[FF] The time I shared with my roommate during the lockdown!

June 8th 2020

I still wonder what I looked like to Astrid as I knelt there wearing the bright red lipstick, gaudy blue eyeshadow, and princess tiara. I didn’t used to kneel before my roommate sucking her strap on dildo while my other roommate casually masturbated as she watched me do it.

I guess a lot of things were different before quarantine. Like most things, it was a gradual change, one tiny thing leading to another. Five months ago I was moving into a small apartment with a friend of a friend of a friend and her friend before my second semester of law school. Three months ago I was on track to graduate in the top 10% of my class. Now…… well, now I can deep throat a huge strap-on cock.

Luckily neither of my roommates or myself got sick, but I guess quarantine got pretty weird for us in our own way.


March 13th 2020

“Jesus this is getting fucking weird.” Astrid said. It had only taken her 12 minutes to find a news channel on the television.

“Ya, I mean, not being on the subway for a week or two doesn’t sound that ummmm bad.” Sabrina mumbled as she scrolled through her phone. “What are you cooking? It smells good.”

“Rice and vegetables.” I responded, not sure she could even hear me with her air pods in. “Do you want some?”

“Yumm yes.” She said never breaking eye contact while she was looking down at her phone.

We didn’t know it at the time but that would be the first of almost eighty straight days inside our tiny New York City apartment.

March 17th 2020

“Ugh this sucks.” Astrid said, having not been on a date for forty eight hours for the first time since I had moved in.

“Ya, I’m gonna go text with Ty.” Sabrina said.

Astrid and I grinned a little as she left the room. We knew what kind of conversation it would be if she needed privacy.

“Another movie tonight?” She asked me.

I hesitated, that’s how we had spent the last few evenings, but Sabrina going off to have a little naughty fun sounded kinda nice.

“Ummm I think I’m gonna go to bed early.”

I went to my room and pulled the tan manila envelope from under my bed.

It had started as a joke when a friend and I had started reading 50 Shades of Grey as a kind of goof book club. She dropped out one chapter into the sequel. I was happy, it let me read that and the next book in one weekend. I told myself I was laughing at them but eventually the only noise I was making was moaning. I found other series but eventually they got repetitive.

When I found the story site it seemed a little odd, the first few stories weren’t close to what I liked. It took a little while to get used to the things but eventually I found things that really worked for me. They were even dirtier than the “real books” and had a much wider selection of topics.

I had never really liked porn, the grunting, or the guy’s dick was so big it seemed like it would hurt, or it would be good then one of them would say something gross.

These things still happened in the stories, but since they were all in my mind I was better able to block those annoyances out.

Eventually I found a handful of stories I really loved. Just the right tone, just the right amount of kink. I had read them so many times.

I knew it was weird but I eventually printed them out. I didn’t even have to read them anymore, I just spread them out next to me, the titles reminding me of what happened and I would let my vibrating wand do the rest.

March 19th 2020

“Oh, like you have something better to do!” Astrid yelled at Sabrina.

“Ok ok” she said finally set her phone down.

Shots were poured and the bowl was set on the table. Half the folded up sheets of paper had a question on it while the other half said drink.

A lot of drinking followed with my roommates and myself all sharing at what age they lost their virginity or gave their first blow job. I was having more fun than if we were watching TV again.

I had downed about five shots when I pulled a card that asked about my last sex dream.

I dropped my head into my hands and told the story of how after college I got a job at a daycare. Every time I had met a new dad of one of the kids I had a dream the following night that they were my dad. In these dreams I was still in college and brought home bad grades my first semester, they would then show me how mad they were by putting me over their knee and spanking me.

Astrid and Sabrina were laughing hysterically by the end of my story.

“When did it end?” Sabrina got out between gasps of air and laughs.

“I HAD TO QUIT THE JOB!” I almost screamed laughing with them.

“WHY?” Astrid asked, now we were all drunk and yelling.


The two of them looked at me, paused for a moment and began laughing even harder.

“Oh my god, you LIKED that?” Astrid asked between the tears that had formed from laughing so much.

“Ummm ya that’s hot as fuck!” I drunkenly admitted. “Wait, you don’t think so?” I slurred.

They kept laughing at me. “I mean I guess if they were all super hot dads….. but hey I’m glad you liked it!” Sabrina said.

Now I felt a little embarrassed, but I was also so drunk I just laughed along with them.

March 20th 2020

We had all started sleeping in a little later each morning and this morning was no different.

I was in the tiny area of the apartment that was called the kitchen when Sabrina came out. She started to squeeze past me to get to the fridge before stepping back, smiling a little and then slapping my ass.

“I’m too hungover to cook, will you make me some of whatever you’re making?” She asked me.

I was a bit surprised by the ass slap but agreed.

About three minutes later Astrid came out of her bedroom. “God that smells good, can I have some?”

I nodded and then she said thanks and also slapped my ass.

Sabrina giggled and said “Hey! I paid her for breakfast the same way!”

That’s when I remembered the story from the previous night, except now I was sober. I tried to smile like it was no big deal but I felt a little embarrassed.

I brought their plates to the table and we ate together, they didn’t seem uncomfortable at all.

As I finished breakfast I stood up and both of my roommates leaned over and slapped my ass again. They both laughed but the sting went right through me. I swallowed hard and half heartedly said “OK guys, it was just a dream.”

“A dream or twenty five.” Astrid joked.

I washed all the dishes so they wouldn’t see how pink my cheeks (on my face) had gotten.

That evening we did another movie. It’s impossible to remember which one, but about forty minutes into it Sabrina went to her bedroom. Astrid turned to me just as the credits began rolling and said “I know about your folder of stories. Where did you even find a printer?”

“What the fuck? Why are you looking through my stuff?” I was really pissed.

“Relax, I thought I saw a mouse and I went in there to chase it, the corner of the envelope was sticking out. I liked them too, but again it’s weird to print out porn.”

“You’re a bitch.” I said standing up to leave.

The way she hit my ass after that wasn’t playful, it was a solid, forceful blow. “Like I said, I liked them too but I think from a little different angle.”

March 25th 2020

“I can not watch another fucking shitty movie.” Sabrina whined.

I had been mad at Astrid for a few days but when you only had two other people you could interact with you had to get over things. Plus it really was weird that I had printed out porn, it was 2020.

“Let’s do a makeover, those used to be fun!” Astrid said getting some makeup out of her drawer in the bathroom.

There was never really any debate as to who would be the model. Astrid and Sabrina giggled as they applied and wiped away and reapplied. I was very surprised with how much glittery makeup the two of them owned.

When they finished I looked hideous, just unspeakably terrible.

That is not to say I didn’t like it. I liked that they liked it, that they had fun doing it, I liked how they acted while they were doing it. It was a different kind of thrill, my skin tingled as they played with me, maybe it was the boredom of not leaving this tiny space or maybe it was just how surreal everything felt, but I could have sat there for hours.

April 1st 2020

The shower was the only place things were different, water poured on you. Everywhere else in the apartment that did not happen, maybe you washed your hands in a sink, or you spilled a little water as you tried to drink while laying down, but really the shower was the most different setting I interacted with. That’s what I was thinking about as I opened the frosted glass door of the shower stall and saw that there was not a towel on the rod. I swore I had brought one in, then I realized the t-shirt I had been wearing when I came in was also gone along with the hand towel, toilet paper and bathmat.

“Fucking April Fool’s I muttered.” Stepping out of the bathroom.

My room was the furthest from the bathroom, but nothing was far. It didn’t matter, they were ready. The first flash caught me before I could cover up at all, the second one had my mouth open, legs pressed together and one arm across my tits. Even “new” polaroid cameras are incredibly slow compared to phone cameras so the third one was just one of my legs and the slightest hint of my ass as I jumped through the doorway of my room.

“You fuckers!” I yelled through my door.

I could hear them laughing, and I was giggling, but I also could feel how incredibly warm my skin felt. It had been so exhilarating, being exposed to them, them looking at me. I had felt embarrassed but that wasn’t really a bad thing.

I got dressed and went out. They giggled some more and I pretended to be annoyed. I went into the kitchen for a little breakfast and the laughing in the other room got louder.

Somehow they had gotten a few magnetic frames and the polaroid images of my naked body were proudly displayed on the fridge. “Come on guys you can’t do that!” I yelled towards them, but I did not take my eyes off of myself. Yes, the first one showed my entire body, my pussy that I should have shaved a few days ago, my small but round breasts and pink nipples, all of it clear as the sky on a cloudless day. I actually thought I looked pretty sexy in that picture, however, that was not the one that held my attention, it was the second one, the way I had tried to cover myself, the way you could tell I was surprised, embarrassed, taken advantage of. Oh god, I was getting that tingle again, I wanted to sneak that picture back into my room and look at it as I used my wet pussy.

“Oh come on, it’s funny, it’s not like anyone is coming over!” Astrid yelled to me.

I realized if I left the pictures there they would also look at them, they would see me, my whole body, my shame as I tried to cover myself up. I loved that idea.

“Fine, have your fun guys but I am going to get you back!” I threatened, knowing I would do nothing of the sort.

April 3rd 2020

“Guys we are really out of food.” Sabrina said, looking into the cabinets. I loved that she was in there, I knew she had at least glanced at the pictures of me.

A list was made and Astrid placed the order. An hour and a half later Astrid got an alert that our groceries were fifteen minutes away. “Oh, look at the delivery guy, he’s super cute.”

“Hmmmm, he’s ok, I think you might just have forgotten what hot guys look like.” Sabrina said.

“Maybe….. OH SHIT, does anyone have any cash for a tip? I forgot to add it to the order.” Astrid asked.

We all looked at each other. “Let’s give him one of these pictures.” Sabrina said pointing to my nakedness on the fridge.

“NOO!” I yelled, but I didn’t totally hate the idea.

“Ummmm ok, maybe we can just let him look at the picture.” Sabrina joked.

Astrid looked at me and grinned. “Let’s just give him a little glimpse of the real thing.”

She led me to my room and started looking through the drawers of my dresser. “OK these will do, and this isn’t bad.” She said, tossing a tank top and a pair of pink panties on the bed. “Get changed fast, he’ll be here any minute!” She said turning to leave my room, but before she got to the door she stopped and whispered “Just do as you’re told and I’ll give you more to do soon.” She then winked and went out the door.

Holy fuck I thought, pulling my clothes off. I didn’t care about the delivery guy, but I wanted to have Astrid and Sabrina see me not only dressed like this, but I wanted them to see me act the way I was about to, cheap and compliant. I wondered what Astrid meant by giving me more to do soon. She knew about my stories, about how the mostly young women in them were treated, and she knew I got off on that.

I swallowed hard and came out of my room “Guys this is crazy!” but I was dressed as I had been told to be.

Astrid looked at me, “Ya this isn’t right.” She grabbed the scissors from the knife block and cut the bottom five inches off the tank top leaving most of my stomach exposed.

The way her hand held my hip as she steadied me, and the way the cold metal of the scissors slid across my stomach, all of that produced more than that tingling sensation, I was covered in goosebumps and my mouth was dry.

The bell buzzed and Astrid pushed me towards the door. I pulled a mask on, tried to take a deep breath, and opened the door.

He was much shorter than I expected, his face just above my tit level. After he blinked a few times he muttered “Here you go.” and he handed me the first two bags. I held them for a second before turning around and bending down at the waist and setting them on the floor. As I bent over I looked Astrid in the eye and smiled. She raised an eyebrow back.

I turned back to get our last two bags. He handed them to me and I set them right down on the floor. “I’m sorry we don’t have cash for a tip.” I said just before I lifted up my top to show him my rock hard nipples.

The other girls didn’t keep quiet as they saw that. They both said something like ‘Holy shit” just as I closed the door.

“Oh my god, look how red her cheeks are!” Sabrina yelled pointing at me.

My heart was racing, I wasn’t planning on flashing him.

Sabrina stared at me. “I can’t believe you did that….” She paused before looking at Astrid. “I wonder what else we can make her do.” She said laughing.

Astrid looked down at the groceries, “Well I guess she can start with making dinner.”

April 16th 2020

“CAN YOU FUCKING BELIEVE THIS SHIT?” Sabrina yelled from her room. She had just gotten a package from her kind of boyfriend Ty and she did not sound excited about it. Sabrina stepped out of her room in a tight tank top, panties and something that looked like a harness and a lever.

It took a moment for my brain to figure out what it was looking at, for some reason Sabrina had a cock.

Astrid and I looked at her in disbelief. “Ummmm why does he want you to have a dick?”

“I have no fucking idea why.” she said.

She went back in her room and I guess they Zoomed, or Skyped or Face Timed for a bit, whatever company they chose to let eavesdrop on their quarantine sex.

When Sabrina came back out she was sans cock. “So ahhhhh, he wants you to have a cock?” I asked.

Sabrina rolled her eyes and sighed. “He said he thought it would be fun but I can tell, he thinks I will use it with one of you and either show him or tell him about it.”

Astrid and I looked at her. “Ya Ya Ya, I yelled at him and told him he’s stupid and I’m done with that.”

“Well, let’s ummm get drunk then.”

April 22nd 2020

I had no idea where all the wine and vodka came from.

April 28th 2020

How did we even get rid of all those bottles? Where did they go?

May 3rd 2020

“Oh god, I might be sick.” Astrid said slugging back more cheap white wine.

“It’s hot in here.” I slurred as I pulled my long sleeve shirt off leaving just a t-shirt and gym shorts on.

“What should we do? It’s so boring.” Sabrina said.

“I know, I’m so bored too.” I replied, slumped against a chair. “I would do ANYTHING to not be bored.”

“Didn’t you take dance classes?” Astrid asked.

“Ya.” I said, burping a little.

“Then dance for us.” Astrid said, starting a playlist.

I paused for a minute, but the idea of them watching me suddenly sobered me up a little.

“Come on, Come on!” Sabrina encouraged.

I didn’t really know what I should do, I started slowly, hips back and forth, around in a circle, I’m sure I thought I looked smoother than I did, I was shit faced drunk.

“Oh ya girl!” Astrid encouraged me.

I tried to do a little spin but bumped into the coffee table. I steadied myself and turned around. I bent at the waist and tried to do a little booty shake for them. That seemed to go well, they gave me a little yell and Sabrina slapped my butt. I was starting to really enjoy it.

I felt like I started to move more gracefully, I closed my eyes and listened to the beat, remembering some of the dances I had previously practiced so many times. The next song was faster and their cheers got a little louder, the next song even faster.

I wasn’t bored anymore and it seemed like neither were my roommates, we were having fun now, Astrid said “What else you got?”

I didn’t know many more, or couldn’t think of any others, I was drunk and all I knew was I didn’t want them to stop looking at me.

I pulled my shirt off over my head, and danced topless. The cheers picked back up. Sabrina was actually snorting; she was laughing so hard, and Astrid was telling me to take it all off. I did.

I pulled my shorts and panties down right in front of them, I spread my legs and shook my ass, I leaned back into their laps and grinded on them, they laughed and cheered me on, I loved it. I realized how long it had been since anyone had touched my naked body. With law school I had not been dating, barely going out much at all.

I was sweating when I finally collapsed into bed. Astrid came into my room and tucked me in. “You did good tonight honey.” she said to me as she got a pillow under my drunk head.

“Thank you, thank you…. ” I muttered before falling asleep happy.

May 8th 2020

“Oh no you definitely have to put it on!!!!” Astrid yelled at me.

We had developed a new game, kind of a new game, the rules seemed to change every few minutes. If you did something that was “Not in the best interest of the cave” you had to wear the strap on for an hour. We were now calling the apartment “the cave”.

Apparently I had left a bowl of cereal in the sink overnight and the milk had gone bad. I seemed to be assigned the strap on more than anyone else.

“No come on, I just got it off!” I argued. Last night I had done a terrible job packing the bowl and wasted the last of our weed. I deserved it for that.

“OK, instead of wearing it for an hour you can wear it for 3 minutes.” Astrid said.

I looked at her; there would obviously be a catch.

“But you need to jerk it off for those three minutes.” There it was.

“What do you mean?” I asked.

“You have to jerk off.” She said pantomiming the jerk off motion with her hand.

“Really?” I asked in a pleading voice.

“Three minutes or an hour.”

I sighed and put the thing on. I had actually gotten pretty quick with the harness. Astrid led me to the couch. “OK, lean your head back, close your eyes and really give it a good one, maybe even talk like you’re watching porn or something.”

God we really were getting weird. I did what I was told and started stroking. “Oh ya those tits are big.” I said, trying to play along. “That’s good” I heard Astrid say, but she sounded far away.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/z501uf/ff_the_time_i_shared_with_my_roommate_during_the


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