck her with our clothes on.

She enjoys this.

How can I be sure?

Well, for one she is a slut.

And also because as soon as I do that, she doesn’t walk by me. Instead, she stands very still, trying to reach out to get to the drawer without moving too far away from my humping.

I’m fine with that.

I hold her waist for a bit, before letting my hands slide so I can feel her curves.

“I’m gonna have so much fun with you tonight” I whisper “I think it’s time you try a different hole, hm?”


“I think it’s time” I say slowly, breathing in her hair “for you to have a man in your ass”

I brace myself cause Tessa has been a brat since the day I met her. And there is one thing in life you can always count on: brats will NEVER fucking cooperate.

I just told her I want her ass and I *know* she’ll have some smart ass way of refusing me so…

“Yeah, that sounds great” she moans.



She caught me so off guard that I almost stop humping her.


“You’re gonna like it, baby. It will feel so good”

“I know” she moves her body like she’s about to cum. I wanna bite her neck so bad “Maybe I can get him tonight”


“Yeah” she catches her breath and stops moving “I’m thinking Ethan for this. He is very experienced, I’m sure he’s had ass before, so he’ll know what he’s doing”

“Ethan?” I blink and stop humping her.

“Yeah! For taking my virgin ass, you know? He can get tested for covid and come over”

“You gonna ask Ethan to come over and eat your ass?”

“Not just eat it, but fuck it also”

I smile at her without a hint of joy in my eyes.

She winks before moving away.

And there it is.

They NEVER fucking cooperate.

They ALWAYS make you work so fucking hard for it.

And I love it.

“You’re trying to get under my skin, aren’t you?” I hold on to her elbow as soon as our angle leaves us outside our parents’ line of sight.

“Maybe. Maybe not”

“Why Ethan? Why not me? You’re just trying to get under my skin”

“Looks like I’m succeeding”

“Fuck you. Give me your ass”


“Is this a red-no ou just a no? Cause I can just take it tonight while you’re sleeping”

She has a smile so hot, it should be considered against the law in half the states.

“It’s a no, I’m not giving it to you” she says in a very matter-of-fact tone.

But notice she doesn’t say “red”.

“And why is that?”

“Cause you fuck like an old man. Or an old woman” she shrugs.

My smile is homicidal.

“Excuse me?”

“You’re soft. I like it rough”

“I’m soft?”


“Excuse me, ma’am, but didn’t I just fuck you so hard you were calling me daddy”

“Yeah, I was trying to make it work”

“You were trying to m…”

“I didn’t cum because of you, Trev. I came in spite of you”

I have no words. Just the open mouth of a man who didn’t think it possible to feel this insulted.

“Really? Cause it looked like you came because of my fingers. Which you were begging for, by the way”

“I asked you to slap my pussy really hard, remember? Really really hard… and *that’s* what you gave me?” She makes a face “You’re soft.”

“You want harder than that? I can give you harder than that”

“No, I’m good. I got Ethan remember? He’s rougher than you”

I grab her by the throat and slam her against the back wall. It’s not violent, it’s just… erotic as fuck.

She looks at me like a puppy who’s been biting your shoes so you’d give it attention.

*I fucking love brats*.

I close my hand around her throat a little tighter and she moans. Her eyelids drop as she gasps, and by now I already know those signs by heart.

She’s horny.

Horny as a bitch on heat who hasn’t seen a male in forever.

“Oh, will you look at that” I groan with my lips on hers “Looks like we found something else you like”


“You like getting choked, baby” I press a little more and her moans get louder, so I have to stop.

“No, I don’t” she swallows, embarrassed.

“You’re such a juicy slut” I laugh “You like getting spanked. You like being disciplined, don’t you? You like to rebel so I have reason to punish you. And you really like getting choked”

“If you say so”

“I say so. You should remember that”

“I will. I’ll tell Ethan to try it” she licks my mouth and pushes me off her.

I clench my fists. She is back in our parents’ line of sight so I can’t put my hands on her, but God do I want to.

The day is hell.

But the night comes as a blessing.

Only… Tessa doest go to sleep.

I kinda need her to go to sleep.

I am SO horny and my balls are SO blue, I could literally fuck her outside in the yard in front of people. I don’t give a damn.

It’s passed 1 a.m. when I go downstairs and find her watching some show with her mom.

“Hey, aren’t you ladies gonna go to beg?”

“No!” Janet answers with a smile “We decided to pull an all night and binge watch this show. You wanna join us, Trev?”

I stare dead into Tessa’s eyes. She eats popcorn with a smile like she know how bad she is torturing me right now.

Alright, fine.

You call me soft.

And you make me jealous saying another man will have your ass.

You deny me the evening.

It’s fine. It’s all good.

Because I WILL put my hands on you eventually, Tessa. And then I’m gonna make you regret this.

I go sleep hard. I wake up hard.

I think about masturbating but it seems like a waste at this point. I’m gonna ride the rage like it’s fuel.

I wanna spank that woman so bad my hands *actually* itch. I never felt this before. I keep rubbing my face and scratching my beard like I’m desperately trying to get my hands busy with something, cause if I leave them idle, I’m gonna get Tessa’s sweet ass over my knee and make it blush.

As soon as I wake up I am hunting for her around the house.

I had hoped she would still be asleep, but alas…

Now this is the best part. The wonderful part. So happy. Wonderful.

There’s people in the living room. Some friends of Tessa are in town for interviews or whatever and needed a place to stay. They are all throughly tested for covid and were allowed to camp in the living room. They just arrived five minutes ago. Four of them. Two sweet looking girls named Jennifer and Louise. An average looking guy named Clyde. And a really fit dude who could be considered hot by most straight women standards… called Ethan.

Best part right? Wonderful part. So happy. Wonderful.

I say hello to everyone and I don’t know if Tessa is flirting with this guy because she likes him for real or because she wants to piss me off.

He doesn’t seem rough, honestly. I’m pretty sure I could take him in a fight.

Not saying I will fight him, just saying that if we did, I’d win.

My balls are so blue at this point I might as well call them purple.

I keep having to adjust my pants cause my cock keeps going half pump and it hurts.

It’s the middle of the afternoon when Tess finally breaks from the herd by herself. I hurry so I can catch her and grab her by her pussy as soon as I do.

“You think I won’t fuck you in front of people?”

She stops, her back leaning against my chest.

“What the fuck are you doing?” I ask.

“Going to get some clean towels, cause *someone* keeps leaving the dirty ones on…”

I finger her over her panties and she shuts up.

“Are you really gonna let him have your ass? Tell me you were teasing me”

“Why? Do you want it?”

“Yes” I finger her a little more. We are in the middle of the hallway. We’ll have to stop this in twenty seconds or get caught.

“Tell me you’re my toy” she says.


“Tell me you’re my plaything” she smiles, grabbing my wrist to position it where she wants me “And I’ll let you have it”

“Or…” I do my grab-by-the-throat and slam-against-wall move again and she moans on cue “I wait. You’re gonna fall asleep at some point, and then I’ll do whatever the fuck I want”

Her eyes roll with pleasure and her jaw drops just enough for me to know that’s *exactly* what she’s been dying to hear.

“This is what you want, isn’t it, you slut? You wanna be taken by force”

“No, I wanna get some clean towels”

“You wanna get disciplined and punished and fucked while you say no. Or while you’re not conscious enough to refuse.”

“I want you to leave me alone”

“Oh yeah? Safe word me, then”

She bites her smile for a fraction of a second.

“Leave me alone” she slams her elbow against my stomach and I grab her pussy tighter in my hand.

“I’m gonna have my way with you tonight. Fuck, I’m so mad at you I don’t even wanna screw you anymore. I think I could cum just by bending you over my knee”

“And do what? Tickle me with that soft hand?”

“You fucking slut” I laugh “You’re gonna wake up with my teeth marked all over you” I say and she whimpers this delicious moan, like she wants me to do that right now. “And my cum dripping out of your asshole, to teach you a little respect”

“What am I supposed to respect? You?” She laughs.

I ignore her breathing cause I can feel her wet in my fingers. I have my nose pressed up agains her temple, breathing in her perfume.

“What do you want me say if you start waking up, hm? You want me to say ‘it’s me, baby, let me in’?” She moans a little “Or do you want me to say ’Shh, baby, it’s almost over. I’m almost done with you” she moans *more “*Oh, I see” I lick whatever part of her face is in reach of my tongue “That’s how you like it. I can do that”.

And indeed I can.

Someone calls out to her from the living room and I have to let her go.

I am so fucking hard you could use my cock for construction work. It goes down eventually, but I swear even just the pants rubbing up against it is enough to get me an erection throughout the afternoon.

I count the seconds for night time.

I make damn sure her friends aren’t sleeping with her.

I wait.

I wait until 3 a.m. and I can’t wait any longer, I’m afraid my balls will actually fall off.

I cover my dick in lube cause if she’s asleep odds are she’ll be dry and I’m nothing if not a gentleman.

Her door is unlocked and I peek in slowly. Everything is dark but her curtains are open, and the moonlight is enough for me to see her in bed.

She’s not faking it this time.

Maybe she tried to wait up, but I took a long time tonight.

She is laying in bed in a very natural sleepy position… not the “I wanna look sexy” way of laying down she had on our first night. Her breathing is deep. Her hair is messy all over the pillow. She has a blanket over her. I move her hair out of her face a little just to make sure it’s her and that she is really sleeping.

It is her.

And she is *long gone.*

I never did a sleeping woman before. I wanna fuck her in the ass but I also wanna do this thing she always gets so wet about: actually cumming in her without waking her up.

*Can’t be the ass*.

She’ll wake for sure.

Alright… another day then. We go for her sweet puss tonight which is just as well… I’m so hard I probably won’t last three minutes anyway.

I remove her blankets nice and easy. She is wearing a shirt and short shorts, she has those ampersand curves on her slim body and laying on her side like this, even fast asleep, she is enough to make a man want to lick her.

I take my cock out and I am obviously already erect.

I take off her shorts so slowly it feels like I might end up cumming on her sheets.

She moves a little here and there, so I have to stop dead in my tracks an wait until she rests again before I can go ahead.

I think fully removing the shorts might be too dangerous, so I just leave them around her knees. I touch her hips and move her just enough so I can see her pink slit and I poke it with the tip of my cock, to check if she’ll wake.

She doesn’t.

Bless her.

I put my finger in to spread her pussy lips so I can guide my tip in. I am lubed up, but he feels so tight and dry when she is sleeping like this. The position also doesn’t help. I bite my lip hard. Not to keep me from moaning (though that too) but to make it hurt. Cause her hot flesh feels so good around my dick, so fucking tight, that I am afraid I’ll blow my load before my staff is fully in.

I hold on to her hips and push mine in. I slide in good, deep enough that my balls slap against her. I’m not gonna last for long. I fuck her real slow trying not to wake her and I’m not sure what pleasure she’ll take from this until she starts moaning.

It seems like a fever dream at first. She is not awake, but it seems like she is about to.

So I pat her hair and lean in. I fuck her really sweet and kiss her ear before whispering “Shh, baby, go back to sleep. It’s just me. It’s just Trev” I say and she moans a little more, like she is dreaming about being fucked. She wiggles like her body is trying to get rid of a foreign object “It’s almost over, baby, shh. Just a little more for daddy” she is like a strange sex doll like this. Like an actual cumdump “I’m almost done with you now. Almost done”. I can’t hold it in.

I cum in her pussy, shaking and feverish.

The orgasm washing over me like a dam breaking, filling me with relief, while I unload inside her all the jizz I seem to be building up for the next two days.

I pull out and watch that lazy stream of white cum falling out into her pubes, I press my thumb on the exact spot it comes out, spreading it around her slit and all the way to her clit.

*This is what you wanted, right?*

Now you have it.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/zef6ov/i_m20s_finally_sleep_fucked_a_girl_whos_been


  1. You can find other parts of the story in this sub through my profile! <3 Hope you enjoy! I will likely update every Tuesday and Thursday, there’s a few more parts in the oven before it’s over!

  2. These are /so/ good! Looking forward to the next one! And seriously, Patreon! I have /questions/ but don’t want to be too entitled.

  3. Oh god you nailed the writing. Introduced me to things I didn’t know I liked.

  4. My current girlfriend has given me full permission to use her anytime – including when she’s asleep or passed out – for my pleasure. It’s super hot!

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