[F] I Was Signed Up For An Amateur Strip Dance Competition At A Bar…It Didn’t Go Well

I was back in my childhood home for Thanksgiving. We enjoyed piles of food and drinks and my dad had invited a bunch of his guy friends over.

One of those friends was Bill, who I kind of hooked up with a few weeks earlier, even though he was twice my age. He was very good at being discrete and no one was any the wiser.

My husband was in Europe for work and my mom couldn’t be around my dad, so it was a pretty low key, but delicious, Thanksgiving.

As the meal finished and the men retreated to the living room to watch football, Bill whispered in my ear he had something fun planned and to grab my coat. He announced to the rest of the group he was heading out. I waited a few minutes then also announced I was leaving to meet up with some old friends. My dad told me to have a good time.

I drove to the address that Bill gave me. It was a women’s strip club.

Open on Thanksgiving – how festive.

This was under no circumstances a “nice” gentleman’s club. The sign, which read “Skipper’s Club”, was falling off the roof. However…the parking lot was packed.

It was a cold night, and I was wearing jeans, a big coat and a fuzzy hat. Bill was waiting outside.

“I signed you up.” He said.

“For what?” I responded…already nervous.

“For amateur night. You’re doing a dance for the crowd tonight.” He said, with a smile.

“The hell I’m not!” He must be out of his damn mind.

“You are. This is the kind of stuff you said you wanted to do, to be out of your comfort zone. What better way then stripping for a bunch of country boys? AND the winner gets $500 credit to spend at the club.” Bill said. I was speechless. This must be a joke.

“I’m the head of a major marketing branch, I am not…I can’t…I’m not going to get on a stage and dance in front of strangers in my underwear!” I finally got out.

“Good thing you don’t stop in your underwear. If you want to win you’ll have to take it all off. And you should take it all off” He said. “I love the wings here, so please win for me.” He winked.

I couldn’t do this. There was no way.

As my brain thought this, my legs let Bill take me by the arm and guide me inside.

The first thing I noticed was the squishy floor. No floor should feel like that.

It was dark. It smelled like sweat and smoke. And it was packed with people. All men. All of them talking loudly and drinking. No one was dancing yet on the stage up front.

Bill ushered me to the back, waving at people as he went and shaking hands. Occasionally he stopped to chat briefly.

What a regular.

We went to the backdoor and met the Doorman.

“Name?” He asked.

Bill helpfully supplied my real name to this man. I glared at him.

The Doorman looked me over.

“Do you consent to taking part in the Amateur Dance Contest?” he asked.

I looked at Bill’s wide smile.

I sighed. I had absolutely no reason to do this or take this risk, but deep down I knew I wanted it. I wanted to be seen by all of these strangers, completely naked and humiliated for them. And then I wanted to go back to my husband and my job as if none of this had ever happened.

“I consent.” I said. “But can I go last…I just ate so much turkey…I’m not looking my best.” I touched my belly nervously.

“Whatever you say.” The Doorman said. He opened the door. I looked at Bill one last time. He gave me a big thumbs up.

I stepped into chaos.

Women ran around, pulling clothes off racks, putting on makeup and heels that were far too tall. I was obviously late because there was very little left in terms of options on the clothing rack. I lifted up a sheer white thong and two sunflower pasties. There were no shoes in my size.

It was that moment that I truly wanted to turn around and leave.

But then the crowd outside cheered and the announcer came on to welcome everyone. The chaos in the changing room tripled as time ran out.

I tried to look for a place to change, but noticed women just stripping right there in the room. This certainly didn’t feel like amateur night. These were all very pretty women who all kind of looked like strippers already. And they all seemed to know each other.

I very much stood out from this crowd…the only 5’0 curvy woman in the room wearing jeans and a button up.

Discretely, I lifted my shirt and put both pasties on. This was as good as it was going to get. The first girl went out. Music started playing and the crowd roared its approval.

I looked at myself in the mirror and just felt bloated and gross from all the food I ate. The opposite of sexy. These feelings in turn just turned me on more.

Time crawled by as each woman went out. Finally it was me and one other girl. She looked at me.

“Are you wearing your own clothes out there? That’s risky.” She said. I shrugged with wide eyes.

It was then I realized the biggest part of this whole fiasco.

I was going to have to strip. And dance. I used to be a dancer growing up, but I had never done anything like this. Ever. A wave of emotions crashed into me.

Then it was my turn.

The announcer introduced me by my real first name and I felt my breath catch in my throat.

Barefoot, I slowly walked through the curtain as if my legs were moving on their own. A blinding spotlight hit me as I looked out over the packed house full of dark faces.

The room went quiet. After over a dozen women walking out in sexy outfits, here I stood in my Thanksgiving best.

The song “Closer” by Nine Inch Nails started playing.

Fuck it.

I started to bounce my hips to the music. Then I swung my booty toward the crowd as I unbutton my shirt. I tried to be as sexy as possible as the last button came off, thrusting at the crowd. I felt so silly. The faces closest to the stage were grinning ear to ear.

I took my shirt off, revealing my pasty covered breasts to the crowd. Then I spun around, hooked my thumbs into my jeans and slowly peeled them down around my ankles, fully bending for the crowd. Stepping out of the jeans I stood in front of all those men in my thong and pasties.

I shimmed towards the crowd and as I did so, both pasties flew off of my boobs.

They flew out into the crowd.

The crowd. Went. Wild.

I got onto my knees and crawled on all forward towards the front of the stage, my tits swinging as I went. Then I rolled onto my back, turned my ass towards the crowd and slowly pulled the thong up my thighs and away from myself until I butt naked on my back, legs spread for the crowd.

The noise was deafening.

The music slowly died down and the announcer ran out. He reached a hand down and helped me up to my feet.

“Well gentleman, I think we have someone here who REALLY wants the victory since she went ahead and took all of her clothes off for you. Broke the rules in the process but I think we can make an exception in this case, can’t we?” He laughed and the crowd cheered.

Wait. I wasn’t supposed to get naked? I tried to find Bill in the crowd unsuccessfully.

“Let’s bring all the women back out again.”

I looked for my clothes that I had thrown off, but they were nowhere in sight. Men in the crowd must have grabbed them. I was jostled to the back as the other women came out and lined up on the stage.

I tried to cover myself with my hands without much luck.

One at a time each woman stepped forward for cheers. Then I stepped forward. It was a middling cheer. I could hear certain insults hurled my way, “Nice try fatty”, “Go back to the farm” and “get that hairy pussy off the stage”.

I lost. Some gorgeous woman a foot taller than me won. I felt humiliated beyond belief and as the crowd cheered I practically sprinted into the back room.

My world literally felt like it was spinning. I started breathing heavily. The woman who performed right before me came in and handed me a white robe.

“Personally, I thought that was a really sexy performance you gave. Great ass girl. Ask the doorman to get your clothes back for you, he’ll take care of it.” She smiled at me and went over to her things to change.

I poked my head out the door and asked the doorman about my clothes. He reached behind him and pulled them out.

“Already on it. Nice job up there. The skinny chicks are fine and all, but you looked awesome.” He said.

I got dressed and walked out to find Bill waiting. And next to him stood Mr. K. My stomach dropped out from under me.

Mr. K was my teacher in grade school. His big belly shook with laughter as he saw my face.

“Long time no see.” He said.

“Good effort! Come on, I’ll take you home.” Bill said. “If you don’t mind a quick stop to tie you up…”.

Guess my night wasn’t over yet.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/z75h77/f_i_was_signed_up_for_an_amateur_strip_dance


  1. Bill what an utter prick… Reminds me of the guy that setup Scarlett in that movie, Lucy

    Ur either gonna end up with super powers or dead with Bill

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