I’m pretty sure [M]y friend is a sugar baby, and I did an embarrassing amount of detective work

I’ve known this friend for about a year, we’re in grad school together. I knew of her through some mutuals in undergrad but didn’t really know her that well. What I did know was she was fun, outgoing, too flirty for her own good, and a body count in the low thirties.

When we got into the same grad program, we started hanging out more and I got to know her better. She definitely lived up to her reputation, telling our friend group about all the hinge “husbands” she was juggling. I also learned she has very expensive taste. They were taking her to NHL games every week, to nice restaurants, nicer bars, the works. She definitely had a certain taste.

She was also working part time at a country club to earn some extra cash. Not that she needed it, she just liked having it to go shopping. She’d drop a casual $100 on candles, online shop during almost every class, and go out for lunch most days. She was definitely making enough off tips to support that, even if that meant no savings.

Over the summer, she went through her “single girl” era or whatever you want to call it. No more hinge dates, so no fancy outings on someone else’s dime. She also quit her part time job to work something more related to our grad degree.

One other important thing to know is she’s a fiend for Snap. Score upwards of 800k, and she has her location turned on. I was in the city our grad program is in all summer working, she went home with her parents to save money since her job was remote.

Here’s where I started getting curious about her. A few days before she was set to come back and move into her new spot, I was at a football game, and I saw her Bitmoji at the stadium. A little surprised, I texted her and asked if she was back in town. She seemed a little surprised, and responded yes, she was at the game with a friend who got discounted tickets. I didn’t think much of it at first until I saw the friend she said she was with post to her insta story, and she was definitely not at the game.

I was a little confused why she would lie, but later that night I saw her Bitmoji pop up in the middle of the river on a boat. I thought it was a glitch, but hours later after we were done at bars she was stil marked as being there, and shortly after she was marked at being at the boatyard in the wealthy part of town, and later at the four star hotel right next to the boatyard.

I didn’t know what to make of it at the time, until she started popping up at fancy hotels more and more. Sometimes there was a reason, like she’d meet a friend there and it would be on her story, but her shed snap from the hotel in the morning and her friend stories going out to bars the juger before. Her spending habits also stayed the same, even with no job or income.

For her birthday, she showed up in a beautiful fur coat. She’s claimed to have had it for a while, just has never worn it out, but none of us had ever seen it before.

The last piece of evidence is the day after her birthday, she snapped from one of the wealthiest suburbs of the city. I know she doesn’t know anyone out there, and she spent the night since she snapped again from there in the morning.

I think she’s sugaring, but what do you think? Am I too horny to think, or is my friend a sugar baby?

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/zb27s9/im_pretty_sure_my_friend_is_a_sugar_baby_and_i