You’re mine now [M26/F29] [Femdom] [Gang] [Kidnapping] [Threatening] [NonCon] [Part 2- End]

[Part 1](

***Sorry for the dense unorganized text, didn’t have the time to properly neat it or proofread.***

Peter stayed there for a moment but slowly found himself grabbing her head pulling her towards his mouth and started kissing her. A bit by bit they got hot on top of each other and she started to undress him. Her hand slipped to his dick and started stroking it. She slowly licked his neck and chest going all the way to his dick and started kissing it gently with an enthusiastic look on her face. She began going down on him gently with her tongue going around his dick in her mouth he was almost fully erect. With his dick fully lubed she took it out of her mouth and got ready to take it inside her. To which he grabbed her and told her to wait. He stood up and took her in his arms and placed her on her back under him. He was on top of her and said “I’m going to put it in now” she nodded with a shy look on her face. He thrusted slowly. His big dick reached deep inside her. She let out a small moan he told her to let him know if it hurts or she’s uncomfortable. They continued for a minute or two before he started to increase his speed. She was enjoying it and making all sorts of lewd faces and started to let out loud moans which echoed in the large room. Every once in a while he would get down and muffle her moans with his mouth. she was red and drenshed in sweat .She let out a scream with her body tensioning up under him. He pulled out and let her take her breath. Until he flipped her on her stomach and started again. She started moaning again when a couple of minutes passed he finally reached his limit, he pulled out and finished on her back. He told her not to move and he grabbed a tissue and wiped her back for her. She thoroughly enjoyed it. He started to put on his clothes and got ready to walk towards the door but she grabbed him “please stay for a bit” he nodded and lied next to her. Wrapping her arms around him she kissed him as a thank you. She rested her head on his chest and closed her eyes. after a while when she was deep asleep he gently pushed her away and went to his room. Couple of hours passed and he found her knocking on his door letting him know dinner is ready. He came down and ate. She was undeniably in a good mood that she sat on his lap to feed him. She was clinging to him while they ate dinner. After they ate, she hugged him and said that she’s going for some business and will comeback late at night. She got dressed and handed him a piece of paper with a number and told him that it’s the number of the head of security of the house, and if he needed anything or needed to reach her to call this number and tell him. He nodded and she left. When he found himself alone, he wandered around the big house. It was a luxury fully equipped home with a garden and nice views. He looked out the window to see a small shack where the security men stayed. He saw them standing on the front gate with weapons on their hand. He felt he was in a royalty house. His feelings weirdly started to change from being kidnapped to being protected, for some reason he felt safe but still felt controlled. He wandered to the kitchen and cleaned the dishes, fixed some tea and watched TV then later he went up to his room until night fell and he dozed off for the night. the sun of the next morning started going up and he opened his eyes to find Isabella sleeping peacefully next to him. he thought she might’ve came late last night. He got up and took a shower and once he walked out he saw that she woke up so he said good morning to her. She got up and gave him a kiss and headed for her room to change and take a shower. When she got out she told him to get ready to go out to have breakfast in a restaurant. He started to get dressed and got ready, a couple of minutes later she came by his room to go out. They left the main door to a fancy car with a driver waiting for them. they arrived at a private VIP only restaurant which they were greeted generously by the owner. They had their breakfast and they chatted a bit and she started opening up and telling him all about herself. How she lived with her brothers and learn to manage their unsual business around their large portion of the city. she told him that she is 29 years old which is basically 3 years older than Peter. She was ready to answer any of his questions and she wanted to teach him all about herself and her life. she asked him about his dreams and what he wished for. he wasn’t talkative but he answered honestly without hesitation. He also told her some stuff about his family which he suspected that she already knew. They kept talking for a long while until she told him “lets go shopping for some clothes for you, i know some places you might like”. then they got up and got back to their car and she asked the driver to go to a shop she described. Once they arrived at the shop they got out and Peter looked around to find it a very expensive and filled with high class men’s wear.

She told him “pick out what ever you want and its one me”.

Peter just picked one piece and showed it to her. “Are you going to take this only?”

she then proceeded to pick out some other nice looking shirts and pants and guided him to the changing room where most of the pieces suited him well. she called out the worker and gave him the clothes which after paying for them, she ushered her bodyguard to load them in the car. once in the car she asked Peter “Would you like to go to any other place? Would you like some dessert or anything?” He replied with no and asked her if they could go back. He didn’t want to stay out on the street for too long with her. He was afraid of being seen by anyone that knows him. So she pointed to the driver to get back to the house. They arrived home and her bodyguard followed them to the door entrance and stopped to give her the bought clothes. Peter carried the bags to his room a moment later she followed him and gave him a hug from behind saying “Thank you for having breakfast with me today, I will give you whatever you want but please open your heart for me.”. he didn’t answer. She gave him a kiss on the cheek and left him alone. Since that day and for almost four months Peter lived with Isabella where she increasingly had sex with him and he got used to it. She grew fond of Peter every day. No day was boring and their sex grew wilder and more enjoyable for both of them. Isabella toned down her behavior towards him and started to cut down on ordering him around. She gradually learned the ways to seduce and care for a man in bed. During the whole day she was playful and explorative with new things, from washing him in the shower to giving him massages to babybird feeding him food or drinks. She never got bored of him. Peter wasn’t rejecting or minding to most of what she did to him. She cared for him well. He started seeing her as a woman and not a scary person to just take orders from. He cared for her too when she got ill or when an issue came up with her business. Until one day when they were in bed and she was under him facing him on top of her, she noticed Peter is about to cum so she wrapped her leg around his back and held him deep inside her. to which he told her let him out. Finally he overpowered her and he ejaculated on her stomach. With a confused look he looked at her ” What were you trying to do? You don’t like me wearing a condom so why did you do that?”. to which she replied: “I want you to get me pregnant” Peter replied : “WHAT? ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND ?? I AM NOT BRINGING A CHILD TO THIS MESS BETWEEN US” she asked him ” What’s wrong with us? You are finally at ease with me for a while now and I love you more every day. There’s nothing wrong with us moving to the next step” which he answered “Nope not going to happen”. he said that while storming out of her room. A week passed with him not saying a word and her not approaching him. Peter definitely is not hating what his life has become or at least he doesn’t have the resentment towards Isabella like when they first met, but the idea of bringing a child just put everything into perspective. He thought hard all week long about if it’s going to ruin his life more or it would be the key to a normal beautiful life. until one day she opened his door to find him awake . she stood there for a second hesitating to speak or move so he got up from bed to face her. she approached him and looked in his eyes for a bit . between his legs on the bed edge she stood . Now she’s close enough that he saw that she was crying and a bit shaken. She proceeded to tell him how much love she has for him and how much happiness she felt when she is with him. she said “I have instructed the guards to not get in your way if you decide to leave. You’re not locked up or guarded anymore and no one will follow you. But please before you go answer me this, Will you marry me?” with a mix of emotions on his face, Peter didn’t reply and looked away. she backed away and left his room crying. She left to her room crying and trembling. Next thing she knew she found herself waking up on her bed and realized that she fainted from crying for hours and stressing so much. She got out of her room slowly walking and when she approached Peter’s room he was gone. She entered and found out that he took all his belongings leaving behind the stuff that she bought for him. she collapsed crying and at that moment she was at a loss crying out for her man that she will never see again . she remained for a couple of days in his room while his scent was still there. she didn’t eat or move well for a almost a month . she thought long and hard to pursue him and force him back. but couldn’t bring herself to do it. her brothers were caring for her once they knew how her health is going to a danger level. Not known to her, her brothers are in contact with Peter. Peter didn’t disappear, he just went back to his apartment. He considered leaving this city that took a toll on his life and left a big scar on him. but he stayed. another week passed by and Isabella is refusing to eat well or take any medicine. every time Isabella was alone in her house she would cry nonstop.

She felt those pass horribly without Peter, she never thought she would miss him that much. One night her brothers had to leave her alone to attend to some business. Before she fell asleep that night from all the crying and weakness in her, she felt someone standing by her bed. she thought she was already asleep and dreaming of him again. but this time felt more real. she reached her hand out and to her surprise he took her hand. “Wait are you actually here?” she stood up and looked at him . he replied “Yes” and hugged her. he continuted, “im saying yes I’ll marry you”. she started crying again and started holding him tightly not believing that she is touching him. While being away from her and the life that he lived for few months, Peter began to realize his feelings for her. That’s why he decided to come back to her. Days went by and she quickly regained her health .Peter decided to tell his parents that he found someone he loves and he is getting married soon. They planned a wedding with few members from their families and some business partners from her side of the family. The wedding was small in a lovely venue and everyone dressed nicely. while outside the place it was heavily guarded since there are important people attending this wedding. Isabella never stopped smiling all day long. she was ecstatic to say the least. she was clinging to her man like glue. Every chance she gets she said “I love you” to her husband who in return would always say it back with a kiss. It was a happy day that Peter and Isabella were sharing a love that had a rough road to get to this point. After their wedding day, they prepared to leave for their honeymoon and she asked for her home to be remodeled a bit and to be ready for them when they get back from their trip. They traveled overseas and she -being very wealthy- managed to get reservations to exclusive beaches and beach houses. their first night was very steamy she tasted her man like never before. Peter was happy too. he developed feelings for her for a while now . but recently he started acting on it. a couple of lovely nights pass by and Peter asks her “So do you still want a child?” it was a long awaited question for her. to which she immediately replie to “YES”. They started making out and a couple of minutes later Peter was inside her. and when the moment came he looked at her and she knew .

He pushed all the way inside her and rested there for a bit leaving all his load inside her. she was very happy. the two-week long honeymoon ended and they boarded back to their country. To their new remodeled home. Their days were filled with happiness and Isabella was slowly retiring herself from her mafia business although her brothers expanded their territory to larger areas. Until one day Isabella got her awaited news. She got pregnant. Peter was ecstatic and promised to care for her until their baby is born. Months went by and Peter got attached to Isabella more and more. Time went by and Peter found himself forgiving what Isabella had done to him. He took care of her during her pregnancy months. They had a beautiful baby girl which they cared for really well. Now they starting a family, Isabella suggested they look for a far away place to begin their next chapter of their lives together.
