This may not be the best place to make this post, if somewhere better, please recommend!
Long-time lurker on Reddit but this is a new account. I’m looking for some readers who like to read erotic romance novels, who’d want to read a sex novel I wrote for my wife that led to multiple hot-and-heavy sex sessions and ultimately ramped up our sex life for months. I wrote it because intimacy had taken a dive; we have kids, and after years of a “quiet bedroom,” not dead, but very quiet, I wanted to find a way to turn her on again. I tried a lot of things, and some of them helped, but nothing ever really seemed to “stick.” Like, we’d have an occasional fun night here and there, but overall, our frequency was in the dump. I like to write, so I had an idea and went to work. I spent nearly two years, nights and weekends, unbeknownst to her, writing her an explicit romance/sex novel about “us,” obviously slightly embellished versions of ourselves and set in a fantastical setting. My wife is an avid reader and has a high-standard for what she’s willing to read, fiction or non-fiction. In other words, a book needs to be good for her to actually read it, so I had my work cut out for me. Now, I’m not a published author by any means, but I’ve studied “story” and have written a number of short stories, etc. and felt confident that I could write something that might have an impact on her. When I finally finished my edits, I was excited and nervous to tell her about it. I didn’t know how she’d react. I didn’t know if she’d even be willing to read it. To my surprise and delight, when I finally told her my secret, she was actually quite excited to read it. Well, at least she acted pleasantly surprised, but I could also tell she wasn’t sure of what to expect. That said, I was still nervous she wouldn’t “get into it” enough to finish it. Boy was I wrong to be worried. The first night we planned for her to read it, we got a babysitter for the kids and got a room at a cheap hotel for our date night; planning to get home around midnight. If you’re married and have kids, this is a great date night idea, by the way. Get some quick take-out, and go to a hotel for 4-6 hours for a change of scenery and escape from the kids to give your wife the liberty to feel more frisky than she might when the kiddos are sleeping down the hall and could start banging on your door at any minute.
Anyhow, so after grabbing dinner, we were back in the hotel by around 6pm. I gave her one of her toys, shared the digital book with her so she could pull it up on her phone, and off she went. She didn’t any have trouble getting into the book and completely forgetting about my presence, which is exactly what I wanted. In fact, I even decided to give her a little time to herself to just enjoy reading the book without my presence distracting her, so I left the room and spent about 30 minutes or so in the lobby, watching something on my phone and freaking out about how things might going back up in the room. After working so hard on this book for her, I had a lot of hopes and doubt, so those 30 minutes were anxiety inducing. She’s a very fast reader, so I deemed 30 minutes would give her enough time to start getting into the juicy parts of the story (yes, there’s a build), so I decided that it should be enough time for her to either be “into it,” or not. I finally decided to quietly sneak back in, and happened to walk-in to loud moans of pleasure, which she told me was far from the first orgasm she’d had while I was away. She was absolutely ravenous for me when I came in. I don’t even know how many orgasms she had that night. We had wild sex multiple times, and she couldn’t stop reading the book. She said the fact that the book’s characters were us made it so much hotter and easier for her to get into. It was one of the best nights of sex we’ve had in our over 10 years of marriage. After getting home and sending the babysitter off, she wanted to keep reading, and we stayed up having more sex in our own bed before finally falling asleep. The night was incredible. But it didn’t stop there.
Although tired, I couldn’t believe my reality when I was woken up early in the morning to movements and rustling in the bed only to discover my wife quietly reading my book in bed next to me and pleasuring herself, with obvious restraint in her movements, in an effort not to wake me. I laid there still as a statue, acting asleep and completely dumbfounded as I witnessed her give herself a few more orgasms while reading that morning before I “woke up” and we had sex again. She was on fire! That night and morning were provided one of the hottest experiences of my life. Now, I know, this subreddit is full of plenty of far more “wild” experiences and stories than this, but for us, this experience was incredible for our sexual relationship as she released inhibitions and pent up sexual energy that she didn’t even know she was holding onto, and the book gave her that liberty.
The book isn’t small, it’s a little over 200,000 words and it took five or six more of these kinds of wild evenings for my wife to finish it, probably 15-20 hours of reading; which meant our date nights were very exciting over the next several months. She occasionally read it on her own but rarely. She thought about it all the time and wanted to read it, but given her daily obligations, kids etc., she couldn’t quite find the time to get into that mental state, and wanted to read it when she could truly allow herself to become fully immersed. But in between times when she could read, she would often initiate sex with me and tell me how she’d been thinking about the book all day, causing her to get all worked up. Anyhow, after all this, it was her idea for me to put it out there. She said, “there has to be couples out there who would benefit from your book!” So, here we are. I’m looking for test readers who want to give their sex life a boost, and who would like a “sneak peek” preview, to read it and give me feedback and let me know if it’s worth pursuing. I will customize the book to you and your significant other, which takes some work, so I will only be able to share it with a handful of test readers for free; so it will be first come, first served.
As I said, my wife requires a “good” book if she’s going to read it. My challenge in writing her a book is I knew she wouldn’t just read any book unless it was really well written, not even a book written by her husband. It had to be a story engaging enough to truly “enthrall her.” It needed to be interesting, profound, and hit all the right spots. It needed to be exciting, there needed to be allure, intrigue and a well written plot with character development and arcs. So, it delivered for her, hopefully it will for you.
**Book Setting:** The book is designed for M/F characters, and is a historical-fiction mystery, based in modern times but with the setting of a period piece. Think Bridgerton meets Indiana Jones but with a modern overlay. A story about Emperors, Dukes, Ambassadors, assassinations, banquets and balls, but set in modern times with actual historical facts and significance.
**TLDR:** I wrote an explicit sex novel for my conservative wife to get her wild and increase intimacy. It worked! It made her wild for multiple sex sessions and cranked up our sex life for months! She told me the world needs my book, so I’m thinking of putting it out there. The book and its protagonists will be personally customized to the couple: names, characteristics, etc. I’m looking for test readers who want to give their sex life a boost, and who would like a “sneak peek” preview, to read it for free and give me feedback and let me know if it’s worth pursuing. Since I customize the book to you and your significant other, I will only be able to share with a handful of test readers; so it will be first come, first served.
Id give ya feedback, are you looking for more creative feedback or structural/editorial?
Would love to read it!! Sounds like it had the exact intended reaction from her 😍
That’s sounds awesome.
I would be willing to read it, but make sure you are explicit in exactly the type of feedback you want. Do you want just grammar corrections or do you want deeper corrections (i.e. this part of the plot doesn’t match the rest of the book or this characters actions don’t match their expected character).
Also, are you looking for feedback in chunks or would you like to just be handed back a text with a lot of red corrections all over the place?
I would be very interested to read you book. I think I would also be able to give good feedback as I read quote a lot, with a slant towards erotic fiction. DM me
I would be very interested in reading your book.
My husband and I are definitely interested in reading this and providing feedback!
I would love to read and give feedback! I’m so happy it went well, that sounds so hot!
I would love to read and give feedback! I’m so happy it went well, that sounds so hot!
I would love to read and give feedback! I’m so happy it went well, that sounds so hot!
I would love to read and give feedback! I’m so happy it went well, that sounds so hot!
I would love to read and give feedback! I’m so happy it went well, that sounds so hot!
I would love to read and give feedback! I’m so happy it went well, that sounds so hot!
Would very much like to read your book and offer feedback. Maybe just the ticket to unlock the wife’s hidden desires.
It sounds sexy and I would love to read it. I would be happy to give any feedback you like as well. I have a good feeling about it after the way it was received by your wife 😈
Wife and I have been reading and trading back and forth a bunch of smutty books lately. I’d be happy to give yours a go if there’s still copies available.
I would love something personalized. And always love reading greatly written erotica.
I’m down to read it still able
My wife reads steamy novels all year… About 100 to 120.
I would love to spice things up with her reading your novel.
That’s amazing. First off congrats!! If you’re still looking for a reader, I’d be open to it.
This sounds incredible and I’m really excited about the actual historical facts! I’m sure I’m much too late for the free trial but if you ever publish please message me!
I would love too! If you can accept more ☺️
I’m gay and even I want to read this based on your write up here!!
If you are still sending it out it may help my relationship.
Sure, a good and fresh sex novel is always a welcome read 👍🏻
I would love to read your book! If you’re seriously looking for readers, please add me to the list
Happy to. But are you customizing specifically to whatever the needs of the request(s) are? Is that an easy change for you to make?
Are you still needing readers?
Hey! If you still need readers I’m happy to volunteer!
Me Me!
I’d love to read this
My wife is a prolific reader who amongst her favoured genre include erotic fiction.
If still available we would be willing to read and provide feedback.
I volunteer!! Please, would love to read it !
I love reading good erotic books, so I’d gladly have your book to read!
I would love to volunteer as well :)
I would love to volunteer to read this. Thanks.
Very happy for you OP! I’d be happy to read it should you require additional volunteers.
Ok I’m interested but I’ll be busy until the middle of the month so If you’re gonna release it what will its title be
I’d love to read it. If you want to share it with the masses, post it to Literotica!
I did something similar as a 1 story piece in an office. The review was positive but my way of saying who was who didn’t sit with my wife for her to really engage.
I would happily read and share with my wife to provide feedback.
I see you have plenty of offers though so will understand if I don’t hear from you.
Good luck with it, I hope it is a success and if I don’t get a trial as a guinea pig I can hopefully find out what it’s called if it gets released worldwide!
Man i wanna read this
I know probably to late but would love to read and give feedback on your erotic novel.
I’d read it!
Wow sounds very interesting, need this in our life as well. Would love to read it if not too late
If available, I would love to test read and help in any way possible!
I volunteer if that option is available
I would love to read this, such a great idea!!
This is a super fun idea. I’m interested in being a test reader. Let me know what I need to do.
Sounds amazing! Been writing myself and searching for others to review it. I’ll gladly help a fellow writer out. Really hope the best for you and your family. Merry Christmas
Yes, PLEASE! (If I haven’t missed the deadline — if so, congrats on the project!)
Would love to read it. How can i get a copy?
Would love to read this & give you my feedback!
I love to read erotic literature I would love to read your book
Would definitely be interested if you still have any capacity!
Another offer of proofreading here! ✋🏻
I want to read !!!!
I would love to read your book and provide feedback.
Would you really customize the whole thing for a specific couple? If so that sounds amazing and I’m very interested to be honest.
Oh my god I’m so disappointed I’m late to this post but I also volunteer as tribute!!!
I’d volunteer as well. I think i would be a good critic:)
I volunteer! 😁
Yes, yes, yes, and YES!
Please and thank you! My other half is all the way on the other side of the world for a while. This would be something amazing that we could do together 😉
Absolutely more than happy to give feedback. Pretty please can I get a copy? 🙏🏼
Absolutely curious. Doesn’t have to go to the effort to customise, if in editable version I can simply search /replace.
Sounds very awesome. If you’re still in need of volunteers, I’d be glad to get it for my wife as well. If not I’d say I’d consider $15-$20 for a customized version if you’re looking for a general price range.
Can I be a test reader??
I’d love to read it with my partner!!
Wow I love it ❤️
Still available ?
I’d pay for it!
This sounds so cool. Im sad I missed the boat on reading it lol.
Would love to get a copy. How can I get on the list to recieve a custom copy ?
Would love to read this!! I’d definitely pay for something like this.