[F] This is the story of how I ended up naked and covered in sushi in front of my coworkers

I landed in Brazil.
To summarize all of the previous stories for those just joining us:
Due to some flirting I had won a huge client from my coworker Eric, who had put a ton of time and effort into getting this client onboard. So I accidentally won a lot of money from him. Suffice to say, Eric had been upset and in an effort to stop him from telling me boss or my husband what I did, we had sex.
Now I was in Brazil to meet with this client, Mr. B, for our first official meeting together…after the last one got very steamy as well.
I am a very average woman…but this whole adventure felt very James Bond-esq and insane for me lol If James Bond was only the sex and not all the shooting.
Landing in the airport, I quickly stepped into a bathroom stall to freshen up. Deodorant, new makeup, the dress I was given by Mr. B (which was indeed very short and not very work professional) and the pair of crotchless panties that said, “Property of Mr. B (his full name)” on the back.
I was as ready as I would be. And as demeaned as I could be.
A Maybach picked me up from the airport, whisking me one hour north until we came to what could only be described as a compound. Literal guards were at the gate. We pulled up a beautifully manicured road to a ridiculous mansion. Several employees ran out to grab my bags, informing me this is where I was staying. As my bags were whisked away, another employee told me Mr. B was ready to see me.
We walked through the cavernous halls to a balcony overlooking a rainforest. Mr. B greeted me with a glass of champagne and invited me to sit. We caught up and made pleasant conversation for almost an hour before things took a turn. He looked at his watch and he seemed to have a realization.
“I couldn’t help but notice you’re wearing a wedding ring. I had my team look into you and saw you are indeed married.” Mr. B said.
“Oh, you had a team look into me?” I coyly replied.
“I wonder if your new husband, it is new yes, if he is aware of what happened in the conference room between you and I?” He asked.
“He is not. And he won’t ever be.” I said.
“Good.” He turned towards me. “I feel as though I am a good judge of character. And from the moment I saw you in the conference room I knew exactly who you are.” His hand gently landed on my knee.
“You are a strong woman, who worked her whole life to get to where she is with no help from anyone, fighting rude men the whole way. You got married to a nice guy. But something was missing. The lack of control…sexually. You are someone who needs to be dominated, embarrassed and…pleasured.” His hand slowly slid up my thigh. “You always have to be in control in your life. But not here…” His hand found the panties. He smiled when he felt the crotchless part. “I see you enjoyed my gift.”
His finger curled inside my pussy. I quickly looked around to make sure no one was looking.
“Look at me.” He ordered sharply. I locked my eyes on him.
“So while I will appreciate you representing my company, I don’t need the money or the representation. What I do need, is a broken white wife to be all mine until I’m tired of her. Is that understood?”
“Yes Sir”. I said, my voice breaking.
“What are your hard limits. You have this opportunity to lay out the rules.” He asked. A second finger slipped in to join the first. It was making it hard to concentrate.
“Nothing that leaves a mark or draws blood.” I gasped. “And I don’t want to get pregnant.”
“Plan B? Are you on birth control?” He asked.
“Yes to Plan B, no to birth control.” I said.
“No other rules? You’re sure?” He asked.
“I’m sure.” I said. All I could think of was him rubbing my g spot right there on the balcony. His fingers withdrew.
“Good. I have a lot planned.” He reached behind him and pulled out a dog collar. Leaning forward, he pulled it around my neck. It locked into place. “Don’t remove this. Jose will show you to your room. In twenty minutes we have all of our clients meeting in the main hall, you’ll join us. Jose will meet you to get ready. Do whatever he tells you to. And I mean, whatever he tells you.”
I turned and saw a short, chubby man with a huge mustache in a suit. He had been watching the whole time. He gestured for me to follow him.
I got up and followed him.
Mr. B didn’t watch me go. I walked past dozens of employees rushing around until we turned into a locker room.
“Take your dress off.” Jose said.
“I don’t think…” I started. Jose wasn’t listening. He walked around the corner and came back with a large, metal push cart, the size of a hospital bed. He saw me still standing there.
“Strip please.” He said.
I think it’s a testament to how far I’ve come in this journey that I didn’t fight it past that. The dress was up over my head moments later.
“Underwear too.” He said.
I unclipped my bra and slowly dropped my undies until I was completely naked in front of this stranger. He barely looked at me. Instead he patted the cart.
“Lay down.”
I crawled onto the bed and laid on my back. It was just long enough for my body. He picked up my clothes and set them on a bench. He clapped twice and a dozen people exploded into the room. I froze as they swarmed me. It took a few moments to realize they were laying leaves and flowers on my body…followed by sushi.
The next twenty minutes I became a dinner platter covered in various sushis. My nipples and privates were tastefully covered by sushi and leaves.
This was ridiculous.
Then Jose put a large, feathery mask over my face that covered everything. Next thing I knew, I was on the move.
It was then I realized what their intentions were.
Voices talking got louder and louder until we turned into a massive ballroom, filled with hundreds of people. I was pushed to the center of the room as eyeballs stared at me. Jose stopped pushing me at the food table. I tried to stay completely still so none of the food spilled off of me and exposed more of my skin.
Mr. B got up on the stage and welcomed his guests from all over the world. He told everyone to drink and be merry. There was polite applause as everyone went back to talking. It was a relatively tasteful looking crowd. I was mostly ignored. Until I saw someone make a bee line towards me.
It was Eric. No fucking way. The coworker I took this client from. He was here in Brazil?!
He walked up to me with the biggest shit eating grin I’ve ever seen.
“Hello stranger. I like the mask, keeps you hidden. But I’d recognize those wide hips anywhere.” He walked up to me and picked up a sushi roll off my breast, popping it in his mouth.
“Wouldn’t you believe it. Mr. B still wanted me to help him with his company so he called me and some others down to help out with some pitch ideas”. Eric said.
Eric turned and waved. My heart sank. Four of my male coworkers strolled over.
“Guys, check out this sushi platter.” Eric said. He turned to me. “Better keep the mask on.”
The guys, men I was technically the boss of, walked up.
“Is that chick naked under the sushi?” Matthew asked.
“We should probably confirm.” Eric said. He grabbed another sushi off my breast, exposing my left nipple. I tried to stay completely still as all five of them started grabbing sushi off of me.
“Love the pale nipples, what are they called? Ghost nipples?” One guy stated. I couldn’t believe my coworkers were right here, and I was naked.
They just stood over me talking as they quickly consumed all of the sushi that had been laid on me.
“Ah man, there’s a leaf over her cootchie.” One of the guys said. “Miss, do you mind if I try the leaf? He asked me.
I didn’t say a word. He shrugged, reached down and lifted the leaf, revealing my pussy.
“Oh she’s got a furry little rug. Must be a European thing.” Matt said.
“We aren’t in Europe.” Eric said.
“Can we taste that too? Is that on the menu?” Matt asked, laughing. “No but really.” He finished, as the laughing died down.
Eric looked around.
“I don’t think a taste would hurt, do you miss?” He asked, looking at me. Oh no.
“Hello my guests!” All the guys suddenly turned like they got caught doing a crime. It was Mr. B. “Enjoying the food?” He said.
“Very much, Sir.” Eric stammered.
“Good. Perhaps I can box this up for you later?” Mr. B said.
“That would be great. We’re definitely still hungry.” Eric said.
“I’ll have it sent to your room now then, if you’d like to give them twenty minutes to set up.”
Suddenly, Jose was there, wheeling me away. I could only watch Eric’s smirking face as I was wheeled back to the locker room.
Several women were there waiting for me and they wiped me down with towels upon my arrival. Once clean, Jose pulled out a leash and clipped it around the dog collar. He checked the mask to make sure it was still tight.
“When leash is on, you walk like dog.” He said.
“Can I put my dress on now?” I asked.
“When leash is on, you walk like dog.” He repeated. “Dogs dont need clothes.”
I slowly got down on all fours. Then we walked, or I crawled, down the hall. We didn’t pass anyone as we went, taking side hallways instead of the main way. My knees were sore as we entered into a random suite. It was huge. In the middle of the room was a huge box. In the box were several holes.
“Wait…I’m not getting in that…am I?” I asked from my knees.
“Si.” Jose said.
“Can I pee first?” I asked. Jose nodded and he pulled on the leash. We walked out onto the porch over by a bush.
“No, I mean…pee inside.” I asked. He just stared at me. Nope…like a dog. I squatted on all fours and trying to ignore him staring at me, I started to pee.
For some reason, this felt like the most humiliating moment.
When I was done we walked back into the room and I got into the box on all fours. There was a blanket down. The box was just barely big enough for me. A small hole was cut out by my mouth, the biggest hole for my rear. Two holes were on the sides by where my breasts were.
Jose came around to the front of the box. He dropped a small clicker into the hole.
“In case of emergency, push the button.” He said.
Then he left me there.
A few minutes later, the door opened, and my five coworkers walked in.
What they saw was a huge box with a cutout where my asshole and vagina were completely exposed. From the side my tits hung down and the hole in the front only showed my mouth.
This was about to get…weird.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/z9zjbu/f_this_is_the_story_of_how_i_ended_up_naked_and


  1. I don’t normally eat sushi, but I would if it was a slice off of you whore cunt

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