My [F] First Heartbreak

I’m a computer science major, and I know my way around a computer. I’ve built my own from scratch, and I’ve programmed others. I’ve even written some code myself. “And what do you know about love, Miss Lane?” my professor asked as he stepped away to check his email.

“Not much, I guess.I’ve never actually experienced it.” I said, turning back to my computer. “I’ve been in love before, though.””Love is nt something you experience. It’s something you feel. And you’ve felt it, haven’t you, Miss Lane?” he asked, returning to his desk. “You’ve felt the butterflies, the flutter of a heart, haven’t you?”

I had felt those things, yes. But I also knew there was something missing. It was like I was watching a movie and the sound was off. Everything looked beautiful, but there was no emotion behind it. The colors were vibrant, but the feelings were dull.It was like watching a sunrise, but without the warmth of the sun.”

“I guess so,” I said, turning back to my computer. My professor was staring at me. His jaw was strong and clean-shaven, and his eyes were tired. He looked like he could use a hug, but he never asked for one. Instead, he took my hand and shook it vigorously.”

I know you’re going to do great things, Miss Lane,” he said, smiling through his tears. “I know you’ll be the first woman president, or whatever you want to be. Just don’t forget to breathe, okay?” He patted my shoulder before walking away to check his email again.

“Breathe, “I said to myself. “Breathe.”


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