Chapter 3: A Night in the Garden [18F F/F] [Fantasy] [Lesbian] [Masturbation]

Things had progressed well since our time with the baths. Lily, Anneta and I had become somewhat of a thing in the weeks since. Though the baths after practice still worked as our usual meeting ground, we’d tried to be more careful since our last close call; which meant two unfortunate things: only two of us at a time, and we had to be quicker. In my case it meant I still wasn’t able to let Anneta go down on me, whereas Lily seemed to be getting more and more frustrated by how little time there was for us to simply be together. She was most at peace post climax with someone to lay with for a while, which I enjoyed. Now that a month had passed we were free to spend our time as we liked, though we were expected to use it honing our various skills, be it alchemy or combat based on preference. The lack of oversight made things a little easier but finding somewhere outside the baths where we could be alone and undisturbed felt like trying to catch falling arrows. As terrible as war was, it made peacetime in the Sisterhood feel like a prison sentence. In war we’d either be marching alongside an army or we’d be set up in small groups scouting some distant village, which would mean plenty of time and opportunities to sneak away together. What I really craved though were the Sisters Vigilant. In war only a few cohorts would be allowed to join, usually no more than twenty sisters in total from the hundreds spread out over the thirty something chapterhouses that dotted the country. They were given special dispensation to travel the lands in times of war and maintain order, allowed to dole out justice as they saw fit. They could rally town militias, and could even lead small armies if they chose to. They were the posterchildren of the Sisterhood, and the greatest source of the rumours of promiscuity that shadowed the order. Whilst I didn’t believe many of the rumours, particularly the ones about Vigilants fucking there way through whole towns, something turned me on about it, the idea of being treated like a goddess by outsiders who held only the veinest hope that I’d prove those tall tales true. Though that dream seemed so far away. If I had learned anything from copying ancient texts it was that things were the most stable that they’d been in nearly a century, and the last holy war ended three centuries before that.

As we had begun to hang out more, Anneta introduced me to a friend of hers named Isabelle. A cute little thing, nearly a head shorter than me, though her body more than made up for it. While she wasn’t as well endowed as Anneta she was certainly buxom, with plenty of places to hang on to. I only ever met her during our more ‘learned’ studies, so I figured she’d feel a little softer under her snug robes. Her blonde hair was short, barely kept shoulder length, and her face had a small cluster of freckles sprinkled over her nose. I sometimes wondered if she had more freckles across her shoulders, but could never glimpse enough to confirm my curiosity. When my mind wandered I began to imagine what it would be like to lay on her, feeling her plump little body under me, like laying on a big warm pillow that moaned lustfully as I touched it. I’d noticed more often how Anneta would tease her. Not in a mean way though, more flirtily; it reminded me of how I’d first started with Lily. Testing the waters. It was hard to gauge Isabelle’s interest as she became flustered whenever she was in Anneta’s presence. Something I could relate to, especially when she’d brush her leg against mine under the table whenever we’d sit opposite each other, her foot sometimes making it as high as my inner thigh. My addition to their duo seemed to unbalance Isabelle more, as I’d catch her in the middle of the occasional ogling stare. She’d immediately turn red and refocus on whatever tome was in front of her, staring into the pages so fiercely it seemed she was trying to ignite them with her mind. Toying with her on occasion was nice but any time I even hinted at something more physical she’d pretend not to hear me or change the subject. I gave up after a couple of attempts. I enjoyed her company and didn’t want to force her into anything, or make things too uncomfortable between us.

In the new dorm my bed was up against the window near the middle of the room, which gave me a nice view of the garden below at night. It was a fairly large area that ran from the edge of our barracks to the outer wall of the sanctuary, with a few areas for seating spread throughout it. A garden of flowers filled the edge around most of it, held at bay by a stone wall about waist high. On the far side of the garden built into the outer wall was a toolshed meant for maintaining the garden, and at the garden’s centre, a small pond surrounded by a few more benches. Despite being overlooked by windows on three sides it was often a very quiet place. It was one of the only places in the sanctuary that wasn’t a stone box, so unfortunately it was never empty enough to be of use to me as a place to ‘hang out’ with the others. That was, I later noticed, less true at night. One night when I was feeling particularly sleepless I sat at the end of my bed and carefully parted the curtain, letting the moonlight bathe me. As I enjoyed the quiet and the cool air, I realised that in all the time I’d spent here I couldn’t recall a single time I’d ever seen a Nightsister in the garden. Not even the orange glow of their lanterns seemed to go near it. At first I thought that I’d missed something or perhaps looked at the wrong moment, but after a few consecutive nights of watching and listening I knew for certain. The gardens were completely clear at night. The revelation had me spinning.

Who would I try it with first?

How would we sneak out?

Could we even be that loud, or would we be found out after the first moan?

What if someone saw us?

Would we even be able to tell before they caught us?

So many new questions to answer. I tried to break it down like some martial operation, like I’d been trained to. Space wise there was plenty, any two of us could get away with being against one of the stone walls that separated the gardens. The three of us might even be able to be together if we went next to the toolshed, though it was fairly open, even at night. Noise was definitely a problem. If Anneta was involved we’d have to be far from any windows; maybe even in the toolshed, assuming it was left unlocked. Lily was a safer bet in general, as she could be quiet when she needed to, and the thought of covering her mouth while I fingered her sent renewed embers of lust blowing through me. Eventually I figured that a closer reconnoitre was in order, to test the boundaries and see where the lines were. One sister found alone in the garden at night would be far less suspicious than two or three together. Plus it would be a nice chance to enjoy the night air. I settled on a plan: wait till nightfall, sneak out, watch for any potential observers, and if all was clear, touch myself for good measure. I figured that I could experiment getting louder to find a limit, plus I was often horniest in the nightly breeze. Whenever I felt the cold touch of air flow over me my nipples would almost poke through my nightgown and I’d get wet instantly, my body haunted endlessly by my first night with Lily. The day of action came, and a familiar anxiety set in. It was sword practice all over again, with every little thing turning me on once more. This time Lily definitely knew something was going on, and during breakfast she managed to sit beside me, brushing a hand between my thighs the entire time which only helped to intensify my building lust. The afternoon with Anneta and Isabelle was absolute agony. I could feel my underwear was soaked through as Anneta did her usual tricks with her leg. She could tell how amped up I was, seductively biting her lip while gently stroking the inside of my thigh with her ankle. At one point she even took off her shoe, and tried to sneak her foot in between my legs. Her look of shock as her toes brushed my dripping underwear was a refreshing break from her usual confident facade. Even Isabelle could tell I was different. As I sat there breathing heavily from Anneta’s teasing Isabelle seemed to stare longer when she thought I wasn’t looking, and more often. Admittedly it was harder to flash her my usual smirk which often sent her gaze spiralling when the only look I could muster was one of barely contained lust. I avoided eye contact with her altogether, hoping not to scare her off. The one time my desperate eyes accidently met hers was right as Anneta pressed her foot to my groin, making me bite my lip in an attempt to stifle a moan. As I looked into her deep blue eyes, trying not to get lost in them while this burning passion filled me, she turned away and turned the brightest shade of red I’d ever seen her. She tried frantically to shift her focus, flipping through page after page for something other my erotic image to hone in on. I wondered what naughty little thoughts filled her mind. Something as innocent as a kiss? Maybe she saw my hungry eyes staring up at her from under whatever cute little mound her robe concealed. As I felt my clit begin to pulse gently into my sodden underclothes I had to find something else to think about, lest I start to make a scene. It surprised me though how far Isabelle’s little gesture pushed me, especially with everything Anneta had been doing up until that point.

As night finally fell I laid awake in bed, staring up at the stone ceiling, counting the seconds as they passed. As they turned to minutes and eventually hours I pulled myself from my bed. I was shaking with anticipation, even the cool breeze seemed to melt away at my burning aura. I carefully made my way to the door to the dorm before quietly sneaking my way down the stairs to the courtyard that connected to the garden. I half expected myself to be drowsy after my last few late nights of scouting, but I was energised, hyperactive even. The slightest sound of a footstep made my ear twitch. I felt like a cat, carefully scampering around, quietly moving from hallway to hallway. I covered my feet this time using the leggings from training that I rarely wore. They covered my footsteps well and kept me from turning to ice in the freezing stone corridors. Finally a warm wave of achievement washed over me as I reached the garden. I removed my leggings, the cold air making my body tense as I lifted my gown. I took a few ginger steps onto the grass, gently feeling it prickle my feet and tickle in between my toes. As I stood there in the quiet dark I felt at peace. A strange sense of calm that blew in with the night air. I walked further into the garden, discarding secrecy a little more, looking for anything of note to worry about before I begin to explore myself. The window of my dorm overlooked me from above, and to my left and right windows ran along the corridors leading to the outer wall. Those windows were covered by a metal frame, and there wasn’t the slightest hint of lamplight in sight. As I kept looking around, a sight I hadn’t expected caught my attention. Clearly one of my dormmates was also having a restless night, as through the glass I could see her torso as she leaned herself against the window. She’d clearly hadn’t spotted me, as she’d taken off her nightgown and had pressed her breasts to the window as she touched herself, her shining silver hair flowing as she rocked back and forth. Mellia, I think her name was. A very prim and proper Sister. The kind that always had perfect answers to every Matron’s question and steely eyes that always seemed to be analysing you to the last detail, always finding you wanting. It was nice to see her cut loose a little, to know that even an ice queen like her had a weakness. A tipping point.

As I realised that I was standing in the middle of the garden barefoot, watching another member of my cohort trying to finger her brains out against the barrack window I suddenly became very self conscious. I quickly walked to the stone wall below my dorm window, keeping Mellia and her fun behind me. I pulled off my nightgown and sat down, placing it next to me as I leaned my bareback against the cobble wall. The cool stones were a little pouress, but smooth and gentle against my shoulders. I felt the stress of the last few hours begin to melt away, being slowly drawn into the wall. I rubbed my back against them a little, feeling them absorb my warmth while my nipples hardened in the nightly breeze and my skin felt as though it was starting to ice over. I knew that I couldn’t stay there for as long as I would’ve liked. I began to wonder if the warmer air closer to summer would make it more pleasant as I gently began to massage my breasts. My nipples stood erect and bright pink, defying the cold that coated my body as I ran my fingers across them. I tilted my head back and allowed myself to sigh softly at the sensation, the small waves of pleasure rippling throughout my body. I spread my legs out further, stretching them a little, and placed a hand on my thigh while my other hand still clung to my chest. As I caressed myself I let my fingertips drift along my inner thigh, their cold touch like ice sliding along my soft burning flesh. I brought my hand closer to my pussy and began to run a finger up and down my slit. My clit felt like a candle against the cold air; I knew that if I touched it I’d cum quickly after. I didn’t want that… not this time. Here in this garden I wanted things to be slow and drawn out. My cool finger warmed as it caressed between the lips of my pussy; I felt it begin to drip. I angled my hips up more as I continued. The warm drops ran from my pussy and quickly turned glacial a second later, making me tense up even more. I could feel my breaths getting quicker and tried to slow my breathing, gently letting the air cool my lungs before carefully exhaling in drawn out sighs of bliss. My nipples were so sensitive as I gently pulled and squeezed them, bathing in the small bursts of pleasure that enveloped me. My clit pulsed lightly, as if it felt jealous at being left out.

As I let my finger go deeper into my pussy I felt more drops run from it, freezing around my asshole. One landed directly on it before going cold, and in that brief moment I was back in the baths, standing there while Anneta slithered her warm tongue along it. A whimpering moan left me, and every cell of my being begged me to go faster, to go deeper. I resisted the urge the best I could. I thumbed my nipple a little faster, sensations distracting me from the agony that was my clit. As I laid there, my eyes fluttering as I soaked in this ecstasy I heard someone’s moans grow louder. I was impressed by Mellia’s lungs, even more so by her boldness. For her to be loud enough to hear clearly outside through the solid window; whoever slept beside her must have been deaf by now. The thought of being so brazzen, simply touching myself as loudly as I wanted in a room with nineteen other women, all of whom had to simply lie there and try to ignore it; it mesmerised me. I kept listening as I touched myself, surprised at the needy, mewling moans that came from such a stoic figure. I turned slightly, hoping to glimpse her pale naked body pressed to the window. When I looked up, however, the window was empty. At first I thought maybe Mellia had just laid back down, but as I listened longer I realised the sounds weren’t coming from the window, but from the flowerbed behind me. Curiosity paused my pleasure as I stood up, peering over the short stone wall to find who was making the beautiful noises. There, nestled in between the wall and a small bush was none other than Isabelle. She was completely naked, laying on her back in the dirt as she rubbed herself with two fingers. Her eyes were closed as she squirmed around. I slowly slid my body back down the wall, crossing my arms along its top, resting my chin on top of them. As I gazed down on her petite body I felt the stones of the wall slide across my breasts, warmed up from my back earlier, my nipples twitched at every pore and gap in the stonework. I was right about her body. A little chubby, with breasts and thighs as soft and plump as pillows. She even had a peppering of freckles across her shoulders. Unlike Anneta, Isabelle clearly didn’t even try to maintain her hairy pussy at all, as it was covered in an unruly mess of light brown hair. Perhaps she never expected anyone else to see it. A shame that, I thought, looking down on her gorgeous curves as she touched herself faster and faster. As her moans became more frantic I quietly stood up again, and pulled myself over the wall. I was careful stepping over her, and once in the flowerbed found myself standing directly over her as she humped her fingers. I grabbed the wall with one hand, bracing myself as I squatted down until I was nearly touching her. Then I leaned forward, bringing my lips close to her ear.

“Having fun?” I whispered seductively. She yelped as she opened her eyes, desperately trying to cover herself as she looked up at me in a state of absolute panic. As she recognised me, her face blushed a deep shade of red.

“What are you doing here?” she asked frantically. I smiled at her.

“Pretty much what you seem to be…” I whispered, gently brushing away the blonde hairs that covered her face. I felt her tense up at my touch, her eyes still bolted to mine.

“I was enjoying myself just there…” I pointed past the wall, “… and then I heard the cutest little moans and just had to look to see who was making them,” I let my eyes wander over her body as I finished, taking in every little detail of her. I felt her eyes do the same to me as she realised that a smile was all I wore. She lowered her hand from her breast as she began to sit up.

“You… were out here too?” she asked nervously. I nodded, leaning back. We both sat with our backs to the short stone wall. I inspected the space between the wall and the bushes in the flowerbed as I tried to get comfortable; it was clear from the room here versus the rest of the garden that she frequented this spot regularly.

“You… ummm, have a nice body,” she said, her eyes drifting down to my bust. I angled myself so that she could get a better view.

“Thank you…” I whispered back, racking my brain for ways to seem more confident. “…you look pretty tasty too,” I flicked my hair back as I spoke, hoping to make it clear I enjoyed her staring. Her face turned red again, and she gently moved the hand covering her groin in a slow circle. I smiled and leaned in close to her.

“Why don’t we both finish where we left off?” I began to touch myself, embracing the simmering lust that fed me. She bit her lip and nodded. I moved closer, sitting right next to her so that our shoulders touched. She watched me as I began to finger myself; I was a little surprised at how wet I got watching her stare at my pussy as she began to rub her own. In this small space in the garden it was warm, much warmer than out in the open air. The heat of our bodies seemed trapped by the greenery, which made it all the more simple to lie back into a pool of bliss as I felt my fingers slowly slide in and out. As my body began to get back into the swing of things, my leg twitching slightly as my hips rocked back and forth; I heard more cute little moans from Isabelle. Her eyes were still glued to me as she began to fondle her breast. My sensitivity increased as her moaning drove me wild. I began to moan too, resting my head on her shoulder. I felt that warm pulsing in me slowly build as I began to sweat from the heat in the bushes. I closed my eyes and kept my mouth open, letting my sighs of pleasure exit freely.

As I began to melt into the warmth of the stone wall I felt wet fingers brush my clit. Startled, I opened my eyes and looked down, watching as Isabelle stroked my clit in time with my hand. Her hand sent a rush of heat through me; I could feel myself being drawn closer to climax. I gently placed my hand on her clit as I let her take over mine. She stared up at me with those ocean blue eyes as she began to finger me, her nimble fingers exploring me. I leaned in closer and pressed my lips to hers as I brushed my fingers through her wiry blonde mound before plunging them deep inside her. Her eyes widened as I did and her breath quickened to a short, sudden panting. I traced her lips with my tongue, they felt so soft and supple as I stroked them. We kissed as we fingered each other, her tongue passively following mine. I could feel her vagina throb as it squeezed tightly around my fingers, my own elation only growing at the feeling of her hand as she tried to please me. Suddenly my heart stopped. Out of the corner of my eye I saw the bright orange light of a lantern glow from down the hall, slowly closing in on the window in front of us. It felt like such a crime to stop, but I knew that any second we’d both climax, and no doubt get caught right after. I pulled my hand from her and clamped it over her mouth as I shoved her onto her back, my body sinking into her soft curves, tingling with anticipation. She looked up in shock before her eyes followed mine to the lantern light. She kept her hand pressed to my clit as it throbbed expectantly. I bit my finger as I tried not to cum, my body titering on the edge of paradise. We watched the lantern hover near the window, our hearts beating into each other like war drums. I moved my hips, trying to find a more comfortable way to lay on her. As I did my clit brushed her hand and I let out a pained moan as my whole body tensed. The lantern stopped. Isabelle covered my mouth as I felt my gut clench. I fought as hard as I could to resist my body’s urges. I felt myself dripping wet as we laid there paralysed for what felt like an eon, the Lantern relentlessly floating by the window. Finally it retreated, and the sound of footsteps slowly became distant. As we uncovered each other’s mouths I let out a heavy sigh of relief as I let my body relax into hers. As I began to rise, pushing up my torso with a hand either side of her shoulders I looked down at her body. She was flat on her back, with her arms by her sides and her legs curled up in the air beside my hips. As I stared at her trembling blonde mound a fierce desire washed over me. A hunger built up from within as she stared back at me. Then she ran her hands up my abdomen, reaching for and groping my breasts. I gave in to my body. I leaned up, firmly placing my clit against hers. It felt moist and succulent as I began to grind against her. She began to moan loudly as I felt her prickly hair tickle my groin while I pushed into her harder. Unsatisfied, I sat up and threw my leg over hers. As she fondled and groped me harder I began to hump her clit, hugging and pulling myself into one of her ample thighs. It felt so supple and warm as I kept going, feeling my body begin to swell with euphoria again. Isabelle’s moans got quieter as she leaned back, pushing her hips harder into me. She began to breathe heavily as she arched her back, her hands running up my leg looking for anything to hold. As I centred myself on her I grabbed her hand with mine, we interlocked our fingers as the constant waves of pleasure began to wash us away.

I felt my pussy drip into hers as I rode her harder, the wet sliding becoming dangerously loud. I felt her hand clench mine as we came. I fought my eyes as they rolled back, desperately trying to watch her cum. Her body arched as she took a few sudden, deep breaths before letting out a long sigh as her thighs tried to close shut around me. The feeling of her plump lips pulsing and twitching as she jerked around me made me moan louder as my satisfaction fueled me. Finally her hand released mine as she wiped her brow. Not yet content with my effort to seem more sexual than I truly was I leaned in and plunged my tongue deep into her mouth. She closed her eyes and moaned softly as I made out with her before withdrawing and standing up. I did my best to conceal the quiver of my leg as I stood over her.

“Well well little library dove, maybe you’re more fun than I thought…” I gently ran my toes up and down her stomach. “…next time I sit near you while you read I’ll do more with my tongue than just talk,”. She smiled up at me as I spoke. Feeling particularly wicked, I then ran my fingers across my vagina, getting them nice and wet before reaching down and sliding them in Isabelle’s mouth.

“To remember me…” I whispered as she sucked on them slowly, her tongue grabbing every drop of my essence. I then hopped back over the wall, quickly scooping up my clothes as I approached the way I’d entered the garden. I looked back once as I slid my nightgown back on. I heard faint rustling and could see the bush shift slightly. It thrilled me to think my little attempt at seduction had her all fired up again, left alone in that flowerbed with only the warm thought of me to keep her company. I pulled my leggings up and went back to my dorm. As I entered the room I grew curious, wondering what had become of Mellia. As I walked past her bed I saw her laying face down naked, her legs still spread out wide. She could have been mistaken for a smooth marble statue in the pale moonlight, her shallow breathing the only sign of life. I admired her ass as she lay there, so round and firm, it jiggled softly when she moved. I could feel myself getting lost in her long slender curves and quickly returned to my bed, easily drifting off to sleep with a grin as I played the night over and over in my head. As I woke the next morning my gown stuck to my skin, drenched in sweat. As everybody tidied themselves up before first prayers I kept my eye on Mellia. She kept her graceful composure the entire time even while naked, but I couldn’t suppress a smirk as I noticed her hand occasionally brush between her thighs as she dressed herself. She turned quickly, her piercing silver eyes meeting mine. I felt my face burn hot as I averted my gaze, searching for anything else to look at as if I’d only stared for a second. I felt the cold burn of her stare linger on me, and could see from the corner of my eye that she stayed wary of me as she spoke with her friends. Once in the Great Chapel at the centre of the sanctuary Lily found me; I told her of my night time adventure and of the new place for us to enjoy some time away from the others. She seemed impressed when I told her of Isabelle. After prayer, at breakfast I told Anneta too. The toolshed seemed to excite her, and she began to undress Isabelle with her eyes as I mentioned our quick encounter. Meanwhile I found myself completely under Mellia’s spell, paying more attention to her as she sat. Rumour had it she was half-elven, which if nothing else explained her frigid personality and supposed fierce temper. It also explained her slender and elegant legs, and her perky little ass. She caught me staring again while I ate, and there was little to do to pretend otherwise. Her eyes looked straight through me, as though she was peering deep into my soul with those icy silver pearls. It felt wrong to be attracted to her, like she was some noble being above all others, like even my tamest thoughts would only taint her divine nature. Her face was regal, sharp enough to seem unearthly but soft enough still to invite desire. Her expression turned from inquisitive to mild frustration as she analysed every detail of me. I ducked my head as her friends began to look for what had stolen her attention.

As I left the dining hall I felt a hand clamp around my wrist. I turned to see Mellia gripping me tightly. She began to storm down a corridor towards a stairwell dragging me in tow. The two friends I’d seen her speak to shadowed us. As soon as we’d entered the stairwell she pinned me to the wall. She was a head taller than I, and smelled of ozone as she held my wrists beside my shoulders against the curved stone wall. I half gasped as she leaned into me, her slender frame like stone as she held me down. Her friends turned and watched the passage as she put her lips to my ear and whispered.

“Weren’t you ever told staring was rude,”. My throat felt dry; I swallowed before attempting a response.

“I couldn’t help it”, I felt her grip tighten further as I spoke.

“Try harder then, I’ve heard of what you and yours get up to, and I’ll take no part in your impure dealings… not even in your mind,” she spoke harshly through clenched teeth. “If you keep it up I’ll have to tell the Matrons about that little stroll you took last night in the garden,” she finished smugly. I smiled at the small blunder, admitting she’d seen me.

“I didn’t think you’d noticed, you seemed so… preoccupied,” I replied snarkily as I stared unflinchingly into her shimmering eyes. Her facade cracked, only a little, but enough. Her face reddened slightly before she tensed up and settled herself. I pushed my body into her as she held me, further throwing her off balance. It was my turn to whisper into her ear.

“The cold gets them so hard, doesn’t it?”. By now there was no mistaking my meaning. Her expression softened as her eyes wandered down my body, her eyes betraying her eagerness to lap up every little detail. She pushed off me and straightened herself, releasing my wrists. She brought her gaze back to my face, lingering slightly on my lips. A sultry look fell over her as her bleached skin seemed flushed, her eyes dropping to the floor.

“Keep what you saw to yourself…” she muttered, refusing to meet my eye as she quickly stormed away, flanked by her friends. I watched as she played with her silver hair as she walked and smiled at a sight I thought I’d never see.

She was nervous…


Sorry for late upload. My plan is to try and keep to a weekly schedule if possible. Hope you enjoy.



  1. Wow, you write so sensually. I particularly loved the climactic energy of two bodies holding each other tight, afraid of the lanterns finding them, while still feeling pleasure from the touch. Really brought me into the story! Thanks for sharing!

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